October 3, 2024
Now there will never be any money problem. 5 Tips to Get Rich | Financial Education | Sonu Sharma

Now there will never be any money problem. 5 Tips to Get Rich | Financial Education | Sonu Sharma #Finance

Friends, there’s a saying never ask age of a woman and Income of a man. Between one salary and other, life of a common man passes. And it is said the thinking of a middle class family like us is very bad. Greetings friends, I Sonu Sharma will talk on an important

topic. Today we’ll directly talk about money. 3 misconceptions about money can be seen. First, money is made by working hard. Second, money can be made by education. And third, a good job ends the problem of money. Come lets understand one by one that you cannot solve money problem just by

doing hard work. World is filled by such hard working people who don’t have money. Hard working people are earning money but they fall in big Debts. And second misunderstanding is, a good education can solve problem by money. But the world is filled with very educated but

poor people. And third misunderstanding is A job can end money problems. No! Not at all. Job doesn’t solves money problems. Because earning of millions of people can only make them survive. They can never maintain their lifestyle. So what’s the thing which solves money problems. Want to

know? I’ll tell you. That is, your thinking and cleverness related to money. I’ll discuss clearly in this CashNews.co. Do watch this CashNews.co till the end. Friends this one CashNews.co will end money problem in your life to much etxent. Is money bad? Does money brings bad habits? Is

money root cause of bad things? These questions have rose often. Do you know? What is the biggest failure of our education system? And that is, in school and colleges only one thing is provided in the name of financial education. Old man’s power. The most important thing in life about money,

no one talks about it in school. You tell me, when did you read any chapter on money in school? Which teacher only came to give you financial education? This is very shameful That knowledge about the most important thing in life, we don’t get it in the right and best age. This is the age in

which learned things are remembered till death. See, either you’re rich or poor In today’s time your thinking about money is as important as oxygen in life for future. But here many people might think money is a type of stigma. Won’t go far, I’ll give mine example, when I

saw a rich in childhood someone is driving an expensive car. Eating in 5 star hotel So we thought he’s doing illegal work. No one can earn so much money by hard work and honesty. This thought of many people is not changed today. If you meet maximum people they believe love by money is the

cause of all bad things. But according to me love by money isn’t bad thing. Lack of money is bad. People say to me Mr Sonu all your point are good but earning money is very tough. So I ask them, is staying poor easy? A rich man dies once but a poor dies many times in life. Friends money

isn’t bad. What bad is, we keep doing the same job which we hate from heart. Even after working from morning to night your hands are empty, this is bad. Maximum people are going in Debt. This is bad. Brothers are fighting for money, this is bad. Doing illegal work for money

is bad. How is money bad? Man, money is money. What’s the biggest question today? And that is, does money makes you rich? Think. Some people will say, yes definitely. So I’ll say no its wrong. Money doesn’t makes you rich. I know many people who went into Debt

after becoming millionaire. There are people whose house are auctioned. And they were on road. Once they had much wealth. We’ve also heard Kaun Banega Crorepati’s Sunil Kumar after winning 5 crores and becoming rich is today living a basic life. There’re many examples where people

earned money but their thinking about money was absolutely zero. And their condition became worse than before. Friends, more than earning money understanding money is important. And understanding of money in poor is nearly none. I’ll tell with a small example. A man purchased very expensive

membership of a golf club. He might be crazy for the game. He purchased very expensive golf sticks and gloves from the market. Even after having all advanced equipment of golf his game was very average. Do you know why? Because he didn’t spent money to learn golf. If he invested in golf

classes then his golf could have been better. This same story is of common people of India. Out of his hard earned money, meaning millions and billions rupees he invests in property, invests in share market, buys very expensive cars spend money in foreign trips but his investment in financial

education is absolutely zero. Many people think, many people have misunderstanding that money is needed to make money. This isn’t completely true. Always remember my words, If you can’t make money without money then you can’t make money with money. I’ll repeat. To earn

