September 19, 2024
10 Benefits to the Seller On Seller Finance

10 Benefits to the Seller On Seller Finance #Finance

let’s give 10 answers give 10 benefits to a seller on seller Finance first one that they care about tax Taxes Capital gains

right so in a seller Finance situation you have we have ways to mitigate a seller’s tax implication by structuring the deal properly it’s number one number two

the seller gets way more money with us than they do through a traditional sale not even remotely close so people I’m guys I’m actually confused why a seller would even sell on traditional at all you’re willing to take a discount versus what I’m willing to pay I’ll pay

you more money than what the property is worth today to make sure I lock in terms that stick with me for a long amount of time so that’s number two now what’s in third one how do Chinese people say number three by the way how do we list it wait wait do list they do this okay so number

one more um Capital gains number two more money number three what do we got monthly paycheck monthly paycheck in the mail so it’s true passive Income guys you see this property with a boarded up building the boarding up thing right there okay so this property

needs to be renovated if I’m the owner the property is this a true passive asset or do I have maintenance on it yeah maintenance and headache stress okay so this is the thing people don’t understand is that sellers actually don’t have just a reliable paycheck they have to deal

with tenants repairs you got this kind of stuff and you can see right here on the property I mean you got like moss and like mold growing on this property right you got wood decaying and you got things that are starting to Sag and issues and all all sorts of things you’ve got holes in the in

the property you’ve got trees falling down when sellers own properties they actually are not passive Assets so what’s another one they’re actually pretty obvious let’s see if we can rattle them off uh no no stress no pain doesn’t have to deal with all

these grumpy tenants okay no more tenants that’s good I like that what else I’m gonna say them and you’re gonna go duh no appraisal in seller Finance I

don’t need to print oh yeah that’s that’s big time huge no inspection if we choose to do so that’s a big one here’s a really really big one we’ve missed no agents if I’m going direct to seller so think about a 15 million dollar property like this one 15

million dollars with one agent making three percent and another make agent making three percent that’s six percent total that is over a million dollars in commissions that were saved by selling to me on seller #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance right yeah so when people say I’m confused why would a seller sell to you on seller Finance I’m like

there’s a million reasons right there multi-family typically when you go get a lender so here we go no lender so that what happens if you have no lender timeline is way faster in closing escrow right okay so we got this house under contract yesterday when am I closing on it you said Friday

Friday and if I can close an entire 16 million dollar asset in a matter of a couple of days yeah absolutely but it’s crazy let’s give you a couple of bonus ones there’s no survey now in single family we’re not doing surveys that’s right yeah and multi-family your

surveys sometimes cost eighty thousand dollars that hurts it hurts and guess who pays that could be the investor or could be the lender or it could be the seller it depends on so I didn’t have to borrow money from Angela which I I borrowed money from Angela on this particular deal but I

didn’t have to borrow money from her to pay for a survey that was just wasted money the survey has already been done on the same a long time ago I don’t need to do another survey so it saves money there so now we got 11 reasons why okay 12th reason why is because there’s a secure

tie to their investment so let’s say a seller sells with an agent on this deal they put it on the market they’re paying commission they got a survey an appraisal inspections they got a lender they got all these things that are just hairy hairy hairy all this hairy stuff that you guys

call traditional Real Estate guys your traditional Real Estate process is the most convoluted oversaturated crazy mix of people that makes all these things challenging we can get a deal done without all of that okay it’s very simple but let’s say a

seller does go through that process on a 16 million dollar deal he’s probably gonna walk away without 11 million dollars wow okay 11 million dollars what is he going to do with that 11 million dollars they’re going to take that 11 million dollars and in their retirement they’re

going to live on that 11 million dollars and eat away at it what would be better is maybe Loan me the money to buy the property from you so be my seller none;">Finance me I’ll make stabby payments to you every month Angela already listed that but more importantly is the security that that Loan is attached to is an asset that you actually understand is the seller seller owns this property for 10 years that’s

right how amazing is it yeah absolutely why didn’t you do that you go yeah I already know the asset I know if you die or you get abducted by an alien I know I can just come back in there and operate that process again after you gave me a down payment you made monthly payments to me you

improved the property I get all that back yeah it’s actually the safest investment for a seller to make is to sell it to you on seller Finance

Now that you’re fully informed, watch this amazing video on 10 Benefits to the Seller On Seller Finance.
With over 14591 views, this video offers valuable insights into Finance.

CashNews, your go-to portal for financial news and insights.

#Benefits #Seller #Seller

21 thoughts on “10 Benefits to the Seller On Seller Finance #Finance

  1. 🛑‼️Whoa! My protective agent side, just rose up. All disclosure I do not do commercial but here in Atlanta, at least with Residential, surveys are a must. It happens more often than you would think that the subject property is not actually built where it is supposed to be. I am aware of at least two subdivisions where the entire subdivision is off. How are you protecting yourself with such a large asset, to know that the building is within your property lines?
    **re-listening to video* why no inspection??

  2. How do you respond if a seller says they can re-invest the $ into the stock market at 8-10% gains? where as with seller financing, you only get the agreed upon interest rate? (3-6.5%?)

  3. Most people, at least in Cali want to use the capital gains towards another property. That has been the #1 objection so far 😫
    Need to find these sellers in need of this amazing option😀

  4. I just don't understand how skipping the survey or inspection would be a good idea. Even if it saves you money upfront how do you cover yourself if things go wrong down the line?

  5. 1. Tax -capital gains 2. Seller gets more $ 3. Monthly paycheck 4. No maintenance( not passive asset) 5. No tenants appraisal 7. No inspection 8. No agents ( save up to 6% at least) 9. Quicker closing / no lender 10. No survey 11. Secure tie to their investments Seems I missed one.

  6. 1. Taxes/Capital gains

    2. More $

    3. Monthly pay checks

    4. No land lording / stress

    5. No appraisal

    6. No Agents if Direct to seller

    7. No Lender / Fast escrow

    8. No Survey for multifamily

    9. Secure tie to a known investment/Asset

    I definitely shortened the benefits but here's a jist of it, watch the full video!❤

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