October 3, 2024
“Biggest BTC RALLY AHEAD! Prices Will Go Absolutely Bananas” – James Lavish

“Biggest BTC RALLY AHEAD! Prices Will Go Absolutely Bananas” – James Lavish #Finance

long-term solution because it’s uh it’s an asset that that uh can’t be printed you know it’s got a it’s got a finite Supply and so in the year as you know 2140 the last uh fraction of Bitcoin will be will be um mined minted you know created and so we know how

many there going to be 21 21 million Bitcoin that’s the that’s the the finite number um it’s completely decentralized globally and uh and it’s immutable and so the reason that it would be a great Reserve asset the bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Cryptocurrency market is experiencing a strong upward Trend with Bitcoin recently hitting $66,000 marking its highest level since July 31st this surge is part of a broader rally across risky Assets showing renewed investor

confidence according to analyst miles deutser bitcoin’s momentum is expected to continue potentially driving the price up to $81,000 as more investors look towards digital Assets like stocks and altcoins the growing interest in Bitcoin is a promising sign for the future of

href="https://cashnews.co/crypto" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Cryptocurrency recently Anthony Pomano discussed the positive outlook with James lavish co-managing partner at the Bitcoin opportunity fund highlighting the potential for continued growth with

increasing mainstream acceptance an ongoing Innovations in the space bitcoin’s long-term prospects look brighter than ever investors are recognizing the value of digital Assets as part of a diversified Portfolio and the current market trends suggest that this

could be just the beginning of an even larger Crypto adoption wave we will now watch some clips from the interview for further insights into James lavishes conversation with Anthony Pompano

please like this CashNews.co subscribe to the channel and turn on post notifications for more exclusive content enjoy the CashNews.co what has happened is you’ve seen Inflation kind of stop it’s come down from 9% it’s kind of stopped about two and a half 3%

it’s holding steady there and that’s why because you’ve got those two forces kind of playing against each other now why do you think Bitcoin is the solution to this problem long-term solution because it’s uh it’s an asset that that uh can’t be printed you know

it’s got It’s got a finite Supply and so in the year as you know 20 140 the last uh fraction of Bitcoin will be will be um mined we know how many is going to be 21 21 million Bitcoin that’s the that’s the the finite number um it’s completely decentralized globally and

uh and it’s immutable and so the reason that it would be a great Reserve asset and I think it’s going to take time for central banks to come around to this this is not going to happen next year Trump talks about adding it to the Balance Sheet as a reserve asset maybe it

will happen maybe it won’t it will take legislation a lot of fighting it could take all four years if he’s elected more uh likely is that down the road there will be Central Bank smaller central banks like El Salvador doing what they’re doing and uh and adding it to their

Balance Sheets and so why is that good it’s because it can’t be expanded it be it would be like going back to the gold standard before Nixon took us off that and if you go look at those charts and on Inflation expansion and money supply they Skyrocket

they go exponential after 1971 after we officially taken off the gold standard we would return back to a standard where you couldn’t just print Bitcoin to make up that Debt and to create Inflation to manage it and so it would it would be a good thing because

it would keep Inflation in check in the Bitcoin Community you know the huddle mentality we just hold on to it don’t spend it don’t use it because it’s your it is your Lifeboat from what’s going on here and if this whole system does collapse you want to be in

something that can’t be manipulated that can’t uh be usurped that that can’t be inflated away from you then so but once we get to a model where um or once we get to a system where people are actually using that as as money as using Bitcoin as money that I don’t see there

there’s no reason for people not to spend money um you know it’s not like you’re GNA you’re benefiting from the expansion of tech the advancement of Technology every single day it’s not like you’re you’re going to be hoarding it to the reason that we hoard

money now the reason we have it tucked away in Banks trying to get Interest Rates the reason that we’re buying stocks and Bonds and and speculative Assets is because we’re trying to fight that Inflation you know you and

I work hard every single day well I can’t spend every single dollar I have every day to maintain a lifestyle that I want I need to have some tucked away so you know because things are we we move through volatile periods and whatever so we need to have some tucked away so how do you store that

energy well you’re not going to be worried about that as much anymore so but way off in the future you could say okay if we’re on a Bitcoin standard it doesn’t matter there are no dollars you’re not you’re not thinking it in terms of dollars you’re thinking of as

okay 01 Bitcoin will buy me that car or 0.1 Bitcoin will buy me that house you know that you’re thinking in dollar terms out instead you and this is the hard part for people to get out of because we’ve been conditioned so deeply to think of everything in dollars or Euros or whatever but

you know across the world dollars you know we quote M2 and dollars um I don’t convert M2 to euros I convert to Dollars you know um and so even if it’s coming out of if it’s coming out of Sweden or it’s Japan or wherever it is we’re converting it to dollars because

that’s the way our minds work um but it’s hard to think and this is um you it’s hard to think of the system that’s different than the system that you’ve grown up with James lavish emphasized the need for a complete overhaul of the financial system underscoring that a

Bitcoin standard can’t be implemented partially he foresees a parallel competition between Bitcoin and long-term Bonds lavish notes that institutional investors are increasingly allocating to bitcoin due to a growing lack of confidence in the current system this shift

provides them with a more valuable storage option compared to Bonds while stable coins like tether facilitate Bitcoin purchases they are not seen as direct competitors gold has long been viewed as a safe haven but lavish argues that investors are now looking for protection from

