October 3, 2024
The TRUTH About Aerodrome Finance

The TRUTH About Aerodrome Finance #Finance

we’re seeing the amount of Arrow holders increase or locked Arrow holders increase and this you know at the end of the day is a network it’s its power is based on how many people are participating and we’re starting to see more and more holders participating in this

protocol and so I think that is kind of the big switch that’s happening right now welcome back everybody to another episode of wagney TV we have a really important aerody Drome update for you guys we have some shifts in the trend since we last spoke with you all uh about month ago and so we

have some important updates to share we were going to cover some data uh and get you guys updated on the latest for Arrow um so I’m going to kick it over to soam to walk through some of what we’re seeing from an analytical standpoint in the dashboards yeah thanks uh thanks CIA before we

hop into it I just want to remind everyone you know last week uh we got a request to do a deep dive on the tokenomics of Aerodrome So for anybody who hasn’t watched that I think before um you know you watch this episode I think it’s important to go and and check that one out if

you’re not familiar with kind of the Dynamics the main takeaway there that we kind of explained was that the the value of the aerodrome ecosystem actually comes from the amount of projects that are actually getting involved in using it as the Liquidity Hub on base and so the

more projects that are participating in this the more uh V Aro AK locked Arrow uh is going to be out there uh meaning that you know the Inflationary pressures of the token maybe aren’t as much of a cons concern obviously you know the flywheel and everything is explained in

that CashNews.co so definitely go check that out um so now getting into it we wanted to give you guys kind of a one month update uh since then um and so we’ll hop right into it the aerod Drone metrics dashboard we’ll also have this linked uh and kind of the main takeaway here is that

you know after a really really explosive kind of q1 uh we’re seeing some of the kind of uh metrics cool down across the board now this is obviously consistent with the entire market right Bitcoin has been consolidating now for the better part of a couple months um and swap volumes and stuff

are down across the board and so all of these kind of metrics are are consistent with that but we wanted to provide you with kind of the updates the facts uh and the data that that goes along with it so the first thing um you know I’ll take you guys to is obviously we had this huge runup uh

from like about Epoch like starting about 25 for a couple months all the way to about 35 4 um where you know the last few epochs here have been pretty pretty uh stagnant on the tvl front and we’re going to do give you guys some comparisons later in the CashNews.co on on that especially as it

relates to Unis swap the next thing obviously volumes you know coming down from you know incredibly like uh elevated levels so that’s you know to be expected kind of consistent with the market itself cooling down swap fees you know this is actually a benefit for Traders uh we we had a

CashNews.co before on the you know slipstream upgrade and the benefits that that brings in terms of lower fees and stuff like that so we do expect that to come down but obviously not this much this is a reflection of uh we think you know a decrease in in volume in terms of like those dropping uh uh

swap fees so that’s uh you know pretty much everything on on this screen now the good news here is that the average lock duration which is like for the people who are actually locking ve Arrow um how long are they actually locking it for the max lock is four years so this has remained very

high and that’s exactly what you want to see so for the people in the ecosystem um and the projects in the ecosystem they’re definitely bought in for the long term and that’s reflected um kind of in in that specific metric now the one thing that you know folks uh you know who who

are holding arrow and uh you know looking to invest in the project might see as a bit of a red flag and that we wanted to point out is that this stat right here is pretty important this is the the entire idea of you know if the number of locked uh arrow is outpacing the number of unlocked Arrow

then the actual supply of the arrow token doesn’t actually mean that much and you actually do can uh you can get some sort of deflationary mechanic given the lock uh percentage now the key thing here is that over time this lock percentage has been slowly dropping meaning that more and more

