October 7, 2024


hey Crypt growth fam how’s it going this is your host Shaz signing in we’re back with another CashNews.co guys in this CashNews.co we will be discussing Quan Network transformative potential of blockchain it’s going to be an interesting one guys so make sure to watch till

the end and folks for those of you who are new to the channel we primarily discuss utility coins and potential gems if you’re interested in any of that stuff then subscribe the channel and hit the notification icon for regular CashNews.cos and you can also support the channel by becoming a

patreon so do check that out as well on if you’re interested and folks keep your Assets safe and for that you guys can check out the Crypto growth exclusive discount

offer on descent descent is convenient safe and secure you can check out their biometric wallet which has got a phenomenal $50 off and you can also check out their biometric wallet 2x package guys which has got an attractive $129 off only if you follow the link in the description box below by the

way folks decent support 3,000 plus of your favorite coins and tokens and it supports 50 plus blockchain main Nets I personally prefer storing the Assets in a cold Hardware wallet so do check out descent and be safe anyways guys now let’s see what’s happening with Quant

in real time what are the official handles saying what is the community saying new trends what’s new information anything interesting so let’s find out guys if you remember correctly uh Quant was aimed to join this blockchain European blockchain convention from September 25th to 26th

2024 in Barcelona it has comen if you remember the title how blockchain can change payments and why is it so hard look at the people the panelists that uh Quant uh basically shared the stage with Chief product officer Financial Services Quant Martin hard grief share the stage with gsia Williamson

policy adviser Bank of England vid hiar blockchain Hub RI fan Bank International Osman Jax mandang chief executive officer vcoin uh who was the moderator look at this UNC uh what they talked about uncover the challenges and opportunities in blockchain payments how blockchain can change payments and

why is it so hard dive into an insightful discussion on the transformative potential on of blockchain in payments and the complexities involved so this uh this happened guys this happened over here you guys can see Barcelona is waiting for you uh yeah just a moment yeah uh European blockchain

convention that then shared this uh now at Visionary stage how blockchain can change payments and why is it so hard JX mandang vcoin hiar uh Rafa San Bank International and gsia Williamson uh Bank of England shared the stage with Martin har gaves guys uh they explored key barriers from regulation

to scalability and they debated the roles of cbdcs tokenized deposits and public versus private chains and transforming the payments landscape so huge huge uh panel panelists in my opinion guys look at this Roger Moon agrees Quan Network once again sharing the stage with industry leaders Bank of

England as centure and rifen Bank guys this is what we’re talking about when a project is rubbing shoulders with these huge giants these companies these Banks the government’s Bank of England guys obviously it tends to be huge guys why would they be sharing the stage with Quant in the

first place furthermore guys what else do we have over here the bank of England and the financial conduct Authority have opened applications for participation in A5 a digital security sandbox DSS enabling the exploration of emerging Technologies including distributed Ledger technology

experimentation I mean obviously we are at an experimentation phase guys but slowly and gradually when it basically uh gains maturity uh Mass adoption is the next possible phase forward Gilbert wordian CEO of quan Network were commented on the importance of the DSS stating that it lays the

foundation for Market participants to realize the benefits of digital Securities within a safe regulated environment he emphasized that the move significantly strengthens the UK’s position as a leader in tokenization guys UK is Making Waves at the moment if you’ve seen

in the xdc network CashNews.cos as well we we’ve seen a UK basically G green signal to the trade documents digital trade tra uh basically transforming the digital trade and uh uh what xdc network is doing over here as well we’ve seen UK in the Limelight so I agree with Gilbert that UK

is positioning itself as a leader uh in the space in in this uh new asset class as well such as tokenization meanwhile uh also trying to enhance uh the capabilities of uh blockchain dlts within its infrastructure and Legacy systems with the EU having already launched its DLT pilot regime Verdian

expressed that it is crucial for the UK to keep Pace in this new era of digital Finance so guys this is uh where the title of this CashNews.co comes from the new era of digital

href="https://cashnews.co/finance" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance guys so uh this one is a really crucial uh news over here as well let’s see Ledger insights the bank of England and the FCF opened the digital security sendbox yeah again this news

let’s explore this article over here by Capital Ledger Insight sorry UK opens applications for digital security sendbox September 30th by Ledger insights in January new legislation came into force in the UK supporting a five a digital security sandbox DSS which temporarily

relaxes some legal requirements to explore new technologies including DLT experimentations guys obviously we need some regulations to uh test these new DLT Technologies these new technologies blockchain if you do not even experiment you never know if you do not test a technology you never know if

it it can be good for you productive for you or not so these experimentations are then uh further uh installed in the infrastructure if they give positive results and blockchain and DT guys its uh capabilities are huge and I think that it can result in it it it can be really productive for uh UK

and its infrastructure Financial infrastructure uh so yeah today the bank of England and financial conduct Authority FCA it is the SEC equivalent of uh UK opened applications for the sandbox in traditional text-decoration: none;">Markets trading is conducted on an exchange and settlement VI a Central Central Securities depository DTS are designed to combine the two functions and the sandbox supports that the bank emphasized that the rules in the dssr flexible allowing The

