March 14, 2025
5 Affordable Health Boosters Under : Dr. Oz’s Top Picks! | Oz Finance

5 Affordable Health Boosters Under $10: Dr. Oz’s Top Picks! | Oz Finance #Finance

if this sound o makes your heart skip a beat because a package has arrived then this is the show you’ve been waiting for because today I’m showing you five items you can get on Amazon for under $10 that’s right you heard it correctly under $10 to improve your health could

they even deliver on that promise in two days or less like the delivery driver we’re going to see I have a special guest to help me out there she is come on in it is Tia Brown so happy you dropped by so unexpected this just nice to see you too D of course Steve Brown a reporter and our asro

contributor we always have people interested in Health Products but this Roundup goes way beyond the obvious why so that’s right Dr Oz because this isn’t about pricey items vitamins exercise gear it’s about practical things that can help you so we had our medical team find

inexpensive items that are guaranteed to improve your health all right well bet it here he goes open the box the first solution under $10 is and I Love This Love This Love This witch hazel that’s right witch hazel I want to point out there are lots of Brands making witch hazel for around 10

bucks we have the’s here because they’re a trusted sponsorship partner so why did witch hazel make the list I have one phrase that meant nothing before 2020 face masks right I know everyone is wearing face masks not just at work even at home and guess what it’s causing acne and

witch hazel is one of the great remedies great natural remedies for acne coming over here I got a little demonstration I want people to see this and I know this young lady is not alone uh she’s a viewer named ocean so this is the acne that developed because of her masks that’s right and

I want to thank uh ocean for sharing this picture because she has a lot of issues with acne but guess what she did she decided to use witch hazel and not just witch hazel she decided to create a whole regimen to change her skin face masks lots of water and witch hazel and look at what we see four

months later wow amazing yeah that’s pretty cool simple inexpensive tactics used every single day I mean listen which ha is is it a stringe in everybody it’s got anti-inflammatory properties it’s been used to shrink swollen tissues relieve skin irritation and it and that’s

why it helps to reduce acne and the inflammation around it but you know it’s good for another thing too what else it’s good for hemorrhoids now you’re going to love this I’m going to take you from the face to inside the lower rectum and it’s uh actually an elegant

demonstration these are veins here they can get irritated when you’re straining like when you try to push a bowel movement through it causes the veins around the anus like these ones to bulge out to swell and these swollen veins are called hemorrhoids they can be really uncomfortable and

painful wi Hazel can relieve this itching and the pain that’s that’s caused by by directly applyed itself to the hemorrhoids you put your fingers little or a little white pad and then put around those hemorrhoids and it shrinks them down we use this in the hospital all the time

recommend cheek to the next cheek oh very good that I very that’s right from One Cheek to the next cheek all right let’s move on from this topic we’re going to get caught the next time next item rather on our list is from dietician nutritionist uh Kristen katrick who’s been

helping real people lose weight and Conquer disease in places like the Cleveland Clinic amongst others for over 20 years Kristen welcome to the show she says we should purchase a produce chopping Gadget there are many kinds we have two options here today now Kristen wow us show us how they work and

I’m just a mere humble surgeon to you you’re a reporter and very faster with in the kitchen so we’re going to do a little competition no pressure Dr o but it’s competition okay all right get ready take it away Christie keep us a break us apart okay so first off we’re

going to use something that helps to get more avocado into your diet this is my tool that I have right here I’m going to use the smaller end to just scoop Out The Pit All right so super easy and then look at this Dr Oz We’re going to use the the larger end of the avocado here

we’re going to take the steel end of the tool here and we’re just going to scoop super easy really beautiful and now I’ve taken all of the meat out of this avocado I can put it on a dish I don’t have to worry about getting my hand super dirty um and it’s awesome

it’s already in these beautiful slices so this is tool number one I absolutely love this uh so many of my patients have have bought this it’s cheap and if you want to get avocado on your plate in seconds this is the way to go so I like it you know it wasn’t as smooth as Kristen

but with practice I think it’ll be great you know it’s it’s it’s not hard at all it’s not hard to do but it’s not easy to do well but actually you know right oh that that one worked perfectly look at this this is how you do it professionally surge this is a

professional avocado Christ I yes that one work well okay now I’ve been holding my breath for this next example this is a healthy Gadget that can allows you to core a pineapple and it’s a spiralizer I’m going to at this one okay I just did something with the spiralize all right

are you ready take it away Kristen explain it to us I’m ready okay I’m obsessed with this tool so this is super easy here’s what our tool looks like you’re going to actually put it in you got to put a little muscle in that you’re going to put it in the pineapple turn

your pineapple so it’s more clockwise and you’re just going to screw this tool into the pineapple until you hit the bottom and wait till you see what happens here eyes so excited hours I practice for hours okay once you get it towards the bottom of the tool you’re actually just

gonna lift up it’s not lifting but there we go so you’re gonna lift up who look at that you hold this button you take the top off okay and we have a beautiful spiral of pineapple so actually this is more than just making food look a little better this is actually important for a

patient’s Behavior why does this matter yeah so we know Dr o that people are more likely to make healthy produce decisions when things are at eye level in the fridge when they’re already chopped when they’re already diced and that is how we make lasting habits actually work I was

listening I really was up next we’re going to show you how to make chocolate healthier it’s actually chocolate meanwhile I’ll be helping Tia perfect this technique that I have mastered we also have a podiatr podiatrist approve at home foot pain relief it’s less than a buck

and it really works plus as you go to break my producer Ashley has the next item on the list that she’s put to the test herself take a look as you know our screens and computers emit these blue light rays which could have side effects on our eyes and since I’ve been working remotely and

