October 26, 2024
AERODROME FINANCE | Is $AERO Inflation killing the price?

AERODROME FINANCE | Is $AERO Inflation killing the price? #Finance

uh but but what about um you know the actual mechanics of the token the tokenomics um you know perhaps like a dynamic Supply a burning mechanism has anything been talked about for you guys to to update that is is the doubt active in voting that how how does all of that work in terms of

stabilizing and you know to maybe even help in the future deflate the token Supply it’s a really good question and there’s there’s two things I could say about that one is we know that Inflation is like a bad word in

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto but in every other economic environment Inflation is just a way to accommodate growth and in modern monetary Theory Inflation is just part of the system it’s like you have more

people you have a bigger economy you need more you know dollars or whatever it is so I think Inflation is a is a big component of the the aerodrome growth engine um and based growth engine as well so as the token inflates the uh assumption is to just create additional value uh for

the entire ecosystem and like tbll has gone up as emissions have come out right that’s what’s supposed to happen uh you know swap volumes have gone up number of users has gone up um so it’s all part of the the reason for having Inflation um that being said there

is a change that the protocol will undergo uh after epic’s Epoch 67 and I think we just finished Epoch 56 so it’s coming quickly you know it’s like December I think um that’s when the arrow fed is going to kick in and I like to say we all get to become mini jpow but anybody

who’s a vro voter will essentially determine whether a missions are appropriate or need to be ratcheted up or down um this is going be quite experimental uh we have a lot of like historical data we can use from you know various monetary regimes like we just came out of the the highest hiking

cycle in my lifetime um so it’s probably not the most representative for like what we should expect going forward and also this is D5 so the the sample size is tiny but um in a practical sense when you’re going through like a period of monetary tightening it’s probably helpful to

increase emissions just to incentivize Liquidity and make sure that there’s enough on the decks so maybe that’s the time that the the V voters would say hey like let’s let’s bump emissions up um when Liquidity is plentiful volumes are high

and organic you know traffic is there um maybe you’re you can it’s okay to ratchet things down a little bit so um it’s it’s definitely I’m not an eon Economist we have uh one of our core contributors is an economist and he’s extremely sharp with this stuff

he’s modeled some of it out and it’s it’s the reason why he um pushed for this kind of a mechanism or me to the protocol once we get to the a certain period um and at the end of the day it’s like we want this to work long term um we know how valuable the incentive token is

to the to the design of the decks um and we want to make get work for for everybody as as long as possible uh vome also has a similar I think after Epoch 100 a Fed kick in so it should be fun we’re all we’re all going to become um the amateur Federal onchain reservists yeah for sure for

sure um I know in the news lately there’s been a lot of regulatory concerns um yeah it is super interesting Jeremy you’re right um and thanks for contributing in the chat um continue to throw questions in we’re going to be grabbing a few of these at the very end and and throwing

them back out at Ace so keep contributing questions if we haven’t gotten to them uh we we plan to get to some of them later but um you know with with a lot of the regulatory concerns with the SEC and the US and you know um there there’s a lot of you know worry or has been more so in the

past um with that um you guys have a partnership with with coinbase is there anything you can share in terms of how that part partnership Works how does that affect Aerodrome should we be excited bullish should we be like oh man the big bad business is involved this isn’t good right for the

you know for us Liquidity providers and investors what what can you tell us there about that relationship um coinbase are probably the most honest actor at the centralized regulated company level in text-decoration: none;">Crypto um you know people call Bas like the FED chain and I would say fine but they’re also planning on moving their entire business on chain um they’ve been the most transparent because they have to be they’re audited by like public companies so

they’re allowing anyone to build on on chain they’re not censoring people they’re not censoring addresses it’s like tell me the difference between base and any other you know L2 on our on ethereum it’s like you can do the same things um we like tongue and often say

like we’re The Unofficial Bas token because Bas doesn’t have a token and Aerodrome essentially is providing the economic incentives for growth um so coinbase absolutely sees that as as like value ad to base um they won’t explicitly say it but based on the amount of referrals that

we get from them for new protocols uh the amount of like co- incentives things we do with them like we we work with um with circle on helping them increase their like native usdc and that was also a partnership that was helped by helped with Bas um you know CBBC that launch was we were very closely

working with with the base team uh so partner in like understanding how to help them grow it’s it’s a very symbiotic relationship um coinbase ventur is a different animal that’s you know where they actually make strategic Investments in uh onchain applications and

and other growing web3 companies um you know they had to buy the arrow token on chain just like everyone else um it was only the second time that Ventures ever bought a token on the secondary market usually they have to go out and or they go out and get OTC deals um so that was a a big feather on

our cap and they’re they’re very very bullish um they’re now like using their VI to kind of vote for their port CES and and make sure there’s ample Liquidity for their various tokens and yeah I I’m expecting them to be a lot more public going forward

they’ve uh kind of kept their activity Under Wraps um just because you know I think it’s the part of this Market cycle like we don’t want everyone to to Pile in here it’s like we we know how um how fast base is growing and AER drum is growing and um yeah we’re

we’re we’re really grateful for the help that coinbase has provided and um you know we see that as a probably the best ecosystem partner we could ask for yeah yeah I’ll be honest that’s when I got excited again was when they got involved with you guys and I know the price

just skyrocketed after that and uh Liquidity skyrocketed and that’s when you guys really took off so I’m I’m excited for that partnership um and I I do my swaps I’m a lock is it V Arrow or V Arrow how do you I think I think V arrow is just easier to say less

syllables right yeah but I’m a I’m a I’m a v holder Locker voter every week um and then I provide Liquidity and and yeah it’s it’s been great so so as a member of that whole ecosystem I I love this

Now that you’re fully informed, check out this insightful video on AERODROME FINANCE | Is $AERO Inflation killing the price?.
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29 thoughts on “AERODROME FINANCE | Is $AERO Inflation killing the price? #Finance

  1. The inflation is not an issue since it is being managed by TVL , LP. and APR. They could also choose to burn AERO if inflation runs Hot. Inflation is only a problem when it is running wild. Like the USD. Its an awesome project.

  2. I always look up your videos for update! I applaud the no-nonsense approach you take to the news and the markets, A lot has changed and that's about it but the truth is that I don't even care much about the bull or bear market anymore because Elizabeth McCauley gat me covered while I'm doing comfortable. 15k-20k every week and I'm still counting
    thanks to her❤️

  3. The video probably ends up saying it is NOT, would be my guess because that is the correct answer. As of March 2024 the annualized inflation was about 68%, which isn't much when you do the math and consider this is a first cycle project that wasn't sitting there getting farmed for the entire entire bear market. This is the same FUD from Q2 2024. The drop was blamed on inflation instead of the obvious answer, which was the market.

    MOONWELL vampire tap, most utility alts sucking wind, stupid moonboys that won't know what happened until after the train pulls away… are legit inhibitors to parabola atm.

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