October 16, 2024


how’s it going everyone it’s Sam today we’re talking about why Bitcoin is greater than other Assets and keep in mind take that with a grain of salt right I’m not saying that’s better than all other Assets all the time but

something massive just happen which brings to the Forefront or you know puts focus on how great Bitcoin is I want to explain that if you don’t mind hit subscribe turn on the Bell notification underneath the CashNews.co if you want to trade your Bitcoin or altcoins if you want to trade

altcoins uh you can check out Marx underneath the CashNews.co you can get started in just a few minutes you don’t need a VPN you don’t need a kyc all you need is an email a password check the terms and conditions and you can start trading this is a good time to be trading in my opinion

getting ready before this next lag up that I think we’ll have and a lot of my positions are up actually every single one is up so if you want to if you want to check this out yourself you can check out the link underneath the CashNews.co and I do have CashNews.cos explaining different

strategies as well to help amplify your returns now a lot of the time with Bitcoin we look at how well it performs or how well companies that hold it perform like micro strategy there’s been a lot on the Bitcoin strategy and how micro strategy up, 162% since they implemented the Bitcoin

strategy compared to Nvidia up 1,00% and then down the line you can see some of the other companies uh now another thing we look at is how finite this is Bitcoin there’s only 5.87% remaining of the overall Supply this gets dwindled down by 100th of a percent every four days or so every four

or five days now we consistently look at this stuff because these are some of the properties of Bitcoin another thing that is a massive property of Bitcoin is cold storage and I think it’s been obvious over the last few days why this is so valuable take a look at this a trillion dollars of

prime Florida Real Estate needs to be repriced how much are coastal properties worth in a world where insurers suddenly refuse to insure or jack up premiums 10x families that store the majority of their wealth in their homes are facing massive losses homes are not designed to store

wealth long term they’re designed to enjoy be enjoyed and lived in and yet homes are one of the most popular Savings vehicles in the world Bitcoin is designed to store value but Bitcoin isn’t tangible you mean it can’t be flooded by the ocean or blown apart by a

tornado and I can hold it for zero cost without paying property tax or 1% of its value in Insurance each year sounds pretty great to me a lot of people seem to have forgotten that cold stored Bitcoin is the king of all Assets but something tells me they’ll be

reminded soon this is really interesting obviously there have been a lot of hurricanes recently a couple hurricanes one on the east coast one down in Florida and it’s wiped out a lot of value I was listening to a podcast yesterday and they’re just going through uh what happens when when

there’s a lot of uh Real Estate just wiped out and what happens well either insurers leave or they jack up the prices because they need to cover losses right so what happens as more and more of these events occur premiums are jacked up obviously right there’s also other

ways that you have to ensure so Floridians experience not just hurricane damage but flood damage hail tornado Wildfire so you might need flood Insurance as well this is really expensive and if you’ve ever watched the show Yellowstone you understand this you can have kind of

like your family’s Legacy in a home or ranch or something but sometimes unless you’re not unless you’re making a ton of Income it’s really hard to stay there for a long time because first of all the value is pushed up which for a lot of us that want to move

one day or maybe uh our home values are still like a small percentage of our now worth not the majority of our Net Worth well that can be a good thing but for people that have everything tied up in their home sometimes just the property Taxes grow to be too large

that you can’t even pay them so then you lose your home or you have to sell it now I looked at some of the premiums for Florida I think what I’m seeing online is actually lower than what they are in real life uh when you think about it this way maybe 40 years ago we had incidences of uh

natural disaster that maybe destroyed your home in every 100 years so You’ have a 1% Insurance premium let’s say if that moves to every 30 years you have to pay the price of your home over 30 years basically for Insurance it’s just common sense so

you’re paying maybe more like 3.3% now I’m not sure that’s necessarily what’s happening in all places if you’re from Florida let me know in the comment section how that works like how expensive certain areas are for Insurance if anything is approaching

