October 3, 2024
“This Is a Fake Sell-off! Everything Changes In 2 WEEKS…” – Raoul Pal

“This Is a Fake Sell-off! Everything Changes In 2 WEEKS…” – Raoul Pal #Finance

don’t assume central banks are stupid that’s a lesson I’ve learned assume that they know what they’ve got to do if the game is we need to roll 10 trillion do of Debt this year and the Europeans have to and the Chinese have to and the Japanese have to

and everybody else the best single thing would be to lock that in for another four years at the lowest possible rates so it’s kind of like maybe there is a game here which is to undershoot I’ve observed that they’re all in cahoots with each other all the central banks plus all of

the government I kind of think if they’re doing it late they’re doing it on purpose because they’re not stupid they can see the same models what my work is better than all the people at the FED no they’re choosing to do it for a reason earlier today Bitcoin prices dropped

below $58,000 for the first time in 2 months dropping to a low of $ 57,168 according to data from coin market cap the selloff followed signs of activity on wallets belonging to defunct Crypto

exchange Mount gaau and the German Federal Criminal police office moving about $175 Million worth of bitcoin to Crypto exchanges coinbase and Kraken and over the counter desks late last month

the defunct exchanges Rehabilitation truste announced it would start Distributing Assets stolen in the 2014 hack the announcement which was made on the exchanges website also revealed that the payments would be made in Bitcoin and Bitcoin cash and analysts warned that this could

cause some selling pressure in both Cryptocurrencies even if only temporarily data from blockchain analytics firm Arkham revealed that mount gaau conducted test transactions earlier today

moving about $25 worth of bitcoin across three transactions to different wallets according to the firm this test might signify an intention to start the redistribution process as entities with large none;">Crypto Holdings are known to conduct similar tests within significant amounts before making larger transfers this news has caused a bit of turbulence in the Cryptocurrency

href="https://cashnews.co/markets" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Markets the CMC Crypto fear and greed index has fallen to 45 its lowest point in 2024

and the overall Crypto market cap is also at multi-month lows amidst the turbulence and sell-off real Vision founder and CEO Raul pal has given his updated Outlook and expectations for the

href="https://cashnews.co/crypto" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Cryptocurrency market in 2024 and Beyond according to Pal a missing detail most investors are not paying attention to is global Liquidity I conditions in a recent discussion with

blockworks macro the renowned business executive and macro analyst explains that Liquidity is a major part of every Crypto bull market and we are just at the point where

Liquidity conditions are expected to begin to improve significantly causing an immediate response in asset prices while pal expects most asset classes to perform well over the next 12 to 18 months he predicts that color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Cryptocurrencies and digital Assets will easily outperform them all pal is predicting the injection of massive Liquidity from central banks around the world in the coming weeks and he says that will lead us into the much

anticipated banana Zone as we bring you clips from the interview please take a little time to like this CashNews.co subscribe to the channel and turn on post notifications for more CashNews.cos like this everything you do helps with the YouTube algorithm and greatly contributes to the

Channel’s growth thanks and enjoy the CashNews.co as I’ve been talking about for a while I think we’re in that transition from macr Crypto spring into macr

href="https://cashnews.co/crypto" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto summer now people confuse it with the actual season itself I just saw that on it I’m like no no no it’s because it breaks down to four periods of the Liquidity

cycle that drives Assets so the transition here is usually when the forces are still disInflationary and growth is slow to picking up that is like macro Utopia why because that tends to push the central banks into adding Liquidity and the

governments to adding Liquidity it’s also happens to be this everything code cycle is also about the election cycle and guess what politicians do at this time as well they want to give candy to the kids so they’re stimulating as well and tend to stimulate into the

following year as well so that particular juncture of the macro starting to pick up the ism survey is still below 50 so it’s still sluggish the forward-looking indicators are all very positive and Liquidity has been positive for a while while that pickup if you think of it

we’ve had a Wall Street recovery which is Liquidity Main Street recoveries yet to happen Main Street is when earnings go up and all of our earnings go up and there’s a bit more money around that’s when the flows from all of these earnings start going into

href="https://cashnews.co/markets" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Markets as well so it’s not just Liquidity into basement driving things it gets driven by actual investment money which has been actually quite lacking in many respects so

that’s typical of of the Crypto summer so the Crypto summer starts around now

it also forms the basis of the banana Zone um and that’s when things start to get really crazy if we go back and look at all of these since about 2008 they’ve all done roughly the same thing which is presidential election cycle it kind of has a sell off into the summer then it tends to

accelerate sideways over the election because everyone doesn’t know what it means and then it’s all over Markets rip whatever the outcome a shock you know expected doesn’t

matter and so that election cycle has been very prevalent both in equities and in Crypto so that’s where we are in the cycle now so we’re just in that zone of you know we’ve

got this beautiful chart pattern that is just consolidating the stuff that has less Network traction or network adoption has fallen significantly but we’re starting to see the recovery so I think it’s it’s only a matter of time now before we start to see the next move and that

that’s also likely to coincide with some other Liquidity things I think the Japanese have to intervene with the blessing of the FED because that’s going to help the Chinese the Japanese everybody’s business cycle that has to come um because the current the US

dollar is far too strong for this point in the cycle the other thing that needs to happen alongside that is the Fed absolutely have to cut and I saw you talking on Twitter today look Inflation the true Inflation numbers at 1.82 you know core inflate of course cpis

is now headed lower sharply but rates are at five and a half it makes no sense considering the lag that it has if not they’re going to under under shoot Inflation which I don’t think they mind because you can refi Debt at lower levels because they put

everything at the short end right now you know Janet yellen’s been issuing short end Debt so the lower she gets rates down the more she can get back into the fouryear cycle the FED only operate on two things unemployment and Inflation both of those lag the

business cycle itself so unemployment um owner equivalent rents part of CPI which is the large part of it all of that stuff lags by 15 to 18 months so even where the ism today is bottoming that means that that doesn’t bottom until next year sometime which is why the FED are always cutting

into the second year because they’re following the lagging indicators the things that drive down CPI which is why they’re always late tightening pal is confident that the only reason the FED remains hawkish is the lagging indicators the Central Bank uses he cites the example of

unemployment which he says lags by about 12 12 months according to recent reports firsttime applications for us unemployment benefits drifted higher in June and the number of people on jobless roles Rose further indicating a gradual Cooling in the labor market this in addition to lowering

