March 14, 2025


hey Crypt growth fam how’s it going this is your host shazib signing in we’re back with another guys in this we will be discussing stronghold shx connecting none;">Finance it’s going to be an interesting one guys so make sure to watch till the end and folks for those of you who are new to the channel we primarily discuss utility coins and potential gems if you’re interested in any of that stuff then subscribe the channel and hit the

notification icon for regular CashNews.cos and you can also support the channel by becoming a patreon so do check that out as well only if you’re interested and folks you can also check out the official text-decoration: none;">Crypto growth Partners For The Exchange we’ve got meex you can follow the link in the description box below for rebates bonuses discounts offers lowest fees and more so do check it out and as far as the wallet is concerned we’ve got descent they’ve got

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plus of your favorite coins and tokens and it supports 50 plus blockchain main Nets including Stellar anyways let’s see what’s happening with stronghold let’s first see what the uh official handle has to say and then we will look uh into what what community is saying so uh

we’ve got some new posts and new information let’s check it out look at this this is a pin post over here shx governance is in your hands now governance vote 4 will confirm the official shx governance rules and set the standard for all future votes government vote uh 4 runs from

December 16th to December 21 2024 View the full shx rules uh we’re going to be looking at that in a moment let’s see follow the thread to learn more so let’s look into the thread to learn more let’s see what Shan has to say so yeah I’m Shan Bennett co-founder and CTO

at stronghold and I’m excited to announce governance vote 4 our final vote of 2024 goote 4 will be a significant step towards the future of shx it will Define the governance rules for how votes will be conducted going forward and put more decision-making power for the token into the hands of

shx holders the question for go vote 4 is should the following governance rules be adopted as the okay so should the following governance rules be adopted as the foundational rules for how shx governance is conducted going forward this is the question foundational rules for how shx governance is

conducted going forward so remember these dates goote for officially begins on December 16th and will run until December 21st we’ll tally the results and announce them at the end of the year thank you so much for your contribution to the success of shx I’m so this is the final

governance vote for 2024 uh so look at this 3 hours ago from Shan benett we created shx with a clear mission to build a decentralized ecosystem connected to D to centralized Finance basically

dii being connected with CI so this is a connection of Finance of shx is trying to connect text-decoration: none;">Finance alt together now we’re taking a major step in making that Vision a reality governance vote for is a pivotal opportunity to determine the future direction of shx this is awesome Tammy Camp 2024 was a great year for shx and we’re capping it off with

governance vote for the goal to put more power into the hands of s holders and establish the shx governance rules for our decentralized ecosystems ecosystem shx is built on trust collaboration and your participation I really like that they uh the community is getting involved and they’re

involving the community into what’s happening and how uh the governance rules will play out in the future as well so this this might be interesting uh I am a bit curious to see how this uh this voting goes okay so look at this the voting mechanics uh also outlines the voting process from

voting requirement reference voting implementation vote management vote timing and voting Windows understand the voting mechanisms mechanics finally the shx governance rules addresses the implementation and Amendment terms to confirm the authority of the rules and the responsibility of shx ERS in

upholding them view the full SX governance rules okay so let’s open this up let’s see what they have to say the governance rules proposed shx governance rules article one fundamental principles these rules establish the governance framework for SX on the stellard network number two this

is the foundational document to build trust increase transparency and ensure the security of the shx voting process article two will will be the definitions total Supply the total number of shx tokens existing on the Stellar Network circulating Supply active circulating Supply active circulating

Supply will be reduced by a vote by the voting power that indicates it is not participating in a vote super majority requires a 23 66.67% vote in favor simple majority the shx governance rules this document which serves as the Supreme governing document for shx governance the rules the operational

procedures and guidelines snapshot a record of token Holdings at a specific Ledger Quorum the minimum participation threshold required for a vote to be valid so basically I think the governance vote for will deal with how this rule these rules should be and whether uh what they’re doing is

correct or should amends amendments be made the governance structure section one proposal types section two Amendment Powers section three question formats okay look at this binary Choice multiple choice weighted average a lot of things that can happen and the community is going to be deciding it

proposal process section one proposal life cycle Community discussion draft proposal preliminary vote governance vote Article 5 voting mechanics voting power voting process uh okay so this is awesome vote timing implementation and as well as the Amendments so the governance rule being set and the

uh uh upcoming governance vote for is going to be determining how these governance rules will be in the future how how they they would be and what the community wants this is great what else is new there was a really good post yeah this was it November uh 25th let me pause it for a moment let me

show you okay so look at this iso2 yeah let me pause it yeah I don’t not know why it gets started anyways ISO 2022 is approaching fast five steps to prepare assess your systems create a migration plan number three align with providers analyze Mt versus MX gaps educate and train so let’s

see what Sean has to say ISO 22 s 2022 standard is indeed approaching fast so yeah what do you need to do to be ready for ISO 2022 first make sure that your current Payment Systems messaging platforms and Reporting capabilities can handle the increased data volume a comprehensive migration plan

