October 18, 2024
“WARNING: They Are Planning Complete FINANCIAL CONTROL” | Whitney Webb

“WARNING: They Are Planning Complete FINANCIAL CONTROL” | Whitney Webb #Finance

isn’t it kind of crazy that this is all in front of us right now while everyone is asleep at the wheel they’re distracted by Tik Tok they’re distracted by the big mainstream media pushing fear articles and nonsense isn’t it crazy that this is happening right now

welcome to the channel everyone my name is Nick for those that are new to the channel hopefully by the end of this CashNews.co you do become a subscriber so here we have neuralink ai digital IDs social Credit scores cbdc wallets Ubi X as your social media platform starlink for your

Wi-Fi Tesla cars that can turn off remotely all this coming while you’re sleeping at the wheel pay attention and yes we’re now seeing the age of they want to call it the age of intelligence that’s what the elites are calling it I would argue that this is the age of increased

digital surveillance and control they want control o over almost everything um electric vehicles now can be turned off remotely this is a big problem especially when you think about you know what type of control that gives the elites I mean everything that we are we are witnessing everything that

we are seeing being pushed around Tech is and it feels as though are a key to unlock a door into control and a lot of these a lot of these big moves being made are feeding into what the world economic Forum has been pushing for years and years and years around the fourth Industrial Revolution now

I’m going to play a CashNews.co clip real quick of Whitney web and from this point I want to really address what’s happening right now to society to everyone to everything around us so check out this CashNews.co clip in the grand scheme of uh where we’ve all been upgraded

we’re all part of the internet upgraded I don’t think that’s the intention that’s how they’re selling it to people if you look at this for example the British eugenic Society where a lot of this came came from you look at someone like HG Wells best known as a science

fiction writer but also a a vowed eugenicist he predicted that in uh 100 to 200 years there would be two human races there would be the um upgraded augmented Elite who were intellectual and attractive and you know were the ones that did everything and then a dwarf-like troll-like squat underclass

that eats bugs and uh you know for people that have been paying attention it seems like you know they’re selling this as as one way it’s all going to be a Utopia utopian uh thing if we all upgrade I mean that’s how it’s Being Framed right but if you look at how these people

think they don’t want that they’re looking at feudalism and how do you create a class of slaves that cannot even cognitively Rebel ever again and they are doing this with AI they want to utilize AI as a gateway to that you know slave like mentality where you rely on the tech so much or

you start becoming the tech through plants over here we have in some Minnesota schools October 11th by the way artificial intelligence gets a seat in the classroom that’s right this is pretty wild we’re now starting to see AI being taught in schools here we actually have a teacher

telling the students to grab their laptops and sign into chat GPT the free online AR icial intelligence tool that can generate and organize information about any topic just by asking it questions the goal of today’s lesson is basic teach students how this AI works and get them to play around

with it so what we are now starting to see is the gateway to AI being taught in schools they want everyone using AI That’s that’s step one get them using things like chat TBT or whatever step two is pushing implants that could greatly imp impact your everyday life it can make you think

this way that way it’ll allow you to learn this so much faster once you start to see things like that being pushed all of a sudden you start having the AI be the thing that you rely on for anything and everything this is a problem and also by the way the IMF one of the elite organizations put

out a article regarding mapping the world’s Readiness for artificial intelligence shows proc ects diverge and this is regarding 174 economies around the world based on their digital infrastructure human Capital labor policies Innovation integration and Regulation and this is

back in June of this year by the way now this this is showing how AI is poised to reshape the global economy and how it’s going to enhance productivity of existing jobs for which AI can be a compl complimentary tool and create new jobs and even new

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Industries hm very interesting now here is the overall map again they’re preparing this as a global initiative they want everyone to be using AI they want to start integrating AI into almost everyday life and get everyone

used to it the way the best way to do this is by the way having having the kids in classroom starting to utilize AI as well and getting used to it this is crazy this is crazy especially when you compare it to what we’ve been hearing from the world economic forum over here we have CLA Schwab

tells the world to get ready for a transhumanist future just think of the power he says of the combination of artificial intelligence Quantum Computing and Big Data he’s the founder and executive chairman of the world economic Forum he’s predicting in 10 years that the world will be

completely different from what it is now I think we have to be prepared for a world where we see a fusion of our physical our digital and our biological dimensions so it will be a world integrating the physical biological and digital dimensions and guess what it’s already happening because of

Elon Musk everyone cheer for him right he’s such a he he’s such a genius the first human implanted with neural link has made a full recovery yeah implant it with Elite technology that the elites have been pushing for a very long time check it out when we talked about the first

