October 11, 2024
“0,000 BTC ALERT! The CRAZIEST Bitcoin Bull Run Is About to Begin”- Lyn Alden

“$100,000 BTC ALERT! The CRAZIEST Bitcoin Bull Run Is About to Begin”- Lyn Alden #Finance

if Bitcoin can’t deal with ETFs it wasn’t even worth owning for the past 15 years stable coins are just kind of the latest iteration of Euro dollars um and there’s a

demand for it and it’s kind of it’s like Offshore Banking for the middle class right because it kind of reduces the overhead of someone in Argentina or Egypt or Lebanon accessing dollars if they want that for for whatever purposes they might want that um so I think stable coins and and

networks that run St coins have relevance for probably quite a while in a recent interview Lyn Alden delves into bitcoin’s evolving roles the inevitability of Bitcoin ETFs and its place

within the global asset Market she explores the hurdles Bitcoin faces including price volatility technological obstacles and Taxation challenges while highlighting the potential opportunities that lie ahead as adoption and mainstream recognition continue to accelerate Alden points to the potential

for big bit coin’s value to Surge even predicting a possible price increase to $100,000 by the last quarter of 2024 fueled by growing institutional interest and a maturing Market structure with the introduction of Bitcoin #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">ETFs becoming more inevitable Alden Compares Bitcoin to traditional Assets like Real Estate and Fiat currencies presenting a forward-looking view on bitcoin’s expanding influence and its increasing importance in the Global

Financial ecosystem by addressing addressing issues from energy consumption to the ongoing debate between proof of work and proof of stake mechanisms Alden offers valuable insights to both seasoned investors and newcomers explaining why Bitcoin remains a pivotal asset in the future Financial

landscape watch clips from the interview to gain deeper insights into her thoughts remember to like the CashNews.co subscribe to the channel and turn on post notifications for more updates and in-depth content enjoy watching I mean I think it’s all of it I think it’s money I think it it

goes through different um adoption periods over time right so one of the first things was used for is a collectible people liked it because it was uh the best way of solving something that people have been trying to solve for a while um and then one of the first practical use cases was medium of

exchange for uh Wikileaks you know when when basically it when other payments are shut down here’s this thing that can still work right uh but then the medium exchange usage kind of stalled uh or at least didn’t grow as fast as many people thought and I would say that’s a couple

key reasons one is not everybody has payments problems right I mean you know and I don’t really wake up every day and think I’m trying to pay for things and I’m having trouble doing so right in certain jurisdictions people have those issues uh throughout much of the developed

world not really unless we’re talking about International payments um and then in addition governments uh most governments uh make every Bitcoin transaction taxable so you have this big Accounting overhead if you want to use it like that so it’s it’s that’s

not really where it’s gravitated to for a while and instead the store of value property became pretty dominant which is okay I want to hold this thing that they’re not making more of and that is is getting better over time as as programmers keep building new layers and applications and

and things for it I think I mean at the long run both are useful I I think generally speaking it doesn’t become a commonly used medium of exchange until people already have pretty large cash balances in it um and probably then the volatility is lower because if 10 times more people hold it

there’s like less individual whales or leverage or offshore stuff that can just blow up and then you know knock 10% overnight or 20% overnight or more um so I think as it becomes larger more liquid more people have these balances in it they’re more likely to want to use it there

there’s more people in a country that then uh petition their government to change the tax structure around it maybe you um exclude the first you know certain amount of transactions from being taxable or or things like that or you you know you go full uh El Salvador and uh just just make it

legal tender the total adjustable Market of good money is arguably the biggest or second biggest Market out there along with Real Estate right so you know if you look at there’s like there’s 900 trillion in estimated Assets in the world and so

we’re we’re like less than 1% for Bitcoin even gold at something like 20 trillion now uh is Tiny compared to uh Global Assets some of the areas that are shockingly big are Fiat currencies and and Bonds I mean there are hundreds of trillions of dollars

of value and I think a lot of that is better served in Bitcoin and just people it’s obvious got high volatility which keeps people out it’s got technological uncertainty I mean it’s you know it’s a 15 16 year old project so you know people nation states don’t put their

like you know trillion dollar Sovereign wealth fund aggressively into it until maybe it’s 30 years old or and it’s 10 times bigger right so I think and the way that I’ve described this before is that it has to reach certain thresholds before it even becomes interesting to hire

thresholds so back when the market cap was like a billion dollars and it was pretty illiquid and like literally like one wealthy person could just buy in that day and move the price that’s not interesting to Sovereign wealth funds or Black Rock or billionaires because it’s like

it’s it’s just too it’s too small and a liquid for them to even put a significant amount of their Capital into it but then when it it starts to become bigger and they can say well I can actually layer into this asset at a meaningful amount for me like I could be

fairly certain that I’d be able to sell if I needed to because the Liquidity would be there and then higher level then even bigger pools of Capital can say hey this is actually you know worthwhile being on our radar now um and so I I think I I really look at

in terms of Bitcoin price I mean the the unit numbers are arbitrary you know there the decimal point could have been somewhere else um and instead it’s more of like what is the network worth right so the fact that it’s only like a trillion dollars in change right now for market cap I

think is Tiny compared to what it could be worth in 10 20 30 years ly Alden discusses bitcoin’s Evolution noting its initial appeal as a collectible and its use as a medium of exchange for Wikileaks however its adoption as a currency stalled due to factors like low payment issues in developed

countries and Taxation on transactions making it impractical for daily use instead bitcoin’s role as a store of value gained prominence as people valued its scarcity and continued development also the argument for Bitcoin #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">ETFs has become increasingly compelling as large Assets often develop ETFs to enhance accessibility with a significant price rally

anticipated before the year ends the introduction of Bitcoin ETFs could serve as a catalyst for even greater adoption and mainstream integration

