October 24, 2024
Supermarket Budget Hacks: Save Money & Stay Healthy | Oz Finance

Supermarket Budget Hacks: Save Money & Stay Healthy | Oz Finance #Finance

I’m on it Dr Oz I got you doc I’m on my way meet the supermarket Squad all season long their mission is to change the way you shop for groceries they’ll expose what’s really in your favorite products keep you updated on the hottest products you need to try right now

and of course how to eat like royalty while cutting down on your bill Ali Rosen a nutrition nerd and foodie fanatic Dives deep into the label lies and food truths for your go-to Foods let’s at calani Cox our Savings sleuth she’ll be researching and scouring the store

shelves the shared ways to beat the system and lower your grocery bill no coupons required and our very own culinary Titan role Ali who will bring you the foodie fix you deserve to show us new ways to crank out delicious meals that stretch that dollar like only a chef could and today if you want to

cut cost but hate coupons our Supermarket Squad is showing you the biggest budget hacks you need to start using today we all desire to save money at supermarket but collecting coupons can be timec consuming and it’s confusing it drives me personally crazy and sometimes you don’t even

know how to use them that’s why today the supermarket Squad is back to reveal the biggest budget hacks for people who detest coupons they’re going to show you how to save on your grocery bill this week with simple tried and tested budget hacks and literally they’ve been in the

grocery store all week investigating joining me now is our Supermarket Squad Savings sleuth Lynette calani Cox and our resident nutrition nerd Ali Rosen love them both Lynette how is it possible to save at the grocery store without using those pesky coupons well the main thing to

remember is that coupons are just really one tool in your Savings arsenal when you’re headed to the grocery store so you know if you’re one of those people who’s like a you know a coupon ninja great have at it use it to save but you know if you’re like the

rest of us you really should know that there are a whole bunch of other Savings hacks that can help you when you head to the supermarket so as you mentioned Dr as the supermarket Squad we’ve been out there kind of rounding up tips making sure that people are getting the best

values and one big takeaway that I want the audience to know is that it’s not just about what to buy and when honestly a lot of times it’s about knowing what not to buy and when not to buy as well all right let’s get to the biggest budget hacks for the mere mortals out there

Supermarket squad has put all these ideas to the Tesla net first you say we got to avoid gimmicks in the snack aisle that’s right you know what grocery retailers are notorious for trying to trick us frankly for giving us a lot of ways to buy and overspend in ways that if you’re not

careful you’ll be shelling out way more money than you should so one of those gimmicks is the sort of you know two forx kind of deal so we did this we looked at say chips for example and you’ll see something like two for seven as an example and so you’re thinking okay I have to

buy two whole big bags of chips in order to get that $7 price but actually that’s not the case you know because we actually took an individual bag of chips to the cash register and voila $3.50 for a single bag so the tip here is to only buy what you really need it won’t hurt to you know

take your smartphone with you and take a picture of that label so you’re at the cash register if they try to change the price on you or anything you’ve got your proof there but really you don’t have to overp purchase you should only buy what you need and that little

Savings tip that they you know they make it seem like you have to buy in so much volume but really in many cases you don’t so Ally just to Lynette’s point just because there’s a sign doesn’t mean there is a deal you got some real life proof yeah we went to

the grocery store every single day this week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday and the things that were on sale just stayed on sale Lynette and I were laughing it was like those stores that say going out of business for years and years I mean so if something is on sale it might stay that way

so check it out 1099 $199 $199 I mean I think the price is $199 it’s on sale it has been always right exactly the next budget hack that we’ve got he argu is the is the buy in bulk and freeze this is an idea that is not unique but you’ve taken it to a new level yes I mean the

freezer can be your best friend when you’re thinking about Savings because things go on on sale but they often go on sale in those huge quantities so you really want to make sure that you’re looking for those deals and thinking about whether you can freeze them so

specifically Ally has L us into her freezer for the first time to see exactly how many meals she has has to save money on and this is a lot of cash that’s sitting in your freezer there yeah that’s my you know very organized freezer there um a little embarrassing to let you in there but

um you know the thing about the freezer and having Meals Ready in your freezer is it’s not just about the Savings that you get when you buy in bulk it’s also about the Savings of that time when you’re feeling lazy and you’re like oh

