March 14, 2025
50%-70% Stock Market Haircut Regardless Of Election Outcome | Todd “Bubba” Horwitz

50%-70% Stock Market Haircut Regardless Of Election Outcome | Todd “Bubba” Horwitz #Finance

I think we’re looking for a 50 to 70% haircut uh I would think if we when we get to the election if it is Harris I think the Markets just tank if it’s Trump I think they

rally first and then they tank I think that they’re extremely overbought we’re really in a bubble territory this is Kaiser Johnson with liberty and Finance and

these are the miles Franklin weekly specials for October 21st through October 28th 2024 while supplies last this week we feature gold half o backdated Canadian maples at just $110 over melt we also have backdated silver 1 oz Britannia at just $2.99 over a spot per ounce to order our specials or any

of the many other options we have available call us at 188881 Liberty that’s 18888156806 this is Elijah K Johnson with liberty and Finance and back with us today is our

good friend Todd Bubba Horwitz Todd thank you so much for joining us today always great to join you Elijah a lot of good information on this station oh thank you so much and also your station Bubba trading who want to sign up there we’ll have the affiliate Link in the description of this along with the affiliate code there so it helps us along the way uh if you’re interested in Bubba’s work there uh so please check that out and I did wanted to discussed today there are quite a few topics we have you know the Stock Market maybe showing a bit

of weakness here you get your perspective on that also precious metals making new all-time highs for gold decade highs for silver and the elections less than two weeks away where would you like to start it doesn’t matter I mean I think the medals are going higher we’ve said that all

along I thought that we’d see 2700 in uh in gold and we’re going to see probably 2800 and gold I thought Silver we t35 which I think is pretty much a foregone conclusion I think that a lot of people realize that you may need these precious metals as a concurrency I think we’ve

seen the FED has made a dramatic Mistake by cutting rates and for those who don’t understand the rate system they didn’t cut rates for you the consumer they get rates for the bank the the lending rate is what the banks borrow at and then the bar Banks make money on the difference

between what they borrowed from the Fred from and what they lended to you so we’re basically double financing we’re financing the government and the fed and then we’re also taking the the Loans out so we’re financing them on both sides of the equation

it’s not a very good deal definitely now when it comes to the moves though we’ve seen in Precious medals it seems just very dramatic you know over 30% in both medals this year so um do we just continue higher into the election in the end of the year uh or do you anticipate a pullback

coming anytime soon oh I would think there’ll be a pretty substantial pullback shortly I mean again trying to time it is is is ridiculous but we are we are extremely overbought and there’s going to be a pullback now again you have to make the decision are you a Trader or are you an

investor and those of you who are buying gold should not be buying the paper gold that’s what you use to trade with if you’re buying gold because you have the same concerns I do which is that I may need is a currency then you should be buying physical metals and not buying the paper

because again I’ve said this before Elijah I don’t think there’s enough paper in the world or gold in the world to cover the a paper that is written but I would certainly expect the pullback and we’ll certainly look for a paper short position sometime soon here probably not

today but certainly sometime in the very near future because again Markets cannot continue to go straight up we’ve seen pullbacks and equities even though they’ve gone pretty much

straight up but there’s an opportunity and that’s what you’re deciding are you investing or are you trading if you’re trading then you want to look for an opportunity to sell some paper gold but that has nothing to do with the physical medals that you’re hell holding

no when it comes to the Stock Market I know the Dow is off I think at about a th000 points from its high do you see weakness in the Stock Market at this moment it’s hard to say Elijah we have such a little action right now the

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Markets have been extremely slow uh you’ve got you know the plunge Protection Team which is always on duty right now uh I think a lot will be determined after the election uh I would you

know I’ve said this before so I’m not going to stop now I think we’re looking for a 50 to 70% haircut uh I would think if we when we get to the election if it is Harris I think the none;">Markets just tank if it’s Trump I think they rally first and then they tank I think that they’re extremely overbought we really in a bubble territory that has been inflated artificially by the Federal Reserve by their monetary policy by the overwhelming amount of money put in

but the lack of participation is what you really want to look at because we’re not seeing many participants in the market which means that the only ones that are really benefit are those who have the middle working class they’re not even able to fund their 401ks right now and

that’s silly because basically that’s an extra four or 5% that you’re getting paid if you would fund your 401k now regarding the Stock Market and also the election there’s an interesting phenomenon that happens it seems like uh for it’s been for many

many cycles that if you have the SNP increase over the last three months before the election I think it’s about 80% of the time that the incumbent party wins but also we’re seeing another uh opposite indicator if you look at the betting