spending more time in front of my computer and Screen I’ve been getting these headaches so I did a little test and I bought these blue light blocking glasses I got them for just under $10 and I’ve noticed when I don’t wear my blue light blocking glasses I still get those headaches

but when I do wear them I don’t have any headaches so healthy Eyes For the Win thanks Dr o I am back with my gurus of gadgets asro contributor Tia Brown and our go-to tester ratha is here help you find unexpected items that can improve your health for under $10 and speaking of steps look at

ratha jogging away on the treadmill look at this this is real time footage well not really she CashNews.coed that recently for something she does a lot at home home to keep active during quarantine all right R we’re going to save that burn for later on I’m so happy to have you back

thank you so much I’m so happy to be here going the Pod what are your treadmill woes oh gosh so well you know I have heel spurs um and they hurt really bad it comes from be having flat feet and so my tread wheel woes is that it’s too flat the surface is flat you know being outside is a

lot better but because you know got to be in the house quarantine um I had to you know get a treadmill and still be able to work out and because it’s so flat you know I get the pain in my heels and I get it under my feet and so you know I I need something to help me out you’re joining

most of America Tia and the med unit have uncovered the podiatrist little secret to relieve foot pain it’s some you can do at home it only well it’s under 10 bucks by a lot Tia what is it tennis balls I know no one would think that you could use this to help with your feet but actually

it helps stretch out the ligaments when you rub it underneath your foot it’s like a massage it’s amazing and it works for NASA I’m going to love it okay once you’re done playing tennis it’s under a buck a piece come on over I wear my clogs especially for this segment

so it can demonstrate the perfect way to do tennis ball stretching these kinds of items you can reuse I I love in general so so take the tennis ball have a chair or a banister or something you can hold on to next to it put the ball down then you get the foot that’s bothering you on top of the

ball and you got to put some weight on it and put more weight as you can tolerate it and roll the ball back and forth oh from the heel all the way back to the feel FR of the tail child feels good child is foot hurting right now okay and move into the arch out of the arch rolling tennis ball back

and forth it’s going to help you that plantar fascia ligament and it relieve the foot pain you want to do this when you first get up in the morning what do you think ratha could that work for you listen I can do this all day Dr you know at 73 cents that’s a gift from the show to you

thank you I appreciate that it is literally literally the least I could do thank you yeah thanks for the soothing trick love having you all right R come on over I guess I got surprise for you now this is something I need Christian katrick to help me with she has told me about this trick before she

lobbied personally really hard to make sure we included this and you sweared by a mini waffle maker for under $10 to improve our health habits and I’m delighted these are affordable but I got to say I’m a little surprised that a dietitian a nutritionist like you care so much about this

you really really went hard for this stuff I did I did you know this goes well beyond waffles this has been a godsend for people that want to make really low carb and low sugar recipes and I low beat hard because I have seen my patients get real results from this very affordable tool and putting

together just a few ingredients to get that low carb treat that doesn’t wreck their diet so walk us through I got all the ingredients that you that you’re going to use so go ahead all right so we’re going to have one egg and one egg white that’s going to be ingredient number

one then we’re actually going to put in some mozzarella cheese okay I know it sounds like is it going to be cheesy don’t worry it won’t uh we also have some baking powder so I’ve got a gluten-free baking powder here a sugar alternative obviously we’re going to keep

this low carb so we’re going to use a sugar alternative there are many on the market we’re going to use real cocoa powder so obviously the real is going to be important coconut flour is going to give it that base as well this is coconut flour yeah y coconut flour which is a low carb

flour so you can do that you can also substitute with almond flour if you want that and then cream cheese so we have all low carb ingredients we’re going to mix this all in our bowl and I’ve already pre-sprayed my waffle maker and I’m going to just put this in here and it is going

to be amazing in just a few you just one scoop of the mix right put it in there you don’t want to put too much oh you don’t want too much well too late to too late should have told me that earlier and then you just push this baby down just let it rest like that is that right yep you

just push it down let it rest um after about a minute and a half you can check on it see how it’s going um as you know we’re going to be making peanut butter chaffles today so we’re going to combine that delicious peanut butter with our chaffles so I’ve got some peanut

butter here as well you want to make sure you’re getting peanut butters that don’t have any added sugar in it we’re going to keep this low carb low sugar now you got is a leopard skin version of this thing is that is that a design effort upon your part yeah so I just this is mine

is almost done here I’m going to give it another minute but as you can see it’s coming along really beautifully here and I just put a little scoop so when you are making this all together remember you can make like several of them very easily and then already put this together from a

previous version so I’ve got my peanut butter I’ve got my big sandwich now this completely is going to have just a little bit of carb it’s going to have some protein in it uh sometimes I put a protein bar in it as well and make it a meal so you got a lot of options and this is

just one recipe there’s so many cookbooks on the market right now they have chaffle recipes do you eat it like a waffle do you cut it what do you how do you eat it a you eat it however you want Dr I just kind of Chom into it but you can cut it up uh you know it’s like a cookie this

thing is fantastic I’m trying to be la like use knife and a fork okay little diversity up here right you use your knife you can chew on the thing knew a low carb waffle could be dessert Chris this is a brilliant idea I’ll take one of these two Dr R okay you take that with the tennis

ball with the tennis ball we’re going to put the entire list of for all the shopping items you we’ve shared with you take it use it enjoy it don’t forget to subscribe and turn on notifications so you never miss out on new CashNews.cos to live the good life

Now that you’re fully informed, check out this insightful video on 5 Affordable Health Boosters Under $10: Dr. Oz’s Top Picks! | Oz Finance.
With over 2781 views, this video is a must-watch for anyone interested in Finance.

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5 thoughts on “5 Affordable Health Boosters Under $10: Dr. Oz’s Top Picks! | Oz Finance #Finance

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