October 11, 2024
Wealth Journey Ep. 15 | Finance Update (September 2024)

Wealth Journey Ep. 15 | Finance Update (September 2024) #Finance

what’s going on everybody Welcome to episode 15 of the weal journey series I have a Finance update for you today just going over my Income

expenses and saving we’re going to jump right into it right now so I’ll put this on the screen for you but my Income at the end of September ended up coming out to $816 Flat I haven’t seen that in a very long time so that I guess that was pretty cool to see plus

it was more than what I typically bring in as you might have seen my my pay tends to fluctuate depending on how business is going and depending on how you know things are going at work I might get a bonus and things like that happen but yes this is a little atypical for me this a little more than

what I normally earn so I’m pretty excited about that and by the way I am using that Empower app that I was telling you about in my last CashNews.co to track everything and it’s been a lot easier to manage my #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finances just by doing it digitally and by doing it automatically and I can check it on a daily basis or even weekly basis so if you haven’t tried something like this I definitely recommend trying it I do have a link in the description for you and

it’s free 100% free anyway the total amount that I ended up spending on my expenses was $696 53 and honestly I earned a little more this month so I spent a little more this month and I have some positive news to report today so even though I showed you just now the total that I spent on all

my expenses you already know I’m going to break this whole thing down for you so what I’m going to do right now I’m going to record my screen and we’re going to go through this Empower app AKA personal Capital so as we can see right here there’s this

little circle and it has a $ 6961 53 that I spent uh for this month I budgeted $7,000 because for whatever reason I keep going over my original budget which makes me think I need to reassess some things I could go for that $ 5886 that I normally budget every single month but honestly I just

don’t want to and frankly I’m still able to invest what I want to invest and say what I want to say so I haven’t like felt an inherent need to really stick to that so I just upped my budget y’all can criticize me in the comments for that y’all be coming from me in

these comments lately I don’t understand it but anyway um if we’re looking at the entire expenses right now if we’re looking at the screen most of that did go towards giving now people always think that I’m just like throwing money like to people is crazy look here’s

the thing I am a church man you know what I’m saying I give back to my church church has been a deep the thing in my life ever since I was a baby I will continue to be that way in my religion Christianity I am big on tithing that’s 10% of your Income obviously this is

more than 10% of my Income but I feel that the impact that church and God has had on my life I feel like I can do more than 10% so I do more than 10% and I give my mom some money every single month too because I feel like everything she’s done in my life she is more than

deserving of the money that I give her I wish I I can give her more so before you come for me in the comments talking about I can’t afford to give this much what do you mean I can’t afford it my Net Worth is going up every single month I’m able to save more and

invest more every single month and since this is something that I can control if I ever feel like I need to dial back I can always dial back so yeah I don’t really have anything planned for this CashNews.co I’m just kind of speaking my mind today cuz I’ve been seeing some of these

comments some of these get bad outrageous talk about something if if you know Budgeting you know you can’t afford it okay when you can’t afford something you’re literally like taking out Loans and going into Debt just to do

something I’m not doing that anyway moving on uh I like the way this breaks things down you can actually make your own categories but rent was the second biggest thing $1,887 that’s just what it came out to this month groceries came in third ah catch that real quick groceries came in

third that means I didn’t spend a fortune on door Dash and cuz my my groceries ended up being only $532 55 so I would say did about good in the month of September but it was also cuz I have this app and I’m able to really manage what I’m doing very easily with this my business

expenses have gone up that’s another reason why I’ve decided to raise my budget uh it’s not just because I really like comfort and Leisure and and things like that you might have thought that by what I said earlier in the CashNews.co I mainly said that to get engagement in the

comments to be perfectly honest with you just to see who’s going to be quick to comment as opposed to actually watching the full CashNews.co and understanding where I’m coming from when I say these things but I want to scale my business and grow my business so y’all know I have a

website y know I have a email automation process y’all know I have products that I’m selling and I’m hyperfocusing on one particular product right now and I’m creating it right now it’s my Wealth Building course I also have zoom but I also invested in

the courses that can help me become a better businessman and help me build better products and better things that add more value to you guys and girls and if y’all know anything about me you know that most of my time that I spend in life like outside of work and all that aside most of the

time I spend is spent becoming a better man so I’m working on exercising and cardio lifting weights fighting because I really like fighting and being able to defend myself and and the people that I care about so I do Muay Tha but outside of all that I’m also working to create even more

