October 5, 2024
How I Transformed  into 7 in 14 Minutes with Memecoins

How I Transformed $20 into $807 in 14 Minutes with Memecoins #Finance

I just transformed $20 into almost $1,000 in only a few trades with mem coins and believe it or not actually this method that I’m using is not risky at all actually there is less than one% chance that you lose money if you apply the same strategy but you got to be sure to understand

everything because I saw so many people keeping just one step of this strategy and then they lose money and you will see that I’m not actually even a good Trader still I managed to make $161 on this one and $422 on that one two trades two win it’s not always like that but I’m not

the only one who made money with this strategy someone said that they made a 6X and that guy made a 3X those are just an extract of what I got sent people made more than $1,000 and more because here I am starting with a tiny Portfolio $20 I wanted to show you what it’s like

if I had to start from the beginning from zero just $20 0.12 soul and how could I make it in trading mem coins for that I use different things and you’re going to see that if you have those three points you’re going to be good the first thing we need to do is in which League can we play

and for us with a small amount of money it’s going to be the pump ply which is a platform where everyone can launch mem coins for free and those mem coin r they reach 70k market cap then they get listed on De screener and everyone can trade them in all their decentralized exchange so

that’s our goal finding something that is really cheap on Poma phone and that can reach 70k market cap so it will be traded by everyone else after like this we will be the first to buy and that’s why I will use Bullocks a link in the description will help you to skip the waiting list

and get cheaper fees because on bux I can see all the new coins getting created on pop theun and I can set up some filters but this is not the important part the first step of our strategy is to always check what is graduated it means the meme coins that reach the 70k market cap and when trading

after and here what I want to see in graduated is just get a taste of what people like those days apparently a tons of pumpkin there a lot of pumpkin and a lot of animals so everything around animals cat and pumpkin will work and then I will look at what are the new creation because that’s

what it’s called The Meta which is just a trend people like one kind of thing then they like another kind of thing at this time they like animals and Pumpkin we’re in the months of Halloween so I guess it’s going to be all funny for the Americans to put that I’m not American

so I don’t know how I’m going to do it but that’s what I will Monitor and one filter that I would put is that I want the developer to hold maximum 15% why I want maximum five holders five investors you will understand why and a market cap of Maximum 20K now I can change that

because my Portfolio grew but that’s why I choose to do like this and another thing that I look before starting trading because I can’t jump just right now and then invest randomly I always check what is trending on Dex screener which coin had a massive growth and for

example I can see that geocat had a good growth geocat is almost $50 million market cap so when I was trading it was here in the morning which is massive God candle so when I know that I know that everything around geocat can trade as well because we have the global meta and then we have the meta

from the MCO and you may have heard of mudang this cute hippo well when it was created it went to three 12 120 million market cap which is crazy and then of course people who didn’t not enter into moodang and they have a smaller Capital they’re looking for what we call

Better Play which is derivative of moodang for example moodang with a hat moodang doing this moodang doing that and those thing can make a difference so now that I know that I know that I should be looking at two things people who miss out on Geo and want something else and people who want to go

into some animal coins so that’s where I will look at all the new creation and my special filter is is I always check where we have less than five holders why I can see the number of investors here and what happen if I invest in the coin for example where I’m the only investor well if I

buy and then no one buy I can sell I did not lose anything but if I check for example this coin morti not judgment but 120 investor if I buy this coin and then everyone start to sell what I’m going to do I’m going to lose money and actually I’m kind of sure I would lose money

because the Insiders hold about 62% of the supply yes because all those data same as my trade can be seen on chain hi by the way welcome a hands up fighs we will study what’s happening on chain because the blockchain is an open Ledger and if you don’t trade with the Alpha from the

blockchain what are you even trading on the blockchain you need to change completely your trading strategy so don’t forget to pull down yellow matcha and let’s get to it I drank M during the trade and the first player I went in is to go Goku Son Geo why good picture stands out if the

picture will stand out into pomp fun it’s already a good sign for me and then it’s a better play of geeko plus we add jungle Ball Z so why not it’s interesting and when I check the website which is only the Twitter here I can see that they created tons of Geo and it’s by the

team behind Geo so I know from here that we have about 5,000 investors with some that probably made 100k 200k or even more they are going to want to bet this money somewhere else as human once we wa some money we are looking for getting into all the risky thing and it going to be Geo is going up

I’m going to make all the better play on Geo and then I would go up with them as well and that’s why I decided to invest in it but how I knew I would be surely winning is that I invested after the developer sold so when you check this candle I bought when no one was in it so that makes

me in a really good position to win now as you can see I’m not the best Trader at all because I use data and then with the data I’m okay I bought $80 of it and I sold the first time $132 why I did that because if this bet was going wrong was going sou I would not have anything to trade

again and I would have to start from zero I did not want it to have that so I wanted to secure my position when the market started to go up I did not sell same on the first red candle I knew this one had power and then it started to die out so I decided to take a little bit more

