March 15, 2025
9 Best Personal Finance Books

9 Best Personal Finance Books #Finance

what is one habit that all successful people have in common they’re all readers and I’m not just talking about a few pages they read a lot it’s reported that Bill Gates reads about 50 books a year he even takes two weeks out of the year just to dedicate himself to reading

Warren Buffett spends 80 of his day reading Elon Musk the founder of Tesla and SpaceX taught himself rocket science simply by reading tons of science books Oprah Winfrey refers to reading as her path to personal freedom once she learned to read at the age of three she discovered there was a whole

world to conquer that went beyond her Farm in Mississippi so in the spirit of reading in today’s we’re going to review nine of my favorite and what I consider the best personal text-decoration: none;">Finance books in the market hi if you’re new to the channel my name is Tay from Financial tortoise where we learn to grow well slow and steady the first best personal text-decoration: none;">Finance book I want to recommend is The Millionaire Next Door by Dr Thomas Stanley Dr Thomas Stanley wrote this book based on the survey of thousands of actual millionaires in America he wants to know the true profile of millionaire not the ones that we see on

TV or today social media the book is filled with tons of really good lessons but the one that really stood out for me was how real millionaires value Financial Independence over High stats in a world of social media and insatiable consumption it’s so hard to find out the desire to look

successful to look rich we all want to fit in and perception plays a big part in that however the Millionaires and Dr Stanley’s book prioritize actually being financially independent rather than looking Rich today with a Credit card any one of us can look rich we can buy the

nicest clothes on Credit least the latest sports car and get a huge Mortgage in a mansion we can’t afford but we won’t enjoy the piece that comes with financial Independence Because deep down we know that we’re just one step away from Financial catastrophe to the

Millionaires and Dr Stanley’s book Freedom was the ultimate purchase by living below their means and meticulously planning their financial future many were able to enjoy the freedom that comes with financial Independence even if their Income dropped or their business had a

bad year it would be okay because they were not living the hyper consumption lifestyle that so many people struggle with so if you want to understand the profile and psychology of actual millionaires I highly recommend checking out this book the number two best personal

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance book I will recommend is a psychology of money by Morgan housel according to Morgan contrary to popular beliefs doing well worth money isn’t necessarily about what you

know it’s actually about how you behave and behavior as we all know is really hard to teach even to really smart people money topics like investing and personal Finance

are often typically taught as an analytical math-based exercise we come to believe that if we have the right data and formula we can all unlock the secret to being rich however in the real world people don’t make financial decisions based on formulas and spreadsheets they do help with some of

our money decisions but they aren’t the core drivers money decisions are made oftentimes with emotions combined with our personal history our culture and our own unique view of the world throw in product marketing and the power of advertising and you have a recipe for True complexity this

book dives into psychology behind money decisions why people do what they do with their Finances and how to better manage our emotions when it comes to money Morgan

Shares 19 short stories exploring the strange ways people think about money and teaches us how to make better sense of Our Lives most important topics one of my favorite quotes from the book is this spending money to show people how how much money you have is the fastest way to

have less money so simple yes so profound I wish I had read this book 20 years ago before I made all my personal Finance mistakes the number three best personal

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance book I would recommend is the index card why personal none;">Finance doesn’t have to be Complicated by Helene Owen and Harold Pollock the financial media and investment managers want you to believe personal none;">Finance is so complicated that if you don’t follow their guidance you’ll end up in the Poor House the authors argue in this book that they’re completely wrong when University of Chicago Professor heropala interviewed Helene Owen a financial journalist and the

author of best-selling book pound foolish he made an offhand suggestion everything you need to know about managing your money could fit on the index card to prove his point he grabbed a 4×6 card scroll down the list of rules and posted a picture of the card online so Polo Tinder with Olin to

explain in this book why the 10 simple rules of the index card can outperform more complicated Financial strategies sold and highly marketed by the financial industry one of my favorite quotes from the book is this Simplicity often takes work in insight to achieve I’m a huge fan of Simplicity

when it comes to money in life so this book really spoke to me helping me to cut through all the noise to understand the money lessons that really mattered so if you want a short quite easy read to get you smart about money lessons that can literally fit on the index card I highly recommend this

book the number four best personal Finance book I would recommend is Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey if you’re just starting out on your personal

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance Journey but don’t know where to begin I highly recommend starting with Dave Ramsey’s book I first picked it up over 10 years ago but I come back to it often to

remind myself of the many Timeless principles it’s not an exaggeration to say that thanks to this book my wife and I were able to pay off a hundred and thousand dollars of student Loans in three and a half years I’ve read many personal

