February 11, 2025
5 hard truths about saving money | PERSONAL FINANCE & MONEY TIPS

5 hard truths about saving money | PERSONAL FINANCE & MONEY TIPS #Finance

so i talk a lot about saving money because spending less it plays a big role in helping us get to where we want to be financially but of course it’s not the only component so i think it’s also necessary to acknowledge certain situations thoughts and even behaviors that can slow

us down so today we’re looking at a few harsh truths that people don’t talk about enough but before jumping in this CashNews.co is brought to you by later this is an all-in-one social marketing platform that supports you as you grow your business and reach new audiences and we’ll

talk more about them in a moment so if you are someone who feels that you have always struggled to save money your inability to save might not be entirely your fault now don’t get me wrong yes we are all accountable to our own actions and ultimately we decide what we spend our money on

however it is legitimately harder for some people because the brains of some people are actually wired for spending and i know that might sound like a cop out or an excuse but i’m sure we’ve all heard someone refer to themselves as either a saver or a spender maybe if they’re

frugal or they tend to spin more freely but there is actually some truth to these statements because according to research our brains can be wired for either spending or saving so if your brain happens to be wired for spending becoming a better saver will mean going against something that’s

natural for you and this could possibly explain why it’s so much easier for some people to budget and save money now of course if you happen to be someone whose brain isn’t wired to save that doesn’t mean that you’re doomed but you might have to put forth a little more

effort with regard to self-control and being intentional with your spending and i have several CashNews.cos on this topic so i’m not going to go into too many details here but a few things that might help include recognizing and avoiding exposure to your triggers which can be any person place

or emotion that tempts you to spend money it might also help to come up with a splurge budget as well as keeping a visual reminder of your goals in your wallet another thing to remember is that you can’t rely on anyone else to take care of your future and honestly this is something that i

assumed everyone believed and thought and obviously some people do but there’s also a lot of people who don’t think this way and i say this because not too long ago i did a tick tock CashNews.co where i said if you are a parent and you have to choose between saving for college and

saving for retirement key phrase if you have to choose you should always prioritize saving for retirement because whereas there are so many different ways to pay for school there is no Loan for retirement and for those of you who don’t know my background i have been writing

and researching Finance topics since 2005 and throughout this time i’ve only ever heard information supporting this which makes sense because you have to look out for

your financial future and the reality is a lot of parents are not in a position to do both especially if they have multiple kids but i’ve since learned that that is not common knowledge because on that particular CashNews.co i had so many comments from people saying things like that’s

wrong you know you shouldn’t have kids unless you’re going to pay for their school or college is way more important than retirement i’m not worried about that and i even had a lot of people say my kids are my retirement and i’m not gonna lie that last statement did catch me

off guard because i didn’t realize that so many people were not planning for the future and they were relying on their kids but i have to say being realistic about your financial limitations is not selfish and that type of thinking it can be dangerous because regardless of what type of

relationship you have with your kids once you get to a retirement age they might not be in a position to help you or they might choose not to and if that is the case what happens next now at the end of the day i can’t tell anyone what to do everyone has to make their own decisions but if you

feel that you’re stuck between a rock and a hard place i do recommend talking with an advisor who can give personalized guidance on the best way to approach this because your financial health is important too and you really don’t want to do anything that’s going to sabotage it but

of course as much as i love to talk about saving money you can’t save what you don’t have there are a lot of people who want to save yet their Income isn’t enough they’ve already cut out everything they can possibly cut out and in this case

Income alone might not be enough to get ahead or to pay off Debt so you’ll need to earn more and for anyone in this situation i really do encourage you to stay positive now obviously this is not something that you can fix overnight but with careful planning

you might be able to fix it in time and one thing that i always suggest is not relying on a single Income source now i realize that some people feel that they are not the entrepreneur or the self-employment type which i totally get it because having a business or a side hustle it

does take time to grow these and you might also feel that you don’t have the energy for a part-time job but if you’re barely breaking even or you’re tired of feeling financially stuck it might be time to start wrapping your head around the idea of starting a side hustle maybe