money; not money but understanding of money is more important. And for that financial education is more important. See whether its gold or property, or share market or your hard work; these all never makes you rich. The knowledge you have about these, that knowledge makes you rich. I’ll ask

you a question. Can Real Estate make you rich? You’ll say yes. There’s much money in property. I’ll say no. Real Estate doesn’t make anyone rich. How deep you know about Real Estate, how much study you do before investing

this thing makes you really rich. I’ve seen such people whose money is lost in Real Estate. Because they’ve money but no knowledge of Real Estate. The same, share market doesn’t makes you rich. How deep knowledge you have about share market? That

makes you rich. How much knowledge you’ve about bullion market? That makes you rich. The conclusion is, whatever work you are in how deep you are in that? The deep you dive in your work the more money you make because pearl is found in deep water. Here I’ll like to tell you how decision

making makes you different from people. How will you feel if you get knowledge of all successful people in one place? In this book all those qualities are taught by which you in your life can get success. For you, hearing Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill audio book is compulsory. Because by

knowing right things at right time and taking right decisions your life can change. And you can reach new heights of success. Which you can get only on KUKU FM. I’ve been using KUKU FM from long time. I like to hear their content library during a walk and while travelling. I’ve heard

their all self help audiobooks. Out of which Rich Dad Poor Dad and Chanakya Neeti are my personal favourite. You all do watch my CashNews.co on how to quickly come out of depression. And hear self help audio books on KUKU FM. How to end stress? I’ll rate Think And Grow RIch audiobook 4.5 star

rating out of 5. KUKU FM is India’s best audio show platform. In which more than 2.5 million are paid subscribers. And use my code SONU 50 for 50% off on KUKU FM’s first month subscription. In this CashNews.co I’m talking about money. Lets understand problem of money is only to

poor or to rich too? Don’t think only poor has money problem. Poor does have money problem but rich too. Poor’s money problem is different and rich have different. What is the biggest problem of money for poor? They don’t have it Second, taking Debt to fulfill the

lack of money. If any emergency happens they nearly die. And if they get a bad consultant by mistake then even the small Savings are lost. Having no money at retirement is a problem. These are problems of poor. I’ll discuss about rich. Yes! Rich also has problem of money. The

biggest is, they have much money what to do with them? Believe me this is also a problem. Few people might be thinking, give it to me. Second problem, where to invest money? Third biggest problem, They don’t understand people like them or their money? And if they’ve to write their will

tomorrow then how to distribute so that everyone is happy. This is a problem too. Sometimes children are spoiled because of more money. This is a problem too. Its not that all problems is with poor, rich have their own problems. Either we are rich or poor, everyone has any problem of money. People

think when money comes the problem ends. No it is not. Money brings different problems. Friends, money. If you want to earn more money then I’ll tell you 5 tips. Remember these 5 tips in life, you’ll never have money problem. First tip, you need to accept a bitter truth to become rich.

In any business or work you are doing will always have problems. Whenever you’ll find solution to a problem, then another different problem will occur. I want to make you realise that processes of solving problems make you rich. The bigger problem you solve in your business the more money you

make. Imagine you’ve a headache how much money can anyone charge to cure it? No one can charge anything. Why? Because you’ll take pills worth ₹2 and the problem will end. Can you give ₹5 lakhs to a doctor to solve this problem? I’ve a headache. No never. But god forbids if

someone has tumor in brain, then to solve this problem you’ll give ₹5 lakh to the same doctor and that too happily. Solve my problem at any cost. Meaning the bigger problem a doctor solves, the more they charge. The same is applicable in your life. The bigger problem you solve in life, the

successful you’ll be. Lord Hanuman crossed 1200km big sea. Even after ages we remember him because the problem was very big. Which he solved. So think if he crossed a stream, who would remember him? Recently in Asia cup finals, India bowled out Sri Lanka at 50 won the match with 10 wickets.

