hello everyone and I welcome all of you to online study for you a complete placement solution this is pratik SAS here founder of online study for you friends today we have come up with a amazing hiring by State Bank of India your salary is going to be around 1 lakh and friends this
particular hiring is only for bebtech MCA mtech MSC if you are a fresher graduate uated in 2021 2022 2023 2024 2020 right anytime if you graduated okay and even if you have some experience then also you are going to be eligible for this friends this kind of hiring many of the people will not be
even knowing right you can see they are directly hiring for here you can see so they are directly hiring for assistant manager role be bch in computer science computer science and engineering software engineering Information Technology Electronics electronics and communication right engineering or
equivalent degree in above specified discipline with minimum 50% off right okay or MC equivalent or mtch MC in computer science computer science and engineering Information Technology software engineering Electronics electronics and communication engineering or equivalent degree in a of disciplines
right okay and here if you have certain kind of experience then well and good if you do not have no problem this is preferred okay but they don’t need it exactly I will give you the complete information in this CashNews.co right so the first thing friends which you can look here is just go
above total around 1,500 seats are there by State Bank of India total around 1,500 seats are there that’s a very big number of seeds friends for both fresher and experience right so you must be knowing about State Bank of India leading Bank in India right okay so here the complete details has
been given one by one I will tell you and also friends I wanted to tell you how you have to apply right so what you have to do is so before that I will be telling you in detail but after that you can go and see the openings which is available here right on State Bank of India website if you come
down here so recruitment of a specialist CER officers on regular basis Deputy manager and assistant manager right okay this is a link where you will be able to apply for it right okay but friends many of you were also telling sir I have done my graduation right so I a fresher or I am a working
professional so tell us something which we can do so that we do not have to look back in our career any point of time so friends if you are a fresher or working professional and really serious about your career then I’m going to tell you about a course that is in most of the demand by all the
top multinational companies right fresher working professional anyone okay now friends this course if you complete know then you do not have to look back anytime in your life okay so anytime in your life you do not have to look back trust me and I am talking about PW skills new course I will take
you through the particular website friends where you will be only able to see each and everything so if you want to take your career in right Finance tax and Accounting then
this particular course is one designed for you right and this is called as certification program in Finance Tex and Accounting right in association with PWC
India now you must be thinking sir there are lot of Finance tax and Accounting courses are there why should we go for it very valid question the reason is friends right the
things which is setting it apart is in association with PWC India just type on Google PWC India you will understand it is one of the top Accounting company right so friends this four Monon flexible program will have recorded plus live classes and who is your mentor PWC expert are
your Mentor right you will be able to learn Financial tools like Excel Joo books right real world case studies by PWC India experts will be there in the Finance tax and
Accounting curriculum certification from PWC India and PW skills so friends once you complete this course then right then you will be getting certification from PWC India and WC skills and this certification has lot of value this will open your door in many of the leading companies
right friends see the program Fe is actually it was actually 45,000 but only for limited time and for our student it is 35,000 only and the batch start date is 16th of October 2024 right a scholarship also available up to you can read this right okay now friends one more thing which I wanted to
tell you so there is a webinar which is happening right on 20 of September 700 p.m. 20 of September is my birthday and at the very same day at 7:00 p.m. this webinars are happening so the webinar link is given in description and friends this particular course link also is there in the description
so if you want to take your career to a new height in Finance tax and Accounting domain then I will suggest you to go for this course if anything is best for
you then only I will suggest otherwise I don’t suggest things to my student right so the particular link is there in description don’t waste your time right so you can read about all those things this link will be given in description webinar 20 of September right so friends once you
complete the course the career opportunity which you’ll be you know you can apply for accountant financial analyst tax cons consultant Corporate Finance executive financial planner and
more right okay so I have given you the complete details and now let us come back okay and before that friends once again I wanted to tell you so certification program in none;">Finance tax and Accounting right just 35,000 you are getting now right earlier it was 45,000 now let us come back and see so this State Bank of India recruitment one by one in complete details now so friends State Bank of India SBI okay where lunch will at 12
right so this is how we know State Bank of India but anyway for employee it is very very good for customers it might be right something different but for employee it is very very good okay now so before applying candidates are requested to ensure that they fulfill the eligibility criteria you can
go and check it here right anyway I have given you all the links okay now let us come back candidate is not allowed to apply for more than one post very good okay okay seen fine now friends here they have given you in Deputy manager System project and delivery Deputy manager infra support and
delivery Deputy manager system networking operation depy manager system architect Deputy manager okay assistant manager right so for this you will be basically applying 784 seats are there only for the assistant manager okay so now your salary will be around 1 lakh now let us come down so okay
these are not you know required for you okay and then the okay so let us come down okay so wherever the required information are there okay that I will tell you there is a online test will be there and then there will be an interview so friends for the deputy managers right so except the assistant
manager for the deputy manager btech be MCA mtech MSE and but here minimum four years of experience is required okay so friends if you have experience then only you apply for Deputy manager right so again you can see Deputy manager infra support and Cloud operation right okay so again here four
years of experience is required in IT industry sectors Okay then if you go down here uh okay then you come down here then Dy manager systems networking operation okay here also you will be having minimum four years of experience is required okay and then if you’ll go and see here okay where
is it for Dy manager system so for Duty manager basically you are not going to apply if if you have four years of experience minimum then only you apply now where you have to apply is for system engineer for system engineer they are telling beb Tech or MCA or mtech MC are eligible right okay fine
no problem then if you come down here so nothing see these are the preferred certification if you have if you have well and good if you do not have no problem you will be able to apply how many people as a fresher will have the certification very few very less okay so you can go and apply important
points they have given here okay fine okay now let us come down so your salary I’m repeating once again it will be around 1 lakh okay now so let us go and check the what will be the syllabus so friends syllabus if we’ll talk about written test will be there aptitude reasoning verbal
ability and plus related to the software basic networking Cloud which you are already doing so pattern for online written examination General aptitude test of reasoning 15 question from reasoning aptitude 15 question English language 20 question General it knowledge 60 question total time 45
minutes will be given for your general aptitude and 60 Questions will be there for your Professional Knowledge right okay then if you will come here so friends in the it right so in the Professional Knowledge they will be asking you mcqs based on software development infra support networking and
Cloud operation total 60 question for 100 marks right okay indicative syllabus they have also given you syllabus so data Str algorithm will be there see all those things you already know you are preparing for capni you are preparing for cognant right you are preparing for many examination so
definitely you will be able to know from your cloud computing will be there right for online written test will be there okay and then mobile phones calculator all this information has been given here okay fine now there will be application fees will be there so that you have to pay while applying
okay now so friends the application link right so application link will be this is is a recruitment of a specialist officers on regular basis okay so from here you have to apply the last you know the date to apply is nothing but uh 14th of September it has started closure of registration is 4th of
October closure for editing details 4th of October last date of printing your application 19th of October online fees 14th of September till 4th of October you will be able to do and from here you have to right go to uh click for the new registration right and then you have to fill your details
which has been asked here so file name sorry first name confirm first name middle name confirm middle name last name confirm last name full name so this is nothing but basically this all these exams will be taken by a institution called ibps okay so friends hope this hiring was good you got some
insight very few people will be knowing about it so you have a great opportunity to get into State Bank of India as a specialist officer thank you take care all the very very best J Hind
CashNews, your go-to portal for financial news and insights.
will it be government with pension or not?
Can we apply without certification for AM
Sir off campus hai kya?
Mechanical Engineering students are eligible for this?
Application fee for ews ?
can Mechanical students apply for this ?
i am from mechanical background 2024 passed out,am I eligible for this one
Is this permanent government job?
5 year bound with 2L + GST fine if leave the company within 5 year
Can EEE students apply for this ?
i have no certifications ..
Sir could you please suggest any training centre for this exma both in online or offline?
2025 eligible or not ?
sir, kindly start a batch for this exam's preparation only
Advance happy birthday sir
I am filling the application but it ask me for post graduation degree which I didn't have
Sir is there any interview after clearing the exam?
AI & DS ke student eligible he kya
Can we apply without any certifications
Wish you Happy birthday pratik sir

