March 15, 2025
Accounting and Finance Degree UK

Accounting and Finance Degree UK #Finance

hey guys and welcome back to my channel it’s Gloria grace baby obviously I’m back I just want to give a quick life update I was just busy with you Nene where coursework and everything like that I just kind of lost a bit of the motivation to make CashNews.cos but I’m back

on it again I’m like really excited to big CashNews.cos cuz you know I love this this is just a follow-up to my other Accounting because I got a lot of questions a lot more response than I thought I would get thank you guys so much everyone who watched the you liked who said everything commented all of that thank you so much for watching the I got a lot of love on that one because there were a couple questions in the comments section and I was getting repeated questions so I thought I would just make this people

are asking me to do more CashNews.cos about it anyway I’m going through the comments right now and I’m gonna answer all you guys questions they say how I study different modules how I split up my time to study so before we had six modules all the way through to the end of the year and

that was a bit harder but now they’ve changed it to where I have two modules and before Christmas and two modules after Christmas because dissertation takes up two modules and that carries on through four other whole year up until April and that’s time you have to submit a dissertation

like in first year just weren’t so hard so it’s quite easy to stay on top of everything and second year that was really really challenging but I would say compared to my a-levels it still wasn’t the worst okay so now I’m in third year and the modules are a lot different

which it is it is easier but the modules are also harder I’m going to the library like maybe like three four times a week make sure you get all your seminar work done cuz they give you questions you can answer just them top with your work I’ve got a mathematics will do this this tab

advanced financial aid management and then I also have auditing which auditing is a lot taxpayers about like the standards the rules but to look for the risks with auditing it’s very more like very much written and the other one is a lot more mouth space with all this thing I probably use

more flashcards with advanced financial people management I probably use more like and practice papers and just practice to make sure I’m getting the technique right in my last I did say about how I wasn’t doing it counting anymore how I didn’t want to do a currency

once I graduated but I like I have a lot of questions asking me what I wanted to do instead before I wanted to go into property and I still do till this day like I still love like probability housing I’m gonna get another property ladder and do something related to that obviously I have time

to figure these things out I’m not a hundred percent sure and what I would have do can you manage your part-time job with this course is it easy or a hard one of course it’s not easy I’m not gonna lie to you guys it’s not easy at all you definitely have a stay on top of

everything it’s not something you can just do last minute even I’m trying part-time job yes I think you can especially me right now I literally have maximum of two hours a day I do have something every single day five days a week but as long as you manage your time effectively and

you’re always just making sure you’re rockin your time well house third year going there G is like I’d say it’s about the same kind of difficulty as a second year maybe even more I don’t know how to compare it to second year but it’s kind of different I’m

at I’m at that stage where I’m just thinking is what I wanna do for the rest of my life cuz sometimes this course might be really hard or like this but just be really confusing and I’m just right it’s just really what I want to be learning forever but I’ll think about

I guess I can’t come back to where I am right now with the same people who ever again after so I’m just trying to make sure I enjoy but as well past you know do you know what the difference is between accountant and color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Finances of course and they’re cutting with Finance honestly I don’t know let me be honest I feel like

they’re probably the same thing but just look at the modules that they offer look at whether it’s acCredited or not it depends on if you want to go ahead and do a chartered accountancy or not but I think I think it is better to go with an acCredited of

course because then you have the option how many days did you need to attend class in the past year four days in first and second yeah I feel like those four days in third year I don’t know I had a day off lost him and I didn’t have a day off this time so yeah they were out there that I

don’t know if you think about Accounting how many in my third year of Accounting and Finance I’m not an actual accountant yes I don’t know

but a lot of what goes on with Accounting like I’m not the best person to ask let me be honest with you personal statements and everything I really wish you guys the best because I know a lot of you guys are applying to Accounting honestly you’ll be

fine but don’t stress too much about it like you actually be fine thank you guys so much for watching don’t forget to give this a thumbs up if you enjoyed if you found it helped comment down below any questions that you may have or any others suggestions you

would like me to do based on this or just anything in general and then also give me a thumbs up telling your notifications and yeah I hope you guys I hope you enjoyed this see you later

Now that you’re fully informed, check out this amazing video on Accounting and Finance Degree UK.
With over 30843 views, this video deepens your understanding of Finance.

CashNews, your go-to portal for financial news and insights.

22 thoughts on “Accounting and Finance Degree UK #Finance

  1. You mentioned 4 days a week class but at London met the modules are 8 in total and divided into 4 for each semester and if we can manage we can adjust to 2 days for classes and rest days for part time work and relaxing ..!! Correct me if im wrong

  2. Hiya I’m planning on going to college and studying English literature, Politics and Sociology for a levels. Just wanted to ask if they’re are specific entry requirements in terms of a levels

  3. I appreciate your video and guidelines with regards to Accounting and finance field. I am about to start this journey this week as first year. Lots of questions to ask you. Let me know if you have time.
    Kind regards,

  4. I haven't studied a level maths. My college didn't want me to take it even tho I got a 6 in GCSE maths. They were really bummy about it. So I'm studying a level statistics. I'm currently on a grade A. Assuming I haven't done a levels maths; is the maths challenging in accounting and finance? Could you respond in the eyes of someone who hasn't done a level maths plz. Also Im studying a level accounting and economics as well 😂😂 so even tho I don't have calculus under my belt I should be ahead of everyone else.

  5. Can I become a chartered accountant studying the qualification type: BSc (Hons) accounting and finance ?

    And do I need to do anything different to follow the path for becoming a chartered accountant?

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