Income for myself and I spent quite a bit of time learning how to invest to create even more Income from where I put my money into and eating the right things and getting the proper amount of sleep like all the time that I spend and all the money that I spend at

the young age that I am right now of 29 and this is pretty much what I’ve dedicated my whole 20s to I’ve dedicated this to getting better at my career becoming a better professional becoming a better man becoming a stronger man becoming a faster man all these things have turned me into

a very well-rounded person so I don’t mind increasing my budget to buy healthier food or to work out at better gyms to get better quality workouts and get one-on-one private training I don’t mind spending extra money on courses to make me smarter at business and better at business if

that means I’m going to spend more money on books within my budget to become better I’m going to 100% do it so I say all that to say I spent $480 27 on business expenses some of that was courses some of that was website based stuff and I’ll jump into exactly specifically what I

what I invested in so we have things like Zoom I did buy a couple of courses from this lady named Maria wch she seems to be a very very sharp business coach so I invested into some of her stuff epidemic sound that’s stuff that you know what I’m saying the music you hear in the

background right now that’s that’s a monthly thing $18 a month on that and I spent some money on the thumbnails for this entire month so the thumbnail that you saw in this CashNews.co I didn’t make it but I hired someone to make these amazing thumbnails you’ve been seeing

lately and I paid a whole month and a whole month worth of thumbnails it’s only $120 but what I’m saying is I don’t mind to improve my business improve my YouTube channel improve myself and spend extra money in doing so so if you see numbers starting to go up I’m going to

make sure that one my pay has gone up to actually match me moving my budget up but two I’m also putting my money into things that are making me more money it’s not just things that I’m just wasting money on and just spending money and splurging and acting a fo like I’m

actually putting money into things that are making me money my gym Bill didn’t end up being as high this month as it usually is it’s usually budgeted for like I think $420 I only spent $337 this month so it was a pretty good month for the gym did have to cancel a few private sessions

just because our schedules get very busy me and Coach but it’s all good Insurance $ 32227 just so you know that is my life Insurance which is only $150 a month when you add up my whole life and my term and then car Insurance as well was added

on to that door Dash even though I budgeted for $200 you know what I’m saying I spent $389 that is phenomenally better than $799 so I personally will take that any day any day over what the mess I went through uh last month I can barely talk I’m so hot about that mess restaurants ended

up being $317 36 my girlfriend and I went to some pretty um expensive restaurants you know where they have all the healthy food at like grateful Gardens and pin and and things like that but really didn’t go out that much but I’ll tell you what you can get a lot more going out than

getting door Dash so so there’s a category uh I need to change the name of this but there’s a category called general merchandise which I spent $ 24781 on and that’s just Amazon and I’ll actually click on it you can’t see exactly what I bought but essentially just

supplements so um I got vitamin D3 magnesium I got this supplement called lung tonic it basically helps keep your lungs clear because the weather’s changing my allergies have been acting up and you know what I’m saying I got to make sure I stay about healthy and continue to exercise and

things like that and Amazon Prime was also mixed in with all this lovely stuff gasline and fuel I mean that’s self-explanatory that’s how much money I spent on gas $28.56 Loans $216 my phone bills $175 you you see the list you know what I’m saying this right here

is the tiny expenses my utilities were very tiny it was only $52.6 for last month I mean what can I say for entertainment it’s just Netflix and peacock which I don’t even use peacock so I should probably delete it and this $10 this is patreon which I don’t use either so I should

probably delete that but yeah that is my expense breakdown I know I talked quite a bit back there but I had to get some things off my chest but you know I also have a Savings category and I want to go over that real quick because this time around I did not really intentionally put

money into Savings like I intentionally put money into other things other than Savings so you know I bought the courses that’s investing and that’s a part of Saving we already went over that didn’t really spend too much it was maybe $140 total

that I spent on the courses and I actually got 24 courses and two big spreadsheet templates for a lot of stuff for that money so it was actually a lot of value I got for very little bit of money so very very very good deal but outside of that I put $700 into my Roth iray and as a disciplinary

action well a good disciplinary action I would say towards myself I realized I was spending at least $400 more than I should have on door Dash every month so I dedicated $400 to my Weeble account and so so I bought 1.7 Shares of Nvidia and I bought like8 Shares of