Regulators to make adjustments as they learn more financial instruments considered in this in scope include equities corporate and government Bonds Money Market instruments such as commercial paper and Certificate of Deposits fund units and emissions allowance

derivatives and Cryptocurrencies are excluded excluded for the time being uh so The Regulators published guidance a policy statement and an application form what did the DSs do the DSs what

does it do the DSs lays the foundation for Market participants to realize these benefits of digital Securities in a safe regulated environment regulation is the keyword over here guys Quan network is trying to be regulated as well so yeah and importantly puts the UK in a strong

leadership position when it comes to tokenization said Quant CEO Gilbert wordian with EU with the EU already having launched its DLT pilot regime it is vital that the UK does not fall behind in the new era of digital text-decoration: none;">Finance let’s see what the community is saying guys what’s new this is from mine Crypto for hours ago q&t spot exchange reserves beginning to

decline moving towards 200k currently at 27.4k still awaiting more TX over the coming uh days as per previous month’s Trends has anyone replied to this it also means the volume will get lower the less exchange reserves that’s not exactly a good thing in this taale market volume will

rise with adoption news a drop in Supply is part of the process new that start a war trying to ruin okay anyways Quantum intelligence q&t and uh AI will shock the world so q&t guys obviously it is it will try to implement AI Solutions as well in in its infrastructure and a lot of stuff uh

AI related stuff will also happen obviously both of of them have the capability to shock the world you guys can see maximum Cryptos CashNews.co over here 34 minutes long seems interesting 7

hours a go q&t we always knew Gilbert was a JP city boy okay uh Gilbert wordian great City Event on the future of Treasury which we believe will be tokenized thank you for the opportunity David C Cunningham to present and be part of the amazing event David Cunningham has

replied Gilbert wordian superb presentation sir great to see you and thanks for making the time to share your view of the future and how you are building it the future of digital Finance the

new era of Finance uh basically that Quant wants to build the last word we’re probably one of the biggest users of blockchain an actual user like a real user it is a great way to share

data J Jamie Diamond CEO JP Morgan Chase okay cool Gilbert is trying to rough shoulders with giants in this in the Finance space over 350 billion staked in

href="https://cashnews.co/crypto" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto over 137 billion staked uh across protocols yet most protocol Yields fall short of expectations surely investors deserve better investors deserve Quint test okay so I

think this is another project being shelled at the moment in the name of Quant for what I understand it is really this simple sit on your hands and wait q&t compared to Solana guys look at this Solana now if q&t eventually eventually or ultimately even reaches the current market cap of

Solana guys uh it will be insane guys it will be phenomenal to say the least look at this q&t with the market cap of Solana at the moment not even all-time high we get 61.3 2X and a $ 4,842 Quant that will be awesome I see a project that is immensely oversold how however keep in mind the

downtrend hasn’t been broken a huge support is being tested as we speak certain issues regarding tokens and St tags at Qin not being resolved let’s keep tabs but it isn’t out of the woods yet uh I think this is about trius over here which one is this trius okay so it’s about

trius at the moment uh he has uh basically tagged q&t and BTC over here as well your usual bank account used in smart contracts WS first look at this functionality tiers of payment programmability tier zero basic payments capability push and pull payments uh tier one the new payment

functionalities and operations are embedded in smart contracts but cannot easily changed once written and deployed tier two true programmability of payments the ability to link programs to bank accounts that can execute arbitrary Logic the world’s first I mean tier to got me all excited the

programmability true programmability of payments the ability to link programs to bank accounts that can execute arbitrary log logic so guys what do you guys think about uh q&t Quant is it indeed the future of uh digital #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance the is it indeed taking the world to the new era of Finance I would really like your opinions do hit the comment box below and let the community

know anyways guys this was it for the CashNews.co if you liked it make sure to like share comment subscribe and hit the notification icon if you’re you’re interested in utility coins and potential gems and guys you can also support the channel by becoming a patreon so do check that out

like I always say in the end until next time stay blessed and stay tuned thank you very much everyone

Now that you’re fully informed, check out this insightful video on 🚨 QUANT (QNT): NEW ERA OF DIGITAL FINANCE!!!! 🚨.
With over 394 views, this video offers valuable insights into Finance.

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2 thoughts on “🚨 QUANT (QNT): NEW ERA OF DIGITAL FINANCE!!!! 🚨 #Finance

  1. You're doing a fantastic job! Just a quick off-topic question: My OKX wallet holds some USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (behave today finger ski upon boy assault summer exhaust beauty stereo over). How should I go about transferring them to Binance?

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