October 3, 2024


aerod Drome is so close to breaking through $1 are you ready what is up aod Drome family welcome back to the show it’s your boy Lex money we’re one of the strongest performing coins in the entire Market at the moment and we got some deep Dives to do now guys who was here when we

tracked this Arrow breakout like a boss all the way down here at around this 50 cents if you were put a little you know that double hand emoji where they put the hands up put that in the chat let me know when you got in on Arrow and let let me know what your price predictions are if you missed the

last CashNews.co we actually compared it to cake and it was very very interesting so if you have missed that then make sure you go and watch that if not don’t worry we got some we got some seriously bullish stuff to be looking into in today’s CashNews.co now you’re starting to see

a lot of the creators pick up on eror I thought I’d just do a little little Google or a little YouTube Hey look there I am what’s up uh little YouTube to see who’s been you know posting Arrow CashNews.cos over the past few weeks a lot of these creators are only going to post the

popping coins of the week guys so it may be a little bit dry for a little while I’m going to do my best to make sure that I do keep you guys up to date with everything Arrow so again if you don’t want to miss any content make sure you have click that sub button and look arrow is a

flight to Quality but why are we doing so well now you guys already know how important it is to be investing in actually active chains or active projects right you can’t be investing in these dead chains that are doing no transactions they’ve got you know no working product and or you

know maybe the product that they have got is working but it’s just it’s just terrible you know there’s no real user incentive now you’re starting to see things like this is from 2023 guys so this is way more this year 2023 total transaction value Bitcoin 36 trillion visa and

MasterCard combined not even 30 trillion guys so that’s you know Bitcoin looking super bullish how could you be bearish on it long term if we try and relate that to Arrow then make sure you are checking out their Twitter make sure you go and follow the medium articles but they did do a big

series on metad decks guys and I’m not going to read this in whole but we’ll use some of this and then we’re going to relate it to the next piece of information but aex economy needs a token that can distribute and manage generated value as a deck Aid Drome has the potential to

generate enormous amounts of value through trading fees and Liquidity incentives deposited by Partners on bass indeed bass’s growth has allowed Aerodrome to stand out as one of the most reductive protocols anywhere on chain along with several other dexes and then you go and

compare it to everything else here like B&B chain curve RV pancake swap which we compared it to and look look where we are uni swap salana maker all big names guys Aerodrome look at the Revenue over the past seven days I think this was from a week ago 7th of September so this

was the beginning of the month right they’re over three million in Revenue compared to all the other top chains that is amazing people still make the same mistake of comparing it to Unis swap when we should not be comparing it to Unis swap guys and I’m not going to

repeat myself but it’s just for those of you who did miss the last CashNews.co and I know you’re not going to go and watch it you can’t be comparing it to an old dead swap that’s not being used it doesn’t make any sense right nobody’s really using uni some people

are but it doesn’t really make sense to use uni swap right now I think salana has been one of the biggest ones alongside arrow with radium okay and Jupe right that’s been amazing but Unis swap the fees are too much and this was when Unis swap was like the first big decks now we’ve

got a lot of other dexes as competition moving on from that look Aerodrome reaches 50 million in swap fees can you believe that Aerodrome has hit a big milestone accumulating 50 million in swap fees Aerodrome is for the commons LOL we are pretty much Commons Distributing 100% of Total Rewards fees

and incentives basically to V AO voters and you can join the defi Renaissance and you know go on there go on the website and check it out for self 50 million in swap fees that is amazing back to you guys back to LP providers guys that is amazing and again we need to see things being used we need to

see tvl stats increasing are we seeing that yes we are go and compare it to other things after this CashNews.co guys daily tvl or daily slipstream tvl 300 million on aerod Drome a lot of more people are starting to use it this is a bit more up to date because it’s from the 9th to the 24 so a

couple of days ago this was 300 million that is amazing and then just a brief example of all of the lp reward up dates so if you want to be an LP again I don’t really do it too much cuz I’m just trying to like hold my bag not trying to confuse things too much if you do want me to make a