Apple so I did $200 from one paycheck and then $200 from another paycheck and I put more money in my Weeble account so now I am in fact investing in my Weeble account again now going forward what I’m going to do I’m going to start looking at with that $400 is it going to always go

towards Weeble or am I going to start investing more into my education from a business perspective and continue to gain more skills and grow in that way we’ll see that’s stuff that I got to figure out with myself pretty much but anyway I know this is a little different and um my energy

was a little different in this CashNews.co I just have to address some of these things that be having in these comments some of y’all get outlandish like in my opinion if I’m the one making CashNews.cos right and I’m the one being transparent putting myself out there putting my

money out there I know people can say anything and no I never like got upset or angry or anything I read comments but like it’s more coming from a place of the nerve was some people how you going to sit there and criticize me talking about some oh you have life Insurance

that’s waste of money that’s stupid oh you’re giving money to your mom you shouldn’t be doing that oh why are you donating so much money every month it’s like look there’s ways you can ask people things there’s ways you can come off disrespectful so I would

just say if you going to ask a question out of curiosity that’s one thing even if you have guidance for me or if you feel like I’m doing something wrong I am a very receptive person but if you come at me way it’s like ain’t going to be no reception it’s going to be

back hands that means I’m going to be coming at you with that clapback in the comments since y’all want to be up there acting up so yeah like I said I know my energy might have been a little different in this CashNews.co and I might have had a different pacing I actually kind of like

the way I did this CashNews.co but it’s different because I’m going off my phone I’m going through the app which I do like a lot but it’s a slightly different format than what I’m used to doing so you might just be used to a different form of me in my CashNews.cos but

anytime comments catch me off guard or I feel like somebody’s being like going out of their way to be disrespectful I’m definitely going to say something about it because it’s like if somebody’s going to put themselves out there and be completely transparent and show you

their whole financial picture while simultaneously giving Financial advice in the other forms of CashNews.co like I feel like the least you can do is show respect like oh man big respect to you I actually appreciate you being transparent but hey I noticed this have you thought about it this way I

would be way more receptive than if you just came to me sideways talking about what I can and can’t afford what I should and shouldn’t be doing how stupid it is to invest in this and blah blah blah blah blah I know I have room for improvement that’s the whole reason I make these

CashNews.cos so you can see how far I come like this is the very beginning I know my Net Worth is in the six figures I know that I’m doing well right now financially but this is the beginning so as I’m teaching I’m also still learning and I’m extremely

passionate about what I do in this personal fin that space and you got to remember too I haven’t been in this space for that long so there’s going to be certain terms and certain things that I’m still learning on there’s certain topics of CashNews.cos that y’all are

going to be talking about in the comments that I haven’t made yet that’s going to give me an idea to learn about that thing and then make CashNews.cos about that thing anyway I’m going off on the tangent I am very sleep deprived at this moment so I’m going to stop recording

I’m going to get me some well-deserved sleep after eating of course and I will see you in the next CashNews.co I actually appreciate you guys a lot and thank you so much for watching and sticking with me um I have a lot of fun making these CashNews.cos so all comments aside and you know all

that stuff like I really do appreciate y’all watching my CashNews.cos and I appreciate making these CashNews.cos for you and I’m going to continue to do so and I’m going to continue to be making products for you guys thank you so much for watching if you don’t have my

Net Worth template or my Savings goals template they are down in the description and they are 100% free thank you so much for watching this CashNews.co I’ll see you in the next one

Now that you’re fully informed, check out this essential video on Wealth Journey Ep. 15 | Finance Update (September 2024).
With over 561 views, this video offers valuable insights into Finance.

CashNews, your go-to portal for financial news and insights.

9 thoughts on “Wealth Journey Ep. 15 | Finance Update (September 2024) #Finance

  1. I could never understand how people could get angry about someone’s budget to the point where you’re unhinged in their comment section. That’s wild!!

  2. Do you have the Amazon prime card? They’re doing a $150 gift card promo for the signup, pretty good chase card if you ask me. 5% cashback on Amazon and Whole Foods, 3% on gas and grocery, 1% on everything else. Considering you have prime you probably use Amazon a decent bit for goods, I got accepted with only 10months credit history

  3. Wish I made so much a month would save alot more try to give more and invest more am a reseller and still have a 9/2/5 job its a night job so I do sales in the day time and work night still have a small hustle on the job so some months I make 3k wen it's good but on average around 2300 a month wish I could give more i would help alot more ppl and every time I give I get double what I have in return some ppl think wen they give they will have less but ur blessings 🙌 always come at the right time nice video ❤

  4. Youre doing great. The comment section doesn’t live your life. Your income’s great, your investment portfolio is great, your expenses are in line. The biggest decision you’ll have in life is making sure you find a good partner on par with your ambition and success, or that can turn your progress 180.

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