Inflation and monetary expansion with the 10-year Treasury Yield surpassing its preed rate cut levels it suggests investors are expecting better returns lavish predicts that 10 to 30-year Treasury rates will stay elevated due to

anticipated Inflation he warns that investors are underestimating the long-term impact on Debt management and this shift could significantly boost bitcoin’s position as a store of value let’s go back to the interview and watch more Clips to gain

insights from James lavish the challenge is to think about that system really to step back and think about the system I agree with you that’s what has to happen we’ll have to actually be on the Bitcoin standard you can’t be half in half out I could see us running parallel tracks

here for a while where Bitcoin is a very useful store of value uh where you have investors and this is where Michael sailor starts talking about you have investors that are they’re not just thinking about Bitcoin as a separate asset class in their Portfolios as opposed to

stocks or Bonds or even Real Estate they’re thinking of it is a store of value that’s better than long-term Bonds and when that happens that’s that’s a complete Game Changer when you have when you have institutional

investors now allocating to bitcoin instead of long-term Bonds Bonds why would they do that well they would do that because they’ve lost confidence in the system they’ve lost confidence that they’re going to be able to invest in this long-term

Treasury and get a high enough interest rate that it’ll outpace that expansion in the money sply or Inflation and so of give them a real return and so once they start doing that then it’s a to that’s a totally different game and that’s

that’s kind of the system that I see in the future I don’t know a lot of people who are like my stable coin is going to be worth more in the future than it is today um and so how do you see them playing in are they competing with Bitcoin are they competing with like a traditional dollar

no there’s really important right now because you have your you you take your uh you take your US Dollars you put them on an exchange change to go buy Bitcoin well you need something to buy unless you’re buying the #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">ETFs which is a whole another conversation but if you’re buying them in a in a c Crypto exchange then you use that tether to to hold your dollars or

Euros or whatever it is and tethers you know I was up in um I was up in Congress a few months ago and we were talking to uh different um representatives from from congressmen and senators and and educ them on the on bitcoin and and uh and kind of the landscape and they are well aware uh you know

that tether is a very important player they’re one of the top 20 buyers of us treasuries right now it’s not like it’s just going to go away they need tether to continue to be a buyer of treasuries that’s important um it’s like a Money Market vehicle

inside a Crypto exchange it’s exactly what it is so it is it’s an important um uh definitely important for for the system and I don’t see us competing as much as enabling

people to get into uh Bitcoin well gold could be gold is typically a um it’s a um flight to safety asset so are people going into the gold because they think that there’s a high risk of recession possibly possibly but what else like what’s beyond that well what’s beyond that

is what we’re talking about with this incredible expansion of the money supply if there is a recession we expect the money printer to go bur like we expect a massive amount of Liquidity to be dumped into the system that’s number one so now look back go we look even

further if you look at the 10-year Treasury it’s actually the Yield is higher than it was before the FED lowered rates why is that you know is it that people overestimated they were just you’re just covering you know they they were um they’re

selling out their Longs because they were doing this for a trade and now they’re they’re getting out of some of their position possibly possibly but I think that it means that we have a higher long-term terminal rate and really what it means is I think that people are underestimating

investors demanding a higher rate of return for long-term a treasuries I think that the 10 year to 30 year are going to remain higher um long term because of just the sheer amount of Inflation that we’re going to see and so what I think is being underestimated is just the

amount of Inflation we’re going to see in the next 10 years to try to manage this Debt load James lavish argued that bitcoin’s limited Supply would prevent excessive printing similar to the gold standard before 1971 this would help keep

Inflation under control He also mentioned the Bitcoin community’s hoddle attitude which involves clinging onto the asset as a Lifeboat during times of uncertainty he noted that a Bitcoin standard would involve a fundamental shift in mindset moving away from existing

currencies and towards Bitcoins as a store of value meanwhile miles deutser observes bitcoin’s historical tendency to follow the lead of stocks Black Rock the world’s largest Asset Management also sees Bitcoin as a unique diversifier because of its lack of connection

with stocks especially during times of high risk the company has continued to include Bitcoin in its Balance Sheet micro strategies founder Michael sailor expects Bitcoin to hit $ 13 million by 2045 his company currently possesses more than 252,000 coins Michael vanap poop predicts

Bitcoin will reach 90,000 to $100,000 by the end of the year citing increased Global Liquidity and Central Bank interest rate reduction seasonal Trends favor Bitcoin with coin glass statistics revealing an average return of 88% in the fourth quarter historically October and

November provide good performances poly Market Traders bet on a new all-time high in 2024 with 63% chances regarding technical analysis bitcoin’s daily chart provides some hopeful indicators It produced an inverted Head and Shoulders pattern and a descending expanding wedge Bitcoin has

averted a death cross pattern Rising above its 50 and 200 day moving averages to maintain the bullish Trend Bitcoin must surpass its year-to-date high of 73,74 $77 and break above the Wedge’s upper border as Bitcoin continues to make headlines do you think it will eventually become a widely

accepted Reserve asset replacing or coexisting with traditional currencies please drop your thoughts in the comments below share this CashNews.co and hit your thumbs on the like button thanks for watching don’t forget to subscribe for

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