October 3, 2024
How To DropShip With alt=

How To DropShip With $0 | FREE Shopify Dropshipping Course #Finance

in this CashNews.co I want to teach you how to start Drop Shipping as a complete beginner without spending any money and I know that may sound impossible but I’ve made multi6 figures from organic Drop Shipping as a 20-year-old and today I’ll show you how to do the same thing by

finding winning products creating an amazing online store than marketing those products for free with my secret method so if you’re finally ready for your phone to look like this instead of only getting text from your Mom watch this CashNews.co to the end the first step to drop shipping is

finding a great product that people actually want to buy and unfortunately most influencers lie the y’all and say there’s only one way to do this so they can keep the good product research methods to themselves but I’m not going to do that I’m going to break that stereotype

and expose the three best methods I’ve used to find winning products starting with the secret method that no one on social media has ever talked about before the Twitter method how the X method works is you open up Twitter then scroll around looking for ads until you find one that’s

promoting a winning prom and you may ask Logan how do you determine if a product is a winning product well that’s simple just follow this criteria one it solves a problem two you can sell it for at least three times what you buy it for three it has a wow factor that will make people stop

scrolling when they see your ad four it is easy to ship AKA It’s Not Fragile doesn’t weigh a lot and it’s faster shipping times than 1 to two months that criteria ensures the customers are willing to buy your product you’ll be able to heavly Profit when they

do purchase because of the high margins and they won’t want to refund because your shipping is good then after you find a winning product you need to check if there’s a supplier out there who will let you drop ship it which I’ll show you how to do later the second way of finding

winning products is one I’m sure most of you all have already heard of cuz I’ve talked about it in the past alongside virtually every other e-commerce YouTuber it’s the # Tik tokm buy it method the method is pretty self-explanatory you go to Tik Tok and search the # Tik Tock may

buy it Amazon finds or trending products filter to the CashNews.cos with the most likes in the last month and scroll through those CashNews.cos until you find a product that follows the criteria I talked about earlier now yes what you’ve heard is right this method is a little less effective

nowadays due to Tik Tok releasing their Tik Tok shop feature where you can buy drop ship products directly from the platform but if you actually pick a highquality product that stands out and build a nice website which I’ll teach you how to do with AI later in this CashNews.co you can easily

out sell those Tik Tock shop news oh and another thing I want to mention is when you’re looking for products on social media make sure you read the comments comments provide a great Insight from potential customers to let you know if it’s a scam bad quality uninteresting or if

it’s an absolute Banger product that everyone wants to buy the third way to fine winning products is by using my completely free AI Shopify store Builder how it works is you answer some questions about the type of store you want to create then myi will build you that store within a few

minutes you can start Drop Shipping today it’s already made this dude 50k in a day this guy’s made 32k in a day and I’m going to walk you through how to do it right now the first thing you’re going to do is click the top link and might description which will bring you to the

Shopify store Builder once you’re here you can see it says it’ll build you a free Shopify store in a few minutes and over 40,000 people have already done this to create their own successful online business so let’s create yours now by pressing build my free store then once it

loads you’ll have to enter your legal name alongside an email and password so enter your personal email here for now then come up with a difficult password that you don’t use for anything else you don’t want to start making 10K per month and lose it all because your password is

linked to other sites make it long and hard that’s what she said then after pressing next you have to answer a few questions first is what niche of product you want to sell you can select any of these or click I’m not sure yet if you haven’t decided I’m just going to press

Electronics because they typically have good margins then I’ll click done next it’s going to ask you to pick images for your homepage related to your Niche you can pick two of these but if you don’t particularly like them don’t worry you can always manually add whatever you

want to your store once it’s been created or if you decide to switch niches down the line you can always restart this few minute process as many times as your heart desires then after selecting the photos press done again and now it’s time to create your Shopify account by clicking

access Shopify as you can see it’s free for the first 3 days and the next 30 days only cost $1 so enter your email here Press Start free trial verify you’re a human cuz I guess the AI doesn’t want AI signing up for itself then we can speed through these questions choose I’m

just starting out an online store in this case we’ll select Drop Shipping but if you’re like me who sells digital products select that press next select your country I’m from America then sign up with the email and password you creaded earlier and Bam now you have a Shopify

account let’s head back over to the AI press done go back to Shopify to copy your store link then paste it in here and press done again next you have to select your Shopify plan as I stated before the first 3 days are free then the first month is $1 regardless of what plan you select but as a