Inflation data is keeping the Markets hopeful that the FED will start cutting rates this year maybe even as soon as September according to Joe mccan the founder CEO and CIO

of asymmetric a Crypto focused hedge fund it would not be completely surprising for the central bank to announce an emergency 25 to 50 basis points rate cut during the next fomc meeting

between July 30th and 31 if unemployment and other indicators worsen or improve further before then the Markets will be equally as hopeful and prices will improve significantly let’s

get back to Pal’s interview as he speaks further about the Cryptocurrency industry and the100 trillion opportunity it presents what we’ve got here is a global utility which is

blockchain much like the internet was now unlike any of these Global utility networks trains Road systems all of this you couldn’t invest in them but because this is tokenized you’ve got a behavioral incentive system to grow the network which is the more people come onto the network the

more the number go up the more people come on the network and therefore the more Capital in the network the more applications get built the more the network gets used right it’s it’s genius and and we’ve never seen anything like this where we’re all part of

it so here we’ve got this asset class which is a globally homogeneous asset which doesn’t exist gold is the only one but gold if you go to a village in India the bid offer spread is 50% here we’ve got tradeable on a mobile phone in India the Philippines Fiji New York Vancouver the

cay Islands the same thing and it happens to be the infrastructure layer to the internet for the system for the for valy and storage and you know it’s that distributed database which is a public service utility good okay brilliant it’s a two and a half trillion dollar market cap today

if we just extrapolate out the trend rate of growth it gets to hundred trillion by about 2032 okay so this is the biggest wealth jop generating opportunity in all human history so you’ve got this in front of you which is this whole how to un my future part of it is this the other thing is

don’t this up never get thrown off this horse because this is the one this is the big one this is the greatest macro gift of all time to get everybody out of this ship that they’re in so it’s there in front of you so then people are like yeah but what do I invest in I’m like

okay listen dtune all the noise there’s a bunch of decentralized businesses that sell block space and they all have different types of block space one’s going hey mine’s the most secure and the oldest somebody else is like Well mine’s the internet computer and

somebody’s like mine’s the internet computer but fast them they’re just selling block space so there’s a bunch of companies selling block space or applications on top of that block space that’s all the space is it’s just a technology and it’s an adoption so

our job within this is now not get philosophical and tribal about where do I invest in that technology and screw it up our job is to maximize the opportunity to the best we can and that’s a balance of how do you take risk because a lot of people go Max 10 risk R like no no no no no yeah look

if it’s going for two and a half trillion to 100 trillion you don’t need to take Max risk you can just capture the bulk and then do a bit of the tail on the side this is a narrative driven attention space and so they just want what they can do I made it very clear all the way through

hey 90% of my liquid Net Worth is basically allocated right now to salana I move some from eth I don’t have much Bitcoin right now doesn’t mean I don’t like Bitcoin I just think the others go up more simple as that own a bunch of highend nfts that I think I have

another thesis about and then beyond that um I do a bit of speculation and other stuff for the fun of it but the time Horizon thing is I can say it freaks everybody out and I’ve set back and it was only in the last two weeks I’ve realized the r the the real thing that’s going on

on Crypto Twitter and why the banana Zone resonates and why you get this backlash is this is everybody’s hopes and dreams it’s every it’s yours it’s mine it’s

everybody’s right so they’re so scared of it going wrong yet they’re some so greedy to get it right this is the struggle that everybody’s having and people have PTSD from the last cycle as the people did from the previous cycle right the previous cycle was the blowoff top

and then the claps this one was the stunted top and then the clap and so now people they worry about the cycle I don’t remember Jeff Bezos caring about the business cycle he just owned his stock in other news the international monetary fund has advised that the FED keep rates at current

levels until at least late 2024 and bolster its fiscal position by reducing spending and raising Revenues IMF managing director christalina goriva said this last week while speaking in Washington DC we expect core pce Inflation to end this year around 2.5% she

began and be back to Target by mid 2025 this being said we do recognize there are important upside risks to this path given the those risks we agreed that the FED should keep policy rates at current level until at least late 2024 it should be noted that the IMF had previously warned that the

fed’s wrecking bow would negatively impact other economies around the world what do you think about the sudden reversal and when do you think the FED is most likely to start cutting rates please drop your replies as well as comments on Pal’s interview in the comment section below also

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Now that you’re fully informed, check out this insightful video on “This Is a Fake Sell-off! Everything Changes In 2 WEEKS…” – Raoul Pal.
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46 thoughts on ““This Is a Fake Sell-off! Everything Changes In 2 WEEKS…” – Raoul Pal #Finance

  1. Yes the color of the kislux is beautiful and it is a great decision, maybe one day they will add feet and straps. It would be nice to have a bigger bag during the colder months when we have to store gloves, beanies, scarves, etc…

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