October 13, 2024
Technical Analysis of Stocks: SPY / QQQ / NVDA / TSLA / AMD / PLTR / NIO / SOFI

Technical Analysis of Stocks: SPY / QQQ / NVDA / TSLA / AMD / PLTR / NIO / SOFI #Finance

all right so the market continues its insane uptrend apparently our stocks are unstoppable but of course we know very well that’s not true yes the trend is up but regardless of what’s happening over here we should always work strategically paying attention to signals upcoming

targets and possible possible turning points and that’s exactly what this CashNews.co is about without insight Panic or Euphoria without assumptions or guess workor we are going to always always base our ideas on technical evidence facts and charts my dear friends welcome to the

href="https://cashnews.co/finance" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance Hydra Channel my name is Nathan I’m a Trader and I like to share my ideas here on my YouTube channel welcome to the

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance Hydra Channel now as we can see here spy is materializing a solid bullish reaction to today it is breaking yesterday’s high and it is leaving the 574 as a support level behind as well all right this key

point the 574 was the previous alltime high from September 26 over here now it is clearly acting as a support level on the short term by leaving this key Point behind spy is triggering another bullish continuation chart structure there is not a single top signal there’s not a single bearish

reversal chart structure over here that could convince me that spy will correct again the most important key point on the short term is 574 because only by losing this key Point spy would technically trigger a pullback for us all right and remember pullbacks are not reversals all right a pullback

in a b trend is more often than not just another buying opportunity if we see a reversal spy would need to lose the 565 the previous alltime high from July this year which is acting as a quite important support level so let’s pay attention to these two key points the trigger point of a

pullback is the 574 the trigger point of a real serious midterm reversal on the daily chart is 565 all right these are the two most important support levels now the 21-day EMA is another interesting support level for us which did act as a support level last time last time however right now it is

ascending it is approaching the price it is approaching the 574 support level as well meaning the 21-day EMA only reinforces the upward momentum all right so so far we are still very bullish now the QQQ is in a more delicate position because we have yet to break the $493 we are trying to break it

today all right if we close above the 493 that’s going to be very good we could finally finally trigger another bullish continuation chart structure back to the all-time high area around $500 all right this is a realistic scenario to work with however if we see if we see this is fiction All

right we don’t know we can’t tell the future all right we cannot predict the future but we can react properly to what we see right here right now remember real trading is reactive it is not predictive right now there is not a single top signal okay there’s only another bullish

reaction however if we see next week a top signal okay the QQQ could correct again to the to the 21-day EMA or even to the 477 down here as long as we stay above these support levels okay The Bu Trend will likely persist however if we lose the 477 there is the possibility of a double top chart

pattern below the Gap resistance level over here so we should be very careful in this area and pay attention to the 477 however again the trend is still very bullish the CU kill is still under control there is not a single alarming reaction over here suggesting a pullback ahead so the bullish bias

is persisting all right like it or not the trend is still very bullish which which is very good for a few stocks like Nvidia for instance Nvidia is very very good we are almost at our second target $136 the previous top level from July this year over here is a technical Target for us by reaching

this technical Target and by materializing a top signal below the 136 Nvidia could trigger a pullback ahead any pullback to the 21-day EMA could be just another pullback another harmless pullback and possibly another buying opportunity because again pullbacks in a bull Trend are just buying

opportunity just like last time over here where Nvidia did this fantastic bullish reaction right above the 21 Day EMA over here in fact this reaction is what Tesla should have done over here all right because Tesla just like Nvidia just like Nvidia was very bullish all right right now it’s

collapsing today all right but it was very bullish it was maintaining the price above the 21 Day AMA above this purple trend line and right now by losing by losing this key Point Tesla is turning bearish again it is below the 21 Day EMA it is making lower highs lower lows as you can see right here

all right so it is in a bare Trend any pullback to the $233 or even to the 21-day em again could be just another dead cat bounce so the situation is quite delic over here in Tesla and the reaction we saw on Nvidia is what we should have seen on Tesla all right what Tesla did over here completely

rejected any bullish possibility all right so guys let me let me show you my personal layout that I share with the 5% projects members over here guys Nvidia Nvidia triggered a very nice buying opportunity near the 21-day EMA pullback bullish reaction now we are insanely bullish about to about to

hit our second target regarding Tesla Tesla frustrated this support area this double support area and right now it is turning bearish it does not invalidate the idea that pullbacks in a bull Trend are just buying opportunity we have many other examples of stocks that actually materialized bullish

reactions above their support levels other than Nvidia for instance I want semiconductor over here above the stomach Candlestick pattern above the trend line above the 21 Day EMA classic Buy Signal over here this one already broke our Target at 189 another example is here arm Holdings all right

spinning bottom Candlestick pattern above the trend line by the moment this one closed above the spinning Bottom’s High it triggered a classic Buy Signal over here we have yet to hit our Target all right this Gap Target over here but uh it is performing very very well since we bought it which

is roughly almost 8% in exact in exactly one single week therefore seeing Tesla frustrating this double support level is the exception all right is the exception it is not the rule most of the time we see nice bullish reactions above our support levels but right now we are just collapsing all right