beginner you only need the basic plan which is $29 a month after that trial period so press access Shopify enter your info and press subscribe and speaking of subscribing I’m giving you all this information and access to my AI store builder for free so as a thank you please hit that subscribe

button below I’m super close to 250k subscribers and I want to hit it before 2025 and now that you’ve subed to me and Shopify they’re going to ask for your business address which you can Skip by pressing add later then go back to my AI click done press install app then install

again so the AI can create your store then to actually import the products to your store you need to use my favorite Drop Shipping supplier autod DS autods is the only app you need to start Drop Shipping because they handle all your product Imports product research order fulfillment and right now

you get a free 30-day trial by following these seven steps once you’ve registered for your free trial select Shopify press I have a Shopify Store install the autods app then once it loads your pre-built Shopify store with winning products will be ready to look at your store Press online store

on the left side then click the little eyeball or the big view your store Button as you can see the AI has generated a homepage for you that begins with some captivating copy that introduce what you sell this perfectly Segways into a clear display of your products followed by customer reviews

strategically placed to build trust and increased sales which is why it has also created a header for you saying free shipping with a countdown timer which increases urgency so people buy now in addition the site includes a well structured product page with trust badges a contact us page to give

customers confidence in reaching out a Tracker order page for realtime delivery updates and essential legal Pages all this would typically take a beginner an entire day of stress to create but by using myi you’ve got it done in a few minutes and although the store is technically ready to sell

products now make sure you look over everything first and fix potential errors like shipping times product prices Etc then it’s time to add your own touch to the store I personally use tons of Advanced Techniques to increase sales on my own stores but as a beginner here are the five best

things you should do one come up with a unique store name and purchase a domain for it for example if you came up with digital Depot for your electronic store you go to godaddy.com buy the digital depot.com domain then connect it to your Shopify back in here this looks way more professional than

having to dot my Shopify store domain and it only costs 13 bucks two create a logo for your new business name you can do this for free by using an AI to create it for you or by using canvas 30-day trial but if you’re willing to spend 20 to 50 bucks hire someone on FIV to do it for you three

create the new email for your Shopify store that I talked about earlier format it like contact the name of your store at gmail.com then use that as your customer service email for add gifts gifts are way better than pictures because they show the product in action and to create your own gift all

you have to do is download a CashNews.co of your product from the Internet or someone’s Tik Tok go to Adobe free gift maker convert the CashNews.co into a gift and insert the Shopify like that five create discounts to add a discount just click on the product you want type in the price you

want to sell it for then type double that price in the compar price box so it looks like it’s 50% off customers love buying items when they feel as if they’re getting a great deal so you need to make them feel that all year round if it’s February have a Valentine’s sale if

it’s June have a summer sale if it’s a random Wednesday have a willy wanking Wednesday sale no one cares what it’s called as long as it saves the money and more importantly makes you money but you can’t make any money if people don’t find your website so I’ll

pass the mic to 19-year-old Logan right now to teach you how to advertise your store with $0 the best way to get traffic on your website for free is by utilizing organic content on social media and unless you’re a complete beginner of the Drop Shipping I’m sure you’all already

know about the strategy of buying the product and making your own Tik toks for it but today I’ll take that a step further and show youall two methods that don’t require buying the product so it’s completely free and before I do that I’ll give you all the rundown of making

your own content content with the product first you need to buy the product from Amazon so you get it in 2 days instead of 2 months second you need to create a brand account on All short form content platforms including Tik Tok Instagram YouTube short Spotlight and to optimize those accounts

conversion rates make sure your profile pictures the same across platforms and your bio has a good hook to get viewers to your website like 50% off Spring sale ends tomorrow be quick third create two to three Tik toks per day that promote your product and repost those CashNews.cos to other

platforms because if you’re making interesting content that people want to watch while also showcasing how fun cool or helpful your product is there’s a high likelihood people would buy it and if they do buy it you can then use that money to make your store better run paid ads or

anything you think will increase sales and for y’all who are too broke or scared to do that technique these next two methods are completely free and will work just as well first is promoting your product through affiliate marketing AKA you contact influencers to promote your product and they

get a percentage of every sale they get you like for example I’m selling my lamp for $30 I make $15 per lamp so maybe I’d give an influencer like $5 which is like 16% for every lamp they sell it’s a great concept cuz we don’t have to do any more work than we’re already