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Markets people actually betting on who’s going to win Harris versus Trump it’s about 60% chance that Trump will win right now so what’s your take on that and who you think will end up with uh the presidency well

I do believe that Trump will win I I believe that you know you’ve got some interesting things happening but let me ask you your question first uh the betting Market which is more important than any other Market because that is not a poll that’s not an opinion iion those are people

putting real money down to make those Markets and those aren’t pennies that they’re putting down and right now as you said Trump is about an 8 to- five favorite to win but I think

a couple of big signs out there that are are telling you is first of all the Washington Post will not will not endorse kamla Harris okay Warren Buffett who has always been a donator to both parties except when Trump ran he only de donated to the Democratic party he is not endorsing or supporting

Harris either so there’s a lot of Harris is not a very good candidate again I don’t care if you’re a Democrat or Republican she is not a very good candidate she does not have good answers and basically everything that that they ask her if she can’t answer it she says she

blames president Trump well we all know that they’ve tried to destroy president Trump over the last 10 years and especially since his election started and again I don’t see it but certainly I can’t tell but certainly I think that uh there’s a lot of American Jews that have

always voted Democratic almost atically they’re starting to switch and turn the corner I think some of the African-Americans are starting to turn the corner and realize that this country is in a real mess and if we do not elect President Trump we could see some real disasters to our economy

because I think the current Administration wants uh communism or socialism can you elaborate on that what kind of disaster would you be looking for if we do see Harry spinning well I think the none;">Markets would collapse first of all I think we’d lose a lot of jobs uh I think the we’d be overrun by the illegals which again remember that you’re paying for them I’m paying for them your tax dollar is paying for them which is the only reason that the Federal

Reserve cut rates last time was to increase the Inflation you know they talk they they want they don’t want Inflation but they really do because that really adds more tax dollars to the tax role it is known as the hidden tax of Inflation but

I think you could see I think you could and I don’t want to get nuts here but I think you could see a Civil War in this country uh if if this party holds power the way it is because it’s it has not benefited the American middle class I think the American middle class has been in a

recession and it’s only getting worse we’re seeing jobs destroyed we’re seeing jobs lost and of course you see what’s going on in a lot of the major cities where a lot of the IL illegal immigration is taking place and if Trump wins do you see it still sounds like that we

could be having a seeing a significant haircut in the Stock Market regardless is that still your view yes I again one it’s the one thing that who gets in and it’s one thing that what the real economy is and if you’ve watched

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Markets for any length of time you can go back into the 80s and you saw what happened in ‘ 87 and it wasn’t just one day the text-decoration: none;">Markets were selling up long before we had the culmination go back into the 90s the internet bubble you go back into the 08 where we had the housing bubble all those none;">Markets were telling you and I think these Markets are signaling that they’re tired and they’re about ready to go down and I think all you’re seeing right now is

the protection uh from the money supply and the what we’ll call The Plunge Protection Team for better lag of words trying to sway this election but again I don’t think anybody can hold it up I think what we can do is see things buildt stronger if president Trump gets in I think we can

see a stronger country and less Inflation and we can rebuild but we are so extremely overbought in these Markets and again the AI stocks have become the internet stocks of

the of the 2020s versus the 90s now you have been bullish though longterm for the Stock Market every time we’ve talked right even if we see uh you know 50 70% haircut long term if people are looking for at the long term you still think they’re going to uh be net

positive is that still your view honor perc listen if the Stock Market stops being positive 8 and a half percent year-over-year we have a much different country we are no longer the United States of America within the Communist the Chinese Communist party there is no long longer

the free market system I mean we’re not so we don’t have such a free market anymore anyways but we are still the freest Market in the world and if and if that stops then the none;">Markets are immature because again then there’s there’s no reason to believe that they’re going to continue to go higher or that that ratio since history of 8 and a half per year-over year is going to continue I think that’s what a lot of people are concerned

about especially as you know countries move away from the US dollar we see the bricks meeting this week um you know there’s a lot of speculation about you know this um new currency system they might be developing so the idea of American hey hegemony or this idea that the the US is the best

economy a lot of people are concerned that that is going to continue and we could be seeing a major shift happening what is your perspective on that I have I think there’s no chance at this moment I think this is a bunch of rhetoric I think that the countries that are getting involved are are

