September 19, 2024
Property WeekNumber of UK REITs soars 61% as rule change boosts sectorThe number of new UK REITs leapt 61% to 45 over the year to April 2024, 
according to a report by chartered accountant and business adviser Lubbock 
Fine..2 hours ago #UKFinance

Property WeekNumber of UK REITs soars 61% as rule change boosts sectorThe number of new UK REITs leapt 61% to 45 over the year to April 2024, according to a report by chartered accountant and business adviser Lubbock Fine..2 hours ago #UKFinance

Property WeekNumber of UK REITs soars 61% as rule change boosts sectorThe number of new UK REITs leapt 61% to 45 over the year to April 2024,
according to a report by chartered accountant and business adviser Lubbock
Fine..2 hours ago

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