October 3, 2024
Trading on iPad Pro | Best Apps + Accessories for Trader’s / Finance Students | 2022

Trading on iPad Pro | Best Apps + Accessories for Trader’s / Finance Students | 2022 #Finance

did a what’s going on guys welcome to another CashNews.co in today’s CashNews.co we’ll be looking at some of the best apps and accessories to use on the ipad pro for traders and text-decoration: none;">Finance students if you are a trader or a Finance student this CashNews.co may help you get a better insight on what it’s like to

use the ipad pro for various daily tasks such as trading and studying after watching this CashNews.co you should have a better idea for whether you want to pick one up or not and all the apps and accessories in this CashNews.co are ones which i personally use daily and have been using for the past

two years i’ll leave a link to all the accessories i mentioned in this CashNews.co down below okay so let’s start by looking at the first app which in my opinion is one of the most important apps available on the ipad as traders and financial students it’s vital that we can access

the charts and analyze them on a daily basis even as a Finance student i found myself using tradingview a lot more than other platforms as it was just the most effective

platform in my opinion while studying for my Finance degree i will set tasks such as comparing and analyzing various bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Markets such as the Stock Market and foreign exchange the trading view app allowed me to do this effortlessly and more importantly worked perfectly on my ipad pro i had the option of using the bloomberg terminal for my technical

analysis however i just prefer the simplicity of using trading view on my ipad wherever i was another question i get asked often is whether the ipad app version of trading view is any good compared to the website in my experience the tradingview app has all the essential features and tools i

require to carry out my technical analysis when using the app on my ipad with my magic keyboard attached i almost forget that i’m using the app and not the full website version however i must say that sometimes the magic keyboard trackpad doesn’t respond to the app for example using the

pinch to zoom feature on the charts sometimes just doesn’t work therefore i have to drag the scales to zoom in and out of the chart however this is very occasional and isn’t the deal breaker training view has all the features you need and run smoothly without any issues on the ipad pro

the 120 hertz refresh rate on the ipad but makes analyzing charts on the ipad extremely fun and accurate the 11 inch or 12 inch display found on the ipad pros is big enough to see significant price action and enables you to carry out reliable technical analysis the next app which i use often on my

ipad is excel as traders it’s important we log all our entries so that we can later reflect on them and identify areas where we are doing good and areas where we need to improve i wish i started doing this earlier in my trading journey as i found that before i started logging my trades i

would repeat the same mistakes again and again however now that i log all my trades in one space i’m able to see what mistakes to avoid what currency pairs to trade more often and where i perform better when in long positions or short positions i created a simple but effective trading journal

for myself on excel which allows me to see all the things above and steadily improve my trading plan by reflecting on all my positions i will leave a link to this trading journal in the description box for those of you looking to start trading more seriously and would like to steadily improve your

trading strategy by consistently recording all your trades okay so the third app which i suggest you all download is yahoo Finance yahoo

href="https://cashnews.co/finance" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance is a great app and keeps you up to date on all the financial news from around the globe yahoo #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance has a nicer ui event of a fundamental news app such as investing.com and financial times on top of this the app is extremely detailed and ensures you don’t miss out on any important news which is extremely helpful as it’s very hard

to stay on top of everything in the financial world checking you Finance every morning can set you up for the day and potentially help you make better trading decisions

throughout the day i personally found yahoo Finance very helpful during my time at university especially when looking for historical data and charts for my research papers so

if you’re a student i definitely recommend downloading the app another great app which you may consider downloading is the financial times app when it comes to the fundamental analysis there’s a lot of sources of information however not all of them are reliable and can result in some

losing trades this is where financial time stands out as it isn’t saturated with random news articles however instead it focuses on the most relevant news events the app is very minimal however as i mentioned it’s very useful of course you need a subscription with them to access their

news articles however it’s worth it if you are a serious trader even as a student this app can be very useful i’m sure you’re all familiar with the next app which is metatrader4 probably one of the most used trading platforms by currency traders currency traders choose to use

either metatrader or c trader as their main trading platform metatrader4 supports Brokers from all over the world which is why so many concentrators choose to use the platform the platform at first can be a bit intimidating however once you play around with it you soon realize that

the app is extremely easy to use and allows you to enter trades effortlessly you can run the app on the ipad pro however i personally prefer using it on my iphone just because i like the ui and the layout the only time i really use metatrader is when i’m placing an order or executing a trade

so i prefer to do it on my phone as it’s more likely to be with me than my ipad the next app that all traders should have on the ipad is bloomberg bloomberg is the number one place to get your financial news they report all major events and keep you up to date with any major movements in the

market the app allows you to look at various Assets such as currencies stocks commodities Bonds and more as a currency trader the app helps me stay up to date on any major move central banks make so for example if the fed was to make any major moves that would

affect the market bloomberg will let me know and keep me up to date same goes for any other central banks i personally like having bloomberg on in the background when i’m working this way i don’t miss any major events that may affect the market even as students it’s important you

