February 12, 2025
10 Years Of Honest Finance Advice In 12 minutes

10 Years Of Honest Finance Advice In 12 minutes #Finance

like a lot of doubt that anybody would want to listen to me but I need to change my mindset a little bit and I’m really going to give it a shot as of today and start working harder to put out you know really good quality content and try to do what I love I left my day job at the age

of 24 solely by a couple different side hustles and Investments I’ve since created a sixf figure business and achieved kind of lean Financial Freedom and I was able to do pretty much all that just through self-education by reading like over 100 books and really just by

experimenting and trying a bunch of different things so today I wanted to share 10 lessons that made that possible when I first heard about the idea of reaching Financial Independence in your 20s and 30s it seemed completely impossible when I looked at other YouTubers who had over 100,000

subscribers it seemed like the same odds of that happening to me as would be like winning the lottery like it’s just not going to happen but then I read this book called The 4-Hour Work week and this was the first time I saw example after example of people reaching Financial Freedom in a

bunch of different non-glamorous ways then I started listening to podcasts and reading books and networking with people and I met person after person and listened to person after person do all the things that I wanted to do and I realized that there was like a 100% chance that if I never took the

first step which for me at the time was starting a YouTube channel then this would never happen for me in fact I have a CashNews.co of me literally having that realization like 5 years ago I need to change my mindset a little bit and I’m really going to give it a shot as of today and start

working harder to put out you know really good quality content content and try to do what I love you know what’s the worst that can happen like I I I really want to hit that level and be able to do something that I love each week and not not this crap you know check back in a year from today

5 years later I have you know a YouTube channel that has over half a million subscribers which does not seem real I’ve been able to build it up into a multiple six figureure business even before all that I was able to follow kind of less traditional path and buy multiple rentals and be able

to build up enough Income that I could leave my day job even if you take YouTube out of it all those things that seemed impossible ible became a reality there was this quote that really kind of helped me take progress here it’s like you overestimate how much you can do in a

year but you underestimate how much you could do in 5 years if you just stick with something and you try for something for Five for 10 years your life will be 100% different you can do those things that seem impossible that seems like a good ending networking this is something that I always kind of

bypassed until I actually saw results I actually just got tickets for vidsummit and finc con which are two like events for creators it’s going to end up costing me multiple thousands of dollars but I started going to vidsummit a couple years ago and after the first time going there and

meeting with a bunch of other creators my channel had an enormous Spike and then because of somebody that I met at vidsummit last year paid $11,000 just for the ticket and then hotel and flights as well I have made back about $100,000 from that person that I met there and some ideas and projects

that we’ve worked on together so I literally cannot afford to not network with people because you never know what one person you meet what one idea that you have that can literally make you lifechanging money and turn your life in a different direction it seemed absolutely crazy and the first

time I went I knew nobody but just being around people who have achieved my dreams and asking them how they did it made the road to get there seem like possible and plausible I don’t know this was always like a hard one for me to actually grasp because you put money in and like there’s

no clear line of where you’re getting your money back but investing into educating yourself and being around other high performing people is for me one of the best Investments I have ever made by the way if anybody’s going to either of those hit me up let’s

connect the myth of hard work I was absolutely lied to by people who had the best intentions that if you work hard you know you can become successful and don’t get me wrong being successful does take hard work but if I look at the different areas of my life where I have worked hard there have

only been a couple that have actually made a positive impact in my Finances like when I was cleaning Office Buildings I could work as hard as humanly possible and it

wouldn’t really change my Finances at all like it might make the company do better it might make me not lose my job all good stuff but it doesn’t really matter

however if I put even 50% of that effort into something that has a much higher scale well now I could earn a lot more by doing a lot less stuff so it doesn’t matter as much how hard you work at something as the thing that you are actually working on is it a business that is scalable is it a

job that is scalable is it learning the right thing is it doing the right thing the cool thing about owning your own business is you can put a lot of work into you know building this business and then you can get it set up to the point like I have where you can run it in 5 hours a week and you put

in less and less efforts but the rewards actually grow and grow and if you’re doing that exact same amount of effort but you put that into a a conventional 9 to5 or just doing something else you’re just not going to have the same benefits so make sure that you’re not only putting

in hard work but it’s hard work on the right thing now like I said YouTube was that right thing for me and that’s why I’m hosting a free YouTube growth workshop and YouTube monetization Workshop like how to make money from a small channel so if that’s something you want to

check out it’s completely free you can register down below find your freedom number this was yet another lesson that I learned from the 4-Hour Work week and that is that even this idea of financial Independence and the fire movement that if you save up x amount of money 25 times your annual

expenses you can live off that money indefinitely and while that’s way better than working to your 65 it’s also a very slow approach so I actually kind of took some ideas from this book and a bunch of other ones and kind of built myself a freedom number that if I could earn between $3

and $5,000 a month by building up Investments and my own businesses then I could pretty much do whatever I wanted for the rest of my life as long as I earned that amount of money and I was able to build up Investments through Real Estate investing

and other things in about 3 years from when I actually started if you do the math and you lower your living expenses and you find out that if you make $3,000 a month then you’ll be pretty much set maybe not forever but you can live then you have this goal to create passive

