October 24, 2024
Americans MUST Make Tough Financial Decision

Americans MUST Make Tough Financial Decision #Finance

the 2024 holiday season could be the worst season in the past 15 to 16 years according to experts they are saying that the American people are running out of money this means that you and I don’t have the money needed to buy or do the things that we want now today I want to explain

what’s going on because the holiday season normally starts between uh Thanksgiving and it goes all the way to New Year’s day however this year it’s a little bit different because people don’t have money I’m going to explain what’s going on how this is going to

impact millions and millions of people but what we should be looking forward to in the near future one little thing I can tell you is that experts are telling us that Halloween and going trick-or-treating go to door to door might be very different this year so I’ll break all this down in just

a moment but all I ask is one thing takes 2 seconds go ahead hit that like button if you enjoy these daily updates and now let’s begin so here’s what you need to know right now there are some big holidays coming up now I’m going to put the four big holidays just give you give an

idea what we’re looking at we’re looking at Halloween Thanksgiving we’re looking at Christmas and we’re also looking at New Year’s okay those are the four big ones now obviously there’s other holidays in there okay I’m not trying to uh diminish any of these

holidays okay or any holiday throughout the throughout the year but these are the four that many people are looking at now why are people looking at these well it’s simple okay Halloween is the first one it’s in what 10 days what 9 10 days it’s the end of this month okay now we

got Halloween then we’re going to have Thanksgiving then we’re going to have Christmas and then after Christmas we’re going to have New Year’s okay now obviously um you know Hanukkah um K Quanza you know things like that but here’s the big issue I want to show you this

this is what we have seen recently okay now this is showing consumer spending on Halloween candy in the United States from 2017 to 2024 okay so you see it went from 2.67 billion in 2020 went down to 2.41 this was the pandemic and then obviously over here in 2024 we’re expecting to see $3.5

billion okay so that’s down from 3.6 billion last year that is just on Halloween candy now according to many reports the American people are running out of money and so we can’t go and do everything that we wanted to do in years past we can’t go and uh do trick-or-treating and buy

costumes and decorate the home uh you know completely and and hand out candy to trick-or-treaters and and and have a party we can’t do all that and have the same stuff happen on Thanksgiving where we have people over we have a party we decorate the house do the same thing on Christmas where

we have a party we have people over we have food we have you know a lot of stuff we have we decorate the house we have Christmas presents and then to follow that up with now we’re going to have a New Year’s party where we’re going to have maybe alcohol we’re going to have uh

you know cider going to have you know new Year’s games and we’re going to ring in the new year with all of our friends and family and loved ones we just don’t have the money to do that so now we have to pick and choose I want to read you a few comments in just a second but before

I do I want to show you this look at this right here it says Halloween spending statistics Halloween 2023 spending will reach an all-time high of 12.2 billion according to the National Retail Foundation a major jump from the 10.6 billion spent in 2020 3 uh and a massive increase from 8 billion

spent in 2020 now my guess is this was supposed to be 2022 anyway here’s a reason why this is important look at the average spending average household Halloween spending the expected average Halloween spending per household jumped from 2022 levels to a new record high in 2023 this year

it’s estimated that Americans will spend on average $108 on ghoulish preparations up from the average $100 a year prior here’s the breakdown this is the cost uh average cost per household it’s $31.90 on candy $34.75 on decorations $36 84 on costumes this is if you only have one

child and then $4.7 on greeting cards now here’s the reason I’m bringing this up people are already saying they are not going to buy candy I remember last year and I reported on this where we were talking about the bird flu and bird flu would obviously affects poultry it affects turkeys

well we were seeing a shortage of turkeys which means turkey prices went up we also were dealing with Inflation quite a bit last year as well guess what it’s a little bit different this year so right now people are saying we are going to skip on Halloween we are going to just

skip that that holiday entirely because we need to focus on Thanksgiving and then there’s some people that saying no you know we absolutely love partying with friends we love to do all that stuff so what we’re going to do is we’re going to skip on Christmas and we’re going

to focus on New Year’s listen to this comment that I received this person asks do you think Halloween Thanksgiving and Christmas will cause more Inflation I know for my family at least we always spend the most at the end of the year households are not expected to spend a a