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance books in my life but this book lays out one of the most simplest most straightforward game plans for completely making over our money habits my favorite quotes and ideas from

this book deals with Debt Debt is so ingrained in our culture that most Americans cannot even Envision a car without a payment a house without a mortgage a student without a Loan and a Credit without a card Dave Ramsay takes a

pretty strong stance against no Debt I personally wouldn’t go that far but I definitely agree with the notion that we must be very very careful when it comes to borrowing money when we accept Debt as a normal way of life it can quickly Cascade into a

borderline dangerous mindset of justification we start to fund an elevated lifestyle without low interest fixed Home Mortgage then we can start creeping into tapping into our home Equity line of Credit I learned this the hard way but take it from me all that are

dangerous and just like fire should be handled with the almost caution if you like a no-fluff approach to handling your money I highly recommend this book the number five best personal none;">Finance Pokemon will recommend is the little book of Common Sense investing by Jack Bogle Mr Jack Bogle is the founder of a little investment firm called Vanguard the pioneer of low-cost index funds sadly he passed away in 2019 but he left behind an impressive Legacy in a way Mr

Jack book will single-handedly revolutionize the mutual fund industry he pioneered the index fund which allowed individual investors like you and I to gain Diversified exposure to the Stock Market at a very low cost and the best part is that we’re able to do this directly

without needing to be hassled and sold unnecessary products by Wall Street so-called professionals his book goes more in depth regarding index funds and explain why low fees are crucial when it comes to maximizing our returns he also provides recommendations on how to build the ideal Index Fund

Portfolio in today’s market so if you want to learn more about the ins and outs of index funds and why it stands as a clear winner against complex fee later mutual funds you definitely want to check out this book the number six best personal

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finance book I want to recommend is the vocal heads Guide to Investing the vocal heads are investing enthusiasts who honor Jack BOGO and his advice they’re a pretty powerful force

to be reckoned with in the internet they have a problem called BOGO has been active for quite a bit of time and they live by the principles of diversification index funds and long-term investing it’s the index fund Investor’s ultimate nerd club members in the form actively discuss

financial news market conditions and Investment Strategies I mean who wouldn’t want to spend their Saturday night talking about market conditions right the BOGO has Guide to Investing is written by three bobblehead enthusiasts and contains all aspects of investing as well as

providing practical advice when it comes to your personal Finance for example what’s your financial lifestyle is how balance your emotions when it comes to mastering

Investments and even how to invest for your kids college the book will walk you through everything you need to know to put the Vogel head Index Fund strategy into action if you want to learn from some of the biggest index funders out there definitely check out this book the number

seven best personal Finance book on the recommend is a random walk down Wall Street by Burton Gmail kill it was first published in 1973 and the updated editions have been

released every few years Burton makil is a Princeton Economist best known for the efficient market hypothesis efficiency means that a company share price reflects its current worth and its price will change when new information Alters a business worth it goes into depth of all major investment

vehicles from stocks and Bonds to Real Estate Investments and tangible Assets there’s even a chapter on behavioral none;">Finance and how our emotions affect our financial investment behaviors it’s your One-Stop book for knowing pretty much everything you want to know about the Stock Market Wall Street and The Business of investing however I do want to caution you this book

is not for the faint of heart it’s thick and dense and for a good reason however if you’re serious about wanting to get a better historical context of the Stock Market as well as how the financial industry has arrived where it is today this is definitely a book you want

to have on your bookshelf the number eight best personal Finance book I want to recommend is I will teach you to be rich by Ramin Sethi the book is focused on teaching young

professionals mostly with medium to high Income the fundamentals of personal Finance such as banking saving Budgeting investing set these

philosophies however a bit different from many other personal Finance groups out there he Advocates controversial behaviors like buying as many lattes as you want my wife

would actually love this book but he does provide some great Sound Advice in growing your Net Worth saty Shares his strategies for eliminating student Loans and Debt trading a spending plan and preparing for major purchases like

wedding or a house as regards to investing he has a whole chapter dedicated to what he calls a pyramid of investing or based on how Hands-On you want to be with your investing you can essentially Choose Your Own Adventure he reviews the basics of Target date funds index funds mutual funds and even

single stocks if you’re a young tech savvy working professional and want tips tailored for you this will be a great book the number nine best personal Finance book on

the recommend and my personal favorite is a simple patch wealth by gel Collins Jim initially started this book out as a collection of letters to his daughter and grew it into a comprehensive Financial guy he firmly believed that money was and is the single most powerful tool we have for navigating

this complex world first I need to understand it and master a crucial skill he spent the most of his adult life in this endeavor and wanted to share what he had learned with his daughter however his daughter had a shocking use for him when he tried to talk to her about money that I know money is

important I just don’t want to spend my life thinking about it this led him to simplify the money lessons as much as possible and this book is the amazing product that came out of that the book delves into topics like Debt how the Stock Market works and how

to invest in both the good and bad times also this book best helped me to really simplify my investment strategy I used to own multiple mutual funds in multiple accounts but after reading this book I switched to a very simple two-fone strategy my wife and I also had an honor of meeting him in

person a while back yes I’m a huge Fanboy thank you guys for watching if you’d like to learn more about how to simplify your investing and the two-point strategy recommended in a simple path to wealth please check out my here until next time all the best

