Cash News Your financial life can change significantly when you get married. You might save money by splitting household expenses and filing taxes jointly. What’s more, your marital status can influence how much you pay for car insurance. When auto insurance underwriters calculate your car insurance premiums, they don’t solely look at your driving history, […]
APY vs. interest rate: What’s the difference, and why does it matter? A bank account's interest rate is how much it earns in one year, while APY represents your total annual interest with compounding factored in. Read on to learn more about APY vs. interest rate.
Cash News APY vs. interest rate: What’s the difference, and why does it matter? A bank account’s interest rate is how much it earns in one year, while APY represents your total annual interest with compounding factored in. Read on to learn more about APY vs. interest rate. Read More #cashnews #newsfinace #finance #FollowsCashnews
Can you pay college tuition with a credit card? Yes, but think twice.
Cash News It may appear to be a clever life hack: If you have a rewards credit card, use it to pay for your college tuition to earn valuable rewards. Depending on the type of school you attend, college tuition averages $11,260 to $41,540 per year, according to the College Board. By paying the bill […]
What happens if you don’t have car insurance?
Cash News Driving without car insurance is not only illegal in most states, it also puts you at great financial risk — yet one in eight drivers on the road is uninsured, according to the Insurance Research Council. So, what happens if you don’t buy car insurance? (Answer: potentially very bad, very expensive things.) Here’s […]
What is an excluded driver?
Cash News An excluded driver is a member of your household named in your auto insurance policy whom you explicitly omit from being covered. They might be a roommate with a suspended license or your adult child who has racked up too many speeding tickets. Once someone has been named as an excluded driver, your […]
What happens if someone else crashes your car?
Cash News There are many situations when letting someone borrow your car makes sense. Your sister’s car is in the shop. You have too many margaritas at happy hour and ask your sober friend to drive home. Your neighbor asks if he can run a quick errand. But what happens if they get into a […]
5 common banking mistakes that could be wasting your money
Cash News In a perfect world, banking would be simple and not require a second thought. Yet if you’re not careful, common banking mistakes could lead to extra fees, lost opportunities, and other potential problems. If you want to protect your financial health, it’s a good idea to learn about these common mistakes so you […]
How to transition your spending from a debit to a credit card
Cash News In theory, switching from debit to credit cards is simple, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. If you’ve become accustomed to paying for everything with a debit card, you might hesitate to transition to a credit card — and rightly so. You typically can’t spend more than you have with a debit card, […]
How to get a 3% down mortgage in 2025
Cash News The mortgage industry was transformed in late 2015 when low down payments became available for conventional loans. That was the year two ground-breaking loan programs, HomeReady and Home Possible, opened the doors to home buyers with low and moderate incomes to qualify for a conventional mortgage with down payments as low as 3%. […]
What are mortgage discount points, and should you pay for them?
Cash News Mortgage discount points are an optional fee you can pay to lower the interest rate on a home loan. Discount points can be a strategic financial tool for a borrower — or a misleading junk fee used by a lender. Read more: 13 steps to buying a house Sometimes lenders add discount points […]