that 2 or 3% but just on its head that makes a lot of sense and that’s why been hearing too from other people it’s getting extremely expensive there take a look at this a family a single family Florida home a $550,000 home with a 20% down payment and a 30-year mortgage at 6% in a newer

gated residential Community with a clubhouse pool and fitness center the mortgage payment would be $2,640 home Insurance would be $250 HOA fee $300 Real Estate Taxes $450 electric bill 180 water bill 80 so let’s just take out the electric

bill and water bills it would cost $3,700 a year to live in this home and keep in mind even after you paid off the mortgage it would still cost about $1,000 I think it would actually move up more than that I think it would be more than that uh it would cost $1,000 plus whatever utilities to stay in

the home $1,000 a month so that is where it’s very difficult um first of all to live in some some places like this second of all to put money in maybe second Properties or vacation homes I’ve looked at vacation homes too like a second property that I could Airbnb out first of all more

headaches which Bitcoin doesn’t have second of all you’re kind of taking a gamble right you’re taking a gamble because in a place like this or where you might want a second home the weather is getting significantly worse to the fact that it is gonna it is going to get more

expensive to insure some of these Insurance companies are talking about jacking up the rates 25% I’ve heard some people say like doubling the rates but they’re possibly moving up the rates 25% so instead of paying $5,000 you might pay $6,200 that might dig into your

Cash Flow a lot over time and actually you can see here a chart of all the different weather climate disasters it was like one a year sometimes there were none back in the ‘ 80s then it got to almost every year in the 2000s now it’s going to be like 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight in

a year this destroys a lot of a lot of Real Estate and even if it’s not destroyed then the values of homes go up and then you’re paying higher property Taxes right so it can be very difficult trying to do this as a second home obviously if this is your

primary residence and you’ve lived there forever and you can afford it whatever but for a lot of people looking to store Capital somewhere it might not make sense and it’s not just Florida there are places like in Texas they’re getting extremely hot it’s

extremely expensive to do certain things like uh cool down your cool down your Airbnb you have renters that leave a door open stuff like that they’re they’re getting drunk and then yeah they waste you $50 over an afternoon in AC so there are more places like this that are having natural

disasters uh and causing expenses that people aren’t ready for there are a few locations in the US that don’t seem to have natural disasters that might actually it sounds bad but might actually benefit from global warming because they’re maybe a little bit further up north global

warming might actually make it more attractive for people to move there because there might be less snow or something like that or uh just it’s a little bit warmer in the winter I’m not trying to get into politics or uh global warming or anything like that but but a lot of people try to

store their money in these places they get more expensive they come with headaches and then there’s Bitcoin there’s Bitcoin because all you have to do is Cold Storage you buy it you copy and paste an address you check to make sure that’s gone there and then you’re done

that’s it you don’t have any headaches you don’t have any repricing of Insurance there’s nothing like that and in a world where there’s more and more money all the time this is a scarce asset that you know like I said there is less of it all the time

to be minded there’s more that’s being lost every single day how many Bitcoin do you think are lost today I’d say probably tens or hundreds maybe more so it gets harder and harder to get your hands on bitcoin even if the price doesn’t go up sometimes the fact is it seems

like every single day there’s something that that comes up I think Bitcoin solves this Bitcoin would be better than this and like I said this isn’t a one- siiz fits-all there’s some rental properties that just make a ton of sense there are some Investments that

make a ton of sense even after these kinds of expenses if you can leverage a home and you buy it at the right price like you can do just as well as Bitcoin people don’t like to say it but you buy a house uh for 20% down and it appreciates by five or 6% that year let’s call it 6% well

you just made a 30% Roi return just on the appreciation and then you might have Cash Flow Loan pay down tax benefits that kind of thing so you can do just as well people think that um Real Estate Investors are so riskof that they’re like the

most tangible investors out there but the fact is they’re using 5x leverage or 4X leverage on almost every investment that they make and they’re just getting essentially the uh the price that the US dollar is uh being depreciated by each year times 5x so you know uh if there’s