I’m just going to order out again or I’m going to buy some pre-made meal at the grocery store that’s where the big Savings are if you can pull something out of your freezer instead of going and buying something that’s twice as expensive you’re going to

save so much money in the long term you have concrete examples take it away yeah so one of the first is butter which I know we kind of take for granted but butter often goes on sale and butter freezes like a dream also if you are someone who makes a lot of baked goods much like myself maybe not the

healthiest option um but a lot of times you can just grate Frozen butter right into pie crust and things that you’re doing um that are supposed to be kept Cold anyway so butter is a great one um a little healthier here I know you love avocados I do too um we often see avocados go on sale in

those big bags and then you know they go bad we’ve had those brown avocados that’s always like the saddest thing when you open them up I bet about a third of fresh produce goes bad that’s the number that I I’ve looked at that’s a lot of wasted money we’ve seen up

to 50% in the US of produce that is thrown away that we purchase so that’s the thing you know you buy these avocados they are a little more expensive than other produce um but you can actually freeze them the thing to keep in mind is do not freeze them just as they are because the texture

will like exactly work um you know avocados as we all know you know they’re texture they can Brown a little bit so you want to mash it up put a little bit of um lemon in there to sort of help the citric acid there you go and when you put them in the thing that you really want to keep in mind

is that with the lemon and with your sort of you want to Jumble it up and then we’re just going to make sure that we get all of the air out that is really the key to freezing avocado we’ve all seen sort of what can happen when there’s air on top of guacamole so this is great you

can throw it on salads you can throw it on top of a burger but then you kind of always have avocado at the go so this is great and the lemon juice is it is the original preservative before they had all those chemicals they just this what our ancestors did that’s why it worked exactly the

citric acid in there really helps so do not skip the lemon juice on the step um the next tip that we have is eggs you know eggs are another thing that often you’ll see them go on sale in Big bulk or you’ll see that if they you buy them like in the larger containers they’re even

more on sale so I love to make little mini fatatas and throw them in the freezer the other thing that’s great about mini fatatas is whatever is going bad in your fridge throw them right into the frittata and what’s great about this is you cook them up you can have them for breakfast

today and then you put them in the freezer and what I love about these is you know you take a couple of these out you you throw it into the microwave for just like 30 seconds and you have breakfast so this is one of the easiest things that you can do especially like I have three kids I am often at

a loss for like what healthy thing I can make for them like this is one of my alltime go-to this is this is one of D’s hacks works great with the grand kids right exactly and all kids love it um our last tip here is potatoes you know we’ve all bought those huge bags of potatoes

especially at the holidays and then you find them like six months later you know growing little things out of exactly doesn’t mean they’re bad no I mean you can still eat them but it’s good to sort of use them when you can and also to save space um but what you want to do here is

just make your regular baked potato again just like the fadas right you can throw kind of whatever you have in your fridge on top and then throw them into the freezer and then when you’re ready you can have twice baked potatoes and what’s great about this is again you just throw them

back in the oven you don’t have to do anything just stick them on a sheet tray and you’re golden so like this is a perfect easy meal that you can have at any time without throwing thr away your potatoes and without sacrificing any taste they taste just as good doesn’t make a

difference all right next budget item is to buy frozen fish this is like a big issue for me because it’s so darn expensive to buy fish yes is the fish that we buy that’s pristinely lying out there at the fishmonger fresh fish or has been frozen almost all of it has been frozen and I

think that’s something that people sort of can’t wrap their minds around you know when fish especially wild caught fish which we think of as being higher quality when it’s caught at Sea it is usually flash frozen and that’s in order to preserve the freshness right exactly I

mean that actually makes it fresher so a previously frozen fish often times is much fresher than a fish that was caught has been flash frozen then defrosted and then now has been sitting out at the counter of your fishmonger for one two three days if it’s already Frozen then you know

it’s going to be good so I like to cook things straight from Frozen which I think a lot of people think isn’t possible but really really is so what’s the price difference if you buy Frozen versus fresh it can sometimes be yes it can sometimes be half I mean you’ll see

sometimes salmon $20 a pound for a salmon that looks fresh and you’ll see $10 a pound and often that’s the difference between farm salmon and wild salmon so you’ll get the wild salmon for cheaper if you’re willing to buy it Frozen I mean let me go back to you for a sec what

you say buy bulk bin these bulk bins all over the storage right now why is it a better deal well they’re a great deal because you can get a lot of pantry Staples there maybe that’s granola that you uh in your family like or just things like spices much cheaper so a lot of times you know

you might have a recipe that calls for just a pinch of something maybe you need a teaspoon an ounce two ounces but instead of buying like a whole jar of say cumin or anything else just literally buy the amount that you need in these bulk bins you put them in a little plastic bag or in a little

plastic container take it to the cash register sa save money because you haven’t bought like an entire bottle of that spice or that pantry staple I like your opening to the dispenser and letting it come out I feel like it’s the good old days anyway let me give you one last tip when we

come back did you know that buying this this baby right here compared to this will save you up to 50% look at that much better bu than this you want to know why up next the biggest budget hacks for one of the staple food items that you buy most chicken we are back with the supermarket Squad showing

you the biggest budget hacks for people who hate coupons now budget hacks for one of the most frequently bought items at the supermarket chicken you think you know all the shortcuts but let me take L Lynette’s got some ideas you’ve never thought of the first chicken hack and this is