Income not really passive but somewhat passive Income in the next 3 or 5 years and if you can do that you will be at Financial Freedom not a million dollar in the bank type of Financial Freedom but it also won’t take 10 to 20 years to get there saving half of

your Income once once I discovered I was that close I did whatever it took I worked multiple jobs I invested my life Savings into Real Estate twice I renovated Apartments I I worked extra I started businesses and within 3 to 5 years of actually

taking this seriously and starting I left my day job and I have never gone back to a day job and I’ve completely controlled my schedule since then I’ve been able to travel like a month a year and have relative Financial Freedom and have a scalable business all because I realized I was

this close to a goal I wasn’t like years away I was really close and most of you are too if you restructure what Financial Independence looks like and not try to get away from ever working again but just make a couple thousand a month doing something you enjoy doing that’s actually not

incredibly hard if you focus for a couple years but the problem is you need to have an obsession in fact I think that is the secret nval who has an amazing book called The Almanac says that you need to be deliberate with your obsessions and if I look at most of the successful people that I know

whether they you know built a large Channel they have a you know a bunch of Real Estate they travel a lot whatever it is that I aspire to for them most of them are obsessed about something positive like when I first started reading different

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance books I became obsessed while I was working cleaning offices I was listening to audiobooks while I was in the car while I was at home while I was at the gym I was listening to podcasts watching YouTube CashNews.cos

listening to books at one point I was listening to almost a book a day cuz I had about 8 hours of listening time I just always had an earbud in and I was just listening listening listening to this stuff I was brainwashing myself I became obsessed I learned so many different things and I tried a

bunch of those things and eventually because I was so obsessed about that things started to happen I started to find Real Estate deals I took action on those deals I never spent money on things that didn’t lead to the desired outcome that I want it even with YouTube I think

this is unhealthy but I’ve become obsessed about YouTube how to grow it how to be better how to how to share personal stories better and for the past 5 years I have not really had any days go by maybe one or two that I have not worked on my YouTube channel in some way and because of that

maybe unhealthy Obsession I have built the life of My Dreams by just obsessing about something that I knew could change my life life if I could make it happen and then just doing one thing every day to get me closer to that goal and then you zoom out it happened somehow I don’t I don’t

know how it happened it was just I was so obsessed with it so most of us have an obsession if yours is unhealthy like it’s social media or it’s something else switch it to something that can change your life obsess about a business Investments whatever it is and zoom

back a couple of years your life will change copy what works I want to make sure this comes across I am nobody special I’m not overly intelligent in fact I didn’t finish High School I would say I’m generally under intelligent if that’s that’s not corre English

I’m not I think I’m proving to my point but what I can do is look at patterns and copy patterns it’s true when it came to you know leaving my day job at 24 and reaching Financial Independence I didn’t do anything special I just stole what other people were doing and copied

it exactly and that’s how I’ve literally achieved everything I’ve ever done I don’t think I’m super original I don’t think I’m super creative not super smart I’m like average in all those I’m not trying to like down on myself but I’m just

trying to let you know that those people that you know who are doing whatever you want to be doing they’re not a ton different than you and most of them actually got help and just copied what was actually working for me I didn’t come up with the idea of house hacking you know buying a

multi family living in one unit renting the other ones out I stole that from a couple different books I didn’t come up with the idea of starting YouTube channel actually don’t know why I started a YouTube channel but I assume I stole that from somebody I was actually talking to my wife

about this I have no idea why I started it I was just so obsessed about this money stuff that I wanted to share it with people but when it came to Growing that YouTube channel I listened to what all the expert says and then I did what they say so if you’re stuck right now and you want to

learn something I would recommend not starting from scratch just take a course on whatever business you want to learn and copy exactly what they did and do that if there’s anything I want to learn now I pay for a course I copy exactly what they say I generally get really good results but

because like 90% of people don’t finish courses that’s why everybody thinks they’re a scam and some of them are but for the most part if you follow exactly what somebody tells you to do who has done it before you can just steal what they’re doing and copy it and it will work

for you if you do it correctly it’s like don’t try to get cute with it don’t try to be too smart just steal what works screw Dave Ramsey while Dave Ramsey has helped more people than I could ever dream of with their bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finances there are a few ideas that I just don’t personally agree with if you want to go that approach totally totally fine but his General approach is save money invest very conservatively when you’re 65 you’ll have a few