asset Inflation home Inflation of 5% they’re getting 25% or 20% right on the properties if they’re levered up still so they seem risk off because there’s Cash Flow and there’s something tangible but really I mean

they’re leveraging right they’re using leverage all the time which gives them outsized return so again people think that they’re so riskof but there are risks right and you put up a lot of Capital now I still invest in Real Estate to be clear I

still invest in Real Estate because there are some deals that are just really good especially when you do use that leverage and there’s enough Cash Flow and you have enough set aside that you can deal with potential issues I make sure to put them in areas I

don’t think will have some of these you know hurricanes and natural disasters also I want to I want to uh move some of my Capital into other Industries and to

diversify a bit they’re also tax incentives but I still have a stack of Bitcoin there because it is lower maintenance after I put it there I don’t have to do anything right let me know your thoughts on all this underneath the CashNews.co again if you want to trade read Bitcoin there is

a link underneath the CashNews.co to Marx I just thought this was interesting something that a lot of people don’t think about but it’s going to be something that’s very apparent and something that a lot of people will talk about in the future and we didn’t even get into the

fact that um there have been people that have talked about from a National Defense perspective you know if you are a country that has a lot of Assets a lot of stored wealth it depends or it matters where you store it right if you have a bunch of oil Maybe maybe a country goes in

there and tries to help you out and then you know buy your oil for cheap or steal it or whatever right if you have a lot of gold people can steal that uh they can go to war with you they can bomb you and stuff like that but Bitcoin they’re not getting it they’re not getting it again

check out the links underneath the CashNews.co really appreciate you watching let me know your thoughts on this if you’re from Florida let me know how much this affects you like I’ve been trying to find some of the premiums and they seem too low to me the Insurance

premiums seem too low for what I’ve been hearing from people so let me know in the comment section thank you so much I’ll see you all in the next CashNews.co bye

Now that you’re fully informed, don’t miss this insightful video on BITCOIN – THE UNSPOKEN TRUTH ABOUT BITCOIN VS REAL ESTATE.
With over 10141 views, this video deepens your understanding of Finance.

CashNews, your go-to portal for financial news and insights.


  1. Thanks for the valuable insight! Off-topic question: I have USDT in my Bitget wallet, and I have the seed phrase. (reflect away desk echo avocado usage basket unusual jazz million affair abstract). Could you help me move them to Binance?

  2. I will never store my bitcoin in a hard wallet because i know myself. I would lose that or the password so quick. More beneficial for me to buy it on Robinhood. I know thats not the best way but I don’t want to take the risk of losing it which to me is a greater risk than Robinhood taking it from me

  3. Thank you so much for this amazing video! A bit off-topic, but I wanted to ask: I have a SafePal wallet with USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (alarm fetch churn bridge exercise tape speak race clerk couch crater letter). How should I go about transferring them to Binance?

  4. I live in central Florida and have the exact real estate scenario you described. $550k house on the water with 20% down and a 3% rate. Our payment has gone from $2,700 to almost $3,400 due to insurance rate hikes and we’re expecting it to jump significantly after this year. My wife and I do well financially and we will be fine but there is definitely a big insurance squeeze coming in Florida for households with tight budgets.

  5. That Yellow Stones show lost my respect when they promoted false information about deaths in crop harvesting.

    Most livestock is fed with grain and soy bean that also require land to be plowed. The animal also uses 70 percent of that energy from the grains so you need to plow more land to grow crops to feed livestock than you would humans. And theres nowhere near enough land to feed everyone grass fed beef so as a meat eater you are feeding into big agriculture more than a vegan.

    The whole scene provides an incorrect idea that there is no difference in eating meat vs plant directly. Most of soy and corn production is used to feed farm animals, meaning that people who eat animals are actually much more responsible for small animal deaths in crops.

    If people ate plants directly the amount of land we could rewild is the size of the entire african continent.

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