March 7, 2025
12 Extreme Frugal Living Tips! | Clever Girl Finance

12 Extreme Frugal Living Tips! | Clever Girl Finance #Finance

are you looking to save more money well there are Frugal Living tips and then there are extreme Frugal Living tips and depending on your dedication and consistency you might be an ideal candidate for extreme Frugal Living keep in mind that when it comes to extreme Frugal Living not everyone

is a candidate for it not everyone it’s not ideal for everyone however this is a normal way of living for many people and for me personally when it comes to extreme Frugal Living tips it’s all about creating balance and so there are certainly some extreme Frugal Living tips that I

leverage that I enjoy doing and so if you want to learn more about extreme Frugal Living tune into this and if you currently leverage any extreme Frugal Living tips leave a comment below I would love to know hey everyone my name is Bola shokombi I’m the founder and CEO of clevero

Finance I’m also the author of The clever girl Finance book series and the

author of the new book choosing to prosper welcome to clever girl Finance TV so in today’s we’re going to go over 12 extreme Frugal Living tips if you are ready

let’s Dive In number one make your own detergent and cleaning products so the average U.S household spends at least a hundred and seventy dollars or more depending on the size of the family on detergent and cleaning products every single year and so if you want to save extra money and you

want to do it in an extreme way you can work on creating your own detergents and your own household cleaning products the good news is that it’s not super difficult to create to those products there are tons of CashNews.cos here on YouTube and you can save a ton of money and use natural

ingredients that are not only better for you but also better for the environment so this is certainly one of those extreme Frugal Living tips that I want to try number two borrow everything everything that you could possibly think of buying right now determine if there is someone or somewhere that

you can borrow this item from for free from baby products baby items to Furniture to even clothing this is one way that you can challenge yourself not to spend but instead determine where you can borrow from to save money number three don’t throw away any food at all every year over 130

million pounds of food is thrown in the trash and that is a crazy number and so one way in which you can save money from an extreme perspective is to vow not to throw any food away this means eating all the food that you have in your pantry before it expires freezing food before it gets too old to

eat meal planning based on what you have in your refrigerator in your fridge in your freezer in your pantry and using every muscle of food in a meal without spending any money number four if you’re a meat eater challenge yourself to go vegetarian or go vegan so another extreme Frugal Living

tip is to just cut meat out of your diet because meat can be very expensive right when you’re buying chicken beef lamb Etc that can really add on top of your grocery bill so challenge yourself to go meatless and if that is too much of an extreme move for you you can challenge yourself to have

a meatless week or meatless days during the week where you vow to only eat meat once or twice a week which is something that I try to do and even that simple move saves me a ton of money when it comes to my grocery spending number five aggressively cut your expenses down so sure we can all cancel a

subscription here and there we can cancel our Disney plus and on Netflix but there’s some other more extreme things that we can do that can actually help us save money even if we do these things temporarily or seasonally for example we can raise our thermostats in the summer and lower it in

the winter we can unplug all of our appliances microwaves printers TVs toasters lights when they’re not in use we can line dry our clothes outside instead of using a dryer we can take cold showers only and these may sound extreme but they actually do work and and I do leverage some of these

so I line dry my clothes outside when it is warm and I also leverage my thermostat by raising it higher in the summer and lowering it in the winter and when we’re not home I shut it down completely number six give up your smartphone so many of us spend hours a day on our smartphones scrolling

so not only can giving up your smartphone save you money it can also help you break that smartphone addiction and you can rely on a flip phone that is simply for making calls or rely on a landline in your home I remember being a teenager and not having a cell phone and if you wanted to reach me you

had to leave a message on the home phone and I would check it when I got back home we can still live life like that right I don’t know about giving up my smartphone entirely but there are days where I take breaks from my from my smartphone so I call them my smartphone detox days however if

you choose to get rid of your smartphone uh you can save money on that extra internet plan on your phone and just leverage your phone for call services by the way if you’re enjoying this please hit the like button below be sure to subscribe to this channel tell all your best

girlfriends about cleveral Finance and then stop by our website at cleveraltext-decoration: none;"> we have over 30 plus completely free courses to help you on your journey to financial Wellness let’s get back to these extreme Frugal Living tips number seven sell almost everything you own so if you really want to make big change in your life

there’s nothing like a big Purge to help you declutter and also bring in extra cash minimalism is something that is very popular right now and while it is not for everyone it could be for you if you were feeling overwhelmed with the amount of things that you own so you can sell absolutely

everything that you don’t need and keep your life simple and basic in terms of the material things that you own right and a great place great places to do this are eBay Facebook Etsy with your neighbors having a garage sale or even with friends and family but if you choose to do a massive

Purge like this with the intention of raising money you want to be very intentional that you put that money towards good use when it comes to your Savings paying down Debt investing or pursuing your other goals number eight stop gift giving and this is a big one

because I don’t know why but some people take offense when you don’t give them gifts however this could be one way in which you can save a lot of money and so it’s a good idea to lay the groundwork by telling the people in your life who constantly expect gifts from you that you

are no longer a Gift Giver however you can give them love you can give them time and you can give them support and in turn you can save a lot of money when it comes to stopping giving gifts number nine use cloth diapers and reusable menstrual products so we all know that these disposable items can

add up to a lot of money every single week every single month and so you can save money by using these item items in a reusable basis as opposed to shelling money out every single day there are tons of really great cloth diapers and menstrual products out there that you can certainly try just to

see if this extreme Frugal Living tip will work for you number 10 cut your own hair and this is something that I know how to do and I learned how to do during the pandemic it is not perfect but if I absolutely have to I can do it and my husband also knows how to cut my own hair and this is one way

