October 21, 2024


how’s it going everyone it’s Sam we just had a huge inflow to Black Rock to another Bitcoin ETF that’s why this is just another Bitcoin CashNews.co because this seems to be happening daily right now I want to give you a lay of the land where we are in the cycle and where

we’re going in my opinion if you don’t mind hit subscribe turn on the Bell notification underneath the CashNews.co so you can see future CashNews.cos just like this hope you’re all doing well bitcoin’s doing well pushing above $68,000 again just a little red day and then

it’s continuing to move up if you want to trade Crypto there’s a link underneath the CashNews.co to Marx you can set this up in just a few minutes if you haven’t done it

it’s not too late in my opinion you can get set up in just a few minutes now and you can take advantage of this B run 176% 177% 282 63% those are some of the positions I have open right now if you want to do the same thing you can put a little bit of

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto on there of course only put on there what you’re comfortable losing because you can get liquidated of course you don’t have to put in your whole amount every single time like watch some CashNews.cos

you’ll understand it a lot better but let’s get into what’s happening right now Bitcoin dominance moving up it hit 59% for the first time since early 2021 this is pretty bullish for Bitcoin also pretty bullish for altcoins in a way because if bitcoin’s moving up in price and

Bitcoin dominance is moving up in price eventually it will turn and ALT coins will probably have insane rallies now just a reminder cuz I know people watch these CashNews.cos that get scammed because I continue to get I continue to get emails almost once a day now it seems like asking if

they’re talking to me on Whatsapp or asking me if they’re talking to me on telegram I’m not talking to you on any of those I don’t want your money to invest it or anything like that like if you want to sign up for Marx or one the other uh exchange is great I’m not

touching it I’m not touching money just yeah just be careful out there I got another one tonight so be careful take a look at this 1017 the thread tracking the ETFs a little bit of a

lighter volume day from ibid and gbtc and fbtc but take a look at this gbtc had a large inflow today $46 million that’s pretty that’s a pretty big deal for them that’s $77 Bitcoin today versus the 450 mind Arc B with a massive $100 million inflow day they’re buying a ton of

Bitcoin too what is that 1,400 Bitcoin something like that fbtc just had a small day again but yet Black Rock with a massive day 309 million I’ve said this the last three or four days it seems like they’re talking to each other fbtc has another small day well Black Rock has a big day

they never have big days on the same day very rarely maybe 5% of the time but Black Rock came in and bought a ton a metric ton of Bitcoin 309 million do worth so inflows of 473 million or 7,000 Bitcoin keep in mind we’ve seen massive inflows the last few days in a row so what was this one

what did I just say uh 470 million something like that 473 million and the day before that it was 450 the day before that 371 the day before that 555 250 so so far over the last week we’ve had two billion in inflows 1 billion just into ibit these are insane numbers these are insane if

you’re not paying attention now I don’t know what you have to see to start understanding that these ETFs are buying a metric ton I’m just going to say ton uh maybe I’ll

swear more I don’t know it’s been a long day uh but yeah this is just an insane amount of demand and what’s happening on the other side well on the other side of businesses too that you can’t see quite as well there are other companies that aren’t you know

href="https://cashnews.co/etfs" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">ETFs announcing every single day and they’re buying Bitcoin right like this convertible note financing round to go buy Bitcoin we have the same thing with mstr we have the same thing with uh

a VAR various other companies that are issuing Debt so the demand is insane what’s the other side the supply okay well we have less than 6% of the overall Bitcoin Supply remaining we’re we’re mining 450 Bitcoin coin a day so let’s let’s just do the

math here 450 times let say we’re two 300 days into the year I know that’s not exactly right but let’s say we mined 150 days at 450 and we mined another 150 days uh at 900 I’m just trying to figure out the exact amount of uh Bitcoin mined this year something like 200,000

Bitcoin multiply that by the price of Bitcoin we’ve had much more an inflows in that so far this year let’s call it 68,000 we’ve had what 13 13 billion doll worth of bitcoin minded and we’ve had well more than that one and a half times uh 1.6 times that in the Bitcoin

href="https://cashnews.co/etfs" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">ETFs just swallowed up and there have been other companies that have bought to there have been other individuals Mr 100 how much has he bought this year so there’s not much happening on the

supply side there’s a lot happening on the demand side what’s going to happen in the future well that’s down to economic conditions we’re seeing more Liquidity pumped into the market we’re seeing lower rates uh just today the Euro zone or Europe

lowered their uh interest rate we’re going to see uh us interest rate lowered in 3 weeks us elections are done no matter which way it goes there’s less uncertainty uh here in a few weeks so yeah there’s just a lot of good things happening with Bitcoin and it’s just another

Bitcoin CashNews.co I feel like every single CashNews.co I talk about Bitcoin and every single CashNews.co there’s bullish things happening of course there’re always short-term headwinds right we do have short-term headwinds sometimes someone just goes and decides to dump a billion

dollars worth of bitcoin at one time there’s not much you can do with that they’re going to be people that manipulate you too that try to steal your Bitcoin or steal your Crypto

just like the people scamming uh you know people of this audience right there scammers down the comments they’re going to be like high level scammers that try to FUD you out of your Investments try to liquidate you that try to get you to give them Bitcoin because they

can’t buy enough other places there’s going to be all kinds of manipulation because this is the Bull Run of a century this is the best asset the best performing asset of all time this is a blood sport people want to literally destroy you and then take your Assets from

you so whether they have to destroy you mentally whether they have to steal right whatever they have to do they’re going to try to do it the key is we have to be more resilient we have to be smar we have to be less emotion filled than anyone else and be able to withstand this kind of

volatility be able to dollar cost average have other good Income sources so that we can continue to Dollar cross average or just sit in times like this where Bitcoin is going up a lot maybe you’re just sitting and you bought a ton back in the bare Market but I think

we’re going to make it through if you’re watching this now if you’ve been watching these CashNews.cos for months and you’re not just coming in last second trying to get a quick pump from 100 to 150,000 you’re probably going to make out just fine the key is to keep a

level ahead and pay attention to what’s actually happening this is insane demand this I don’t know is this the best week we’ve seen all year basically one tenth of the inflows of all the Bitcoin text-decoration: none;">ETFs have happened in the last week I don’t know that’s extremely bullish and while it is just another Bitcoin CashNews.co you have you have to see that this seems to be different people don’t want to say this time’s different people uh you know

people are uh getting a hard time on Twitter because they’re excited again for the sixth time and some people are Shoring the market saying yeah you can get excited but every other time people were excited and we fell back down if the ETF starts selling tomorrow if there’s a huge

outflow we’re going to fall right back down but you have to realize that eventually we’re going to break this there is insatiable demand out there everything is pointing in the right direction so while there might be short-term headwinds while we might fall down I don’t care cuz

we’re going to make it through and we’re going to make a metric B boatload of money if we play it right or maybe you don’t want to make a boatload of money maybe you just want to hold on to your Bitcoin you’re just holding on to it for a long time well even in that scenario

you hope the value goes up let me know your thoughts on all this underneath the CashNews.co thank you so much for watching if you made it this far in the CashNews.co let me know what you’re drinking uh I was drinking water but I’m all out I think I need a little bit more before bed

thank you so much I appreciate check out the links to Marx I’ll see you all in the next one bye

Now that you’re fully informed, don’t miss this essential video on BITCOIN – NOTHING TO SEE HERE.
With over 9988 views, this video is a must-watch for anyone interested in Finance.

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