Aerodrome tokens are circulating out out in the market now this is by no means like a a panic uh placed a panic by any means I think it’s pretty consistent with just the general slowdown of uh you know the growth in the ecosystem over the last month kind of tempering uh you know this crazy

runup that we’ve had right um everything else is is pretty consistent right like locked Arrow holders continue to rise we we thought that was a really good thing um lot growth has has been strong we’ve barely had any uh you know you don’t you’re not going to have any uh

really negative uh weeks when it comes to lot growth which is good to see and so those were kind of like the main uh metrics we wanted to take you through EV I’d love to kind of get your opinion um I know the last CashNews.co you had had some thoughts on all these metrics what are you

thinking uh when you’re seeing these yeah I think those are all good points um and I think one thing I’d like to draw attention to on this dashboard here is that bottom right dash or lens where it’s talking about the locked Arrow holders and so although we’re seeing maybe

some not so great metrics around the how the supply is being used we’re seeing the amount of Arrow holders increase or locked Arrow holders increase and this you know at the end of the day is a network it’s its power is based on how many people are participating and we’re starting

to see more and more holders participating in this protocol and so I think that is kind of the big switch that’s happening right now is we’re initially there were a lot of protocols that came in sucked up the supply locked their arrow and were able to uh delegate the emissions to the

pools that they wanted to now what we’re starting to see is some of the smaller players come in uh also be Arrow holders and participate in which pools they want to vote for as well so um I think it’s like this this interesting uh probably switch or transition from that initial runup of

protocols snabb a ton of tokens to now hey let’s get some larger participation in this protocol and and really that’s going to uh create more and more power and really turn Aerodrome into that Central Liquidity Hub of Base so I think you did a great job of covering it

but just wanted to draw attention to that yeah definitely I I couldn’t have said it better myself definitely a chart that that we’re going to be looking for um you know every week here every Epoch will will keep you guys posted on that uh leading up to I believe it was Epoch 67 is kind

of the one that that’s circled on the calendars later this year um cool now the other one I wanted to take you guys through is the ve Aro leaderboard speaking of the network speaking of the projects that are involved uh let’s let’s see what’s going on uh over here and

honestly it’s it’s a lot of the same it’s a lot of um you know cooling down after a extremely uh crazy growth period right so over here from like you know Epoch 33 onwards you’re going to have like a pretty pretty steep rise and growth and obviously going back you know

earlier last year and the growth that we’ve seen now the last few epochs has been pretty uh you know pretty stable in a way right where’re we’re not seeing like the type of exponential growth that we were seeing early on which is also you know expected uh as we saw on the previous

screen these protocols that are getting involved are locking their aerody Drome for a long time so they’re definely in it for the long run but we’re not seeing that like crazy steep uh you know increase that we were seeing before um here I believe there’s been a few more projects

added to this these are obviously the the protocol holders for the token so that’s that’s Obviously good to see on a month-over-month basis I think there’s a few more projects on this list that weren’t on here uh previously and yeah I mean what what stands out to you here

obviously this is the same holder chart that we kind of just looked looked at um a promising Trend there we we like to see that continuously going up but generally anything stand out to you here uh before we kind of Deep dive into some comparisons between Aerodrome and and Unis swap yeah I mean I

think we’re seeing a lot of the same players at the top of this this leaderboard and you know it’s obviously been difficult for protocols to come in and be able to buy a ton of Arrow uh to lock just because the price has had such a high runup and so you honestly could see you know this

pullback in the the arrow token price be healthy for the ecosystem because it’s allowing new protocols like you just mentioned to come into this leaderboard and participate you know that’s that’s really when the accumulation is going to happen for more protocols to come in and

participate so um yeah I think you nailed it but yeah just wanted to point out that you know there’s probably more growth coming uh when it comes to uh protocols being add to this leader board definitely I think that’s a great point I mean you have some sort of the the network effect in

the flywheel this is when we you know in the previous CashNews.co we talked about this positive flywheel this reinforcing action that’s exactly what what we’re hoping to see here right like in theory there should be a price at which arrow just gets starts getting scooped up by by

projects because they’re like you know we wanted to get involved when Arrow was at like $2 now it’s at like a dollar like let’s get involved now when we’re when it’s at at 50% discount so that’ll definitely be something uh interesting to see um so that’s

pretty much it on the on the dashboards we do want to throw it over to Sea do a little bit of comparable analysis um as it relates to how arrow is doing and uh versus Unis swap last CashNews.co um you know you guys can go check that out but last CashNews.co we saw that Arrow was really outpacing

the growth of Unis swap that was promising so let’s check in on on what’s going on over there yeah let’s do it thanks for that rundown soe that was that was awesome um so really quick won’t take too long but definitely like soe was saying want to kind of revisit the

