October 3, 2024
“Everyone Is Missing the Big Picture About Bitcoin in 2024” – Gary Cardone

“Everyone Is Missing the Big Picture About Bitcoin in 2024” – Gary Cardone #Finance

every three years from from from elementary school you have a you have a six-month Freedom discussion because that’s going to change as people grow involved right like I I am going to spend the rest of my life and all the I’m going to make a billion dollars in Bitcoin like

that’s my goal I want to make a billion dollars I will deploy every penny back into fixing this train wreck we have and that’s the only reason I want to get rich from this otherwise I would just be quiet but the way I do things see this is like I come into a space and I’m like

I’m in dude let’s go I want more I want to be more more involved I want to meet more people because for me it’s exciting like it’s fun Bitcoin is a digital currency capable of transforming various #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Industries especially in the technology sector by leveraging blockchain technology Bitcoin enables new economic activities by eliminating intermediaries and trusted entities from networks in his latest CashNews.co interview financial influencer and

href="https://cashnews.co/crypto" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto Enthusiast Gary Cardone explains why Bitcoin is worth investing in now highlighting its potential to guarantee Financial Freedom Cardone the co-founder and CEO of chargebacks 911 brings

over 30 years of experience in energy Capital Investments Real Estate and e-commerce he discusses how bitcoin’s limited Supply immunity to Inflation and resistance to government influence make it a reliable long-term store of

value these characteristics make Bitcoin a favored option among investors seeking a decentralized asset Cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin appeal to those concerned about bank failures

hyperInflation or other catastrophic situations due to their censorship resistant and deflationary properties this further enhances their attractiveness as investment options watch clips from the interview for further insights into Gary cardone’s conversation with Mr M please

like this CashNews.co subscribe to the channel and turn on post notifications for more content like this enjoy the CashNews.co I think it’s going to be continue to be a violent ride because there’s too many weird people holding really cheap Bitcoin um by weird I mean I don’t think

they’ve really entered the real world and like I would love to meet with any and all of them I’m not the enemy to them but I like I hear people saying I am never going to sell my Bitcoin I think I can turn people around on that in 15 minutes okay this is not cool that you don’t

want to sell your Bitcoin we want I need a billion dollars to fight with these people bro like if you have $400 million and call me okay I’ll show you how we can just monsterlyrics and we go to Washington everyone will listen to us okay give a little money to some of these politicians that

are doing something we don’t want to do you have to look at the enemy okay the enemy is playing this game very very well for us to sit there and go I’m holding on on my Bitcoin I’m G stay in a third world country with 2G no air conditioning I’m free I’m free I’m

free and you’re like dude you’re sitting on $400 million and it’s doing nothing you’re not advancing Society you ain’t doing oh okay cool El Salvador be a great place I think that’s a great experiment but like let’s go move to Turkey and do it turkey needs

Bitcoin I think turkey goes dude I keep saying for a year and a half turkey is going to put Bitcoin on his Balance Sheet why because the guy is screwed dude he’s in the middle of storm alley you know he’s got he he’s he’s NATO’s little okay but he

needs all the European energy the Asian energy the the Middle Eastern Energy he doesn’t really dude he’s in such a bizarre place right he’s just boxed in from every angle him the United Kingdom’s in a similar position I think good 40 or 50% of the people go to work every day

just to get the out of their house okay like Co was a problem like people are married couples I don’t care how cool you are as a married couple but I ain’t hanging around anybody for 24 hours a day dude like I it’s hard enough to hang around with myself for 247 okay I have enough

little things to deal with um but if we go back to the freedom thing you’re in a game and you’re having fun you’re laughing I have always looked at this as a game I mean I was with my brother the other day and I said hey bro if we went back in time like would you just chase the

money or just do what you do he said I would absolutely chase the money I would go to work on Wall Street I wouldn’t have done what I did Gary Cardone emphasizes the importance of being smart strateg IC and informed when it comes to investing in Bitcoin and encouraging people to think

critically about their Investments and to take action in a way that aligns with their values and goals with Cryptocurrency you may directly own and manage your

