October 7, 2024

BITCOIN – Recession CANCELLED! #Finance

guess what we just got some good numbers in let’s take a look at it this does affect Crypto this affects the Stock Market I am pretty excited because you know I

think this is a pretty good sign for what’s to come of course always do your own research hit subscribe underneath the CashNews.co so you can see future CashNews.cos just like this also if you want to trade text-decoration: none;">Cryptocurrency There’s the link underneath the CashNews.co as you can see it looks like it looks like we’re going from lower bottom to higher bottom to higher bottom but of course we’ll have to continue to watch this if you want to put on a long I said

this last night but hey last move we did was a let’s see a 27% move if we do another 27% move from the bottom you are going to be very happy if you’re long because we’re going to hit new all-time highs not saying we’re necessarily going to do that but if you want to put in

that long position there’s link to it underneath the CashNews.co now Bitcoin dominance moving up today a little bit as we just got some pretty good news uh keep in mind last night the international long shoreman’s Association and the United States Maritime Alliance reached a tenative

agreement for people to return to work so that’s one of the things that people were worried about here uh that and uh the the uncertainty over in the Middle East The Strife over there and people are also worried about unemployment unemployment numbers came in jobs came in it’s looking

pretty good a strong jobs report the US economy added 254,000 jobs in September that’s way above expectations in a in a nice Bounce from the 159,000 in August both July and August were revised up unemployment rate 4.1% down from 4.2% August wages plus 4% so this is the one that people are

probably paying attention to wages obviously we don’t want some kind of wage price spiral where wages go up people can pay more for goods and services and then Inflation goes back up but right now Inflation has been continuously fairly low so people are

really watching the jobs numbers and as you can see here non-farm payroll employment over the over the Monon change it is at the highest point that we’ve had since March so I think this is pretty awesome keep in mind again the last two months were revised up to even if this month is revised

down it’s still going to be higher than expectations most likely of about 150,000 so jobs numbers come in really really solid unemployment rate is 4.1% the estimated amount was 4.2 the prior was 4.2 okay so we have let’s actually look at CPI on a chart we have CPI coming in lower

consistently we’re down at 2.5% right basically come down from to almost the perfect exact range I mean this is normal too like back in 2018 we had 2.9% and then 2.7 then 2.3 then down to 1.5 then up to 2.5 like CPI is not stagnant at 2% that’s not how it works it goes up and down from

0 to 3% then down to zero Etc so so we’re at 2.5% that’s one side of the equation of the FED right Inflation’s low we have jobs coming in slightly better than expected now the Market’s weird there are going to be some people that take this as okay jobs came

in lower than expected that means that the FED doesn’t have to lower rates quite as aggressively uh because unemployment rates not not skyrocketing so they’ll take that as a negative but really I just see this as the best possible scenario we have unemployment rate coming down or just

at a solid you know solid 4.1% uh of course it would be nice if it was slightly lower but we have unemployment rate fairly low coming down a little bit even month over month we have Inflation still looking pretty good the FED is focused on lowering rates so even if they’re

not just going to tank rates to zero the fact is uh if they just cut by a quarter basis point every single meeting that’s still bullish that’s still very bullish and there’s less uncertainty there’s less oh are we going to head into recession are we going to go back into

Inflation uh is there stagflation is there going to be a whole bunch of people losing their jobs no I would like something steady right I would love low Inflation low unemployment uh slow grind back down to you know a 3% interest rate over the next year or

something like that that is fine with me we’ve raised very quickly I’m okay if we just go pretty consistently down of course it would be nice for our bags if we got another Bas uh 50 basis point cut but just 25 basis points in the FED saying hey we’re really confident in the

economy uh jobs came in better than expected Inflation is looking better than expected you know I think that would make the Markets very excited as well that gives people

confidence to invest in Risk Assets like Bitcoin like the NASDAQ Etc so I am pretty excited about these reports there have been less pieces of news on bitcoin I think over the last month or two keep in mind there have been uh you know there have been a lot of people on vacation

