October 3, 2024
“Forget BlackRock, These New Investors Will Take Bitcoin Straight to  Million”- Michael Saylor

“Forget BlackRock, These New Investors Will Take Bitcoin Straight to $1 Million”- Michael Saylor #Finance

let’s say uh Japan issues a billion dollars of Yen buys a billion dollars of Bitcoin Bitcoin you know if they’re smart they would issue 20 billion do of Yen buy 20 billion do of Bitcoin when they put out the press release Bitcoin would triple they would have $60 billion of

Treasury Assets appreciating at 30% a year and they would end up with a 20 billion positive balance of payments right and and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy you know this last week you know you saw you saw uh block announced that they’re going to start

buying Bitcoin every month you saw you’ve seen uh ACC of Bitcoin by a lot of Bitcoin miners a you know a lot of them are actually not selling as much Bitcoin as they’re mining now I think you’re going to see more Bitcoin miners buying more I think you’re going to see more

Bitcoin exchanges buying more micro strategy executive chairman and co-founder Michael sailor has described what he believes will be the next phase of adoption for Bitcoin the world’s leading none;">Cryptocurrency by market cap during a recent interview with cnbc’s guy adami sailor laid out his vision for what could Propel the price of Bitcoin the micro strategy boss explains that we are at a pivotal moment in the global economy according to the latest data from The Institute

of international Finance Global Debt increased by around $1.3 trillion to a new record high of $315 trillion in the first quarter of 2024 the if said more

than half of the rise originated from mature Markets especially the United States France and Germany as a result of rising Debt and reduced productivity the global

Debt to GDP ratio saw a steady decline in the past year and is currently north of 300% according to sailor we are witnessing an irreversible shift in the world’s economy which will demand that investors from Sovereign wealth Nations to multi-billion Dollar companies

immediately change their Investment Strategies sailor is certain that this shift will be positive and exceedingly bullish for Bitcoin as it will spur increased adoption and significant price gains as we bring you clips from Sailor discussion with adami please take a little time to

like this CashNews.co subscribe to the channel and turn on post notifications for more CashNews.cos like this thanks for watching and enjoy the CashNews.co they certainly won’t take my advice but but the the answer is the first country that can print currency and buy Bitcoin wins a midsize

comp country could probably do it but you’d have to to be aggressive um if we come back to a company you know a company’s stock is just like a country’s currency right right the country can issue currency by the way the reason El Salvador isn’t quite synonymous is El

Salvador doesn’t have their own currency so what I said the first country to print their own currency and buy Bitcoin wins you need to be able to issue10 billion of your currency swap it for $10 billion of Bitcoin grow the Bitcoin 30% a year and that’s the way a

Treasury Reserve asset supposed to work right because everybody then stampedes into that with you um micro strategy had a $600 million Enterprise Value and we had 600 million in cash and we had no growth and we were dead money and we were trading $2 million a day

in the Stock Market guy that’s just like the Russell 2000 or let’s say the Russell 1000 the bottom Russell 1,000 companies they’re all like that they’re all 500 million to multi-billion Dollar companies 100 million to billion dollar market caps they all

trade 1 million to 20 million a day they’ve all got low growth because if you’re not Nvidia or apple or the Magnificent 7 you just you know you can’t you can’t grow like Microsoft so we took that Russell 2000 small cap company we took uh our cash we bought some Bitcoin we

bought 250 million of Bitcoin we put that out on the wire the the shareholder base turned over we bought another 175 million of Bitcoin the stock doubled we uh all of our employees exercised some Stock Options we bought more Bitcoin stock increased again we sold a convertible Bond

we bought more Bitcoin the stock increased again Bitcoin increased again you fast forward 44 months and uh you know the the stock price 10x the market cap 20x the Enterprise Value 40x that went from 600 million to Mid 25 billion and so what were we doing what we are doing is

we’re issuing our currency our our stock that is to buy Bitcoin or we’re borrowing we’re borrowing against our stock to buy Bitcoin my advice to a sovereign wealth fund is you know you basically start to buy Bitcoin as digital Capital my advice to a an aggressive

small country if you if you’re small midsize country and you can print your own currency you either print the currency to buy Bitcoin or you issue sovereign Debt and swap it right into Bitcoin immediately right you can borrow money cheap and you Loan it to

bitcoin at 24% return or better right so that’s obvious but I’m not going to hold my my breath on countries because it’s a very political thing I think that um the people that are the obvious beneficiaries that hopefully are listening to this podcast would be shareholders officers

and directors of the 10,000 small midsize companies especially publicly traded companies which in essence can’t outperform the Magnificent 7 if you don’t think you can outperform Google and meta and Microsoft and Nvidia and you have some money you either take the cash and buy Bitcoin

you issue Equity and buy Bitcoin or you ISS issue Debt either either senior Debt or you even better you issue convertible Debt convertible to your Equity and you buy Bitcoin because that allows you to

reCapitalize with an with an appreciating asset as opposed to deCapitalize and have nothing or to whole Capital in a depreciating asset that that is kind of burning has got a negative real Yield and burning shareholder value

earlier this month block Incorporated CEO Jack dorsy announced that the fintech conglomerate would buy Bitcoin monthly for its Balance Sheet dorsy the former CEO of Twitter shared a document on the social media platform titled Bitcoin blueprint for corporate Balance

