October 3, 2024
How to Start Affiliate Marketing With AI – This Makes Me ,000/Month

How to Start Affiliate Marketing With AI – This Makes Me $20,000/Month #Finance

every month I make $ 20 to $30,000 just by posting content on social media that promotes different affiliate links and so in this CashNews.co I want to share with you exactly how you can do the same using ai ai has made it extremely easy to post content on social media you can literally

make a CashNews.co within seconds using Ai and if you promote the right affiliate links you can make six figures a year and Beyond and so if you watch this CashNews.co all the way through by the end I guarantee you can start your own affiliate marketing business that can make you thousands of

dollars a month so you definitely don’t want to miss out now let’s get into it so I first want to share with you how this strategy actually works so first thing I’m going to do is show you how to actually find high-paying affiliate programs then after I’m going to show you

how you can create content using in CashNews.co Ai and so AI is basically going to create content for you and this is incredibly easy to do and basically you’re going to be posting this content on Instagram Pinterest YouTube and Tik Tok and I’m also going to share with you some growth

strategies so you can actually get your content to go viral and if your content does go viral chances are you’re going to have a lot more people click on your affiliate links and you’re going to make a lot more money so let’s start with step number one which is to pick your Niche

honestly I always do recommend you pick a niche that you’re already familiar with maybe pick something you’re passionate about but if you’re not really passionate about anything then I’d say look at some Profitable niches like

href="https://cashnews.co/finance" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance Fitness technology even gaming those are some great ones I even see people do home decor and just fashion and lifestyle so you have so many different options to pick from and honestly

you can always change your Niche later on so don’t worry about it too much now the next step would be to create your social media accounts and for all your social media accounts you want to have the same username since essentially you are creating an online brand for example on my social

media platforms I could make my username becoming a better you especially if I was in the self-development OR self-improvement Niche and you do also have to create a profile picture for all your accounts and I actually do recommend you use canva to create a custom profile picture now your goal with

your social media accounts is to actually grow an audience and have people that love and interact with your content and so essentially you’re an affiliate marketer and content creator and one thing I do want to mention is you can either show your face in your content or you can stay Anonymous

and you don’t have to show your face for example an online brand that I followed for many years and they create amazing content is the at wealth they’re on all social media platforms and they literally just post like #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance business advice things like that and they’re doing extremely well so this could be an example for you look at the account and see if maybe that’s the approach you want to take with your content now the next step is to actually find high

paying affiliate links just thinking at the top of my head some great affiliate links that I use myself would be shop Shopify so Shopify pays you up to $150 per person you refer also rettin is great they pay I think around $30 per person you refer and Honey’s pretty good too it pays around

$10 per person you refer so you can check these out if you want but obviously you don’t have to there are so many different affiliate programs out there but I will link some of my favorite affiliate links in the description where it says find affiliate links so you can check those out and if

you do want to find some really good high-paying affiliate links recommend you check out the website impact.com clickbank.com digistore24 and Amazon associates they have a ton of great options here also you can go on Google and search for the highest paid affiliate links in your Niche you’ll

see a ton of resources come up and from that you should be able to find some pretty good affiliate links now I do want to show you how you can actually use ClickBank to find affiliate links so go on ClickBank and then go ahead and actually sign up for an account here once you’re in your

ClickBank account account click on affiliate Marketplace here you’re going to see a ton of different categories you can click on anyone you want that’s related to your Niche and I just recommend going through all these different affiliate programs look at them and see if they’re

actually something that you want to promote you’re going to find a lot of stuff that is a little bit scammy maybe not that great so obviously only promote something that you actually like you actually believe in and think that will help your audience all right so the next step now is to

actually start creating content and posting on social media as I said before you can either show your face or don’t show your face up to you but the strategy I’m going to share with you right now does not require you to show your face and I find the hardest part for most people is just