Profit $51 and then what happened is someone of friend dander man arrived and it made it Skyrocket because this guy he knows how to pump a coin and this one so as you can see there was still a lot of entry points available and by the way I share in my telegram every time I’m

investing into something so if you’re interested to see how I do it you have the link in the description do not ape if you do not understand how you do it because I don’t want you to be like Boris Boris was a guy doing the live and he had the perfect strategy to lose money so I’m

going to teach it to you because he’s magical and as you can see even the coin went up here I could have sold and make tons of Profit because I was still holding a good part I did not why because we decided to pay for decks so me Dan and Jake gathered $300 to pay for deck

screener so we have this little update and the telegram as investors were asking for it and that’s how this coin reach the bonding curve of 100% which is massive return on Investments as we saw it live everyone saw it at the same time as I did at less than $44,000 market cap

so that’s all that’s like a 15x more than a 10x right on this coin but then people started to sell as soon as we arrive on De screener even when we paid for it that’s when they started to sell and then a lot of people will not work for their bag I can understand they’re not

going to publish memes or everything I was creating CashNews.cos of it so we can have some funny meme for a son Geo I started to post that and I was apparently the only one to do it actually no because few people designed this thank you to them and then some started the telegram group thank you to

them and they started to work for it but that’s only three or four people people out of more than 300 people that was watching the live so that’s how you can see in the trenches not so many people are willing to help you and not so many people are willing to actually work for their back

so that’s why I want to teach you everything here so you can understand because it was no risk for me if no one buys after me I can just sell and that’s okay but I knew that I am surfing the trend of geeko and plus I have the bonus point that is Sun Goku now I want to be sure and make

aware I did a little mistake and bought that siku with my other wallet address so it’s not even the one I was using for the challenge so after I had to send the tokens and the Solana that I made to this other wallet which is the bagget challenge just a clarification if you want to verify on

chain you probably can but that’s how it did it and as you saw there was tons of different Geo that got created and I was waiting for one that would be created about this one because I know a coin about Pokemon reach the bonding curve on pump and we got that one created the beautiful Geo

which had a massive growth when I started to buy in of course I always wait that everyone is out and that’s my secret strategy and then after I start to buy but this one had less power so I bought around $153 so that’s half of the Portfolio I had just before and then I

sold for $300 almost almost a first time and then I sold again at $300 almost again why I did like this why I did not sell at the top because again I was thinking that this can continue to go up and then we can make a good Profit out of it so that’s almost 3x on it it’s

not bad it’s quite good I mean still but I could have done better and that’s why you got to be careful to not use the Bor strategy Boris is the guy that’s going to always lose in mcoin we make fun of him during the live live stream and you can watch the live stream after this

because this guy is something else so let me teach you about what is the correlation between nightclubs and mimco this is a nightclub it’s usually like that we have the bar at the center or the bar will be on the side and then all the attentions needs to be on the table the tables are where

people pay to get access to it or they got invited to it and they would gather more attention all the attention though is only trated in the nightclub so that’s a little bit what we’re doing in mem coins all the attention between mem coins is traded into that and then some people like

me try to bring more people in the club so everyone can have fun and then it’s going to be a better party that’s kind of my role because I think mem coins are perfect for us by the way this is not Financial advice however this can be used as dating advice so when you do not have money

you cannot access those table unless you’re cool and then they’re going to invite you but all the attention is going to be around there so if you go there with a goal of meting with another partner whatever orientation you want you’re got to be smart you got to be like all right I

do not have the money for example I only had $20 so I had to go to places where people don’t go I cannot go into the eltis club I cannot punch out of my league and then I start to gather a cool crew and then we’re going to be together so if I do not have the money I have to stand out

and how can I stand out well you can have some different outfit you can be cool you can have a six-pack you can be French you can tell jokes you can be subscribed to handsome Finance you can

click the notification Bell and that’s those things and if you do not understand this that this is the attention economy anything even the Stock Market is all about attention Nvidia did not change everything they just sell some GPU and then when we heard about Chad GPT and

then everyone started to use Chad GPT they oh they use Nvidia so I’m going to buy everything but chat GPT was built and was already running before before so why you didn’t buy your Nvidia stock before because attention economy this is not Capitalism anymore attention

economy and mcoins are attention we are betting on the attention that the mcoin will get so if you invest into a mcoin you can’t really just sit on your hands and then waiting that things happen you should be promoting this meme because you must be thinking that this meme is funny and this is

exactly what we do so if you stand out you are that green one and then maybe you’re going to bring another x with you but back home I don’t know but don’t be Boris Boris is that guy he’s screaming outside the club no one is listening to him and they only make fun of him

because he tried to get in the club but could not get in the club so be careful to that and that’s why to understand fully this concept you should watch the life because this is a condensed version but here you will see me researching struggling and then finally finding the alpha and on top

of that you will understand how this attention economy works and I will use everything in my control if I can put some volume butt on it on the coin I would do it if I can create some meme about it I would do it because my goal is to make everyone win into this mem cin so if you want to tune in the

next live well be sure to subscribe have the notification Bell and also don’t forget one thing before you leave of course stay handsome and maybe join the investors’s bone room ciao

Now that you’re fully informed, check out this insightful video on How I Transformed $20 into $807 in 14 Minutes with Memecoins.
With over 5006 views, this video is a must-watch for anyone interested in Finance.

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