September 19, 2024
Fortune IndiaListed fintechs’ m-cap surges from bn to bn in two decades; over 50 
firms eye IPOsThe Indian fintech landscape has emerged as the world's third-largest 
fintech market, trailing only the United States and China,….7 hours ago #IndiaFinance

Fortune IndiaListed fintechs’ m-cap surges from $2bn to $46bn in two decades; over 50 firms eye IPOsThe Indian fintech landscape has emerged as the world's third-largest fintech market, trailing only the United States and China,….7 hours ago #IndiaFinance

Fortune IndiaListed fintechs’ m-cap surges from $2bn to $46bn in two decades; over 50
firms eye IPOsThe Indian fintech landscape has emerged as the world’s third-largest
fintech market, trailing only the United States and China,….7 hours ago

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