October 3, 2024
Massive 50x Opportunity! Don’t Miss This LAST CHANCE to Become a Millionaire – Raoul Pal- Raoul Pal

Massive 50x Opportunity! Don’t Miss This LAST CHANCE to Become a Millionaire – Raoul Pal- Raoul Pal #Finance

I think we’ve got this six-year period that’s all we’re left with now where we can really set up our future before the world changes dramatically and we have to we not we don’t have the everything code anymore we don’t have most of the things we know anymore

technical analysis what does it mean what does Portfolio analysis what does anything mean what does reading news mean when you got AGI doing stuff but one thing I do know is that the digital rails will be how all of this works blockchain is how AI robots and everything else will

move payments around but you know at some point we’ll get to maturity phase and the gains that we’ve made from the adoption phase won’t be there anymore so we need to be involved in the adoption phase of blockchain Technologies before it gets to the maturity phase over the past

year real Vision founder and CEO R has been sharing one crucial piece of advice for investors how to get ahead of what he calls the fourth Industrial Revolution or the exponential age pal says he realized the significance of this new era when he observed two important factors first central banks

were printing more money than anyone thought possible creating an artificial bubble in asset prices second the pandemic accelerated the adoption of at least 10 transformative Technologies including e-commerce robotics autonomous driving CashNews.co conferencing and tele medicine pal also observed

that if you measure these Technologies against the federal reserve’s Balance Sheet they aren’t actually in a bubble it just seems that way because the dollar has lost significant value his conclusion is that the value of these techn techologies will continue to grow

exponentially over the next decade this is why he’s been urging investors to position themselves ahead of this revolution before the world changes completely in 2030 in a recent CashNews.co broadcast on his Raul pal the journeyman YouTube channel rul Dives deeper into his expectations for the

exponential age he envisions a highly digitized world within the next six years and believes we’re on the brink of the most significant technological change in history Technologies like none;">Cryptocurrencies artificial intelligence genetics Robotics and electric vehicles are about to explode exponentially please stay tuned as we bring you clips from Pal’s CashNews.co in which he vividly explains how #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Cryptocurrencies and other Cutting Edge technologies will shape our future if you enjoy this CashNews.co don’t forget to like share and subscribe to our Channel also check out our other #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto related CashNews.cos featuring renowned industry experts like Michael sailor Kathy Wood Lyn Alden and more thanks for watching and enjoy the CashNews.co we all know about the technological changes that’s all fine I’ve talked about that adium

the exponential age you know it right robots AI genetic Sciences space travel all of this stuff Internet of Things everything’s 3D printing you name it’s all happening it’s all happening at once the fastest pace of change of technology in all recorded history but when you start to

apply economics to it that’s when it gets interesting you know people talk about the singularity you know when AI is smarter than all humans and this kind of stuff so you can’t even see into the future people talk very quickly and I think it’s now actually pretty mid curve of the

analysis of like well jobs well they’re going to go what are people going to do Universal basic Income you know blah blah blah blah blah so many thousands of pages in every crappy newspaper that I read newspapers anymore same old analysis and I went back to the magic formula

the magic formula of GDP in fact I’m going to share the Little thing because I want you to fully understand it so this is the magic formula and it’s incredibly important it’s how is GDP growth or Trend growth created it’s created by population growth productivity growth and

Debt growth those are the three component part what we’ve had is we’ve had GDP declining over time driven by an aging population there’s the Aging population it’s been driving growth lower productivity that’s been falling too and Debt

growth has been rising so I won’t go through the whole thing because I shared all of this in great detail on real Vision Pro macro today so that’s just a small part of what I’m talking about but now you understand the magic formula let’s just play around with that a little

bit so we’re all seeing open ai’s announcements yesterday and Google’s today but open AI I think they are building AI using something very close to AGI and they’re building incrementally towards where they are with their technology Sam mman keeps saying we’re very

cautious what we release they know what they’ve got they’re working backwards which is why every three months they totally blow up every competitor and everything it’s an astonishing it’s the fastest most disruptive company in history in front of our eyes it’s

it’s La La Land anyway let’s go back to the economics the population side of the equation has been the great restriction or growth period of humanity as global population grows Global GDP grows if it shrinks as I showed you in the charts population growth starts to shrink because

there’s not enough people you need productivity to get more out of those people but old people are less productive so when you got an aging population not easy you can have a small population that’s fine doesn’t have to be growing much as long as they’re more productive so