going to help you budget big time is to have some skin in the game what does that mean that’s right it really boils down to buying the chicken that has the skin on it you know I was out as part of the supermarket Squad Dr Oz looking at Family packs of chicken thighs for me my husband Earl and

my daughter Alexis well I saw that the price for the the skin less was $22.32 a pound but the price for the chicken thighs that had the skin on it was 99 cents a pound so a huge Savings and you know which one I bought okay I went with the 99 cent one per pound and save money we can

keep it healthy I just take the skin off myself basically so that’s a really good tip for people to save money on again like you said a stapled chicken that a lot of us eat you also see we ought to buy the whole chicken rather than having cut down into its parts is that is that a big

difference much cheaper very much cheaper if you buy the whole chicken you can typically save about 50% versus buying parts and if you think about it there’s some logic behind this you know there’s been a butcher who’s had to cut up all of those parts the thighs the breasts the

legs Etc and so that cost of Labor that gets past along to you as a customer and you know people don’t really think about this when they’re kind of um making their own purchases but there are tradeoffs right convenience and money if there’s a tradeoff how much time you’re

willing to spend the USDA actually tracks this though and they found that the average price per pound for whole chicken is about a142 a pound and it’s a range obviously based on where you live it’s anywhere from like a low of about 99 cents to as high as about a149 but somewhere in that

140ish range is about the the average price for whole chicken and again that’s going to save you some money so if the whole chicken is too much which it is for some folks right cooking for themselves or them in a you know partner what’s the cheapest part of the chicken to buy break it

down for us so the most expensive one first of all is things like whole wings and the breast and people probably know about that but it’s the leg quarters and the drumsticks that are typically the cheapest parts to buy so that’s where you’re going to find your best Val value see I

personally think they’re the best tasting parts and they may even be the best for you which is why it’s shocking to me that it actually costs you less cuz it’s a good deal across the board Ally let me bring you into this what are the add additional nutritional benefits if youve

got a little skin in the game for buying the whole chicken right well first of all a lot of the things that we see that are fried are often those boneless parts so you’re not going to be as apt to go and Fry something if it has bones in it but second of all like you said those are my favorite

Parts because they actually keep the chicken more moist so if you get used to cooking with the bone in you’re actually going to have much less dry chicken and it’ll be better across the boards if you keep the skin on I think it also helps with the moisture I don’t mind a little

bit of skin it’s naturally there you’re going to be adding butter and lots of junk on top of it to make up for the fact that you made it taste like cardboard anyway I was going to say the skin is one thing but when compared to like coating it with breadcrumbs and frying it I mean just

eat the skin all right for anyone that saved money for anyone who too intimidated to buy a whole chicken we asked another member of our Supermarket Squad our resident foodie Chef ré to show us a simple way to cook a whole chicken you’re going to adore this doc I got the call chicken two ways

indoor outdoor I got the outdoor I got the indoor there’s a really nice grocery store right across that bridge I’m warning here I have two organic chickens I’m removing excess skin and fat using some kitchen shears and now I’m going to use those shears to remove the back

bone of the chicken that’s going to help me to open it up um butterflying it that allows for quicker and more even cooking there you go butterfly chicken flip that thing right over and of course we have two of these one to be cooked Outdoors one to be cooked indoor now it’s situation

marination 1 cup of jerk seasoning 1/2 cup of sweet chili sauce 1 tbspoon of fresh thyme leaves now I’m whisking in one3 cup of oil I’m using roasted garlic oil you could use canola oil or vegetable oil or roasted garlic oil now we’re going to marinate the chickens go ahead and

pour some of that marinade over there oh yeah stack and repeat situation marination oh yeah does that make you happy that makes me happy now we have a 350° preheated Grill I’m cooking on top of a pan you can go direct if you want to and a preheated oven at 350° as well let’s get that

chicken in an oven and hey there we go cooked to an internal temperature of 165° that’s the one that was on the grill yeah hit that bad boy with some scallions and the one that’s in the oven there it is right there looks a little different cooked in a different way going to carve this

bad boy up look how juicy that is right at 165 little rice and peas a little collard green me and oh yeah oh yeah everyone’s going to love you thank you very much to our Supermarket squad for all the hard work and alli’s book is called modern freezer meals check it out don’t

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Now that you’re fully informed, don’t miss this insightful video on Supermarket Budget Hacks: Save Money & Stay Healthy | Oz Finance.
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2 thoughts on “Supermarket Budget Hacks: Save Money & Stay Healthy | Oz Finance #Finance

  1. 𝒀𝒆𝒔, 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒊𝒔 𝒉𝒐𝒘 𝒊'𝒗𝒆 𝒃𝒆𝒆𝒏 𝒅𝒐𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝒊 𝒔𝒆𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒚 𝒈𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕 𝒅𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒔. 𝑺𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝒎𝒐𝒗𝒆. 😂👍

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