should include important deadlines resource allocations and a thorough system impact assessment make sure that you’ve communicated your migration plan payment format changes and any reporting requirements with the third party providers or software companies that you work with it’s

important to understand the differences between the current NT messaging format and ISO 20 22’s new MX messaging format this understanding will help you conduct a thorough Gap analysis so you can make better decisions about your migration plan obviously Education and Training are critical

your internal and external stakeholders Partners staff and customers need to be well informed about upcoming changes and have access to the resources they need to navigate the new stand these are great suggestions for those that want to prepare for this new standard the iso 2022 standards uh

especially the in institutions that are and the stakeholders anyways let’s see what the community has to say about about shx in real time this is green Knuckles Dylan shx stronghold in just over 11 months 21,000 plus trust lines created Moon Commander a lot of people will be smashing their

laptops on their forehead for not buying V and SX well there’s still opportunity at this cheap price and when it goes parabolic well and SX hodlers will be in massive Profits with option to do things they love in life obviously not Financial advice I think everyone has the

right to invest how they should uh and uh they have the right to research and with the projects that they like and have conviction in uh not force we shouldn’t be forcing anyone but uh anyone has the anyone that has uh decent knowledge should go through these projects to learn about it and

whether or not they like it or not so nothing uh to be forced upon anyways no 23rd chart nerd shx to 10 cents 16 cents those that are optimistic are extremely optimistic when it comes to shx and uh well forgot I even posted this okay what’s the bottom for shx now okay so I think that the 07

Plus or 0 006 might be a place a decent place where I would like the price to stay above if it were to go on and test the 2cent 3 Cent level let’s see 2025 is going to be an even bigger air for shx 2024 was a great air for shx and we’re capping it off with governance vote for which we

discussed a while ago is that how it works for shx as well user demand uh okay good point Jed maleb good point ask your exchange to support it if they don’t already SDF has asked all of them but they listen to user demand what is this all all about let me open this the biggest thing is we can

get from this xlm bu run is all exchanges offering usdc on Stellar rails I can’t use usdc on Stellar on many exchanges okay so this is what jet is refering to this could easily be an ad for stronghold okay this is the banker color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto Bank Banker shx uh according to him s shx Q4 2024 governance vote is here I remember people questioning me when I’ve stated previously that it will be strongholds who decide the future of shx plus stronghold net and yeah this indeed is

becoming true and now the community is getting much more involved here this is great in case you missed it cuz I did Merchant stronghold is part of the stronghold pay system Merchant stronghold is the company’s platform for merchants which allows them to accept payments in various currencies

including Crypto so awesome Credit card processing except accepting Credit cards made easy with our merchant account it is fast and seamless if you are

already processing so let us beat those rates okay uh stronghold is targeting merchants and the the micro payment sector uh it it can be huge okay any good post shx is not only an excellent project with big names packing them but also so criminally undervalued I believe shx will be one of the few

projects that will absolutely blow people away this cycle okay shx built on Stellar org and developed by stronghold pay is leading the way in redefining Finance for fast secure and seamless

transactions between individuals and businesses uh from Partnerships with IBM to drive inclusion in blockchain to the acquisition of 20 22 labs and the upcoming ISO 2022 Migration by Federal Reserve stronghold pay is solidifying its position as a top player in fintech and blockchain a really dis

interesting uh post over here uh to cap things up uh stronghold pay advocates for clearer regulatory Frameworks as supporters of fair Shake pack uh Paving the way for a more secure and transparent none;">Crypto environment the future of fintech and blockchain is bright with stronghold pay leading the way don’t miss this train and make your voice heard on the next governance voting taking place next mid uh December basically 16th December all uh when it starts so a good uh post over

here by Mr stereo beats TV interesting name anyways folks what do you guys think about stronghold do you think that it indeed is connecting Finance I would really like your opinions do hit

the comment box below and let the community know anyways guys this was it for the if you liked it make sure to like share comment subscribe and hit the notification icon if you’re interested in utility coins and potential gems and you can also support the channel by becoming a

patreon so do check that out like I always say in the end until next time stay blessed and stay tuned thank you very much everyone

Now that you’re fully informed, watch this essential video on 🚨 STRONGHOLD SHX: CONNECTING FINANCE!!!! 🚨.
With over 648 views, this video offers valuable insights into Finance.

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48 thoughts on “🚨 STRONGHOLD SHX: CONNECTING FINANCE!!!! 🚨 #Finance

  1. With my $2M portfolio on the line, should I double down on XAI533K or play it safe as we near December 2024? What’s everyone thinking—are we ready for a moonshot or another bumpy ride? lets go XAI533K!!!

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  3. This is going to be a different bull market. With XAI533K coming to scene. Ben basing off previous speculative markets. I can see 300,000 next bull run.🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

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