Who’ll remember? No one because you didn’t solve a big problem. But cricket history will remember South Africa That they chased Australia’s 434 runs and made 438. We remember the match even after years. Overall we need to understand that in business or life the bigger problem you

solve, the greater you become. Now I’ll tell second tip. All the young boys and girls watching my CashNews.co listen carefully. Today I want to tell if we’ve to make India’s economy number 1 in world, which might be dream of all and want to achieve a big goal then start your

career as soon as you can. Start your career super early. Being dependent on your parents for long time is dangerous for you and the country. Remember Warren Buffet did his first investment at just 11 years age. And says I should’ve started early, its late now. Virgin Atlantic’s owner

Richard Branson began his career at age of 16. World’s richest person Elon Musk made his first software at age of 12. Guys, if you’re a teenager your time starts right now. Because it takes 5-7 years to set a business. If your age is 16, 17 or 18 then begin now. You’ll be a big

businessman till 25. Remember the early you’ll begin the more time you’ll get to set on boot. Third but very important tip, fall quickly but keep moving. I repeat. Fall quickly but keep moving. Its a bitter truth. You’ll 100% fail. Why? Because you began the journey to earn at a

small age. You don’t have those skills now. Won’t have knowledge of the market. May be you wont have mentor. My friend there’s only one way to become millionaire from scrap. The more information you can collect in small age, collect it. And convert this information into action.

And fulfill all your dreams. And whenever you face a challenge in market then accept that market is testing you. Fearing is strictly prohibited. Remember my words, nature won’t let any bit of your hard work go in vain. Your hard work will one day be returned with interest. And if you see

stating failure, let it happen. It is the part of journey. Never ever give up. Fourth tip, sacrifice your social life and work at least 100 hours a weak. Yes! Sacrifice your social life. Completely sacrifice your social life and make a habit to work 100 hours a week. Only 40 hours a week, meaning

by working for 6 hours daily a person never becomes rich. He’ll only live an average life. Friends, relatives, parties, movies, roaming around need to leave all these for 5 years. You need to pay this price to be rich. Relationship, family, sometimes your health will suffer in this process.

But you need to pay this price at any cost. Imagine if all youth of India, make a habit of working 100 hours a week then where can this country be in next 5 years. Friends, there’s no substitute of hard work. Never try to find it. Becoming rich isn’t hard. Anyone can become rich by

following few principles. Maximum people imagine to be rich but do nothing. They try to find shortcut instead of paying price to be rich. The result comes that their dreams stay dreams. Because there’s no shortcut to earn money. Hard work, dedication and patience makes you successful one day.

Fifth and most important tip, educate yourself constantly. Read books. Read continuously. Read again and again That’s a treasure which will make you rich. Watch interview of successful people on YouTube. See hundreds of case studies on successful people. Do successful business analysis.

Observe it. How and why people are becoming rich. The amazing thing is quality information is very cheaper. Absolutely free. There’s more than 300 YouTube CashNews.cos of mine. Which is extract of my 20 years of experience. All are on different topics. You can watch it for free. These

CashNews.cos have changed life of many people. Sometimes a line changes the whole life. Friends, I’m a self learner. Learned knowledge is never wasted. Friends promise you’ll make much money and will make India’s economy as world’s number 1 economy by contributing

completely. Do listen Think And Grow Rich on KUKU FM and rest details are in description and pinned comments. Responsibility to send this CashNews.co in every Indian’s mobile is now yours, Share it more and subscribe the channel and press the bell icon. With a new amazing CashNews.co

I’ll meet you again till then take care of your health and earn more money. Money is very important. Jai hind!

Now that you’re fully informed, check out this insightful video on अब पैसे की दिक्कत कभी नहीं होगी | 5 Tips to Get RICH | Financial Education | Sonu Sharma.
With over 2576328 views, this video is a must-watch for anyone interested in Finance.

CashNews, your go-to portal for financial news and insights.

22 thoughts on “Now there will never be any money problem. 5 Tips to Get Rich | Financial Education | Sonu Sharma #Finance

  1. "Don't try to solve every problem with money, because there are so many problems that even money will fall short, and some problems will remain unsolved. Try solving some problems with your hands, feet, and mind too."

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