million dollars and that is absolutely awesome for most people I am not most people I a little mentally off and I am okay with that and I personally would rather do a lot more risky things try a bunch of things take complete ownership myself on if I succeed or if I fail and have the chance to build

a life that I don’t want an escape from have the chance to reach Financial Independence leave my J job when I’m 24 something I would never be able to do if I avoided Debt at all cost if I did a bunch of the things Dave Ramsey says and I realized that most people are not

entrepreneurial most people don’t want the responsibility you know investing in Real Estate or starting their own business and that is totally fine but if you want to reach freedom in 3 5 or 10 years you cannot do the approach that you know the mainstream is telling you to do

you can’t even save 50% of your Income you need to go a different approach so this just comes down to kind of introspection of you know what type of person you are but for me personally realizing that you know there’s not one approach that is perfect for everybody and

there’s so many different paths to freedom and you know some people love 9 to five some people don’t I’m one of the that don’t and it’s okay you don’t have to follow everything Dave Ramsey says you don’t have to follow everything and set for life you

don’t even have to follow everything the 4-Hour Work week but if you can blend these together and and make a life that you love that’s where it’s at right there just steal a few things that match you copy those and leave the rest it’s the same thing with the diet not one

thing works for every single person the 31 rule this simply states that for every 1 hour you spend learning studying whatever all which is is very very good for every 1 hour you spend doing that you should spend 3 hours actually doing what the stuff you just read said to do so many people get

caught in this trap of like self-improvement where they consume a bunch of self-improvement stuff but they don’t actually do most of what it says and that’s why you get stuck in this trap and 5 years later your life hasn’t changed really at all even though you’re watching or

reading a bunch of stuff about it and sometimes I I I’ve done that for sure where I’ve just read and I didn’t actually do anything when I actually started doing stuff that’s where a lot of success actually happens so unless you’re just getting started in this for every

1 hour you spend learning something spend 3 hours actually implementing it spend 3 hours working on the business and not learning more about it and by doing that you’ll learn a lot of stuff that you’re forced to learn it’s like if you spend an hour watching a CashNews.co on how to

declutter your house spend 3 hours actually decluttering your house and your life will totally change as opposed to 3 hours of watching that stuff and then not really doing anything action almost always beats learning mean as long as you have like kind of a base level of understanding if you enjoy

this CashNews.co you can check out this CashNews.co for my second Channel which is all about how to grow on YouTube and kind of the business aspects of my life so you can check that out right here and also you can sign up for the free live class that I’m teaching on how to grow YouTube

there’s a link down below see you next week

Now that you’re fully informed, watch this insightful video on 10 Years Of Honest Finance Advice In 12 minutes.
With over 28418 views, this video offers valuable insights into Finance.

CashNews, your go-to portal for financial news and insights.

27 thoughts on “10 Years Of Honest Finance Advice In 12 minutes #Finance

  1. Dave Ramsey never limits you in your pursuits. What he says is get out of debt, stay debt free, invest at least 15% and by the way you can do it along the way building your own business.

  2. You might’ve answered this is another video so apologies but what are the best financial books/podcasts you’ve found that you would recommend somebody trying to get more into financial independence and improve their overall financial literacy? Love your videos and thanks for all the great content!

  3. Is there a recorded version of the workshop you are doing? Its at 3am my time on a sunday night. And with how physically demanding my day job is i cant afford to not get enough sleep. Its to dangerous and will put my life and my workmates lives at risk. Also potentially the lives of the public depending what jobs i have on monday

  4. Really good video, watched a few times to soak up these gems. I appreciated the reminder to be patient and keep at primary goal for 5ish years and know that I will accomplish a lot by that time. Also good reminder that focus and concentration leads to success (utilizing the one thing and 80/20 principle), that’s how 10x my income (current career) with 5-10 years of intense focus and will do it again with my second endeavor (personal finance education on YouTube; good people in this niche ; )

  5. That last bit about the 1 hour learning to 3 hours of doing ratio was something I hadn't come across before. I really like it. I'm going to be implementing it immediately.

  6. Great video Gabe! I’m happy to see you succeed with a practicable approach. So many think ‘every day people’ can’t make this stuff work. You’ve inspired me to make a lot of changes over the years, and let me tell you, it doesn’t get more average Joe than me. I am THEE JAG and I’m here to tell people that ANYONE can implement what you teach.

  7. Dave Ramsey's sweet spot is helping people get out of debt. His advice is perfect for people who are drowning in debt and bad habits. Beyond that phase of getting out of debt, personality, preference, and inclination should be taken into consideration for where and how to go next.

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