October 3, 2024
How to Use Aerodrome Finance (BASE Network) | Crypto Passive Income

How to Use Aerodrome Finance (BASE Network) | Crypto Passive Income #Finance

welcome back to the cryp laabs YouTube channel many have been asking about Aerodrome what am I sitting on here $200 this is since yesterday $200 of Arrow emissions another $50 here and some trading fees down there so I want to just talk about how this works um just talk about the decks

itself and kind of explore it for a minute if you go on to Def Lama which is a tool you know we love to use to find Opportunities or find where the volumes FL blowing remember this D5 passive Income game is all around positioning how do we position ourselves where the

volume’s at and get in early so when all the volume starts coming through and everyone’s buying selling trading swapping because remember we’re paid the fees we are the bank that we start earning a ridiculous amount of fees so if you go on to chains here you can have a look at

kind of what’s attracting TV look at the last day that’s crazy on Avalanche and there are some actually really cool unities on Avalanche as you know we’ve been talking about Trader Joe for a while positioning ourselves on Trader Joe uh and there’s some kind of interesting

development there but what I want to talk about here is base up 117% over the last month in volume as you can see November December January March Blast Off ton of volume tvl went from 500 million to 1.5 over 1.5 almost 1.6 billion at one point pretty pretty cool and then we can go into K what has

the highest tvl on the base chain well that’s Aerodrome and that’s a decks so if we go on to aerod Drome we can have a look at again January February March blastoff in a ton of total value locked moving through aerrow drum and we can actually look at Arrow volume as well which obviously

volumes are way up we as the bank get paid where the volume’s at so we can provide Liquidity put our Assets up so people can buy sell trade Swap and Aerodrome has been a fantastic platform I’m pretty sure we turned just under five grand into over 30

grand and that was just in the last couple months again we positioned ourselves early so we could catch that and we’ll assess different Assets and different chains and different protocols and spread our money between them and when we win we win big so this was a really really

cool one over on aerody drone which of course you could be in these same positions on like extra fire or even on beefy which I’ve done CashNews.cos around both of those let me just make myself smaller you can see that the ovn USD plus position uh I took around 10K Profit uh

at the start of this week on Sunday I took around 10K Profit from this and I took pretty dang near 10K Profit from my usdc arrow that was on extra five now I’m on the native decks itself and I am earning fees every single day so how do you claim your

emissions prettyy pretty simple actually let’s take one step back if you want to provide Liquidity you can go over to Liquidity you can select the pool that you want to provide Liquidity to so let’s just say you want to get into the

usdc arrow you can click on that puppy here you can provide your Liquidity so if I wanted to put in $29 more dollars of usdc uh obviously I have arrow and usdc in my wallet because again I’m taking Profit and I like to stack it uh into Assets

that I believe in longterm and arrow is one of those platforms then I could provide Liquidity bam and there we go just had to switch my men mask wallet over to base I can allow usdc I’m going to have to allow 29 usdc and I will have to allow Arrow 18.4 Arrow which I’ll

do in a second here once this goes through there we go 18 bam good enough approve once that’s done I will provide the Liquidity and I will be making 209% insane on my usdc arrow confirm done there we go done so now I have created that LP position and now I’m going to

stake that deposit so now I’m going to click on stake my deposit as you can see here uh I’ve got the position that I’ve made so my Liquidity that I’ve made I can choose how much I want to stake although I don’t know why you would stake anything l less

than 100% I’m going to go approve allow and then I’m going to go stake once that’s in I am earning My Rewards on this very very small position using it just as an example on how easy this stuff is once I am in I will show you the dashboard done uh and there we go now if I wanted

to unstake some of that or maybe my pool is appreciating which we have a rule like if your pool appreciates by everyone has a different rule here but let’s just say by 10% or 25% the value of your pool goes up by x amount of percentages or dollars you may want to remove some and take some as

Profit really simple you could go unstake and you could choose to unstake as little this is around $10,000 worth as much or as little maybe I just want to take $1,000 of Profit I could go right there I could go unstake and I could take $1,000 of

Profit Profit out of the pool itself and then convert that into whatever I want and of course down here I’m earning emissions so as you can see in my little metamask wallet here don’t have too much I probably got uh I don’t even have arrow in my

wallet let’s fix that this will be a good learning opportunity too uh there’s a ton of ways you can do this but I like doing it this way let’s just search for Arrow done and I’m GNA go in here some really good buying opportunities right now too I’m just buying stuff up

right now like a mad man but I could go right over here and I could just go click on this metamask add to metamask it’ll pop it up here I should have 800 something in there yep add token done now I’ll go back to Arrow as you can see I’ve got 8819 arrow in there and I’ve got

125 Arrow from the emissions earning over % per day on this ovn USD plus insane but I can go claim and I should have 9 20 930 here any moment bam 945 I’ve got 30 arrows sitting here claim done so just made two or 300 bucks here over the last 24 less than 24 hours in these two positions should

have around 950 if not more 975 and then I can do what I want with that arrow and this is where your strategy comes in place what Assets do you want to hold uh many of our clients and members are converting all emissions and all all the tokens and all the coins that they’re

earning from their Yield farm and they’re converting into Bitcoin E550 that’s a long-term play nothing wrong with that I’m already fully capped on my Bitcoin eth Holdings and so I don’t mind going up the risk curve and Tak it on more risk but by investing in