know what’s happening in the financial world as it may help you with your university work watching bloomberg is definitely the best way to do this even if it is only for five minutes a day next we have the investing.com app investing.com is one of the best apps when it comes to economic news

and the fundamental side of trading there are many fundamentals which currency traders must be aware of and investing.com keeps you updated on all of those one of the key features of this app is that it notifies you on all the important news events regarding the currency market which allows you as

a trader to adjust your trading positions accordingly the app even gives you a 15-minute reminder before a news event takes place so that you can prepare yourself in advance i personally think this app gives traders an advantage over those who don’t know about it as those who don’t know

when economic events are happening they are truly entering the market blindly however if you are someone who knows about these news events then you can be prepared before entering any positions and in some cases you can use these events to your advantage okay so the next app that we need on our

ipads is spotify both trading and studying can be extremely stressful however what i find is that these tasks feel a lot more enjoyable when listening to my favorite music which leads me into the first accessory which you should consider buying for your ipad the airpods pro the airpods pro are

probably one the best accessory apple has ever released everything from the design to the sound quality makes these the perfect bluetooth earphones for anyone on top of the great sound quality you have the noise canceling feature which makes these perfect for when you are in loud environments and

are trying to focus in addition you have apple’s seamless technology which allows you to connect your airpods to any of your apple devices without any problems as you’d expect the airpods pro connect to the ipad pro without any problems either it’s only when you use devices that

aren’t made by apple that you realize how much apple offers you the only downside is that of course apple chard is a bit more for their technology however it’s worth it if you use the products every day like myself as a student or a trader you can expect to use these while either

spending hours in front of the charts or completing long essays next we have the magic keyboard which completely transforms the way you go about using your ipad pro the magic keyboard gives you so much more functionality and allows you to use your ipad like a macbook when you want to sometimes you

forget you’re using a tablet as the magic keyboard makes the ipad pro feel just like a laptop when doing more serious and longer tasks i like to use the ipad pro with the magic keyboard however when i’m just chilling and doing lighter work i simply detach the ipad from the keyboard and

use it as a tablet this is why i prefer the ipad pro sometimes over the macbook as the macbook doesn’t offer this kind of flexibility i especially enjoyed having the option when studying at university as i could adjust my setup accordingly to the task at hand so if you’re a student who

is debating on whether to grab the keyword or not i’d definitely suggest going for it the only downside of the magic keyboard which i noticed was the battery consumption i found that the ipad pro’s battery drains significantly quicker when the magic keyboard is attached even if

i’m not using it the case being attached to the ipad still drains the battery but other than this the magic keyboard is probably the best accessory you can buy for your ipad pro next we have another great accessory for your ipad pro the apple pencil 2. the apple pencil is another great

accessory for the ipad pro however i would say is of more use to students than traders i found myself using the apple pencil a lot when i was studying at university particularly when note taken during lectures it made note taking and analyzing lectures a lot more enjoyable when it comes to trading

i wouldn’t say that apple pencil is a must-have accessory as you can do everything without it however it’s worth mentioning that the apple pencil allows for more accurate analysis especially when doing chart work and drawing on trend lines and support and resistance zones the next

accessory i thought you should know about is logitech mx master 3. you’ve probably seen this mouse before on every tech youtuber’s channel the mx master 3 is probably the most popular mouse available today the mask is definitely on the more expensive side but when you use it as much as

i do it’s definitely worth the investment the ergonomic mouse is extremely comfortable to use on a daily basis for multiple hours a day when analyzing charts or studying for long periods of time you want a mouse that’s going to be comfortable to use also being fully bluetooth and having

various features makes it even better the last accessory we have for the CashNews.co is a fully bluetooth keyboard the keychron k2 v2 i was hesitant to buy this keyboard as it was kind of expensive however after using it for a few months now i can say it was definitely worth the money the

mechanical keys are super tactile and enjoyable to use the keyboard also has 15 types of rgb light and has a battery which can last up to 240 hours sometimes you just want to be able to use a proper keyboard with your ipad instead of using the touchscreen and the qcron allows you to do this

it’s compatible with apple products and allows you to use all the same commands found on your magic keyboard or your mac this accessory is probably more targeted towards students who will be spending long hours typing alright guys that’s it for today’s CashNews.co if you enjoyed

today’s CashNews.co make sure you leave a like and subscribe and i’ll catch you guys in the next one

Now that you’re fully informed, watch this essential video on Trading on iPad Pro | Best Apps + Accessories for Trader’s / Finance Students | 2022.
With over 24716 views, this video deepens your understanding of Finance.

CashNews, your go-to portal for financial news and insights.

17 thoughts on “Trading on iPad Pro | Best Apps + Accessories for Trader’s / Finance Students | 2022 #Finance

  1. What do you use instead of MetaTrader 4/5 now that it’s deleted from the App Store? I know that it’s still available as long as you have downloaded beforehand.

    But is there another solution that is similar good?

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