Sheets with the caption block is dollar cost averaging Bitcoin every month the document states that the firm is announcing a new corporate Balance Sheet dollar cost average DCA program under which each month it will invest 10% of its monthly gross Profit

from Bitcoin products into purchases of Bitcoin for investment purposes the company also shared the details of its current bitcoin Holdings which include the purchases made in 2020 and 2021 as Square according to the document as of March 31st 2024 block held 8,038 Bitcoin representing approximately

9% of its total cash cash equivalents and marketable Securities during his discussion with adami saor notes that block will be the first of many other companies to follow this path in the coming years as the global economy shows more signs of cracks let’s get back to the

interview um micro strategy is going to keep developing its Bitcoin position and yeah it’s going to get exponentially harder right you know this last week you know you saw you saw uh block announce said they’re going to start buying Bitcoin every month you saw you’ve seen uh a cre

of Bitcoin by a lot of Bitcoin miners a you know a lot of them are actually not selling as much Bitcoin as they’re mining now I think you’re going to see more Bitcoin miners buying more I think you’re going to see more Bitcoin exchanges buying more I think you see the existing

href="https://cashnews.co/etfs" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">ETFs accumulating but now we’re up to 22 spot ETFs in the world and they’re all

in a marketing war with each other so they’re going to go harder so I I think and and at some point you’re going to see other these Russell thousand companies right which one of them wants to crawl out of their zombie State it’s like you’re just waiting for someone to decide

they want the money so I think that when they do that they drive up the price of Bitcoin and I have to chase it my first Bitcoins were below 10,000 and uh you know and I’m I’m buying Bitcoin in the 60s now and that’s okay I don’t know where we’ll get to I know

we’ll I know we’ll get more we we’ll accrete from here we will acquire more Bitcoin than we have right now and we’ll do it via you know organic cash and Via Debt especially convertible Debt and we’ll do it via Equity

and that’ll be a function of Capital Markets and and all sorts of other Dynamics but um I think um you know aredes said uh you get a lever long enough and a place to

stand I can move the world the place to stand is Bitcoin right I mean it’s it’s not a commodity it’s a scarcity so if it’s a scarcity it’s like if I said to you there’s one city it’s at the it’s the trade Crossroads of the world it’s the

it’s the center of the digital economy one day everybody on the planet is going to be moving their Capital through that City but there’s only 276 by 276 by 276 blocks in that City and by the way it’s like 94% occupied but you can buy another one of those blocks if

you want um do you want to buy some more and the answer is yeah I want to keep buying because just like if I could have bought New York or Manhattan a 100 years ago or 50 or 200 or 30 or 300 you know tell me you know at what year how how many years ago was it a bad idea right I think it’s

always been a good idea if if you can hold right as long as you can hold the property and why is Manhattan a good idea because it’s a granite Island at the you know the middle of Long Island Sound and the Hudson you know and it’s got great natural Harbors it’s the gateway to North

America it was always the best place to put a port right and if you know if you look at it and you cruise around it and you stare at it and you look at the fact you can build that on top of that shist it’s obvious people are going to want to live in and do business in that City for hundreds

of years sailor’s analogy about Bitcoin and Real Estate in major cities like New York is a particularly brilliant one because not only does it reveal the Assets immense value but it also answers the question of whether it’s too late to buy in a previous

interview the micro strategy CEO explained that New York was already the greatest city in North America by 1776 more than a 100 years after it was founded by Dutch colonists around 1624 anyone who had wanted to buy property in New York in 1776 would probably have considered themselves late to the

party and thought those who got in earlier quite lucky yet people have continued to invest in the city and make great Returns on their money for hundreds of years since then sailor reckons the same is going to happen with Bitcoin some people bought when one coin was under $100 some when it was

$10,000 per coin and millions are going to buy when a coin is selling for $100,000 or even a million and investors on all levels will make their money in multiple folds what are your thoughts on Michael sailor’s long-term predictions for the leading digital asset please drop your comments and

observations in the comments section below also ensure you like this CashNews.co subscribe to the channel and turn on post notifications for more CashNews.cos thanks for watching

Now that you’re fully informed, don’t miss this insightful video on “Forget BlackRock, These New Investors Will Take Bitcoin Straight to $1 Million”- Michael Saylor.
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41 thoughts on ““Forget BlackRock, These New Investors Will Take Bitcoin Straight to $1 Million”- Michael Saylor #Finance

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