October 14, 2024
“566% BTC Price Explosion Incoming! The ULTIMATE SHOCKWAVE Is Starting Now” – Anthony Scaramucci

“566% BTC Price Explosion Incoming! The ULTIMATE SHOCKWAVE Is Starting Now” – Anthony Scaramucci #Finance

you can move it it’s easier to store uh you can transact in it quickly if that’s a decision that you’re gonna the world goes in yeah um and gold is something you can’t do any of that with I’m not betting against gold though by the way gold has a 5,000-year

track record so I’m not going to be this super cilious arrogant person that says you know gold is been put out the pasture by Bitcoin I do believe that there will be people buying gold 100 years from now yeah and perceiving it as a store of value all I’m saying is that Bitcoin is going

to mature as an asset class and it’s going to make that transition Anthony scaramucci a Wall Street expert discussed bitcoin’s potential citing its 2020 rebound unique technical qualities and institutional investment prospects he expressed humility on long-term

Valuation estimating $350,000 to $400,000 if it reaches half of Gold’s market Capitalization and predicted increased ETF driven institutional adoption as these factors align Bitcoin is expected to become a more integral part of global

href="https://cashnews.co/finance" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance offering diversification opportunities and potentially substantial returns for those willing to navigate its fluctuations additionally technological advancements such as improvements in

scalability and transaction speed could enhance bitcoin’s utility as a medium of Exchange with increasing public awareness and acceptance Bitcoin might evolve from a speculative asset to a core component of Diversified investment Portfolios across the globe Anthony scaramucci

indicated that as a Bitcoin Observer he’ll keep a neutral attitude he remarked on bitcoin’s 2020 crisis and comeback fueled by stimulus money scaramucci stressed the irs’s definition of Bitcoin as intangible property which protects property law citing its expans ion to 80 million

wallets scaramucci Credited Sam bankman freed with exposing fraud at companies such as FTX and Celsius let’s watch clips from the interview for further insights into this discussion please like this CashNews.co subscribe to the channel and turn on post notifications for more

exclusive content enjoy the CashNews.co I’m going to be a Bitcoin Observer I’m not going to do what other trade five people are doing which is slamming or being ridiculously critical of Bitcoin I’m just going to be Observer and then in 2020 when covid happened and I think Bitcoin

crashed like 6,000 right and I was watching it you know build a base and then I think frankly the stimulus money did help Bitcoin because absolutely I mean that was the beginning of the rush yeah a lot of lot of money went into Bitcoin and U when I saw the activity I started writing down some notes

I said okay Bitcoin gets to 100 million walls if I’m comfortable with the regulation if I can store Nine fig figures of Bitcoin safely somewhere I can’t put it in Cold Storage but I got to put it and I ended up putting it at Fidelity um you know then I’m okay and I think we were

at 80 million wallets um you’d have to take a leap of faith on regulation but I made the case and I told my clients that the IRS decided it for me with Bitcoin so you’ll recall that the IRS said that Bitcoin was intangible property and so one of the things that you learn property law is

that in the United States in places like Great Britain property is sacren they can’t really take your property from you without giving you some value for it that’s been a sort of a right dating back to the Magna carter in 1215 ad you know King John so I looked at that and said all right

these Regulators they’re not going to be able to take your Bitcoin away the court system the Constitution all these things are protective features and obviously you know you get these autocratic Regulators like a a Gensler or an Elizabeth Warren they think they know more than you do or they

think that their decisions are better than your decisions those are sort of people I generally can’t Bitcoin go from 69,000 I guess to 16 orever wherever it ended but I think Gensler did all of us a favor I don’t think he wanted to do us a favor probably not but I’m going to

explain to you why he did us a favor he flushed out FDX he flushed out Celsius which we were talking about three arrows block fight he everything that would have benefited from a Bitcoin spot ETF approved in the first quarter of 2022 got knocked out of business over leverage and fraud literally got

wiped out of the system right and if he had approved it earlier uh we could still potentially be living in an FTX world right now and that fraud would have just been mushrooming and growing and becoming more massive and it could have been more colossal in terms of the damage that had caused in the

industry how do you think that would have affect would have affected things if we would have had the ETF already approved at that time well you see I think there would have been a floor on on the price of Bitcoin and there would look at the buying okay you’ve had consecutive steady net

inflows by and large I mean there been a few days I guess where they hasn’t been but Black Rock has had a consecutive net inflow the entire time since it was created and so so I think there would have been a floor so I don’t think even if fraud was exposed at FTX he could have probably

covered his tracks better right because of the Liquidity of the market correct he would had more Balance Sheet and he would have probably started moving the the shells more quickly Anthony scaramucci demonstrated bitcoin’s transportation and storage

convenience over gold scaramucci emphasized humility over bitcoin’s long-term potential stressing unpredictability he he hopes analysts like Tim Draper and codan amamos are right scaramucci predicted that Bitcoin May reach half of Gold’s market Capitalization with an

asset value ranging from $350,000 to $400,000 Anthony scaramucci questioned Plan B stock to flow concept noting that ETFs May bias it scaramucci a Wall Street Insider projected increasing

institutional investment in Bitcoin via ETFs he highlighted the untapped pool of trillion doll Assets that may enter the market scaramucci expects financial advisers to Advocate

