October 8, 2024
“20-30X Gains for BTC! The Bull Market Is About to Get ABSOLUTELY INSANE” – Fred Krueger

“20-30X Gains for BTC! The Bull Market Is About to Get ABSOLUTELY INSANE” – Fred Krueger #Finance

I think we’re in that bull market the market has quadrupled since the you know the low of the of the of the last market right we’ve quadrupled off of 15,000 and so you know where can we go from a the the low to the new high well I’d say we could probably go 20x you know

going up 20x from the low in this market is conceivable right it’s probably a reasonable reasonable thing and we we’re up already 4X so let’s just say 5x left to go in this phase that might be more there’s no solid rules Fred Krueger is a well-known

href="https://cashnews.co/crypto" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto analyst Bitcoin maximalist and a strong advocate of the Bitcoin power law a theory that mathematically describes bitcoin’s historical price trends and highlights a significant

correlation between time and price as a mathematician with a PhD in mathematics from Stanford University Fred regards the Bitcoin power law model as the most accurate framework for analyzing bitcoin’s price history and adoption as well as Forecasting future price movements he

has an extremely bullish outlook for Bitcoin predicting it will reach a staggering 250 to 350,000 or even $1 million in a bull case before the end of the bull market in 20125 Fred’s conviction in Bitcoin and the ongoing bull market is so high that he has announced his willingness to part with

$100,000 worth of Satoshi to anyone willing to bet that the leading Cryptocurrency won’t hit $70,000 before the US presidential elections in November his tweet reads $70,000 before the

election it’s happening if you think not send $100,000 in SATs to at beagle Bitcoin who will act as a custodian to the bet I will do the same Fred believes that Q 42024 will be particularly exciting for Bitcoin in another Twitter post he Shares a chart showing that September

2024 was the best September on record for Bitcoin and predicts that things will get even more heated after the November elections his post reads Bitcoin is having its best September ever this was supposed to be a bad month with micro strategy trading at two times Bitcoin they will remain a massive

buyer ETFs will be buying like panicked rats in Q4 post elction and as we get advisor approval Q4 is going to be one for the record books in a recent discussion with the reli Bitcoin podcast

Fred shared his bullish conviction on bitcoin and the ongoing bull market and why he believes the Bitcoin power law model is a superior model as we bring you clips from the discussion please take a little time to like this CashNews.co subscribe to the channel and turn on post notifications for more

CashNews.cos like this everything you do helps with the YouTube algorithm and and immensely contributes to the Channel’s growth thank you and enjoy the CashNews.co I would start with this power law okay which is uh you know the the concept that everybody kind of got wrong which is something

that uh got popular about 2019 2020 which was the stock to flow model right now if you really look at the stock to flow model and I I could go on for a long time about but it’s basically incorrect okay and there’s a lot of problems with the math and the stock to flow model um however

there is a model where which is actually pretty much bulletproof which is this uh this power law model and the power law model says very simply let’s PL let’s price put the let’s plot the price of Bitcoin in log terms okay uh and let’s look at it also relative to the uh time

since the Genesis Block in log term it’s both it’s important to have both of those axes being log terms now if you do that you notice that it’s it’s it’s a more or less oscillating around a straight line and if you do a regression to that straight line you find that

the fit is 90 the r squar is 97% okay so that really all that’s the first clue that okay this is amaz something really amazing because if you get a 97% R squar this is not a a a coincidence now the amazing thing is this happens over a period from when Bitcoin was at 10 cents to when Bitcoin

was at $73,000 right so you have six orders of magnitude of growth right from 10 cents to $773,000 almost $100,000 right and yet the logarithms are follow this linear slope with 97% uh correlation okay now if you told me that any relationship like that in

href="https://cashnews.co/finance" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance has a 97% correlation over six orders of magnitude I would say you found the Holy Grail right the first reason why I have conviction is I believe in this power law I do think

that this is this is sort of statistically how Bitcoin prices Evol in and furthermore we can even talk about why this is happening and the why of this is that Bitcoin adoption is also growing like a power law right it’s growing like a power law and so the important thing about a power law is

the is the power right so it at what power is this growing and roughly it’s growing at T to the power six okay so as time goes by it’s not going at the square of time it’s not growing at the cube of time is growing to the six power of time right that’s roughly how how fast

Bitcoin is going so you have this crazy um almost exponential growth right not quite exponential but it’s almost exponential a good way to think of it right now is bitcoin’s growing at about 40% per yearh uh that’s sort of the trend line Bitcoin now around this there’s

tremendous volatility right and if you look at it in sort of normal space it almost makes no sense it’s sort of like okay it went up a lot in 2017 it crashed it went up a lot in 2020 it crashed okay now it’s back okay what do you make of this this just seems like a you know complete

just uh sort of random event right but if you look at it in log log terms you see no there’s a very clear pattern right a very clear pattern and um and and furthermore you can even estimate the volatility around this pattern right so basically the volatility is around3 in logarithmic terms

what that means is that you can go up by 10 the power3 which is a double or you can go down by 10 the^ .3 which brings you down to about half according to Fred Bitcoin is currently at fair value with an equal chance of reaching $125,000 within the next year versus returning to $30,000 based on the

power law model but that’s without considering trendline growth with that Fred sees bitcoin’s price being anywhere between $50,000 and $200,000 with $100,000 being the mean by the end of the year he Shares a similar endof year prediction in another post on social media