doing and the influencers is more motivated to make better promos because the more products they sell the more money they make the best way to get influencers to do this is by finding influencers that are in your products Niche like if you’re selling a gym belt get a list of like 50 gym

creators ERS then send them all a well- written email or direct message about your product and how it will help Their audience and make them money at the same time it’s a very simple concept that most influencers have already done for other brands so if your offer is intriguing they’ll

most likely promote your product the second freeway of promotion is a little harder but can be more Profitable in the previous two ways it’s re-edited content this is where you do the exact same thing as the organic content method but instead of filming your own content you

download CashNews.cos of other people using your product and edit their clips into your Brand’s own organic style ad I’ve done this for a few Profitable drop shipping stores but as soon as they started doing well I made sure to film my own content so I was in full

creative control and to prevent being sued thanks Logan y’all can click right here if you want to watch me take a new e-commerce store from 0 to $1,000 in one week just tap the CashNews.co like that subscribe below and God bless

Now that you’re fully informed, don’t miss this amazing video on How To DropShip With $0 | FREE Shopify Dropshipping Course.
With over 13498 views, this video offers valuable insights into Finance.

CashNews, your go-to portal for financial news and insights.

49 thoughts on “How To DropShip With $0 | FREE Shopify Dropshipping Course #Finance

  1. Start Here:
    ⮕✅ FREE AI STORE BUILDER: https://buildyourstore.ai/logan-ski/

    ⮕💸My Dropshipping Course 2.0: https://loganski.com/products/dropshipping-course

    ⮕🚨Shopify 30 Day Trial For $1: https://shopify.pxf.io/logan

    ⮕📦30 Day FREE Trial of AutoDS: https://platform.autods.com/register?ref=Mzg3OTg2&utm_source=Youtube&utm_medium=aff&utm_campaign=LOGAN-HTS0&utm_id=LoganSKI

    ⮕🎉Get Up To $1500 In FREE TikTok Ad Spend: https://getstartedtiktok.pxf.io/logan

  2. Thank you for sharing your experience with us. I can also suggest using some kind of product searching tools (my favorite one is to use a bit of Winner- zila. They give out five winner products per week, and their lifetime plan is really affordable). I am doing this strategy last two months, and I had over $8000 profit both months. If someone is wondering, the best niches are Pets and Electronics.

  3. Hey Logan I created a shop and found some products but I’m finding it pretty confusing to edit my Shopify shop. Is there any way you could make a video explaining how to edit text, photos, prove more into detail?

  4. Hey bro, that video was amazing! I’ve never seen something so productive before. I’m really pumped to start right away, but my wallet’s a bit empty at the moment. I’m 17 and waiting on a $51 ad revenue payment on X, which I’ll get on Thursday. Once I have that, I’m diving in! 🚀

  5. Hey Logan, I’m 17 years old, and I don’t have a big brother, but you honestly feel like one. I’ve been watching your videos for a few months now, and I’m genuinely impressed by how valuable they are. Your videos always leave my mind blown, and I can't help but wonder why your channel is underrated — it truly deserves much more attention. Your content is outstanding, and I haven't found anything like it anywhere else. You’re my favorite channel, and you are such a nice guy. Thank you for all the time and hard work you put into creating these videos. I always look forward to your uploads, and they really make my day. Also, could you please make more money challenge videos? Those are my absolute favorite to watch. A like or reply would mean a lot to me, as it would let me know that you’ve seen my comment and motivate me to keep working harder. Mad respect for you. Take care, brother — you’re the best!

  6. Hey Logan , very good video ! I was wondering if I can help you with more Quality Editing in your videos and make Highly Engaging Thumbnails which will help your videos to get more views and engagement . Please let me know what do you think ?

  7. If you do not understand the fundamentals of dropshipping do not even attempt doing it till you learn all the basics. If you don’t know how to ship products how do u expect to deal with returns or taxes or anything else

  8. Logan if you had to restart from 0, what are 3 business that you would do? You'll automatically become fully professional at those businesses, however you must make at least $1,000,000 in 1 year or all your knowledge on business is lost and you could never relearn it, but if you succeed your wealth and popularity multiplies by 10.

  9. hi brother please i need your help can you please tell when we join the real world nowdays do we get the refer a friend option from day one and what methods do real world offer for payouts please dont ignore need your help

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