October 8, 2024


Satoshi Nakamoto who is it well there’s a new HBO documentary that spent a lot of time and money trying to figure out exactly who Satoshi is there have been thoughts from Elon Musk to uh Hal finny who is early on uh but no one knows for sure who it is but there’s a new person

that’s being highlighted as probably the most the most likely person to be Satoshi Nakamoto so I want talk about that cuz there is some interesting information that I had never heard before now why is this so important well Satoshi if you don’t know is the person that created bitcoin or

the people that created bitcoin most likely person one of the really the person that is create Credited with creating Bitcoin of course there are a lot of people that helped early on but everyone has been wondering who they are because there’s this overhang like what if you

know some people that maybe not as educated on the subject or just are a little bit more pessimistic or want to you know cause fear say well what if Satoshi comes back and sells his 1 million Bitcoin that he mined and well just when Germany was selling Bitcoin you can see here we went from about

70,000 all the way down to 50,000 very quickly and they sold about 50,000 Bitcoin so a lot of people thinking if Satoshi came back and wanted to sell he wanted to take some of his massive riches we could fall down really fast but while I don’t don’t really want people to know who

Satoshi is I think it’s more impressive if it’s just it’s always a question we’re not going to wrap up this today uh we’re not going to say definitively this is Satoshi so I think we’re okay exploring the subject a little bit now if you want to trade

href="https://cashnews.co/crypto" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto I personally think we’re going to have a very exciting next year I think we’re going to go up pretty significantly as you can see here we are hitting a slightly higher high

like we’re breaking out a little bit um we do have some higher lows and higher highs as well so if you want trade cryp there’s a link to Marx underneath the CashNews.co I think if you want to be ready to put long positions in or if you uh want to get ready for this next leg up this is

the time to do it like get everything set up because when the market moves it moves very quickly and you’ll miss out on a big return so definitely check that out if Bitcoin goes to 125,000 exactly at the second uh and you’re on 20x you would get a 20x return instead of a 2X return so

check out this link underneath CashNews.co make sure you know what you’re doing so as I said HBO has created this new documentary and poly Market is taking bets on who they’re going to name a Satoshi Nakamoto now I’ll be honest I’ve watched a few things in the past about

Satoshi Nakamoto like different CashNews.cos trying to figure out who it is I I find it interesting I don’t know if we’ll ever fully know but I do think it’s kind of fun to explore right this is someone that’s created a technology a new way a fair way of

Accounting for wealth and and storing your wealth over time right he’s created something that is worth a trillion dollars who’s the last person that created something worth a trillion dollars that can grow this quickly right uh honestly I’m trying to think of what

the last company is that hit a trillion dollars that’s newer than Bitcoin I’m not sure there has been I think Nvidia has been around for a while Facebook has been around for a while so Bitcoin might be the newest asset to hit a trillion dollars and in my opinion it’s probably

going to move up higher than maybe any company or it’ll be close to the you know it’ll be close to being valued more than Nvidia or Microsoft this bull run it’ll be really close I think uh so it’s quite impressive what he’s done and he also owns 5% of the supply so

right now his Net Worth is 60 billion tell me another person that you know of that’s worth $60 billion and you don’t know who it is but you know that they’re worth that much it’s it’s kind of a weird thing now internet the internet is betting that that

Len Sassaman is the one who holds $64 billion in Bitcoin he might be Satoshi Nakamoto the man who created bitcoin so there’s this thread I just want to give some highlights of it honestly like I said I I hope we never really know who Satoshi is I think it’s better as a mystery but uh I

think it’s funny to explore a little bit so who is len Sassaman he was a renowned Cryptographer and privacy advocate he was involved with the cipher punks in San Francisco he also worked

on privacy projects like pretty good privacy software and gnu privacy guard and co-founded the SAS startup in 2011 he passed away by Suicide at the age of 31 back then he was a doctoral student in electrical engineering at KU Leen or louven uh in Belgium a memorial to him was encoded on the Bitcoin