coming up with ideas for Content or just creating content and so that’s why I’m going to show you exactly how you can actually use AI to create your CashNews.cos and this is honestly pretty simple but before we do dive into this I also want to mention that I have a goal to help as many

people as possible start start affiliate marketing businesses and make 10 20 $30,000 a month from it if you want to learn how to start affiliate marketing make your full-time Income you can check out my affiliate marketing course Linked In the description it basically goes through

everything you need to start this now let’s get back to using AI to actually create your content so first thing you have to do is go to nid Ai and create an account so now you can use AI to create a custom CashNews.co for you and you have to be very detailed here with the prom you give it to

get the CashNews.co that you want for example I could say something like create a YouTube short about becoming financially free and how great life would be after you reach Financial Freedom and use a women’s Voice who is Young now you just have to wait a few minutes for your CashNews.co to be

created I find it takes usually a minute to 3 minutes perfect once your CashNews.co’s done you can just review it and the great thing here is you can actually customize it and make as many changes as you want and so you can actually put put these changes in this section right here for example

you can delete different sections in the CashNews.co but I put change the first scene to show a tropical island and now we just wait for it to generate all right as you can see now it’s actually added the tropical island for me I could also say something like make the first scene shorter and

see it actually made the CashNews.co a lot shorter Now by at least 17 seconds so that’s pretty good now one more thing I want to show you click on edit and here you can actually search up pretty much anything you want and it’s going to show you a bunch of St images and you can actually

replace a certain part of the CashNews.co with one of these images or CashNews.cos so let’s just click on this then we can click right here and there you go it can actually replace this section with an image and if you click on edit script you can actually change this text to whatever you

want so you have the option to do that which is pretty cool so you can tell AI to basically make any changes for you and it will and I also want to show you how my CashNews.co looks like Dive Right In there’s no time to waste picture a Life unruled by alarm clocks that’s Financial

Freedom no more compromises just Freedom Financial Freedom not just about money but a lifestyle so are you ready to take control I think the CashNews.co looks great and obviously I can customize it if I want but anyways once your CashNews.co is done you can actually go ahead and download it now I

do want to go over in CashNews.co’s pricing because there is a free option but honestly you’re not going to get much with it and you are going to have a watermark on all your CashNews.cos if you use the free plan so I do recommend that you pay for the plus plan this is what I use and

it’s 100% worth it especially if you do plan to do this full-time I definitely recommend that you choose this plan and if you do want to try in CashNews.co AI for yourself I’ll link it in the description of this CashNews.co I do have one suggestion if you actually want to create better

content with AI so what I recommend is go on Tik Tok search up your Niche then you’re going to see a bunch of viral CashNews.cos come up in your Niche and you can actually kind of get AI to recreate these these CashNews.cos and so essentially you can give certain commands to AI to remake a

CashNews.co just like this honestly for myself most content that I post that’s what I do I’ll look at other people and see what they’re posting and kind of remake it and add my own twist on it for example here’s a CashNews.co that went viral in my Niche so I could just

basically get AI to remake a CashNews.co just like this and of course later on you know maybe you want to create your own CashNews.cos and you definitely can you can just use in CashNews.cos editing software now mve moving on once you have your CashNews.co ready you can post it on your social media

accounts if you’re a beginner honestly I think Pinterest is the easiest to use it’s straightforward and it’s easy to get your affiliate links seen there but first I do want to show you how you can upload your CashNews.co to Tik Tok I always do recommend that you use the same

caption hashtags things like that as you know people in your Niche and for the music just use trending Tik Tok sounds and honestly if you actually want to see success on Tik Tok you definitely have to be consistent you need to be posting daily one to three CashNews.cos a day would be great and like

I said before to give you a head start if you’re just remaking other viral Tik Tok CashNews.cos and reposting them on your account chances are those CashNews.cos will go viral and they’re going to help you grow a lot faster this way you’ll have a much higher chance of actually

seeing success long term and I promise with time you’re going to learn a lot more about the Tik Tok algorithm what CashNews.cos do well and what CashNews.cos don’t do as well now let’s move on to how you can use Instagram and YouTube to promote your affiliate links and with

