October 24, 2024
A New Era: BitBoy Bootcamp + New World Finance (How To Trade Crypto To Your Strengths)

A New Era: BitBoy Bootcamp + New World Finance (How To Trade Crypto To Your Strengths) #Finance

the way we’re going to be doing the show now it’s going to be much cooler than it was and I’m so excited uh with what we’re going to do for you guys I’m not a and of course we do have our bit boy boot camp that is coming up and that will be starting I said

we’re going to launch on November 1st we’re going to launch the uh signups on November 1st and then we’re going to take one class I’m going to take one boot camp class and we’re going to have pre-recorded content we’re going to have more content than probably

anybody else when we launch we’ll have more content than probably anybody else in these in the education space very close to it I would say we’re moving to a much different place where we’re we’re like a groupware community here if you’re just coming and you’re

watching and watch the new show it’ll be good for you but outside of that we’re we’re really going to be bringing this community much closer together because we’re going to be the best place in text-decoration: none;">Crypto there is and so we go through our Academy we’re going to have the ex Academy is going to be the part of the bit boy boot camp where you’re going to get your the pre-recorded content where you can just sign up for that you don’t have to sign up

for the whole boot camp but the boot camp I think I’m only going to take between 25 and 50 people and it’s going to be six weeks with you and me six weeks you and me and the in the rest of the class look if you’re not committed stay away from the bib boy boot camp if you’re

not committed you better stay away if you want to change your life you want to make money more if you want to outdo everybody else in cryp of cycle just like I do every single time every single Le time this is my fourth cycle we do it every time we pick the best coins I’ve been around okay

the point is is if you want to go through the six weeks with me it’s going to be a commitment you can’t sign up and then like four days into it you’re you’re like ah now I’m ready to get started no it’s six weeks boom that’s it so it’s only for the

most committed people we are going to actually create Crypto Cadets turned into none;">Crypto comrades yes I will be talking like a drill instructor sometimes but be very rare so it won’t annoy you but uh yeah so anyways that that is what we’re we’re heading through so we’re really excited about that and the show is going to change because

we’re going to have our own News website is what I’m going to tell you guys we’re going to have our own News website that is not going to be the same kind of News website you’re going to find everywhere else I promise you it is going to be much different and it’s going

to be tailored to our community and the message of what we’re doing in New World Finance which is things are changing and I see that the Market’s falling I get it bitcoin’s

falling today who cares who cares now if you’re in a and you get liquidated I get it you care okay I get it I’m not saying that okay I’m in a couple shorts right now that are crushing it so I’m super excited about these shorts because I think the Market’s probably

going to go down to about 65k or so I haven’t looked at the exact number yet so we’re going to look at that here in a moment okay but this is nothing this is a blip in the radar we have broken out okay we have got breakouts we are now coming back maybe to touch a line and bounce up for

support instead of resistance at the top okay it’s an exciting time for Crypto man it felt oh man yesterday yesterday as I was trading all day I was trading all day yesterday okay and

I’m watching the market yesterday is kind of how it feels to be in a bull run you know I was getting my my alerts my bullish bit boy indicator it was going or the arrow indicator the bullish Arrow bit boy Arrow I was getting them left and right I was getting entry boom entry boom tight stop l

i was crushing it uh I did make a mistake leaving some trades at the way I trade now I cannot leave trades overnight it’s not good for my health I I I I I trade much faster than that I turn on the 48 minute chart Bo boom boom boom this stuff happens quick sometimes so I don’t have time

and and you probably don’t either a lot of you guys um if you’re trying to maximize your Profits some of youall you like to you know use low leverage and just sit on trades some of us we like to use high short you know High leverage short booms that’s what I do uh

there’s also a strategy even using our indicators where you can certainly do it more conservative I I’m never going to be conservative I’ve said over and over I’m going to try to be conservative I can’t be conservative it’s not the way that I’m wired so

I’m going to trade within my strengths which is in a bull market I crush them I was like before overnight I let a couple of those trades go by uh do you know what I was J chaines I was 18 for 19 let’s go little misom actually technically would have been 5919 but three of the traits I

lost because I was taking Profit and I did not on FX I did not hit the new price it was on the price level I was going to take Profits at earlier and it took it at a lower price and I lost the trades and that’s you know you learn the stuff sometimes you just

make mistakes trading we’ve all done it we’ve all made mistakes we’ve all did misclicks kind of like you know Play that CashNews.co poker uh in real life I you’ve ever played one of those tables where you’re playing poker and it’s digital man I misclicked an

Allin one time I had 27 and I almost went on the river a guy called but then I made the big mistake of being like Oh I misclicked I didn’t mean to do this now if I was really good I would have done that I would like when I got Aces I would like oh I didn’t mean to I guy called me and uh

he had a decent hand in anyways but the point is the misclicks it happens in it happens in in poker online poker it happens you accidentally mean to call and you’re rais and you don’t have anything whatever it happens in train you got to be careful of it you the best Traders they they

kind of understand intuitively the things to check and over time when you make a mistake you start to figure out what you should be checking if that makes if that makes sense but I I think that man um I I was crushing these trades s

Now that you’re fully informed, don’t miss this essential video on A New Era: BitBoy Bootcamp + New World Finance (How To Trade Crypto To Your Strengths).
With over 2644 views, this video is a must-watch for anyone interested in Finance.

CashNews, your go-to portal for financial news and insights.

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