Bitcoin for distinctiveness and diversity as Portfolios incorporate Bitcoin let’s go back to the interview and watch more Clips to gain insights from Anthony scaramucci and he was like Anthony I’ve heard you on TV you say that Bitcoin is digital gold and I said yes

Shake I have said that he said well you know what it’s better than gold he says let me tell you something I have a USB it’s about this big it’s about the size of a quarter it’s got $200 million of Bitcoin on it right now everybody here in Saudi Arabia in leadership they love

me okay but someday they may not okay and let me tell you I’m gonna I’m going to put this USB where the sun doesn’t shine I’m going to be heading for the yeni Border okay and you can’t move $20 million do with a gold like that and I mean he put it fairly succinctly and

that simple and plaintively but I mean that that’s one of the big reasons why this is going to be with us uh for our lifetimes where do you think Bitcoin will end up long term so I’m not smart enough I hope Tim is right I hope saf safine Amos the Bitcoin standard writer is right but

I’m not smart enough and and all I’m saying is it it just has to trade to half of its value in the last four years it has been the world’s Reserve currency for their entire lifetimes you know dating back to the second world war and so if you’re a dollar Centric person you

may be a little blindsided to that right if you’re living in Africa or you’re living in Latin America where they punish the money way worse than we do here in the west we do our requisite share of punishing the money but they do way worse job down there and so you know then you say okay

maybe Traer is going to be right I would love to have him be right but if it’s just half of the market Capitalization of gold over the next 10 years a $70,000 asset goes to 350 to 400,000 and I think there’s a margin of safety in it I love Plan B and I’ve

interviewed him he’s been on my podcast we’re friends but I think the real question is is it uh uh is his stock to flow model or other technical models being skewed by the ETF and so I think the answer to that is yes because I’m a wall streer and so so what do we know about Wall

Street Wall Street sells product okay product is sold on Wall Street not bought Fidelity Black Rock Arc Asset Management they enter the ETF space they’re they’ve got people picking up the phone calling Consultants calling asset managers calling uh Garden variety

wirehouse Financial analysts and saying or financial Associates and saying hey please Mr financial advisor buy 1% allocation the Bitcoin do it through our ETF it’s low cost we’ll store it for you it’s got a qip number it can go right on your client statement etc etc and so what

Wall Street does is it gin up this used selling machine and you’re seeing that right now in a very small way right because wirehouses haven’t come into it registered investment advisers haven’t come into it large scale institutions have not started buying it now granted there are

sovereign wealth funds in the Middle East that have started buying it but by and large there’s an unta pool of several trillion dollars of Assets that could enter the space and if that happens then me saying that there’s a 50% market Capitalization of

gold will be very low but I just want people to recognize where we are right now remember this if you’re a consultant and you want to differentiate yourself from your pure group you’re going to recommend Bitcoin Absolut because you’re going to want your client to get invested

right you want to get your client off zero right you’re not going to say put 20% of your money in it you’re going to say you know we want to have a one or 2% exposure and now you put pressure on all these other Portfolios right right because remember these guys like I

said it’s like a match sailing race they all get in an index they hover around the index so if my index has Bitcoin in it and yours doesn’t and I’m doing better than you because mine has Bitcoin in it what do you think’s going to happen yeah people are going to gravitate

toward gra scaramucci emphasized bitcoin’s unique technical qualities and uniqueness from gold despite bitcoin’s Ascent he recognized Gold’s 5,000-year history as a store of wealth scaramucci envisioned future analysts acknowledging Bitcoin as an established asset class possibly

referring to it as digital gold historically bitcoin’s price has risen dramatically following each having event a close below $48,000 would invalidate the chart analysis of veteran trader Peter Brandt which served as a significant Tipping Point for his forecast this level provides significant

support for bitcoin’s present price Keith Allen co-founder of material indicators has a similar prediction although with a slightly lower aim Allen predicts a price between $125,000 and $130,000 however he is unsure of the time frame analysts agree that bitcoin’s upward Trend will

continue with 2025 predicted as its next macro Peak various estimates and projections have developed with some predicting $275,000 per coin by the end of next year Crypton’s model which

emphasizes bitcoin’s initial having event in 2012 predicts highs in 2025 this model shows that bitcoin’s price movement is driven by having occurrences which reduce the block reward and may increase demand bitcoin’s price has been stabilizing below all-time highs for several

months brand sees this consolidation as a minor stop in the overall trend some predictions have failed to come true such as calls for new highs in September despite this many are still enthusiastic about bitcoin’s long-term prospects Brand’s prediction is consistent with the larger view

that most of bitcoin’s bull market gains are still ahead what do you think about Anthony gamucci and Peter Brandt’s predictions on bitcoin’s future value do you believe Bitcoin will reach $350,000 in the next few years please drop your thoughts in the comments below share this

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Now that you’re fully informed, watch this essential video on “566% BTC Price Explosion Incoming! The ULTIMATE SHOCKWAVE Is Starting Now” – Anthony Scaramucci.
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30 thoughts on ““566% BTC Price Explosion Incoming! The ULTIMATE SHOCKWAVE Is Starting Now” – Anthony Scaramucci #Finance

  1. So far, the ETFs have not helped increase the value….and none of these folks have been even close to making correct valuations. If we see 100k in 2025 it’ll be due to Trump taking office…that’s it.

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