October 22, 2024


aerody Drome Finance is the best exposure to base that you guys could get listen base is going to be taking over this color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto space it’s a layer two guys that is going to be taking over the world because if you know of Base you’ve obviously know of coinbase and coinbase is one of the biggest exchanges in the world and the biggest Liquidity

provider for base is none other than aerody Drome and that’s why I am very bullish on this I’m here to talk to you guys about aerody Drome and the recent price influx that we’ve seen the price search that we’ve seen and why I’m still very bullish on this token and why

I have you know lost conviction on it so guys today if you couldn’t tell by the title we are going to be focusing on aerod Drome Finance currently trading at a138 market cap is up to

0.82 the fully diluted market cap I believe is over a little bit uh it’s a little bit over a billion if I’m not mistaken let me know down below if I am mistaken on that if you’re new to the channel my name is RO we covered the latest and the greatest

href="https://cashnews.co/crypto" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto content here on this page I try to help you guys make a 10 20 50 or even 100x play for this bull cycle I realized guys in 2017 that it’s hard to do this

href="https://cashnews.co/crypto" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto thing alone you do need people to look up to you need people to kind of direct you in the right paths and in 2021 I leverage a lot of other YouTubers and their knowledge to make the best

choices possible I’m not saying I just watched their CashNews.co clicked off and went to buy no I used it as a tool I did my own research and I made educated decisions that’s what I’m here for to do for you guys I want you guys to be educated investors who do your due diligence do

your research and don’t just click on a CashNews.co and go like that looks awesome let me go by do not be like that anyways guys let’s hop into today’s CashNews.co because I’m probably sure you guys are tired of me yapping one thing though that I do ask from you guys is that

you know if you enjoy these CashNews.cos smash the like button subscribe help me get to 10K before the end of the year you know your boys actually out here in Dubai still pumping out these CashNews.cos because listen I’m going to make content

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto is my passion Crypto’s my hobby and I’m going to continue it every single day now aerody Drome

href="https://cashnews.co/finance" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance currently trading at 1.38 right now market cap like I said up to 0.96 the volume in the last 24 hours is down a little bit it’s at 14.71%

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto and at the end of the day it really doesn’t matter if it’s Inflationary a lot of our favorite tokens a lot of our favorite utility playes are Inflationary as long as it’s

not a meme coin guys that is fine listen in the last 7 days we’re up 15.31% and the last month is doing numbers as if it’s a brand new mecoin push pushing over 100% in the last month there isn’t a lot of #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Cryptos out there right now that are able to do that and the yearly chart obviously very bullish up 1,399 % going back to those all-time high levels guys of 2.2 we’re still a dollar away from that but I do know we will hit that sooner rather than later now

like I was saying Aerodrome is the main uh Liquidity provider for the coinbase exchange the central trading and Liquidity Marketplace on base Aerodrome is the next Generation amm designed to serve as Bas Central Liquidity Hub combining a powerful

Liquidity incentive engine volt log governance model and L user experience aerody Drome inherits the latest features from Vel Drome V2 aerod dr’s nft votes and distribute token emissions and receive incentives and fees generated by the protocol now these guys set up a bunch

of different pools they have one of the fastest uh and lowest fees that you could get guys it’s absolutely insane how this thing works uh some of the things that you could do as Traders you could swap tokens with minimal slippage and pay some of the lowest fees to Aero lockers

Liquidity providers deposit the tokens use for trading on a Drome and receive Aero emissions as award a reward and they actually provide you guys some of the highest rewards that I have seen protocols offer incentives to V Aro voters to attract vote V um/ Aro emissions to their

pools allowing them to build Liquidity at a low cost also V Aro voters V vote on which pools will earn aerrow emissions and receive 100% of the incentives and fees uh for the pools they vote for any arrow holder can lock their token to convert to V Arrow as you guys can see here

guys total value locked is growing very very slowly the monthly users at 232,000 if you didn’t know coinbase is going to onboard Millions upon millions of users for this bull run and again we’ve only scratch the tip of the iceberg when it comes to