Tesla is indeed a fantastic stock but right now if you ask me what is happening over here is that Tesla is approaching is approaching the 21-day EMA on the weekly chart right above this purple trend line over here on the weekly chart as well therefore we have a double support level long-term

speaking if we see a bullish reaction in Tesla over here we could see it bouncing to higher levels maybe maybe to retest the 21-day EMA on the daily chart again because this is a very strong support level but right now it is too soon to tell we don’t see any meaningful bullish reaction yet oh

and guys remember that all the trades described here in this CashNews.co have been shared with our members in the 5% project on our telegram Channel all right which is an educational project that teaches you how to trade following our strategy you can download our complete ebook on technical

analysis which is totally free and learn in practice with us taking trades like this along with us in real time all right and as I have already said here the 5% project doesn’t just teach you the theory all right because try to put yourself in my shoes over here it would be so easy for me to

just sell you guys a trading curse teaching you guys how to analyze charts everything about technical analysis chart patterns statistics Etc all right and then and then I’ll say all right guys all right now my friend now you know everything I know all right so now bye-bye it is up to you it

is time for you to grow up be a man and beat the market all right because now you are prepared if you fail well how how can you possibly fail because you are using my my my winning method it is impossible for you to fail if you fail it’s because you are just dumb you don’t have

discipline you have low IQ you cannot comprehend no no no no this is not how we work here in fact in fact we do the inverse we give you the theory for free and we apply because you can download our ebook for free you can join our telegram channel for free to test for seven days and then we apply

our method every single day in practice all right and if you want to join a skin in the game trading Community the link to our website is in this CashNews.co’s description all right it’s very very easy now back to our analysis over here as we can see Tesla is in a critical inflection

point on the weekly chart there is no technical evidence suggesting that it could recover but if it does we could see another bounce if this bounce will be a dead cat bounce or not we don’t know yet all right now when we take a look at AMD this one is another very good one because as far as

I’m aware we are materializing a bullish reaction above a support level the 162 the previous uh the previous resistance level from August this year which is very close to the 21 Day ma is acting as a double support level for AMD right now we see a very nice bullish reaction above this key

point we are bouncing nicely making a bullish Candlestick pattern on the daily chart if you ask me that’s fantastic this could be another buying signal all right of course this trade isn’t going to be as incredible as the one or 5% project members made this year on September 9 over here

but it is a good and valid idea for from a technical point of view because if we actually materialize a bottom signal over here we have plenty of upside potential all the way up to the 187 our next technical resistance level we have an open Gap over here which is a magnet for the price right

remember gaps work as magnets for the price when Trends reverse all right right now this Gap is still open so we still have a decent chance of continuing the bullish momentum over here all right so yes AMD does look very good right now it is looking quite promising the 187 is a technical resistance

level for us to work with in the next few days Nathan what if we lose the 162 support level okay we are not supposed to be right 100% of the time however what is really important is that you know that the 162 should be your stop loss because if this trade goes goes WR wrong and there is a chance

that it will go wrong well you’re going to lose little right if it goes right fantastic you’re going to make a lot much more than you are willing to risk so that’s how you trade strategically that’s how you use technical analysis in your advantage all right now when we take

a look at poller we see a bearish reaction right below the $45 is this a top signal Nathan not yet but it could be if we see uh palter price losing today’s low and closing below today’s low in the next week then okay we may see a sharper correction all the way down to the 21-day EMA or

maybe to the $38 area over here the previous top level and that’s okay it is not going to reverse the trend but it could be a technical technical pullback in a bull Trend if we lose this double support level then okay we may see a sharper correction on the weekly chart but so far we are still

very bullish approaching our all-time high palter is looking very interesting but if you ask me I would like to see a pullback in the next few days because as you guys know always Buy near support levels sell near resistance levels all right do not do the inverse some people do the inverse they

they sell when it is dropping because they panic and they buy when it is going up because they are afraid of Miss missing the opportunity no no no buy support levels sell resistance levels all right now regarding Neo this one just like AMD is looking very interesting bullish reaction around the

support level above the $6 resistance level over here which is now a clear support level for NE if we see a bottom signal materialized fantastic the bull Trend will probably persist we have a technical Target at $77 71 cents and guys if you still watching this CashNews.co after 17 minutes right

almost 17 minutes right now guys consider subscribing to this channel because we are here every single day keeping you guys updated on technical analysis price action Etc come on it it is just too late for you because because this is a CashNews.co about technical analysis and watching this

CashNews.co for 17 minutes it requires some Focus all right so so certainly our content is very good for you so again subscribe and click the like button to show me some support I highly appreciate your audience my dear friends now as you guys can see here Sofi heading towards our next technical

resistance level which is which is $918 we are almost there we just closed this Gap over here we don’t see any meaningful top signal there is not a single bearish reaction and right now we are still very bullish Nathan what could convince you that so far is going to reverse the trend well

reverse I don’t know but uh if we lose the $853 we are going to materialize a pullback in the next few days oh but we are so far away from this key Point yes we are far away so it is going to be very difficult for Sofi to actually trigger a pullback over here but we’ll see all right

only time will tell I’m going to keep you guys updated on this channel every single day join the 5% project for more trading ideas insights and to learn how to trade like a professional thank you for audience my dear friends see you guys on Monday stay safe bye-bye

Now that you’re fully informed, watch this essential video on Technical Analysis of Stocks: SPY / QQQ / NVDA / TSLA / AMD / PLTR / NIO / SOFI.
With over 3572 views, this video deepens your understanding of Finance.

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33 thoughts on “Technical Analysis of Stocks: SPY / QQQ / NVDA / TSLA / AMD / PLTR / NIO / SOFI #Finance

  1. Tesla stock dipped severally , resulting to about 23% drop in the shares value this month… I seriously need suggestions on how to diversify my $400k portfolio made up of volatile TSLA.,..

  2. The sentiment around cannabis is currently at its lowest ebb, the elections are just around the corner, what do you think about the cannabis comeback?

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