Assets giving you a sense of Independence because Cryptocurrency doesn’t require middlemen like traditional Investments do it’s a more efficient

and economical choice with Cryptocurrency you may invest in a limitless borderless 7 days a week Global Market it would be best to have a sizeable sum of

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Cryptocurrency to be a serious gamer however some people are unaware of the potential of Cryptocurrency they believe it is

valuable to act as a middleman and charge for introductions but this is untrue middlemen will be forced out of the system by blockchain technology since it is no longer economically feasible none;">Cryptocurrencies provide diversification and high return possibilities investing in Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin allows you to diversify your risk and possibly generate larger

returns than conventional Investments compared to traditional Assets it is a more dependable investment because transactions are safe and openly documented with none;">Cryptocurrency you can directly own your Assets and invest in a worldwide Market let’s go back to the interview and watch more Clips to gain insights from Gary Cardone if you tell me bitcoin’s worth that much and then you go you only own 30 bro

something’s wrong with that theory you are not as rich as you said you were like I don’t get that okay like he should be saying I own at least 300 if he’s such a player I’ve never written a book I own more way more than 300 I mean my goal is to own a thousand that that is my

go see now I have a game I gotta get a thousand how do I get a thousand it’s a problem that I get to solve anyway if you cannot Define the value that your company brings you need a new job and by the way the value isn’t being a middleman and clipping a fee taking a fee for an

introduction that is not value okay that’s parasitic and it’s going away all the middlemen are going away dude blockchain or no blockchain all the middlemen are going away because the economics will force the middleman out of system it we cannot afford it anymore so those are cool

things what is freedom am I free what value am I delivering and what value is the company I’m working for delivering if you can’t be clear on those two last answers you need a new job a new role a new theater upon which you dress on the stage and you play a role in this act we call

living on planet Earth it’s just a theatrical event man if we look at it that way it’s just okay just to get back to this thing most people should not run their own businesses okay you guys I you can get rich without owning your own business I just sold a $2 and half million doll house

and I bought Bitcoin with it this question is going to open up so many doors some of you men that are that are out of dogs you go home and you ask your wife what do you think of investing in Bitcoin knock it off dude why are you asking someone that knows nothing about big

href="https://cashnews.co/finance" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance what a bitcoin’s Worth or whether you should do it like like why would you ask someone that knows nothing about business she has no vote dude my wife has no vote on the investment

thesis I don’t ask her well I don’t have one anymore but I don’t ask her I don’t ask what her opinion is it’s not her domain it is my domain and if I it up I’m going to have to go out and fix it so and I’m not saying that you guys don’t go gamble

there’s a lot of you degenerate gamblers that are telling your wife you’re Trader and you ain’t making any money okay love to get you guys on a phone because you’re not making any money doing trading $12,000 and trading $50 spreads maybe in Dubai where you’re no no

Taxes but if you’re in the US and you’re listening to Iran trade mechy mechy coin he has no tax exposure or legal exposure of any type but an American citizen is going to pay 42% tax on that trade so he has to double Ran’s position to even break even with Ran So

you see what’s happening I mean people don’t even understand that dude like like there’s just so much to do um but the freedom thing really will help clarify a lot unlike Fiat currencies which can be subject to geopolitical decisions and Central Bank policies Bitcoin operates on a

decentralized network this decentralization can protect individuals and organizations from the volatility and manipulation often associated with Fiat currencies as evidenced by micro strategies continued investment Bitcoin can offer a more stable and autonomous Financial alternative this autonomy

and resilience make Bitcoin a powerful tool for achieving Financial Freedom as Gary Cardone proved by allowing individuals to circumvent traditional Financial systems and their inherent risks as we conclude what are your thoughts on this interview do you agree with Gary Cardone on his concept of

Freedom please drop your thoughts in the comments below share this CashNews.co and hit your thumbs on the like button thanks for watching don’t forget to subscribe for

Now that you’re fully informed, don’t miss this amazing video on “Everyone Is Missing the Big Picture About Bitcoin in 2024” – Gary Cardone.
With over 13638 views, this video is a must-watch for anyone interested in Finance.

CashNews, your go-to portal for financial news and insights.

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