Assets that I think have a 10 20 25x potential I’ve even bought some super low cap stuff if I get $1,000 of earnings that week off some protocol I can move $500 of it into even riskier Assets but you want to build the base of your Portfolio

first which is why I don’t like sharing these kind of CashNews.cos because people are like oh Lucas is in it I’ll just get in it too what they’re missing is this is this right here I’d consider a higher risk play people are in this because they’ve seen me or someone

else and they don’t know why they’re in it it’s a higher risk play much higher than this aerrow usdc and even that it’s still a higher risk play than maybe anything B&B or eth or I mean there’s even some Bitcoin eth pools you can get into and so my foundations are

covered I’m heavy on the BTC eth on different blue chip on like native chain coins that I’m long term bullish on that I think have a ton of potential I’m stacked on my eth I’m stacked on my madic and now I get to experiment and go for even bigger returns but with that comes

more risk more volatility and more chances for the downside so please play accordingly if you haven’t grabbed our free course yet please do so uh I will leave the link below if you are uh have a VPN or an ad blocker sometimes you’re going to have a hard time getting in but as you can

see defi has a business it’s a pretty in-depth course please grab it and if you’re in the uig or if you’re thinking about joining the U uig please do we cover three positions every single week for end of week report ta and all the research done for you you can pick the one that

best fits your Portfolio some are low risk some are higher risk and as you can see here Colin is with a 100 people right now in a support call uh looks like they’re looking at different pools different positions he’s doing 40% in this pool he’s talking about what

happens when you get out of range Etc uh and he’s got about 100 people in that room this is more of an educational call We call we hold on Tuesdays if you’re newer into the space these calls are amazing going ask your questions live get support Etc we have a live call pretty much every

single day in the uig and we go deep we don’t go surface we go very very deep so uh you’ll also join our your first dollar in defi challenge if you are brand new to Crypto or if

you’re a little more experienced or you have some momentum we’re going to work you through through seven different quests starting from $100 per month all the way to 10K a month and Beyond and yes we have a lot of members hitting those numbers uh and those are the only ones that let us

know I’m sure there are dozens and dozens that haven’t even let us know they’re hitting it but every single week we seem to have someone hitting six figures in their D5 Portfolio $300 plus and it’s super exciting so would love for you to be a part of it if

you feel so called with with that said click around on Aerodrome if you feel so called to it just please make sure you know what you’re doing do your all research and ensure that you know which coins and tokens you’re actually investing in and that you understand their tokenomics and

how they’re working please do that’s why most people are losing is they’re not putting in the time and effort it takes to really win this game so do your research hang out on this channel like this CashNews.co subscribe to this Channel and I’m going to leave four

CashNews.cos on the four corners of your big beautiful screen so you can study this stuff um we’ve had people spend hours on this YouTube channel and they send us an email or they join the uig and they’re like you help me I’m making $1,000 a month just off your YouTube channel and

I feel really ready to join the uig some just hang out on the YouTube channel for a bit come join the uig and then we help accelerate the progress and and momentum to $1,000 plus per month but whatever way you choose to go this YouTube channel is for you so do check it out study this stuff with

that said I’m G to get out of here appreciate you peace

Now that you’re fully informed, check out this essential video on How to Use Aerodrome Finance (BASE Network) | Crypto Passive Income.
With over 10642 views, this video is a must-watch for anyone interested in Finance.

CashNews, your go-to portal for financial news and insights.

27 thoughts on “How to Use Aerodrome Finance (BASE Network) | Crypto Passive Income #Finance

  1. I have my aero on my coinbase , do I have to sell and buy back to put it on a platform to stake ? Or can I transfer it directly from coinbase to a staking platform? I’m having trouble figuring this out

  2. I’m just finding these videos. Can’t wait to take some of this and use it. Amazing content. I would recommend advising some of your community to get into solana as an alt as well. Thank you 🙏🏼

  3. This currency is a diamond and the Coinbase exchange has a program on it. It will be the same as Solana in the previous Bolran. I have no doubt, and my sixth sense about doge and shiba at a very low price, it was not wrong in the previous Bolran, it will easily go above 100 dollars.
    Be profitable with God's support🎉❤🎉❤

  4. Your videos are great it's really really helpful for beginers but also for someone like me who's been involved in a year or two but has still haven't understood all the concept clearly because there is so much to understand! Thanks!

  5. I tried to swap some aero for used to add to LP pool I purchased eth from coin exchange as I purchase most of my assets on there. Once I purchased eth I still can’t find it on the aerodrome swap feature. Do I have to purchase eth directly from Coinbase?

  6. Lucas I got through most of your first dollar in defi and I'm doing my portfolio tracker and I started crying its so powerful to know it works and we are going to grow so fast I called my son who lives with his mother and I explained to him quit your job come live with me and we will build you a defi business. He will never be a slave to hourly and have a boss or hate his life he will be free

  7. Hi, just letting you know that the free 'Defi As A Business' Course landing page won't let people register. After entering email, it redirects to the same page.

  8. Regarding DeFi, Beefy is about as complicated as my little smooth brain can cope with, but I am happy just using it and Harvest. I look for the "vaults" with a high interest rate, AND cryptos that I believe have some long term value, and that I wouldn't mind holding.

  9. Just joined the UIG officially after watching this channel everyday for the past 12 days. Funny thing is that I've made enough from the free advice to pay for a full year's membership. Can't wait to see what's next. This is going to be life changing!

  10. When you took profit on the AERO/USDC pool, can you share what you did with the profit? i.e. converted to fiat, stored underlying AERO and/or USDC for bull run bag, converted into another asset like BTC or ETH, etc…what did you do with the profit?

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