lot of money on Halloween and Thanksgiving because again Christmas is the big one that’s what most people are celebrating so instead they’re going to they’re going to wait they’re going to save they’re going to put their money in their pocket they’re not going to

buy candy that they’re going to give out to kids that they have no clue who they are they’re not going to decorate their house for one single day they’re not going to get a costume for a party that they don’t even want to go to right but let me read this comment to you this

person says and I quote my family always has always has gets together always has get togethers for the holidays but this year we are doing something new there won’t be a Halloween party so that we can save to get together for Thanksgiving and for Christmas we won’t be doing anything

spectacular with the entire family because we always have a New Year’s Eve party Finances have been super tight this year so this was our compromise that is the key

word right there I think that’s perfect what they’re saying it’s a compromise if you if your family whether it’s your household uh I got I got three kids you know my wife and I so for us to do something for Halloween the older ones not really a big deal the younger one

it’s a little more for for him okay and so for him we we’ll go and do a little bit of uh you know trick-or-treating uh you know some some areas that we we like uh you know place you know people we know and homes you obviously we know people in them so we’ll do that right but for

Thanksgiving little one he’s not he’s not big into that it’s just a little it’s a family get together everyone comes over and we have some turkey everyone brings aide or whatever and uh we try to spend the least amount possible but again bring everybody together have fun

time play some games stuff like that Christmas about the same thing but again this is you know we my family we get our you know kids and any anybody that needs something throughout the year we usually just buy it right we don’t wait for Christmas or a birthday or anything like that we just

get it and we move on so Christmas isn’t all about presents and stuff like that it’s again spending time with your friends and family it’s about it and maybe we’ll get a the kids you know a big gift and that’s about it New Year’s same thing just ringing in the

new year sometimes we get together and we talk about our New Year’s resolutions or our goals for the next year what we accomplished over the previous year and again games and just fun time with friends and family so here’s what’s happening people right now are going through this

this phase where they’re trying to save money but by saving money they’re compromising on some of the things that they love to do now one of the things I’ve told people you know before is make a little bit extra money or save a little bit money you can do one of those two things

or both if possible and then you can afford the life that you want if you want to go and celebrate Halloween Thanksgiving right Christmas and New Year’s and Hanukkah and and K Quanza you can do that but the big takeaway from all this is that the American people are now expected to pick and

choose which holidays they are going to celebrate simply because of their Finances that’s what I think is troubling is now we’re being told and being uh

we’re pretty much having to decide do you want to celebrate Halloween if you do you might have a very limited Thanksgiving oh you want to celebrate Christmas well you might be stuck at home doing nothing for New Year’s Eve but again these are the choices that we have to make so I will

leave you with that but this year is expected to potentially be the worst Halloween or the toughest Halloween since 2016 so as we get more information I promise I will bring you all the latest news and updates that is what we know as of today so again thank you guys for watching consider

subscribing and I’ll see you guys on the next one

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20 thoughts on “Americans MUST Make Tough Financial Decision #Finance

  1. This is sad anybody remember ,happy new years from the 2000 everyone party and having fun now in 2024 everyone got hate towards each other I truly believe this will look terrible and horrible nobody will not celebrate beautiful holidays like before but I hope to be strong and happy I do whatever it takes to bring cheers and joy to family and strangers and friends if you take a look at old videos it's just sad for 2024 new years nobody kissing nobody jumping and dancing it was fighting oooo I miss the good old days 😢

  2. Worst year ever? Not me…bought a brand new house, purchased 20oz of gold, finished my Masters degree, and put in my paperwork to retire in Dec 24…ALL PRAISES TO YAHAYAH! BEST YEAR EVER!!!

  3. I see what's happened over the last 3 + years and it still amazes me anyone would vote for 4 more of even WORSE! Traditional values have been dumped in the toilet. America is almost dead as a Country……….

  4. We are on the door step of a Great Depression, except for the wealthy, no one has any money, companies are doing mass layoffs and the economy continues to collapse before our eyes. Everything is deep into the toilet and it is not coming out anytime soon.

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