India will have a big population but it’s getting more productive so they they benefit from both which is why it’s the fastest growing major economy in the world when add in this new world this new world is where the things that were scarce knowledge become infinite and free lawyers

accountants all of that kind of stuff just all knowledge bance people everything that becomes free and the robots well that’s physical labor free sure they won’t be fixing your plumbing first they’ll be doing Factory lines and they’ll be doing fast food and stuff like that

but what you’ve basically created is infinite productive units infinite humans the rise of artificial IAL intelligence has been highly controversial while people like pal are ready to embrace and welcome the inevitable transition others perceive it as a big threat to the continued existence

of the human race these fears are not helped by comments from popular like Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk while speaking at The milen Institute Global conference earlier this month musk predicted that artificial intelligence will soon surpass human intelligence becoming so ubiquitous that

biological intelligence will be less than 1% AI might be the most important question of all musk began the percentage of intelligence that is biological grows smaller with each passing month eventually the percentage of biological intelligence will be less than 1% biological intelligence can serve

as a back stop as a buffer of intelligence but in percentage almost all intelligence will be digital this is not the first time musk has talked about how disruptive artificial intelligence will be for Humanity in a tweet made earlier this year in response to American Computer scientist and futurist

Ray Kurds Wild’s prediction of AI Singularity by 2029 musk wrote AI will probably be smarter than any single human next year by 2029 AI is probably smarter than all humans combined this is precisely why pal warns that the world will be totally unrecognizable by 2030 here are more clips from

the CashNews.co a robot plus a AI replaces humans again I’m not worried about the human replacement thing and what are we all going to do oh my God oh my God we’ll figure that out we’re highly adaptive species what I’m more interested what does an economy look like and

I’ve written about this in the exponential I’ll talk a bit about the exponential later because it is really special but I’ve written about this and David mattin talks about this a lot is okay and there’s a group at Oxford that have been looking at this as well okay so under

the magic formula we’re going to see more robots and more Ai and we’ve seen this in Amazon where the robots are increasing while the human Workforce is not and over time you’ll have a massive difference between the humans and the robots this is immigration growth essentially

population growth and sometime after about 2030 it’s going to be ubiquitous be scaling everywhere AI agents we speaking to AI agents there’s no humans in any of this but what it does is it creates ludicrous GDP growth if the human if the robot population of the world let’s say

gets to 8 billion robots AIS and it goes to 10 billion 20 billion you’re doubling tripling the population of the world and this will happen fast if Crypto is going to get to 4 billion

users by 2030 or so well AI scaling faster than that Crypto is the fastest adoption already technology the world’s ever seen it’s just going to be everywhere so what you’re

going to do is break the laws of Economics sometime after 2030 well we don’t even understand anymore what’s going on because the scarcity models of how we think about economies disappear then we think of the productivity part so productivity is really how much output you get per kogle

of energy now the Europeans are really driving this by their massive monetary stimulus into green energy they will bring down the cost of electricity over time through Innovation and they’ll drop it by half and nuclear we drop it by half again and that will give us a 3X multiplier on

productivity which has the multiplier effect on growth which is being driven by the growth of the population of AI and robots Okay we’re now in la la land economies don’t mean anything scarcity doesn’t mean anything in a world of scarcity what is money yes there’s some

Commodities but the AI is allocating resources the AGI helps you figure out logistic Supply chains all of this in a way that we can’t do as humans so what is money it kind of changed what do we need spending for if everything comes hyper deflationary how does any of this work what happens

when the AGI gets turned on Stock Market and it’s not just Jim Simmons from Renaissance who can take everything it’s somebody else with a AGI who figures it out before you know it it’s won the #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Markets what are Markets what are companies what are companies when Sam mman is destroying every um startup every three months because they’re using

AI to build AI so the product iteration cycle is so fast the Capital velocity and destruction cycle is is unprecedented it actually looks more like meme stocks you start a business it gets traction gets attention gets Capital gets disrupted some one two three May

survive but most won’t so the the Capital cycle becomes immensely short and very violent and we’re seeing that in mean coins we’re seeing it in icos back in 2017 that’s where the world is going Capital

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Markets are not ready for this VC is not ready for this private Equity is not ready for this the buy and hold of let’s nurture this company ain’t going to work you they’re going to have to

tokenize this and it is going to be complicated rul Pal’s don’t this up thesis is that the world will change completely by 2030 so we have only 6 years to make the best use of the best financial gift Humanity has been given the bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Cryptocurrency industry he adds that the overall Crypto market cap will grow from less than $3 trillion today to 10 and5 trillion by 2025 and

around 50 to 100 trillion by 2030 after that the entire thing gets disrupted and there’s no telling what the Crypto Market the overall financial

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Markets or even the global economy will look like it is hard to argue with many of the points pal has made in this CashNews.co the world is changing fast we are speeding headon toward the exponential age where technology rules

every sector investors who correctly position themselves now will be a crucial part of that future what are your thoughts on Pal’s exponential age thesis please drop your comments and observations in the comment section below also ensure you hit the like button and subscribe to the channel

everything helps with the YouTube algorithm thanks for watching e

Now that you’re fully informed, check out this essential video on Massive 50x Opportunity! Don’t Miss This LAST CHANCE to Become a Millionaire – Raoul Pal- Raoul Pal.
With over 29252 views, this video offers valuable insights into Finance.

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