platform X which reads Q4 is going to be epic number one election over number two two Trump possibly in charge but regardless see number one number three second 50 basis points rate cut coming November 8th number four China’s monetary easing in effect number five FTX spigots open number six

advisers and wirehouses much more onboard ETFs number seven more micro strategy converts and Bitcoin smash buys honestly 100K end-of-year prediction might Below in his interview Fred observes

that during previous bull Markets Bitcoin moved 20 to 30 times from its previous lows he expects a similar performance in 2025 here are more clips from the CashNews.co so I would sort of say

right now we are at a fair value of Bitcoin roughly um and I would say you know we have uh an even chance of going to say 25,000 uh Bitcoin in a year versus going back down to uh 30,000 now that would be without the trend line growth so the trend line growth puts you at um around 100,000 by the end

of this year so I would say if I had to put a confidence interval I would say 50,000 to 200,000 with 100,000 being the mean kind of for the end of the year now that’s kind of the that really should give you a lot of confidence that we’re in a pretty good spot to invest in Bitcoin but on

top of that we now have this ETF right and the ETF is probably a reason why we’re going to exceed this on the upside right so you know we’re in this ETF and we’re in the fourth bull market of Bitcoin the fourth bll Market I would say it’s really driven by

href="https://cashnews.co/etfs" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">ETFs more than anything else right and I think you know the promise of the ETF started kicking in when we were at Bitcoin 25,000 almost you know and so I think we’re in that bull market the

market has quadrupled since the you know the low of the of the of the last market right we’ve quadrupled off of 15,000 and so you know where can we go from a the the low to the new high well I’d say we could probably go 20x you know you know that’s normally where you go like if

you go back from in in sort of in the uh the last B market right we we bottomed out at Bitcoin 3500 right so we started 2019 at around 4,000 okay and we ended up at you know um uh 60 uh 69,000 right so you know from 3,000 to 69,000 let’s just call it 20x right so you know it it seems like a

lot but actually that’s that’s what we did right but but really it started earlier right so I think it really started more in like 2015 time frame right so it was more like if you remember Bitcoin was around 500 then right so it really went from 500 to uh to uh to almost 20K right so

let’s just call it 30X so I I think a good way to think of these things these bull Markets is historically they’ve lasted three or four years okay the first one was you know

let’s call it three years from 2010 till 20 end of 2013 four years really almost right um and uh and it I mean it was just an enormous bull market right it’s the biggest of all but I think you know going up 20x from the low in this market is conceivable right it’s probably a

reasonable reasonable thing and we we’re up already 4X so let’s just say 5x left to go in this phase that might be more there’s no solid rules but uh you know I think that you know for us to go two 250 300K in this kind of bull market is entirely possible um you know and and it

may bigger right it may just continue all the way up to a million who knows right MH I do think we have we’re in this bull market the big the big picture is we’re in a bow Market you know we’re in a bow Market we have this this Catalyst which is this ETF which is so much bigger

than the ethereum Catalyst of 2017 so much bigger than this defi Catalyst of 2020 this is the real deal Fred Krueger is a proud Bitcoin maximalist a fact he often flaunts in his interviews and social media posts he has been criticizing altcoins like cardano and meme coins more frequently in recent

weeks and put out a long post highlighting 10 reasons why everyone should be Bitcoin Maxes his post reads the 10 reasons why you should be Bitcoin only number one over four years or more all altcoins go to Zero versus Bitcoin ethereum sounded cool in 2017 it’s much lower versus Bitcoin today

so did Litecoin EOS and every other coin launched before 2020 number two surviving bare Markets require conviction if the market turns negative you will sell your altcoin and this can happen

anytime develop Diamond hands with Bitcoin you will need them number three altcoins become obsolete with time remember AOL Myspace you don’t want to fight technological progress with Bitcoin you don’t have to it was perfect money when it came out and it’s perfect today number four

studying altcoins is a fulltime job there are hundreds of new altcoins being minted every day you don’t have time to study all of them and you don’t need to save yourself the effort and stick to bitcoin only number five most altcoins are outright scams remember safe mooncoin bitconnect

Celsius token number six the SEC could declare your Alt Co a security this could cause it to trade lower or stop trading altogether do you want to take that risk number seven altcoins are often ponies they sound great initially but they require new participants in order to function once the new

blood dries up the Ponzi collapses number eight altcoins are generally deliberately overco complicated there are tokens for the team complex staking schemes airdrops and rewards for doing XY Z simplify your life with Bitcoin number nine 99% of altcoins have no cap the number of tokens can go up

forever unlike Bitcoin stop the Inflationary Madness number 10 altcoins are embarrassing you are a grown man or woman do you really have nothing better to do with your life than promote smoking chicken coin are you a Bitcoin Maxi or a champion of all meaningful

href="https://cashnews.co/crypto" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Cryptocurrency Investments what do you think about Fred Krueger’s arguments against altcoins and his super bullish 20 to 30X prediction for Bitcoin please share your

thoughts comments and observations in the comment section below also ensure you like this CashNews.co subscribe to the channel and turn on post notifications for more CashNews.cos like this thanks for watching

Now that you’re fully informed, check out this essential video on “20-30X Gains for BTC! The Bull Market Is About to Get ABSOLUTELY INSANE” – Fred Krueger.
With over 18213 views, this video is a must-watch for anyone interested in Finance.

CashNews, your go-to portal for financial news and insights.

30 thoughts on ““20-30X Gains for BTC! The Bull Market Is About to Get ABSOLUTELY INSANE” – Fred Krueger #Finance

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