October 3, 2024
How to Pay for College | Crash Course | How to College

How to Pay for College | Crash Course | How to College #Finance

you have to take out student Loans all financial aid is free money there aren’t many options to pay for college if you live in the us or are attending an american school you may have heard things like this when it comes to funding your college education and it can be

hard to know what’s true and what’s not hi i’m erica brazovsky and this is crash course how to college a study hall series presented in partnership with arizona state university today we’re talking money no matter what kind of school you’re considering understanding

the costs can make the process of paying for college more manageable fortunately on their website all schools will have a total cost of attendance which is an estimate for all the expenses a student will have to pay for each academic year including both direct and indirect costs direct costs are

all the expenses you paid directly to the school like tuition for the Credits you need to complete your degree which can cover a wide range of things you’ll probably have to pay building maintenance fees technology fees wireless fees fees for health services a lot of schools

even charge you to support their athletic program and depending on what you choose your direct costs can also include your dorm room and meal plan most colleges require you to pay these costs before you can attend classes just remember if you don’t live on campus you generally don’t get

a meal plan but there are also indirect costs which are pretty much anything else you need to be a student like books internet service and software programs depending on where you live these can also be travel expenses like gas vehicle maintenance and parking or public transportation fees in case

that’s confusing there’s an easy way to keep track of it all direct costs are the things that will appear on your bill from the college and indirect costs for everything else as we mentioned in earlier episodes some schools require freshmen and sophomores to live on campus in the dorms

while juniors and seniors have an option of where to live if you’re an adult returning student you often are given an exemption to living on campus even if you’re an underclassman for whatever reason if you’re not living on campus you need to be prepared to cover your living

expenses these will include housing food utilities and if you have kids child care although check with your college for help on that last one many offer before and after school child care to help parents stay in school and to help you make sense of it here’s a brief overview of how costs

compare between living on and off campus at different kinds of colleges you may be surprised to learn that in most cases students who live on campus pay less for additional expenses like transportation entertainment and personal care than students who live off campus the numbers depend on where you

live and whether the school is public private or for-Profit and while these expenses vary based on your own unique situation these figures can give you an idea of what to expect after all that Budgeting and spreadsheeting that total cost of attendance can look like

a really big number but there are so many ways to find financial aid to help pay for college first off let’s consider federal financial aid which is kind of an umbrella term for several different options funded by the u.s government for instance federal financial aid includes need-based

federal grants which are awarded based on financial need and don’t need to be repaid federal financial aid can also include federal work study which is a government-funded part-time job designed specifically to help both part-time and full-time students pay for school while most federal

work-study jobs are on campus some jobs are off-campus at organizations the college partners with if you plan to enroll as a distance learner or online student and want to know whether a federal work study job is an option for you check with the college you’re interested in to receive a

needs-based federal grant or be eligible for federal work study you have to complete a free application for student aid otherwise known as a fafsa you’ll need to complete the fafsa for every year that you’re enrolled in school and want to receive federal financial aid lots of students

don’t complete the fafsa because it requires a lot of information from you and often your parent or guardian but it also opens the door to so many other ways to pay for college and is the only way to qualify for federal grants and Loans for instance Loans are

money you borrow to pay for a product or service upfront with the expectation that you’ll repay the Loan at a later date and if you complete the fafsa you may be eligible for federal student Loans which often come with lower Interest Rates

than private or bank based Loans these include subsidized Loans unsubsidized Loans and graduate plus Loans each one has its own benefits and requirements like with subsidized Loans the federal government pays your

interest while you’re in school which can save you money over time on the other hand the interest rate on an unsubsidized Loan builds up over time parent plus Loans can also help students pay college costs although not required to parents can apply for this