YouTube and Instagram I’d say it’s pretty simple just upload the short CashNews.co there and you have to think about it like this the goal longterm is to get views followers and an Engaged Community I like Instagram because I feel like it’s easier to connect with your audience

because you can post a ton of Instagram stories and also with your Instagram stories you can basically add an affiliate link and so you can always redirect people to different affiliate links also if you do want to follow me on Instagram and just see what I’m up to daily and see my different

affiliate links that I promote you can follow me at Sarah Finance and also the nice thing with Instagram is in your bio you can actually add as many affiliate links as you

want and this will definitely come in handy now moving on to how you can use Pinterest to promote your affiliate links I will say Pinterest is the easiest platform to promote affiliate links it’s also easier to grow on and one thing also with Pinterest is I find that I actually make more

money there with a marketing than Instagram or Tik Tok so keep that in mind when you first start now with Pinterest you can upload long CashNews.cos that you create but you can also upload images and these images can promote as many affiliate links as you want so for example here’s an image I

posted and it’s talking about Shopify and I’ve linked my Shopify affiliate link so if someone clicks on the image goes to my link I make a commission and I do have a full 10-minute tutorial on how to use Pinterest on my YouTube channel so you can check out that CashNews.co if you want

I’ll have a link for that CashNews.co in the description and if you also want to learn how you can start an affiliate marketing business today that makes you $10 to $30,000 a month and Beyond so that you can make a full-time Income online while traveling and doing whatever

you want I’d love to have you join my affiliate marketing course I believe now is the easiest time to start this so if you want to check out the course I’ll link it in the description I hope this CashNews.co helped you out and I’ll see you in the next one

Now that you’re fully informed, check out this insightful video on How to Start Affiliate Marketing With AI – This Makes Me $20,000/Month.
With over 217943 views, this video deepens your understanding of Finance.

CashNews, your go-to portal for financial news and insights.

47 thoughts on “How to Start Affiliate Marketing With AI – This Makes Me $20,000/Month #Finance

  1. Affiliate marketing is the future, the purpose of it is so the money work for you not you for the money, to become independent and not working for the others anymore. Its so easy and so worthy, if you find excuses it means you don't deserve success .If you are serious about this, let me know😊

  2. Nice video but I have to say that that AI video wasn't that good. Only because you can tell the voice is fake that if I saw that video I'd think it was a scam. Plus the thing that makes me weary about Affiliate Marketing is that people will do it just for the money and not believing in the product. Not saying it's you but just the impression I get of the whole thing in general.

  3. When you say to get AI to remake someone else's video that previously has gone viral, do you mean to repost the video? Or do you mean to just use the idea of the viral video and have AI make a somewhat similar video?

  4. Thank you for actually providing real value. A lot of creators bait people without offering any meaningful value just so they can sell them a course. Ppl should invest in courses but it’s easier to trust the creator when they’ve already initially volunteered usable information. Thank you for doing that.

  5. Instead of a niche could you just promote a famous product. I can make an account advertising the shoe brand known as Nike and get their affiliate links promote their shoes and get paid a commission. How do you get permission from famous brands

  6. I see many YouTuber talking about making money with AI , do you think these platforms will let us make money $$$ without detecting AI content or any kind of assistance?because some of them are not allowed to use AI to make profits….

  7. Affiliate marketing and AI is the future, no doubt. On that note, if anyone needs a reliable email verification service, I highly recommend FilterBounce. Keeps my bounce rate under 1% consistently. Plus, their real-time verification API is a godsend for tricky domains. Thoughts on this, Sara? Ever used it?

  8. She nailed it with AI-driven affiliate marketing! One more trick up your sleeve could be FilterBounce. Its accuracy and affordability keep bounce rates under 1%, which is a game-changer. Does anyone else balance their campaigns with such tools?

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