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">ETFs are likely to play a pivotal role in making Bitcoin more accessible to retirement accounts and traditional Brokerages offering a bridge between the bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto world and the traditional Financial system let’s watch more clips from the interview I think they’re inevitable I it’s just like any big liquid asset is going to have bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">ETFs so if if Bitcoin can’t deal with ETFs it wasn’t even worth for the past 15 years right now you still have to think okay is

Bitcoin good enough uh in in a place technologically speaking that it’s it that holding yourself is is workable and attractive um compared to letting someone else hold it for you and if not then what can be done to keep improving that in various ways uh I mean that’s why I you know I do

I do uh Bitcoin Venture uh I’m a general partner at ego Capital so we’re literally funding companies that are trying improve the ecosystem in some way but I think none;">ETFs are inevitable I think they basically they’re they’re pools of Capital especially in retirement accounts that literally don’t have another way to to get in uh this is you know this is the in like they have a existing Brokerage and

they want to be able to buy an asset and they don’t want to hold the keys and I think that not everybody wants to hold the keys kind of like how not everybody wants to fix their own car not everyone wants to you know be a handyman around their house um and some people just don’t really

want to hold they don’t really want that Sovereign property and I think it’s something worth monitoring um and then also like dbtc existed for years as a as a adjacent to an ETF and it got over 600,000 Bitcoin in it in one point um and so a lot of this current ETF accumulation is money

flowing out of that and into other ETFs which are still ultimately mostly at coinbase and so I think that there’s there’s risk of concentration but it’s not as big as people

think because like like it’s not that much more coins in these things than there were you know three years ago when it was just gbtc so I I just think it’s it’s inevitable it’s pools of Capital are going to do that I’ve described this as like an API

into the Fiat system you know people have these existing Brokerages and this was like an upgrade that the fiat currency system decided to make to plug into Bitcoin uh it’s not something that Bitcoin decided it’s something that you know the the black rocks and the

sec’s of the world decided and so they they opened their system to to plug into Bitcoin a little bit more than they did a year ago and I’ve been clear that I’ve been I’ve been bullish on stable coins for a while the broader topic is just any like real world

Assets right so it could be tokenized gold it could be tokenized T bills tokenized dollars that’s what stable coin is um basically there’s you know in in financial history there’s always been Euro dollars which is dollars that exist outside of the US banking

environment not just in Europe but elsewhere even though they’re called Euro doll and stable coins are just kind of the latest iteration of Euro dollars um and there’s a demand for it and it’s kind of it’s like Offshore Banking for the middle class right because it kind of

reduces the overhead of someone in Argentina or Egypt or Lebanon accessing dollars if they want that for for whatever purposes they might want that um so I think stable coins and and networks that run stable coins have relevance for probably quite a while there’s been you know there’s

been interesting research like there are programmers on other networks that have you know they they’ve pushed forward the computer science of rollups and things like that that eventually can find their way to Bitcoin in some some capacity so you know I think that it’s it’s part

partly going through this iterative process to see what works there’s a lot of scams there obviously uh but yeah the short answer is that outside of Bitcoin and stable coins and these little kind of research niches I I’ve I’ve been publicly skeptical on on the value of of most of

that other stuff in other news bitfinex describes last week’s nearly 10% decline in Bitcoin as a healthy realignment rather than a sign of an impending crash the analysts explained that the drop to the $6,000 support Zone along with other technical factors is a strong indicator that

volatility risks have lowered the price rally to $66,667 quickly faded as geopolitical tension in the Middle East and concerns over the US economy dampened Market optimism Bitcoins fall from its peak to the October 4th low showed cautious sentiment among spot investors and analysts note that this

correction has stabilized the market as the price dropped bitcoin’s open interest shrank from $35 billion to $ 31.8 billion bitfinex points out that over $450 Million worth of long positions were liquidated during the dip showing a long biased Market stance and how leveraged positions became

a factor when the price fell below $65,000 despite the dip bitfinex remains optimistic citing positive labor data from the US and expecting the Federal Reserve to cut Interest Rates in November they mentioned that bitcoin’s recovery to $62,500 has seen a return of spot buying

aggression but they caution against drawing definitive conclusions about short-term Trends they suggest watching early week trading sessions especially in the US for Clues on bitcoin’s next move as we near the end of 2024 the burning question is with Bitcoin on the verge of a massive price

rally will it reshaped the Global Financial system or are the obstacles still too high for it to fully dominate let us know your thoughts in the comments share this CashNews.co and smash that like button thanks for watching and don’t forget to subscribe e

Now that you’re fully informed, check out this amazing video on “$100,000 BTC ALERT! The CRAZIEST Bitcoin Bull Run Is About to Begin”- Lyn Alden.
With over 9405 views, this video offers valuable insights into Finance.

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31 thoughts on ““$100,000 BTC ALERT! The CRAZIEST Bitcoin Bull Run Is About to Begin”- Lyn Alden #Finance

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