October 10, 2024
Kerala financial code / 50 Expected Questions

Kerala financial code / 50 Expected Questions #Finance

foreign answer executive engineer of Public Works division next question who is the officer authorized to communicate to the accountant General copies of orders sanctioning expenditure answer the authority which Accords sanction next question what is the period of limitation in respect of

Ideal claims of pension answer 12 years next question what is the due date of disbursement of monthly salary of employees in legal Metrology Department answer third working day of the next month next question who is the officer authorized to maintain the register of increments of non-gusseted

offices of an office answer drawing officer next question the whole of the attachable portion of the salary of a non-gasseted officer is under attachment a demand from a Cooperative Society is received for attaching some amount from his salary what is the action to be taken by the drawing and

disbursing officer answer the amount should be recovered from the portion of salary not liable to attachment next question funds are available in a department for recurring supplies required for normal functioning of the department who is the officer competent to account administrative sanction in

such cases answer head of Department next question what is the period up to which products manufactured by a state government department will be purchased from them exclusively after they have gone into production answer for the first five years next question the cost of tender firms will be

accepted in days answer in cash or money order only next question the communication of the reason for rejection of a tender to the tenderer is answer not allowed next question a contractor is bound to accept any order for supply of any quantity of stores if he has settled for a dash answer rate

contract next question a complete physical verification of stock kept in the stationary Department should be verified on scene answer two years next question payment to the contractor by the purchasing officer will not be made answer in cash next question the custodian of electrical installation of

a government building occupied by a government office will be answer head of office next question and say general rule all wages will be forfeited if not claimed Within answer three months next question if Government materials are supplied to a contractor in special circumstances the cost will be

recovered from him answer full amount next question annual grants to libraries from government will be governed by certain rules one of the rules stipulates that dash of the grant should be used for purchases of new books for the library answer 75 percentage next question what is the maximum amount

that can be paid to the family of a government servant who dies in harness at his place of Duty at trivandrum for transportation of his body to his native place of palakkad and Sir ta eligible for the journey after retirement next question a government servant applied for house building advance in

July 2015. with effective from first September 2015 he is working on deputation in Kerala University what is the condition under which house building advance can be sanctioned to him after 1st September 2015. answer the repayment During the period of deputation is to be guaranteed by University

next question what is the maximum number of installments allowed for repayment of cycle Advance taken by a permanent last great servant answer 20. next question the recovery of onam Advance will be noted in a recovery register to be maintained in the prescribed form who is the officer authorized to

maintain this register answer drawing officer next question an LD clerk in collectorate trivandrum was transferred to collectorate malappuram from 15 November 2015. salary up to 15 November 2015 and advanced pay was paid to him at the time of transfer how the advanced pay should be recovered answer

recovery to be made in three monthly installments from the salary of December 2015 onwards next question what is the rate of interest for the advance for purchase of mosquito Nets answer the advance is interest free deposit answer deposits of gemi Karam collections next question an office salary

bill for 4 lakh 25 000 Rupees is to be encashed from a Treasury the offices required for carrying the money from the Treasury to the office is employee next question a loss of some public money is suspected in a taluk office ilda the loss is confirmed what is the

action to be taken by the dasilda answer a preliminary report should be sent to the accountant General and through the collector to the head of Department next question a portion of a building in a high school was damaged due to lightning what is the immediate action to be taken by the Headmaster

answer should be reported immediately to the district educational officer and to the director of Public Instruction next question some government Landis proposed to be transferred to a commercial Department who is the officer all the Rays did to fix the value of the land answer District collector

next question who is the treasurer of charitable endowments in the state answer director local fund audit Department next question the list showing details of Records ordered to be destroyed should Dash answer never be destroyed next question a written government servant residing at parashala and

drawing pension from Treasury parashala dies on 1st December 2015. who is the authority to report his death to the sub treachery officer parashala answer Village officer parashala next question the auditor stores and stock accounts in an office will be conducted by the controller

and auditor general in accordance with the provisions in dash answer clones 17 of c and ages act 1970 on next question an advertisement is proposed to be published in news Purpose By A government Department who is the authority to approve the rate of advertisement charges answer director

information and Public Relation Department next question which one of the following offices is not authorized to in the Secret Service expenditure answer controller of examination Kerala Public Service Commission next question an advanced amount will be given to the family of a government servant

who dies while in service in deserving cases the authority to take decision for payment of the advance is answer head of office or Department next question Arnold requirements of stores or articles required for each office for each Financial year should be prepared in the prescribed form and sent

it to the competent Authority note later than answer first February of previous Financial year who is the officer or the residue to address the entries regarding deduction of Lac premium of a non-gazette officer answer drawing officer next question if Lac premium is to be deducted from the salary

of a non-gasited officer he should inform his drawing officer once deduction is started from the salary it is the duty of days to ensure that the premium is detected from the salary every month answer policy holder next question the washing charges of uniforms supplied to last grade servants will

be made from and some office expenses next question when does a claim for traveling elements will become due for payment answer immediately after the close of the month in which Jane is performed next question a government servant dissect 5 am on 30th November 2015. his eligibility for paid

allowances for the month is 4 days Days answer 30 days next question a responsible officer of a government Department should inspect all perishable once in dash answer every half year next question for departmentally executed Works separate Master roles should be prepared for days answer every

month next question who is the authority Combi tend to sanction discretionary grants in addition to the offices in the Revenue department answer the governor next question what is the amount of annual contribution payable to the tramangur devasam board by the government as per the

provision in the constitution of India answer 46.5 lakhs rupees next question Desh is not an endurance bearing advance Kerala Financial code exam um foreign foreign

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36 thoughts on “Kerala financial code / 50 Expected Questions #Finance

  1. Thank you Oamni acadamy ഞങ്ങളുടെ School -ലെ 5 ടീച്ചർമാർ ഞാനുൾപ്പെടെ Oamni acadamy class കണ്ട് Dept. Test Pass ആയി

  2. ഫിനാൻഷ്യൽ കോഡിന്റെ ക്ലാസ്സ് വളരെയധികം പ്രയോജനപ്പെട്ടു ഇപ്രാവശ്യത്തെ പരീക്ഷ പാസായി ഒരായിരം നന്ദി

  3. ജനുവരി ൽ ഉള്ള ഡിപ്പാർട്മെന്റ് ടെസ്റ്റ്‌ നു apply ചെയ്യുന്നത് എപ്പോഴാണ്?

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