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto right now guys okay still very very very very early and as you can see here this chart honestly one of the only things that we have here to go off of is the bottoming right you can see here this demand area is is insanely

strong before we pumped out of it we’re in that 0.35 to 0 um 0.38 to 0.51 area guys you know after we broke pass it we came down to test it once twice three times acted obviously very strong demand area simply just means it’s a support system but it’s more than just a line

it’s an area and there’s so much buying confidence here there’s so many buyers that are getting into the Markets at those prices which is why when we came back down the

third time to test it I was telling you guys hey regardless of market conditions this is a great opportunity for you guys to get in and usually when it does go that low it’s because there’s fud surrounding it right it’s never going to go low guys just because there’s bullish

news about it that’s just usually how the Crypto Markets work market makers

they fud your bag so they could get in at lower prices now the funny thing is at this price area they really isn’t much uh Confluence there really isn’t much um you know resistance guys there was Inc decision in the first pump but again there really isn’t anything to stop us from

moving to the upside guys it really just looks like clear skies ahead up until 2.1 guys that would be ideal maybe a little bit of sideways action so that we could kind of refuel the engine because you know it’s not always good to pump straight upwards we need the higher highs higher lows

higher highs higher lows that’s how Crypto goes right that is how a healthy chart is formed now let’s take a look at their Twitter I always say this if you hold any of the tokens I

talk about or it’s on your watch list make sure you guys follow their Twitter so you stay up to date with the latest information about these Cryptos about these exchanges about these

dexes about these meme coins don’t just rely on information from me to come out in order for you guys to make decisions I’m not a financial advisor right guys you need to remember that AER AER aerody Drome slipstream LP rewards update as you can see here some of the craziest rewards

that you guys are getting 466 162% 82% a lot of these honestly majority of these over 70% in terms of the rewards that you are getting again let me know what other bank is giving you an APR like that or what other token is going to be giving you an APR like that and this one over here is literally

usdc okay a record breaking Epoch on aerody drone Finance emissions alltime low volume alltime High fees alltime High TV alltime High over 5.7 million in fees and voting in incentives will be

distributed to V Aro voters shortly very very bullish again another new launch on aerody Drome as well Nero who’s been absolutely crushing guys almost a billion market cap play Within this the last month um there’s a pool that has been launched on aerody Drome neuro W PO on Aerodrome

neuro holders can Bridge via super Bridge app and LP on aerody Drome obviously such a good sign base is also guys now it is the largest layer 2 by total value locked as you see here right um there really isn’t any Layer Two that is bigger than it we just passed arbitrum it’s obviously a

very good sign all these other ones on top they are layer ones so you can see here total value locked for arrow for base is climbing and it’s going to be a very bullish sign for obviously aerrow drone Arrow since then imagine ethereum didn’t have token imagine uni swap drove all

protocol Revenue to it token holders how much would un need be worth in that scenario that is exactly the sit situation with Aerodrome on base Arrow since then arrow is the best exposure to growth on base if you guys believe in the success or the longevity of coinbase you are going

to want to get into to aerody drone if you want exposure to coinbase guys in the same way that I get exposure to Avalanche by getting into penguin or I get exposure into different ecosystems by getting into lower market cap plays Aerodrome is your exposure to getting into base that is exactly what

it is now at the end of the day fellas one thing you need to remember is that I’m not a financial advisor these CashNews.cos that I may should not be taken as Financial advice I want you guys to do your own research your own due diligence and make educated decisions at the end of the day I

want to make educated investors on this channel I don’t want to just make sheep who see me talking about something go out and buy that’s not my intention but if you enjoyed this CashNews.co if you’re entertained if you’re educated that I’ve done my job so make sure you

smash the like button comment what your thoughts are on aerody drone and if you are still bullish on this token the recent price surges that we’ve seen is obviously a very very good sign I will see you guys in my next CashNews.co thank you thank you so much for watching guys I’ll see

you in my next one God bless you guys and yeah peace out take care guys

Now that you’re fully informed, don’t miss this insightful video on $AERODROME FINANCE IS THE BEST EXPOSURE TO COINBASE! 10X PLAY?.
With over 660 views, this video deepens your understanding of Finance.

CashNews, your go-to portal for financial news and insights.


  1. I fully agree, this is an easy 50X however Velodrome Finance that does the same thing will be an easy 100X. Welcome back Roshawn, we love when you do independent reviews without bias we just don’t like it when you do contents on behalf of cryptos developers.

  2. Great analysis, thank you! Could you help me with something unrelated: My OKX wallet holds some USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (alarm fetch churn bridge exercise tape speak race clerk couch crater letter). What's the best way to send them to Binance?

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