growing a passive Income stream where you can continue to make money after you’ve done the work and a few ideas might include affiliate marketing blogging and even youtube the amazing thing about today is that through the power of social media your knowledge can be your side

hustle knowledge is valuable so if you know a lot about a topic whether it’s Finance it’s pets it’s cleaning it’s nature it’s home decor you

could take that knowledge and use it to supplement your Income and i know it can seem like a lot to juggle and one concern that some people might have is figuring out how to get started and how to manage everything and if that is also a concern of yours this is where later can help

because it makes it easy to manage all of your social networks at the same time and in one place later is known as a go-to source for social media marketing and education and it can help simplify your social media or influencer strategy whether you have a large or a small audience managing social

media accounts takes time and planning and one thing i like about later is the ability to schedule posts for instagram tick tock pinterest and linkedin there’s even an instagram hashtag tool that can help extend your reach you can search for new hashtags and then view your instagram analytics

to see which ones are working for you later is also known for his blog which supports business owners creators business coaches social media experts and content creators by being a source for the top social media marketing trends i’ve been using the growth plan which has been super helpful

for streamlining my workload so if you’re interested i will include a link below to later’s blog so you can check out their how-to guides and their educational articles which can help you stay up to date on all things social media and on the flip side of this some people can say but

they don’t think about saving money until it’s too late i cannot tell you the number of times i’ve heard someone say i wish i took saving money more seriously and these comments would usually come after some type of financial setback maybe after getting a medical bill or a job

loss and i think that when we’ve yet to go through something major financially speaking sometimes there is a tendency to put saving money on the back burner or feel that we have plenty of time to build up our account but the time to think about building an emergency fund is before you have an

actual emergency and i know that probably seems like common sense but it has to be said because some people do feel that they are invincible so even though they know bad things can happen they don’t believe that it will and one thing i have to say before moving on is that you will never hear

someone say i wish i never had an emergency fund and another truth we have to realize is that saving alone isn’t always enough some of you have probably seen this commercial of this woman who’s saving money to climb i believe mount everest so over the years she’s putting money in

this jar and then once she finally has enough money saved she gets to the mountain and she’s like years older and she’s on a walker and the whole point of that commercial is encouraging people to also invest because if you only rely on your Savings account you might

never hit some of your biggest financial goals now everyone has different goals some people want to retire early or achieve financial freedom while they’re still young healthy and energetic and they don’t want to wait until they’re 65 or 70 to leave the workforce and don’t

misunderstand me Savings accounts are necessary everyone should have a minimum three to six months of living expenses or Income tucked away or you might feel comfortable having 12 months either way it is important to have something liquid but if you’re trying

to hit big financial goals especially early in life a Savings account is only going to take you so far and at some point you really have to start thinking about investing and yes i know investing might seem scary especially if you’re a first timer or if you’re not

comfortable picking individual stocks but i promise you it’s not as hard as you might think instead of individual stocks you can invest in funds such as a mutual fund or an etf which diversifies and spreads your money across multiple Investments and you can even use a robo

advisor which will pick Investments for you based on your goals so seriously consider investing outside of your retirement account you can start small and then gradually increase your contributions but the key here is really to be consistent and start early that’s all that i

have for you guys today i really hope that you enjoyed this CashNews.co and if you did please give me a thumbs up and if you haven’t already definitely consider subscribing i post every weekend and sometimes during the week thank you again for watching and i’ll see you in a few days


Now that you’re fully informed, don’t miss this essential video on 5 hard truths about saving money | PERSONAL FINANCE & MONEY TIPS.
With over 18787 views, this video is a must-watch for anyone interested in Finance.

CashNews, your go-to portal for financial news and insights.

32 thoughts on “5 hard truths about saving money | PERSONAL FINANCE & MONEY TIPS #Finance

  1. Any parent that expects their children to support them in old age needs to go outside and have a word with themselves and also hand back their title of parent because they don't deserve it!

  2. I hate the side stream talk because it leaves doesn’t take into account folks who are disabled it’s hard enough to maintain one job for a lot of us.