in which you can save money by cutting down or completely eliminating your visits to the salon and then putting that money towards your financial goals number 11 stop eating out completely eating out can add up very very quickly especially when you add in delivery fees if you are ordering in and so

one extreme Frugal Living tip is to cook everything at home plan your meals leverage your fridge and your pantry and all that food that you have that you don’t want to go to waste and then just stop eating out you can challenge yourself to do it for a week two weeks a month six months or

designate specific a specific day in the month or even in the quarter where you allow yourself to go out to eat at number 12 downsize your home this is one of those moves that can make a huge difference in terms of how much money you’re able to put aside and how much money you’re able

to free up on a monthly basis because when you are overextended especially when it comes to your home or or the size of the home that you’re living in uh you’re paying higher fees in rent or mortgage in Insurance and also when we have much much bigger homes

there’s a lot of stuff that we tend to spend money on to fill up the space and acquiring things that we don’t need so if you’re in this space where you’re trying to aggressively save money pay down Debt you may want to consider downsizing your home as an

extreme proof of living tip to save more money and as I mentioned earlier these tips sound extreme to some but they are normal everyday life to others and for me personally I try to balance where I do do a lot of these extreme Frugal Living tips to save money and also just in terms of the type of

life that I want to live what about you one thing to keep in mind though is that it is important not to go overboard especially when it comes to extreme frugality because you don’t want to impact your mindset and adopt a lack mentality instead you want to leverage these tips in a way that

will work for you and help you get further with achieving your goals while still continuing to build an abundant mindset I hope you guys have enjoyed watching this if you have please hit the like button subscribe to this channel tell all your best girlfriends about clever oil

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance and stop by our website we update our blog every single day and we have over 30 plus completely free courses to help you on your journey to achieving your own financial success

I will talk to you guys next time

Now that you’re fully informed, watch this amazing video on 12 Extreme Frugal Living Tips! | Clever Girl Finance.
With over 46601 views, this video is a must-watch for anyone interested in Finance.

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20 thoughts on “12 Extreme Frugal Living Tips! | Clever Girl Finance #Finance

  1. An alternative to stopping gift-giving entirely is to make gifts for people. I am a weaver. I buy yarn at thrift stores for incredibly cheap and make things for people. They love them, and it only costs my time. I also make my own holiday cards. I have a friend who crochets her gifts. I have another friend who makes jewelry. Thus this love language can be honored and fulfilled, but our wallets do not have to suffer. Our family also draws names at Christmas, so everyone gets something, but no one has to spend a lot.

  2. Never a borrower of a lender be, was something my mother taught me decades ago. Both are very poor judgement, cause ill feelings and have the potential to destroy perfectly good relationships. Not something I have ever chosen to do. Far better to be self-reliant!

  3. Im off grid for everything except electric. I plan on paying off my debts personal loan then get a solar generator big enuf to to power mt freezer n fridge and im getting a pellet stove so just 3 things ill use my savings from being off grid to pay down mortgage principal.

  4. Hub's first meal he made for me was a homemade pizza Including homemade dough. It was THE first time my stomach didn't get upset!
    The sauce was fresh tomato mixed w a little tomato paste seasoned with oregano & thyme from the farmer's market & he grated the mozzarella and parmesan cheese himself.
    He had my heart as soon as he took out the cast iron skillet 😂

  5. Just found your channel and I love listening to your voice! I never understood people being mad cause someone didn’t buy you a gift. In my family it’s rare to get a gift. I would rather spend time with them. I already do some of these and will incorporate more plus anxious to buy at least one of your books on payday as well as check out your free courses. Thank you for what you do!

  6. One way i save money is by not buyujg any processed food which isnt good for me. Ive been able to save a TON of money from stopping myself from eating highly processed food to chips to cookies to frozen pizza to anything that has a package or box.

  7. I'm a grandma and I've told the adults in the family to NOT buy me gifts (if I need something I'll buy it for myself). But I do buy gifts, Christmas & birthdays — only for the children! Also, the adults in our family did not buy gifts, for me or my brother when we were kids. But we had an aunt who brought a homemade cake every time she came to visit…we loved that!

  8. Regarding cell phones: we use Mint Mobile. This costs us $30/month plus taxes for both lines, (it comes to $33.67 in total), and we get 4GB each.

  9. The most expensive part of my food spend is vegetables and fruit! This costs 50-60% of my bill. Meat comes to 8%, dairy and eggs to 8-10%. I buy meat on loss leader sales and from the Manager's Special bin. I buy whole sections, cut, portion, and freeze them at home. I recently bought a 10 pound bag of frozen chicken thighs for $5.

    In dollars: meat costs $30-$40/month for 2 adults.

    I can't eat legumes as they trigger excruciating migraines that can last for 72 hours. I was having chronic migraine until I identified the legumes as the cause!

    Because I keep a good stock at home, I can afford to wait for the sales.

    We consider a meat serving to be 3-4 ounces. We usually get 3 meals for each pound of meat. This is top-quality protein.

    We buy nuts for my husband (they give me migraine), good quality coffee beans (we grind them fresh daily), and high-quality black tea for me. These aren't the cheap options!

    We spend about half of the average for our area.

  10. Meat is so expensive so three nights a week we have quiche and muffins, soup and salad and breakfast for dinner. When we retired we moved to a smaller ranch home and when we had to remodel our shower area we made it handicapped accessible . When we got a new roof I called the insurance company and after we sent them a copy of the payment they lowered our insurance . We also went down to one car which works just fine.

  11. Im a snall house hold I buy a gallon of milk( its cheaper that way) get home& I pour off 2quarts off into canning jars, leaveibg roomsesl with a pkastic lid& freeze! As I notice the milk is gettibgnlow,I pull a frozen quart out if my freezer it thawsnin about 2 days in the fridge & I use the entire gallon no waste!😊

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