over August and September now getting into October November typically there’s more pieces of news there earnings coming up things like that I did see this just came out Max Kaiser says we’re increasing our Bitcoin purchases now Max Kaiser lives in El Salvador or has a place there he

works closely it sounds like with Al Salvador in general IMF apparently urged El Salvador to limit the scope of Bitcoin law but they’ve been expanding it they’ve been really focusing on bitcoin and sounds like yeah they’re buying one Bitcoin a day maybe they’re going to

increase that to one and a quarter one and a half two Bitcoin five Bitcoin 10 Bitcoin something like that I’m not exactly sure but the fact is if you have a 4-year Horizon you do quite well right so uh I think a lot of people will be looking at something like this and looking at El Salvador

as a case study saying oh they really played this especially like the next bare Market when we’re at 50,000 or 60,000 something like that and then the next bull market when we’re at probably 400 you know 300 400 $500,000 Bitcoin or something like that they’re going to look at El

Salvador as Geniuses right they bought in they’re buying through the bare Market at 20,000 25,000 then eventually at the top of the next Bowl they’ll be up 10 20x on that right that will make a huge difference and I’m sure that that’s just part of the equation the amount of

economic value that they’re getting from going pro Bitcoin is probably much more than just the just buying the Bitcoin at this point right how many jobs are coming how many people are interested how much investment is coming into the nation it’s going to be really interesting to watch

let me know your thoughts on all this underneath the CashNews.co of course this has been a difficult time the last8 months but then I zoom out and I think well where were we a year ago right like Bitcoin was in such a much worse place a year ago we’re at 27,000 people were thinking

we’re going to hit new lows like this this has been a great year we’re up 124% so it’s important to zoom out it is uh we also jumped from like 40,000 straight up to 74,000 so we were bound to fall down a bit we were bound to go sideways otherwise we would have this blowoff top of

you know 100 150,000 200,000 and go PR straight tack Town people would take Profits like crazy we you know we’ve cut out a lot of the people that were just interested in this for a quick pump or that were too aggressive and now I think we have a much stronger holder base but

I could always be wrong let me know your thoughts on that underneath the CashNews.co as you can see like just just look over the long term I’m sure that we’ll have something up in here and then in a year we’ll be like uh wow I don’t know why we were ever worried right we

should have been buying more but again let me know your thoughts let me know if you’re buying any altcoins or if you’re buying Bitcoin Below in the comment section also let me know what you’re drinking right now I’m drinking 8 oz of O what is this intenso intenso espresso

coffee let me know what you’re drinking though Down Below in the comment section also drinking some water over here so trying to stay hydrated while I get the caffeine in thank you so much I’ll see you all in the next one bye

Now that you’re fully informed, check out this amazing video on BITCOIN – Recession CANCELLED!.
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41 thoughts on “BITCOIN – Recession CANCELLED! #Finance

  1. Sam, with all these many videos you make daily, tell's me your an 'emotional wreck' So many are cool and calm, equally delivering pertinent info as a single report or two. NOT minute by minute, as a 'pest' buzzing around. cuz why, you need more 'cash' Stop pushing advertising.!!

  2. This administration has been responsible for the creation of so many jobs it's to the point where no American citizen has an excuse to not be an employee of the federal government 😆

  3. Seriously, this is all BS. We are and have been in a recession for the last 3.5 yrs. The jobs report is cooked. This is all a hook to get guys like you to say everything is all right with the economy when in reality, our economy is in shambles! Get with the program and do your hoework before making such statements Sam!

  4. Thanks for the forecast! Could you help me with something unrelated: I have a SafePal wallet with USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (behave today finger ski upon boy assault summer exhaust beauty stereo over). How should I go about transferring them to Binance?

  5. So sick of all the bad news coming out and keeps this bullrun from happening the way it was suppose to. Seems like everyone we go up a little we come down more. Bobbers in the pond go up down up down about to lose my mind

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