Loan option if the financial aid that has already been awarded does not cover all your costs if they do apply and are denied you’ll be eligible for unsubsidized Loans to cover additional costs private Loans are also an option for paying for

school and are based on your Credit history rather than financial need however it’s important to note that private Loans often come with higher Interest Rates than federal Loans and may require you to have a cosigner some

private Loans like those offered by Credit unions are more affordable we often hear about student Loans and how difficult they can be but there’s no shame in taking out a Loan to pay for college and if you stick with us here

on study hall we’ll help you succeed throughout college so you can graduate get a job and hopefully not struggle to pay off those Loans and in addition to federal financial aid and Loans you can also round out how you’re paying for college with

scholarships which are another type of financial aid that you don’t have to pay back some scholarships are needs based which means the amount for which you are eligible is dependent on you or your family’s economic status others are merit-based which means they’re awarded based on

your academic achievement and there are also scholarships granted based on socioeconomic or demographic circumstances like Income-based scholarships or scholarships meant to encourage people of underrepresented identities to go to college scholarships are amazing opportunities for

you to earn money for school that you don’t have to pay back but that also means that you have to plan ahead to earn them so you can submit a well-rounded application and stand out from the crowd the same is true for institutional aid which is any money that college gives you directly whether

that’s merit-based or needs-based aid you can get institutional aid by applying but some colleges automatically offer this type of aid to students after you get accepted to the college and no matter what types of financial aid you end up using perhaps one of the most important things to

remember about financial aid is that it’s rare for one aid option to cover everything instead think of each option as a building block toward your total cost of attendance some options will give you a bigger chunk of change and some will seem like drops in the bucket but it all adds up so as

you’re planning for college review each option carefully and understand the unique requirements limitation and terms of each one and keep in mind that just because you don’t qualify now doesn’t mean you won’t qualify in the future as you review your aid options don’t

forget to check with your employer more and more companies such as starbucks uber and chipotle are offering 100 tuition coverage for employees and most companies agree to pay a portion of your school costs depending on the type of tuition assistance program they offer tuition reimbursement programs

require you to pay for the costs up front then your employer will repay you after you’ve earned a passing grade for the course and in direct bill programs your employer will pay the school you attend instead of having you pay for the courses first but if you don’t earn a passing grade

in the course your employer may require you to pay them the money back unlike those tuition assistance programs a lump sum program offers all the money you’re eligible for once each year although the amount of tuition assistance varies companies are allowed to offer up to 5 250 in tax-free

funding annually some companies choose to offer more so it’s important to ask how much tuition assistance is offered each year and you should ask whether you’re limited to specific areas of study some companies only offer tuition assistance if your courses relate to the company’s

industry like if i worked for a tech company and wanted to take courses they might only cover things like cyber security programming web design and related topics but if i wanted to study something else like linguistics i can try to make a case that other courses will help me do my job better and

convince my employer to cover it so research the courses you want to take before applying for aid through your company and be prepared to explain how each course relates to your job and how each one can help you contribute to the company if you’re under 24 and considered a dependent you can

also consider asking your parents or guardians to check with their employer for instance wells fargo offers tuition reimbursement for employees and scholarships for the children of employees or if your parent or guardian works for a college or university you may qualify for tuition assistance if

you attend that school and if you or your spouse is employed by the military you may qualify for military tuition assistance which is available to both active duty service members and veterans as a veteran your dependents like your spouse or children may also receive aid through spouse or dependent

assistance for example the post 9 11 gi bill is designed to pay for service members education and can be transferred to a qualifying spouse or other dependent and each branch of service has different tuition assistance programs so we encourage you to check with the appropriate branch for more

specific information ultimately paying for college is about finding money to put toward your education but it’s also about reducing the amount of money you need to pay out of pocket and what school you go to can be a big part of that trade schools may have higher upfront costs than four-year

schools but offer more specific career focus that can lead to gainful employment quickly you can often earn a certificate there in one or two years and fund your program with federal financial aid scholarships or grants community colleges also cost less than state colleges or universities even if

you decide to attend university later you can attend a community college first to complete your general education Credits at a lower cost if you decide to take this path make sure you understand how the Credits you earn at a community college will transfer to a

university most schools have a transfer Credit tool on their websites that you can use to evaluate the number of Credits that could transfer earning college Credits in high school like through advanced placement courses or taking low-cost college

courses like asu’s universal learner courses is another way to reduce college costs by earning college Credit before actually starting college you can also look into clep a college level examination program that enables you to complete tests in lieu of taking introductory

courses in dante’s which supports members of the military in completing exams to earn high school and college Credits planning ahead for college tuition and fees can help you save more money in the long run and reduce financial stress less stress means more energy to focus on

your coursework create great memories and enjoy your college experience thanks for watching this episode of crash course how to college this series is part of an expanded program called study hall crash courses partnered with arizona state university to launch city hall on its own channel check out

youtube.com studyhall where you’ll find more tips about navigating college choosing a major plus foundational courses connected to college Credit courses that students struggle with most in their first two years we hope to see you over there you

