March 28, 2025


so another set of good news and the important circular so we will see that here so first we will see the good news that is coming right now ular we will see that here friends so combined do net Profit of uh 12 public sector Banks so the combined Profit it

uh in the quarter 2 of financial year 25 uh touches 45550 crores and year on inre year increase 35. 39% and pnb leads the pack with 145% net Profit after Bank of India 63% so that’s a very positive update coming from the public sector uh Banks so friends if you see on the

Profit side the banks are doing I think the best of all time of all time high the banks are doing very good and after that we have a official circular that we uh that is in relation to the bank pensioners so your figures are extremely well pension fund give like the

Profit of the banks so the circular that is from the all India Bank retires Welfare Association and being referred to Shati nirmala sitaraman G honorable Finance Minister

Ministry of Finance regarding the revision pending for the long 38 years so respectively we would like to request you to please look into your own averment that pensioners have been waiting

for a long time and we need employees to be attended particularly their families and the pension of the retired employes so ma’am after this we do not need to say anything more on the condition so we seek pensions to quote for the business line interview published on 30th of October 2020

which you delivered at 73rd a anual meeting of IBA on 10th of November 2020 just to bring it to your memory in which you have shown a mirror to the bank Executives regarding the bank pensioners so business line interview 30th October 20 I want Bank employees to be given due a lot of top pensioners

are waiting for a very long time yesterday I had a meeting with the Raj Kiran R of ibaa so I spoke to him to uh we need Bank employees to be attended particularly their families excert of 10th November 20 keyn note address so one of them after long after all is the very particular case sir being

part of banks post retirement sir they can’t be for gotten post retirement they can’t be left so who have retired who have not gone with be with their families so each one of them they did the best when they were here there so I’m sure many of you be retired therefore we

can’t be treating differently so as the former Defense Minister a one little message which I admire there I would like to pass onto ibaa is the defense personal personal personal always treat the defense family that one when they are out so this support the family is taken out when they

retired family is taken care of so they are one family always like ex servicemen or servicemen so similarly I wish to see that culture in Banks so that all the bank staff and their families are one and whether they are in service or retired you will have to talk for them and take care for them and

uh the pensioners have not received any reward of your emotional appreciations till date even after 4 years so the pension of pensioners has not been revised so your move was unique so because of you the ceiling on the family pension was removed 100% da which was pending for the long two decades

was resolved the resist who was suck since 93 got the pension revision and the pension revision was not happening at present so the pensioners were given ex Gracia from 1st November 2022 so small relief was given which can be called a straw to help the draing pensions so banks are under the

Ministry of Finance the bank executive shall should not should have respect your views so which they have audacity not to do so we do not know how did you take it so figures bank so pension

payment is made from the Income of the funds stored in the pension trust so in this fund Bank employees have contributed their PF contributions received from Banks so more than 427,000 cres are deposited in the pension fund of public Bank as on 31st March 24 so in the financial

year 23 24 interest was more than 27,000 CR the interest Income and other Income was 56,000 CR so the total Income was more than 83,000 CR and the pension payment just 34,000 cres so in such robust financial position of pension fund the management

is depriving their dues and killing the pensioners by dragging them in the lawsuits so lacks of people have died in the anticipation of pension revision so far so it is another Melancholy so we request you to seriously intervene in the m in the matter and order order pension updation on the RBA

line outside the court no more advice please it needs your speaking order pensioners are assured that you will solve the problems as soon as possible so that’s all for this session friends so kindly share this update And subscribe to the channel for the latest banking pension and related

upcoming updates Channel tune friends so that we can give you the update instantly whenever it is released out so that’s all thank you thank you you for being us with us

Now that you’re fully informed, watch this essential video on Bank pensioners – ON RBI LINES OUTSIDE COURT – HONOURABLE FINANCE MINISTER OF INDIA.
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