not big enough to to make a dent look at the US dollar the US dollar has gone up it was last time you and I talked it was par which is a dollar now it’s a dollar four okay I mean the the the the US is still the strongest in the world the my concern and everybody’s concern should be that

we give up that strength and go into globalism okay we don’t want to we want to remain the strongest okay as far as I’m concerned the United States should become an island because we don’t need anybody else to survive we have everything we we have need right here in this country

country and we could actually build ho all around the entire country but again that’s obviously not what we’re going to do but we have the the the capability and the Ingenuity to survive forever if we would let these free color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Markets trade and get rid of the politicians on both sides of the aisle that are continuing to really steal our money through the tax base and the way that they do things because of course Inflation when they tax you through

Inflation you don’t realize it but again all you have to do is look at any of your utility bills there’s a federal excise tax in every bill you pay so with whether you’re paying it or the supplier paying it somebody’s paying into the federal Co coffers and

they’re just throwing our money away I mean the world is about a hundred trillion dollars in Debt where’s that money going to come from and again if we go into this globalism then the free market system is over and we’re just all one big communist country or one

big communist world we did just have Alex Newman on and he was talking about how you know the United Nations is really working to strip nations of their sovereignty and a lot of these decisions and agendas are just coming from you know these International Global bodies and governments are going

along with it we are seeing some certain some states like Florida um really make laws inhibiting that kind of global governance your take on that kind of the movements we’re seeing on an international level to take away sovereignty but also some positive movements on a local level to retain

the sovereignty of the states or or local governments well I I listen again this is this goes back to the Civil War comment I mean you could see States like Florida Texas and and you know Nevada and those states that are non-tax states want to try to secede from the union because again you’ve

got some major issues and we don’t want you know if you’re if you have the ability to earn money and you have the ability to make a living I mean you don’t want this s this the sovereignty taken away you don’t want globalism we don’t want all these things I don’t

want to be part of Russia or China or any of the communist countries in the world I mean listen for me it’s not that big a deal one way or the other because I’m won’t be here that long but at the end of the day for my kids for my grandchildren for your kids your grandchildren this

is a disaster if they get through this and get this to be what they want which is globalism this will be the end of the world as we know it and you will be we’ll be B basically back into being surfs for everybody well that’s not a uh Pleasant View so how do we stand up against this and

and prepare accordingly well I mean first of all it comes back to the voters and how you vote and who you vote in I mean we know that our political system they don’t want to follow the Constitution anymore okay that we do know right and government is supposed to be run City County State and

the federal government was never meant to be the largest employer in the world they were only supposed to oversee what was going on but somehow they’ve managed to steal all this power and all the money from all the individuals and T try to take control of the states but when you look at

what’s happening if you would let government work the way it’s supposed to and follow what the Constitution says we wouldn’t have so many of these issues okay you have too many people that are financially benefiting and I’m talking about in Washington DC the swamp the cabal

the Deep State they are financially benefiting from the turmoil and from the destroying of a middle class system because if you go into the communist countries they have the oligarchs and the very poor that’s what they’re trying to get done here which is why Google and meta and

companies like that went to government said please regulate us so that we don’t have any competition so that nobody can ever come in and recreate what we’ve already done you’ve got too many people too few people government controlling too much of the free market and too much of

the economy and they’re doing a pretty crappy job if you ask me now looking back at at the big picture and where we started with precious metals right that’s also I obviously voting is a very good way to take a stand also you know owning physical precious metals is a way to take some of

your funds outside of the you know Financial system the system that is controlled by the government and and big Banks your perspective on that that way also to take a stand I agree listen I own physical medals I continue to buy them because again they may be needed as a currency I listen I know

that you’re not necessarily a fan but Cryptocurrency is another way to play especially if you happen to be in I communist country trying to get out you can’t walk out with a th000

ounces of gold okay but I think that look I think everybody should have a representation of physical medals uh in their safe in their desk wherever somewhere silver silver because you need some small denominations and right now in the United States I mean Costco you can buy you could go there and

buy it so why not become a buyer and again you have to be able to afford it and one of the big sad stories going on right now is there’s a lot of f over 20% of families that make over $150,000 a year are living paycheck to paycheck now 150,000 sounds like a lot of money but in today’s

world it’s not and that’s the problem so I think that I think physical medals are always the way to go I think you need to own it I think you need to keep it but you have to remember that if you have high high net Debt like on Credit cards you need to