CashNews.co on how to cre on how to enter a Liquidity pool how to get rewards from it as well I know some YouTubers have made CashNews.cos on it but if you want me to do it let me know in the comments and maybe I can allocate a little bit of my arrow bag to do that and we can see

how much we can make as a community and keep up to tra with that and then speaking of community guys Community is so important that’s why I’ve released the community pool maybe some of you have missed it maybe you haven’t but what we’re going to be doing is we’re going

to be taking all of the patreon fees over the next month and we’re going to put it into a community pool to give back to you guys so trades Portfolios oneto ones group calls a lot of coaching in there as well then you get that plus a percentage of the amount that we do make

from the community pool guys so again if we got 5K in that community pool and then we did 10 exit over this ball run you guys are going to get $500 each if there’s 100 members in there so then that way you 10x your initial joining fee okay you’re in Profit it’s a

no-brainer while we are bullish we must know that there could be a lot of choppiness up and down it looks like we could be trying to print a higher low at 59k will it happen who knows we can’t see the future but just know that while you are panicking on the next Dip black rock continues to

bought Bitcoin and they now hold over 22.8 billion so when you’re seeing your account go down a few thousand a few hundred black rocks are fluctuating hundreds of millions and so are other asset managers and so are other whales they’re fluctuating Millions to hundreds of millions to

billions on certain dumps right Bitcoin takes a 5% dump that’s going to be a$1 billion dump in their total Holdings but they’re not selling it they look at the long-term Outlook so we must remember that okay we’re super bullish the next move down it could be a little bit of a fear

thing we don’t need to be scared guys because we need to see the bigger picture for a lot of our and we’re not planning on selling arrow for $1 are we but now we come to our trading View and look we’re still holding on to that second angle we said that we’re waiting for a

third angle blowoff top and that could bring us all the way to our Target of $162 it was we got our initial buy at $134 but right now arrow is looking super strong I bet you are so happy that you didn’t listen to the fud when we were down here at 40 cents in our accumulation range remember

this is our accumulation range I bet you Areo happy that you didn’t sell now because we’re back over a dollar HRA congratulations I did say to you all a couple of days ago we’re going to be hitting a dollar in like the next week or so what happened Mystic money in the chat Lex

Mystic money let’s go now another thing to note was this was where we compared it to cake so it was like 33 bars I believe from inception to the next bottoming before we did have our next leg up right now that’s looking pretty good if we can hold this second angle even if we do have a

violation and we we come down to this first angle and find that as support that is going to be amazing but we’ve broken out from that downtrend that we were in for so long look how disgusting that looked look how disgusting all of this was but when you’re looking at coins guys whether

it’s Arrow whether it’s something else you got to be accumulating in these ranges and you got to know where we are in the cycle this is like a super last crazy opportunity when coins are here and when they’re looking to break out there’s so many more like this right now that

I’ve updated the members Club on as well so again I’m going to plug it because I know some of you guys actually benefit from the help that we do have in there great community of guys and girls plus the community pool are we going to add arrow to the community pool maybe we will and then

just to finish look at the total three we’re in our supply Zone again so things are going to get choppy pretty soon make sure you hold your horses chill out everything is going to be okay but just know where we are okay we’ve left the demand Zone we’re now in the supply Zone we

can’t expect it to be up only season all the way and blow through this Supply zone so again if we’d like to consolidate it would be amazing if our alt coins could consolidate in this Zone before we do have our next leg up now if you made it this far let me know how you’re feeling

about your arrow bags in the comments and if you want more Arrow CashNews.cos please subscribe to the channel we’re on our way to 10K Subs I’m see you in the next one peace

Now that you’re fully informed, don’t miss this insightful video on AERODROME FINANCE JUST HIT $1 – WHAT’S NEXT?! 🔥 $AERO.
With over 1629 views, this video is a must-watch for anyone interested in Finance.

CashNews, your go-to portal for financial news and insights.

27 thoughts on “AERODROME FINANCE JUST HIT $1 – WHAT’S NEXT?! 🔥 $AERO #Finance

  1. JOIN THE MEMBERS COMMUNITY POOL TODAY!❤ : https://www.patreon.com/LecksMoney 💎

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    Keep your crypto safe… not your keys not your crypto👇:

    https://shop.ledger.com/?r=300ca438b9e8 🔥

    Watch out for scammers in the chat below! My replies will have my name highlighted like it is in this post. Remember always DYOR and never invest more than you are willing to lose!

  2. Great video! Yes, please make a video on LP and how it works? Perhaps we can do a side-by-side comparison to determine whether one should lock some of their tokens or keep it for future spot trade. Thank you.

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