I want 100% discount not 22% discount to do this course
sir please informed other govt banking exam also
I've completed my mca exams in sept and am waiting for the results to get announced can i apply for this if yes tell me the procedures
happy birthday anniversary to you sir..
stay happy sir and keep guiding us like this
Recently i completed my masters(MCA) but my final semester results haven't got released may i apply Assistant Manager post

Sir I have an 1.5 experience in it sector can I have opportunity to apply for the experience post
is it a incenter exam or in virtual mode . pls clarify
All of the positions are for experienced people except one.
And that one position i mentioned has only few seats.
Age criteria
How many stages of interview/Exams will be there?
Is distance degree exceptable?
Sir I have completed graduation in 2023 and mca 2025 pass-out, sir can I apply for this job, please reply please

the issue raised here about the age . How to solve this?
cover the total series like how i prepare for that and solve some questions, and give the suggestion and important questions
sir, please start the preparation class immediately.
Biotech students can apply?
2025 batch is eligible or not?
Sir while filling the form "University of Mumbai" is not available in option for the University column. What to do?
Sir while filling the application for Assistant Manager (System) in SBI it is asking to fill degree
i have done my BE in Information Science and Engineering (VTU, Belagum)
But there the available options are '
BE Information Technology
BE Computer Science and Engineering
which should i have to fill sir
Please help me out , Thanks
To all concern students:
2025 batch is not allowed as you need to complete your graduation (complete 8sem/4sem for MCA) and must have result in your hand as per eligibility criteria..
Sir, share jobs for BSc in Computer Science 2024 batch pleasure sirrr…