pay those Credit cards off first because the high net Debt is you’re never going to get the return I mean think about it Gold return 30% last year your Credit card rate is 30% so what would you rather do pay off the Debt but

at the end of the day you need to start accumulating again not your entire Net Worth but I say every body should have 5 to 10% of their Net Worth tied up in physical medals and they’re making it very easy to get it and you’re getting it from a place

like Costco they’ve platin them now to their cell I think precious metals are the way to at least protect and also give you something that may turn into and may be needed to be used as a currency and if our viewers are interested in learning more they can also go to bubat can you

share with us what they’ll find there and as a reminder our affiliate link is in the description of this can find the things I do I do a daily update every day of what’s going on in the market every morning just after the open uh and anybody who wants to email me they can

get my book which is uh how to trade options uh which has been written and has a it’s almost like a textbook there’s some quizzes in there for you what do I have to do is email me at Bubba buub and I’ll be happy to send you a copy of my book fantastic any last thoughts

before we let you go Bubba I think everybody should just be careful and again I don’t care who you vote for look obviously I’d like you to vote for president Trump because I think he’s better for the country whether you like him or not I’m worried about the country not about

the candidate I think he’s the best choice but whatever you do get off the couch and go vote either way you’re going to vote for I can’t tell you who to vote for but you’re as an American you should take advantage of what you can do and that is go to the polls and vote

fantastic well thank you so much Bubba you have a great day thanks Elijah this is Kaiser Johnson with liberty and Finance and these are the miles Franklin weekly specials for

October 21st through October 28th 2024 while supplies last this week we feature gold half o backdated Canadian maples at just $110 over melt we also have backdated silver 1oz Britannia at just $22.99 over spot per ounce to order our specials or any of the many other options we have available call

us at 188881 Liberty that’s 1888 815 4237 we’re available after hours and on weekends and we look forward to speaking with you

Now that you’re fully informed, don’t miss this essential video on 50%-70% Stock Market Haircut Regardless Of Election Outcome | Todd “Bubba” Horwitz.
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32 thoughts on “50%-70% Stock Market Haircut Regardless Of Election Outcome | Todd “Bubba” Horwitz #Finance

  1. Thank you for watching! I hope you find this comment section to be a fantastic way to share thoughts and ideas! Always REPORT AS SPAM any comments sharing a phone number, email, any contact info, or trading advice. Be aware of IMPERSONATORS offering phone numbers, and please know we will NEVER put contact info in the comments section or offer market trading advice.

  2. So essentially what Horwitz is saying is there's really no point investing right now until there is a Stock Market Crash. As he points out, we may as well wait for this 'haircut' to do its work, make stocks more affordable and then dive in to invest once they have crashed. Anyways that's what I'm planning to do. Stay out of the markets until further notice.

  3. Bubba should check out Jim Willie. Yen went up as well….until it didn’t. Stock Market is completely controlled. Trump is exposing the controllers and their fake money system. BRICS is over 50% of the world’s population. I would say that qualifies as “they matter”.

  4. I'm ao m f tires of being wrong guys. for years now. and BRICS just pledged to the UN, didn't do S is a total farce.

    I've been playing an MMO lately. I'm just f done. my reputation is in the S hole.

  5. Great interview but i disagree with bubba when he says regardless who you are voting for get off the couch and vote. No, the most dangerous people in the country are the useless idiots who believe they know what is happening. You dont know what is happening and you are being used as a human bomb on this country. Stay home, you dont need to vote if you are voting for anyone else but Trump.

  6. If trump does not reduce the fed govt by 50% first year and remove 30 million illegals he is not what u think. He is then just a placater to make us docile and prevent insurrection, civil war and revolution only. He did that once then biden comes in and moved us to the left 400% more than obama did…they let trump back in to make us forget and be docile then the next dem after trump brings us into full communism

  7. As soon as we enter military conflict gold retreats. Because they protect the dollar with our military and threaten the world with rallying of the dollar….

  8. This crash will be different than all of the others in that this is the end of the dollar hegemony, more specifically the federal reserve note dominance as the world reserve currency as much of the world will no longer accept “nothing “ for something. The dollar is only going “up” against other fiat currencies, not against real things

  9. Bubba…another clown who has stated there is no silver manipulation. After statements like that, he can bluster all the patriotic nonsense he wants but he should not be taken seriously in the bigger picture. 🇧🇷🇷🇺🇮🇳🇨🇳🇿🇦

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