  3. Wow, I'm really surprised by the "my children are my retirement plan" comment too. I think that no parents are entitled to their childrens' lives in that way… it should not be expected that you will be 100% taken care of once you age. If your children choose to step up in that way then that is wonderful, but they might not, the relationship you have with them might rupture, or – God forbid – they may pass earlier than expected, leaving you alone in your old age. Your retirement should be your own responsibility.

  4. I’m currently 17 years old and my mum literally has made clear that she only had me and my three little sisters to be her pension. We are her retirement plan. I’m disgusted by these kind of thoughts…

  5. A friend of mine said they dont have any scholarships for retirement. She set up a retirement fund so she wouldnt be a burden on her family, and she also tried to help her children when she could.

  6. I think it is horrible to have the mindset that it’s your children’s responsibility to be your retirement. It’s not. It’s YOURS. Your children have their life and their own family he need to prepare for. Who would want to put that kind of burden on their own kids.

  7. A lot of people think they have to pay off debt before saving for retirement. I wonder what they'd think if they realized that plan means they won't begin saving until they're in their 40s.

  8. Great video and important topic, thanks for shedding light to these truths. I come from a cultural background where elders are given lots of importance, and so it goes both with and without saying that kids are meant to look after their parents when they're older. Fact of the matter is though, the kids are not always able/wanting to do this and so then both the parents and kids are screwed. We're slowly realizing this and trying to find a way where both retirement and other financial goals can be supported, and that comes from diversifying our income streams which is something our parents weren't doing before but can now. I also think the role of familial support in financial goals (when possible) is overlooked. As an example, my parents provide childcare for our child because they are both willing and able (retired) and in turn we help them with tasks and buying things. They help offset our childcare costs, we help offset some of their costs.

  9. “Keeping a visual reminder of your goals in your wallet”

    So keeping a picture of Julius from Everybody Hates Chris in my wallet to keep me from spending money is a legitimate technique! 😂

  10. I’m a weird mix of a spender and saver. I still save 15% or so across retirement and savings. I still spend more than I should but I still have a bit left over prior to each paycheck.

  11. Before you even have kids you should budget for college too. You're making a decision to bring kids into an unsure world based on your own desires, the least you can do is give them the best chance possible.

  12. Yeah, I’m my mother’s only child and my mom NEVER even offered to help me pay for college, despite expecting/demanding that I go. If she had to pay for a semester, I had to pay her back. Putting your complete financial dependence on another person is foolish.

  13. I have an uncle ( only 15 yrs older) that has 4 children 3 are triplets. He and his wife were teachers. They were able to grow their retirement savings as well as pay for all4 to go to college with no debt. He and his wife shared a car while 3 were going to college. Ate basic meals, and alway planned all expenses. Both retired with a large income much more than when they were working. My uncle was 58 when he retired. It can be done and he was determined.

  14. My dad literally told me I’m his retirement plan and I have no idea how to plan for that I just started saving for myself luckily I have a whole lotta siblings too but they may not be as open as me.

  15. I would always invest in my retirement before my kids college fund. I don't ever want to be a burden to them when I'm old. They can get a loan for college like normal people lol. I went to college without my parents help they can too.

  16. harsh truth #2 is so real. it's hard… but a lot of immigrants especially think that way – "my kids are my retirement" and it's not always a statement but what just ends up happening because they don't understand the systems here in a new country. :/ i currently am attempting to get a multi family property or house with a back house so the in laws will have somewhere to live once they're forced to retire (get too old)….

  17. Yes I remember right at the begining when I came across your videos. Where you mentioned its important for retirement more then kids. So, on your advise I taken retirement. I also took education investment/savings for my daughter in case before my retirement in case I cannot pay for her education. Im savings and I can cash that out. I also have savings to replace my car in 5 years so I pay cash. Although my car is fully paid. I also have sep investment/fund to do huge home renovations. Now Im saving as well small amount at this stage for investing maybe in small home business type in case I come to retirement but my fund not enough. I want to be able to have small amount maybe i can investment in home based business maybe with my retirement will be okay. Maybe we never know. But, Im trying my best to have all in place. Thanks sooo much for your time. God bless.

  18. Don't put that financial burden on your kids to take care of you in retirement 🤦🏾‍♀️ this isn't the 80s-90s anymore, that will probably be a real strain on them

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