September 19, 2024
CoinDeskAustralians Lost 2M Worth of Crypto to Scams in 12 Months: PoliceAFP Assistant Commissioner Richard Chin said the data revealed that it was 
a misnomer that only older people were victims of scams..4 hours ago

CoinDeskAustralians Lost $122M Worth of Crypto to Scams in 12 Months: PoliceAFP Assistant Commissioner Richard Chin said the data revealed that it was a misnomer that only older people were victims of scams..4 hours ago #CriptoNews

Cash News

CoinDeskAustralians Lost $122M Worth of Crypto to Scams in 12 Months: PoliceAFP Assistant Commissioner Richard Chin said the data revealed that it was
a misnomer that only older people were victims of scams..4 hours ago

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