blockchain describing Sassaman as a friend a kind soul and a devious schemer recently HBO created this documentary money electric the Bitcoin mystery now they have not actually published this yet but they’re giving teasers to it right now there are some tenuous pieces of evidence support

supporting this Theory such as sasson’s impressive academic record his expert his expertise in Cryptography and his linguistic analysis suggest similarities between his writing and

nakamoto’s and there’s more the most interesting piece of evidence is that Nakamoto went silent 2 months before San’s death but while some people are convinced him there are those who think that he did not do it that he did not create Bitcoin for example his wife here’s what

she wrote and I won’t read this but she just basically says that uh that she doesn’t think he was Nakamoto and that his story can bring some attention to mental health um but also if you are his wife why would you want to be known your husband to be known as Satoshi Nakamoto like you

probably just want to live life and not have people always coming at you thinking that you have a bunch of money or that maybe he left you the keys or something like that another interesting detail is that his suicide note consisted of 24 random words which obviously Bears a strong resemblance to

the 24w uh seed phrase used in Cryptocurrency wallets and 64 billion of satoshi’s Bitcoin remains untouched I think that to draw any final conclusions we need to wait for HBO’s

documentary to Premiere and even if sasan wasn’t Nakamoto he still made significant contributions to Cryptography and privacy write your guesses in the comments another thing Len San

leads the polls on poly Market as the most likely to be Satoshi Nakamoto in the HBO documentary interesting so some pieces of evidence we’ll have to see when the movie comes out or documentary comes out again I don’t really want to know who Satoshi is I think it would be a much better

story and much better for Bitcoin if we just never knew but some things do line up on this on uh Len being Satoshi let me know your thoughts on this underneath a CashNews.co let me know who like the craziest conspiracy theory you think I know a lot of people think that even like the US government

is Satoshi Nakamoto they created it then they’ll rug pull it or they just created it and they’re holding a million Bitcoin to have some power right I’m curious your thoughts though Down Below in the comment section thank you so much for watching I really do appreciate it

I’ll see you all in the next CashNews.co again you can check out Marx if you want to trade Crypto

Now that you’re fully informed, don’t miss this insightful video on Who Is SATOSHI NAKAMOTO? (SHOCKING REVEAL).
With over 16274 views, this video is a must-watch for anyone interested in Finance.

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41 thoughts on “Who Is SATOSHI NAKAMOTO? (SHOCKING REVEAL) #Finance

  1. Two white papers created since the beginning of the claim of united states of America so…. you can say it is the government /Satoshi wrote it … Satoshi has been dead for many years.. Fiat won because technology wasn't able to handle the blockchain tech… it was implemented to counter the fiat and what they did to inflate beyond repar… and now tech is at a point it can handle blockchain so it has been programed 🎉.. internet wasn't even created when it was written 🎉🎉..

  2. Satoshi, it’s basically the rules of the world set up the system to implement the one world currency so make money and crypto while you can switch within the next 10 years it’s common

  3. Whoever Satoshi is he must have an I.Q. of at least 150. For the guy to come up with the very first cryptocurrency and pretty much getting it right on his first try was amazing. Probably one of the most impactful inventions every made in the history of mankind. I find it interesting that some have said it would have taken a team of about 200 fifteen years to create bitcoin from nothing. I also find it interesting that it was created right after the 2008 bank debacle. So my theory is that a big bank wanted to create another type of asset to protect them from another 2008 situation came up with it not knowing the true ramifications of what they were creating.

  4. If anyone can help my family is losing their apartment tomorrow if we can't pay 2100 to the bank.
    If anyone can help please reply here.
    I don't have the money and they have no place to go.

  5. Satoshi was Hal Finney. He died in 2014. He does not have 1m BTC that is Faketoshi era FUD. The Bitcoin community called out the Litecoin creator for mining 1m LTC.

  6. I honestly knew Len personally and hung out with the cypherpunks in my late teens and 20’s actually can’t go into detail more than that without revealing my personal identity, however the idea it was Elon is so laughable. He’s a skilled business man but hardly anywhere near as intelligent technically as most of the original cypherpunks.

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