statistics and comparison between the growth of Aerodrome and Unis swap um and the main thing I want to highlight is the um month-over-month change in tvl so these two numbers right here uh the 29% and 7 and a half% um so over the last month we saw Aerodrome uh grow in tvl about 7 and a half and

then uni swap uh 29.3% um and really the big call out here is that this trend essentially was reversed about a month ago um you know AER Drome was growing at a faster rate than than Unis Swap and obviously you know referring back to that last CashNews.co you guys will able to check out more detail

there um but at the same time Unis swap for their tvl is growing quite quickly month over month where a Drome we’ve seen a little bit of a of a Slowdown um and honestly you know I think some of we can definitely chalk up to uh slipstream being launched and also I think part of it is you know

looking at the aerodrome chart we’ve just had such a massive gain in tvl uh in the last you know two three months call it that you know it almost seems like it’s it’s time for it to kind of you know consolidate a little bit um and and people are going to kind of pick and choose

where they actually want to um hold uh their their tokens right so um I think that it’s somewhat natural to have this I mean it’d be crazy if it just went up and to the right for forever right right so um somewhat natural but then also you know I know EV was making some good points

about the update to slipstream how it becomes more comparable to Unis swap um and so you know just wanted to give a quick rundown there because that tra that uh trend has changed since we uh last spoke so yeah and I think one thing just to add to that is when you look at those one month changes

that you just had up there it’s bullish for the base ecosystem I think we saw the top four or five all gaining on the one month uh change so you know I think yeah there’s really a battle that’s going to start between Aerodrome and Unis swap for you know tvl and being that Central

Liquidity Hub but you’re seeing other projects on base you know being quite successful in the last month as well which is which is always bullish yeah I think for me honestly the takeaway is that this is natural right I mean to see his point it’s not just going to keep

going up forever right we have to have some of these pullbacks in order to have that healthier market and make sure that we’re establishing that competition getting the accumulation phases I mean we saw multiple days during the runup of era where it was going you know 40 50 60% in a day

easily right so it needs this time to cool off I know we went through the chart last week where we were kind of talking about how it could could range um for a little bit here as we kind of settle all this out and then to to Evans point I think it’s a great point right as long as the base

ecosystem continues to grow and get fed Arrow we’ve really talked about being that proxy for base since base doesn’t have its own token right so that’s another thing where it’s like hey you know if you’re bullish on arrow in the long term it’s always a good time

to accumulate when to s’s Point you’re about a 50% discount off of some of the all-time Highs but right we just wanted to kind of make you all aware of some of the things that we’re seeing in the space because it isn’t necessarily as bullish as it was at that point um but

again natural and I think that doesn’t mean that it cannot continue be bullish moving forward is just what’s uh what’s what’s being seen on the charts and just the reality of things so that’s kind of my takeaway of the whole thing couldn’t have said it better

myself yeah I love it I love it and you know obviously we’re going to keep updating you guys on the trends of what we’re seeing from a tvl perspective activity perspective anything we can get to get you guys updated on on the latest with arrow um so obviously stay tuned for that um you

know if you got value out of this like comment subscribe we always love hearing you know some of the direction uh that you guys are headed in what you guys want to see um and how you guys are feeling about arrow and other projects so continue to do that um and until next week wag me

Now that you’re fully informed, watch this essential video on The TRUTH About Aerodrome Finance.
With over 10440 views, this video is a must-watch for anyone interested in Finance.

CashNews, your go-to portal for financial news and insights.

35 thoughts on “The TRUTH About Aerodrome Finance #Finance

  1. Do u guys have any reccomendtions how someone brand new can start doing lp? Is that the most lucrative passive income in crypto and is AERO the best place to do this?

  2. Appreciate the thoughtful and thorough analysis fellas. I think the GB token incident also affected the momentum (still waiting on the airdrop personally). But overall I'm still pretty bullish on Aero.

  3. Alot of people have not clocked $AEROs tokenomics – unlimited supply. Just because AERO becoming successful does not necessarily mean your bags will multiply. Much better opportunities on BASE with WELL and Extra Finance.

  4. Onchain summer is here boys!💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻 I can’t wait to see where aero goes, it’s still so damn small compared to the other players… so much room to grow!!!! 💰💰💰

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