Now that you’re fully informed, check out this essential video on 9 Best Personal Finance Books.
With over 92953 views, this video is a must-watch for anyone interested in Finance.

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40 thoughts on “9 Best Personal Finance Books #Finance

  1. I love listening to audiobooks cse i rarely read but i do work 2 jobs so listening to audiobooks instead of listening to music one most stood out for me was The Richest Man In Babylon and atomic habits i have been listening to tony Robbins the holy grail of investing sure am going to listen to these you recommended for sure i will teach be rich what im listening now very good book

  2. Debt Proof Living – you forgot this book and it’s a seminal personal finance classic. Your Money or Your Life too. I would swap these first I Will Teach You to be Rich.

  3. Thanks for acknowledging the knowledge shared in the video. I suggest everyone goes beyond surface-level understanding and explores the forbidden books on money found on Nixorus. You'll be amazed at the wealth of incredible information waiting to be discovered there.

  4. Thanks for the new reading material.
    I own and have read Total Money Makeover & A Random Walk down Wall Street. Will check those other ones out.

  5. Best layer one book: The Only Investment Guide You'll Ever Need – Andrew Tobias.

    Best Layer two book: Lifecycle Investing – by Ian Ayres & Barry Nalebuff.

  6. I would recommend the book 'Masonic Tricks for Making Money' because it can vividly illustrate how the Masons earned money and how an ordinary person can also profit from it

  7. God bless thank you for sharing. Yes I also whish I would of started reading books and getting better education on finances. Good thing it's never too late.

  8. I've just finished reading "Sofa Success; The Art of Making Money from Your Comfort Zone" and I have to say that it is revolutionary. While enjoying the comforts of your own area, the author gives us an effective plan for making money online. It feels like you have a mentor guiding you through it all. This is something you should definitely do if you want to increase your income without going outside of your comfort zone. I would strongly recommend it!

  9. I kept seeing the "millionaire next door" AND read positive reviews so I just submitted an order on Amazon earlier today. Wish me luck LOL.

  10. I'm surprised you have The Index Card on your list. I thought the book was total garbage. I had to stop reading once they recommended that you should have your age in bonds. A 20 year old should not have 20% of his/her portfolio in bonds, just like a 40 year old should not have 40% of his/her portfolio in bonds. This is dangerous advice, especially since the authors have no idea what the reader's risk tolerance is or if they have multiple sources of income, like different jobs, side gigs, legitimate small businesses, or if they will be receiving a future inheritance, has rental income or has some sort of guaranteed pension from a previous employer.

  11. Thank you for the suggestion of 'The Index Card'. I will definitely read this book. I think that many people see 'simple' and 'easy' as interchangeable terms – but they're not.
    EX: If you want to lose weight and get in shape – simple – eat right and work out. But it's not 'easy'. You need a sustained program of impulse control with food, and a consistent workout regimen. Understanding the difference between 'simple' and 'easy' is crucial. Understand that the simple solution is going to require doing things that aren't always easy.

  12. I would also recommend Cashflow Quadrant ( and no other books by him ) and also The History of Money ( Weatherford ) for a solid background of commerce and money. I like Sethi's approach to begin to move from survival to gaining control of your own money.

    If you don't have a plan for your life, someone else does — and you may not like it

  13. What about Rich Dad Poor Dad? It’s sold over 46 million copies since the 90’s- probably more than all of the listed books combined. If u want to build wealth, u need to own physical assets, not just paper investments! This book has changed my life!

  14. After a terrible 2022, shell-shocked financial backers have a lot to think about and losses to recover from. An expansion report and a wealth of other data did little to alter assumptions that the Central bank would likely keep raising interest rates regardless of whether the economy slows down. This implies that portfolios will experience more losses during the first quarter of 2023. I'm currently at a crossroads in deciding whether to exchange my $250k security/stock portfolio; how might the continuous market volatility work to my advantage?

  15. Can you show us all those books 📚 that you have behind you there on shelves, in your library, I’d like to see it and maybe to copy it.

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