Now that you’re fully informed, watch this essential video on How to Pay for College | Crash Course | How to College.
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23 thoughts on “How to Pay for College | Crash Course | How to College #Finance

  1. im a sophmore in college. And rn, i owe them 1.4K since freshman year. I have to pay $365 twice a month. It helps that I go to a Community College and Fafsa helped pay $7K, i still owe em 1.4K. I have a job that pays me $20/hr but is 3 hours for 4 days and monthly pay. The school im in dropped me out of the classes I registered for, but now Im scared that I cant go to school unless all 1.4K is paid. Rn the financial aid office is close atm i am writing this.

  2. Honestly, biggest problem with scholarships is that I fall into what I call 'the middle zone'. I don't qualify for need based ones since my parents make too much (even tho my efc is non-existent) and I don't stand out on academic and essay based ones just because I got a B once. Plus, I am white, not the first to go to college in my family, am not associated with the military, and not disabled, so it takes out those scholarships.

  3. I learned about Fasfa from research and an advisor as was just never mentioned as an option. It was definitely a mission and a half to figure out how to how to fill it out especially when needed my parents information, having to prove I'm independent and not getting help from them was a task in itself but now I'm an expert and adult no longer needing that information. So I use this knowledge to help my husband so he can have help paying for college this is something I think most should fill out. It's a need.

  4. Don't i wish this video had existed when i was getting ready to go to college 4 years ago. I didn't get much of anything from my fafsa, despite my parents+myself being quite poor, and i had no clue how i could come up with the massive remaining sum i had to pay, given that neither i nor my parents had very good credit for a loan. So i just gave up on going to the schools i got into

  5. Don't forget about National Merit, AKA the automatic full ride! This is how I got a scholarship that pays full tuition for my bachelor's AND master's degrees, my housing, my meal plan, helps with textbooks, and is even paying for me to study abroad!!!
    This is one thing I've never seen mentioned on a college scholarships video; if you attend a public high school (if you don't, talk to your guidance counselor) in the United States, you will take a test called the PSAT/NMSQT in the Fall of your Junior year. Your school might tell you that it's just to prepare for the SAT, but don't be fooled, it could easily be the most important test of your life. Every year, the top 1% of scorers on that test, about 16,000 students every year, are named National Merit Semifinalists. From there, most will become finalists (don't worry about the exact term, that'll take care of itself). Once you are a finalist, you will have an automatic full-ride offer from over 25 well-known schools, and other massive scholarship offers from dozens and dozens more. While 1% may seem rare, most of the students who get this designation don't realize that they have full-ride offers. So, if you're a high-achieving student and a good test-taker, study study study for your PSAT! You could win the college scholarship lottery!!!

  6. I worked as a bookstore keyholder and distribution company supervisor for the entire time I worked on my first degree. I worked EVERY weekend and four, sometimes five days on the weekday (I sometimes got Tuesdays off). I then worked at a library as a clerk and reference desk clerk while working on my second degree. I refuse to ever work with the public again as they were terrible decades ago and have only become much, much worse. I have a disabled elderly parent I must care for while working on my third degree and two Masters (I refuse to work with ANY conservative and will only work in academic fields with other highly educated, liberal academics. I already completed the FAFSA but need to register for courses. Things will be VERY tough, but I ONLY work in education-related fields I believe in, and I am currently being blocked from that.

  7. The thing which saved me ten of thousands of dollars for college were CLEP and Dantes (DSST) tests. Cost roughly $100 a test and if you pass the test you get three college credits. These are accepted at thousands of colleges across the nation and offered in dozens of different subjects and areas. Great way to knock out your general education requirements. Shocked more people don't take advantage of these.

  8. Or do like I did, join the military as a child, colonize another country for a couple years, get blown up and called a hero for pointing guns at women and children, spend the next ten years figuring out new reasons not to kill yourself, meet a partner who has the mental bandwidth to attend college, transfer your benefits to them, stick it out long enough for them to achieve their educational dreams debt free, maybe off yourself later.

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