Industrial Revolution we had of course the steam engine we had electricity but now we have a multitude of Technologies all working together to a certain extent in combination just think of the power of the combination of artificial intelligence Quantum Computing and Big Data uh so it’s a

combination of the different Technologies which really bring the fundamental change and finally um I think we have to be prepared for a world where we see a fusion of our physical our digital and our biological uh Dimensions so it will be a world integrating So Physical biological and um see uh uh

digital Dimensions so it will be a new world and um I’m looking former minister in 10 years uh probably it will be completely different from what it is now so it’s going to be a new world is it going to be a new world or a new world order is the way that it seems as though they are

trying to push this they’re pushing it in a way that is not just about Innovation for an example another world economic Forum member you’ve all knowah Harari which I’m sure that you guys are aware of we have the Takeover of human society by artificial intelligence will put

millions of people out of a job creating a new useless class people who don’t have any skills that the new economy needs yeah this sounds great listen closely one of the biggest things happening in the world right now is a shift in Authority from humans to algorithms to AI now increasingly

this decision about you about your life is done by an AI one of the biggest dangers with this new technology is that you know a lot of jobs will disappear so the biggest question in the job market would be whether you are able to retrain yourself to fill the new job and whether the government is

able to create this vast educational system to retrain the population people will need to retrain themselves or if they can’t do it then if you can’t do it the danger is you fall down to new class not unemployed but unemployable the useless class people who don’t have any skills

that the new economy needs one of the biggest now after hearing this right and after seeing everything that we’ve been you know basically pushed by the world economic Forum to believe and want I ask you does this sound like something that is going to be great for us it doesn’t we also

have over here in a leaked CashNews.co from a private World economic Forum Indo indoctrination uh session CLA Schwab promises recruits that their Avatar will continue to live after they die and that their brains will be replicated through artificial intelligence and algorithms have a chance to look

forward to a career of 50 years and my own opinion yeah maybe maybe maybe more you will get some injections and some uh and so on and um um and then don’t forget your your avatar will continue to live so uh uh and your your brain will be replicated see through artificial intelligence and

algorithm um so we don’t know but at least 50 years and again like all of this is being pushed by the world economic Forum now they want everyone to be useless right they want you to be useless they want you to be a useless class and the reason why is because they keep pushing the cbdcs the

cbdcs are now becoming a very big Hot Topic everyone is now aware of them now they’re switching it up to stable coins which are the same exact thing they’re programmable digital currencies also at the same exact time that the global landscape of digital ID is changing uh we now know

that the adoption of this is starting to accelerate fast in North America America Europe Asia Africa and the list goes on um this is becoming more and more of a reality every single day we’re entering the dystopian time frame of uh of society and also Universal basic Income

which is already being experimented with throughout the world this is the other piece of the puzzle as well the puzzle of the elites we’re putting the the puzzle of the elites together and if you actually look at all of this it’s all aligned it’s all perfectly aligned it’s

all connected and even if you think that there’s people out there that are not working with the elites that you might like oh look at they’re so smart they’re doing this they’re doing that they’re trying to fix everything yeah these are people that were also tied back

to the young global leaders initiative by the world economic Forum that are still pushing the world economic Forum agenda today even though they are telling you to be fearful of it they’re telling you to be scared they’re telling you that it’s extremely dangerous even though they

continue to push it why well it’s because this initiative is already in place this plan is already in place everything that we are now witnessing from the big you know agenda from you know all right well let’s push this you know scop that scop uh War fear this that there’s always

some sort of agenda behind it that is pushed by these Elites that’s why as we look at AI as we look at you know digital currencies it’s all tied right back to the world economic forum and the society that they are trying to create remember these are Elites they don’t want money

they want control control is their end goal so with that being said I hope that you guys enjoyed this CashNews.co If you guys did definitely leave a like subscribe to notifications on more free content you guys are more than welcome to follow me on Twitter and join the free Discord in description

below and with that being said guys it’s been Nick thanks for watching peace out

Now that you’re fully informed, don’t miss this amazing video on “WARNING: They Are Planning Complete FINANCIAL CONTROL” | Whitney Webb.
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39 thoughts on ““WARNING: They Are Planning Complete FINANCIAL CONTROL” | Whitney Webb #Finance

  1. 🚨 PLEASE BE AWARE 🚨 There are scammers in the comments pretending to be me, please avoid any offers from anyone in the comments. Stay vigilant & don't fall for any scams/phishing.

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    If you enjoyed the video don't forget to leave a LIKE, SUBSCRIBE & Turn On NOTIFICATIONS to NEVER MISS an upload! Thanks for watching ❤

  2. Universal basic income will be CO2 based. You will get a CO2 budget and the prices will be in CO2 units and no overdrafts will be allowed. It will also be connected to your car, public transportation, household and everything else.

  3. A.I. in the hands of Sociopaths instructing Archonticized programmers under a Fixed Criteria will have the potential to reduce human subjects into full flegged Muppets. A.I. is only as intelligent and effective as the programmers feeding limited data/ information or misinformation. Presently A I. is under the Control of the Great Society or Establishment and primarily intended to be implemented as a means to suppress, oppress and confine the masses under a Fascist Police State.

  4. They brainwash people on this season of big brother on CBS… It was all AI based competitions and themed. They had to serve, bow down, answer to an even live in fear of various AI characters on the show. I couldn’t believe there was no outrage over the obvious predictive programming.

  5. Be careful with that trump coin thing. If Elon is the one that brings nueralink to the world and he strongly supports trump.. either way could be leading us to that dark place the ancestors have warned us about!!!….

  6. Impressive insights, thanks! You’ve explained the upcoming event in the crypto world really well. For those wanting more insights, check out my bio. Thanks again, looking forward to your future content!

  7. These people are really pissing me off, and I have had enough of the crazy ideas. I think the time will come when real people will have to take up the mantle and let the crazy WEF realise that they make think there in charge of us but they are not. And they never will be ,

  8. Nothing says fearmongering more than a Whitney Webb video,she ticks all the boxes and people love her,she has a platform to spread fear which is the biggest red flag

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