March 10, 2025


we comeing up to the end of September and we need to figure out what a realistic price Target is for our Arrow bags in today’s we’re going to check that out but before we do get into that guys the AO Army has been coming in strong over the past couple of CashNews.cos

guys we’re now at 8.5k if you’re part of the AO Army and you’re not already subscribed help me get to my goal of 10K Subs before the next leg of the Bull Run let’s get it all right guys so we’ve had quite a nice recovery for our Portfolio over the past

couple of weeks who bought Arrow at 40 cents who bought Arrow at 60 cents who bought it at 70 what was your price you can let me know in the comments cuz today guys arrow is at 91 and I think we’re going to be getting to a dollar sooner than you guys can imagine now not only are we going to

be looking at a dollar very soon for Arrow but I think we’ve got the potential to 10x our Arrow bag I’m going to take you through my theory and you guys can let me know what you think now a lot of people compare Arrow to Unis swap okay and I don’t really think that’s the

best way that you should be doing it guys I want to compare Arrow to Pancake swap of last cycle I got in on pancake Swap and made a decent bag okay it wasn’t amazing but it was all right from from cake and for all of you guys wondering what pancak swap was if you don’t know what it is

it was it was the binance alternative to Unis swap right so the B&B chain version of Unis swap right we got cheaper fees faster a lot of coins are born from it and a lot of scams were born from it so now it’s a little bit weird because from the Inception to where we are now is around 33

weeks okay so this line here is 33 weeks but then it also does Mark approximately when I did get in on pancake swap I remember it was about $7 that I got in on pancake swap at first and we’d already gone up from like 70 cents I think it was around 70 cents or low all the way up 10x by that

point we’re 33 weeks away from the Inception and I promise you I’m not making this up just for the sake of the like when I when I checked this this morning I thought this is so weird have to make the so we’re now 33 weeks around the same time we’ve

had a peak and then we’ve come all the way back down that initial move guys was from around 9 cents all the way up to if we just say the candle body clo it was around a 20x okay if we compare it to Cake’s first move but all the way to the peak of the candle body clo it’s a 20x

it’s exactly the same as what Arrow did cake then had a retrace if we say from the candle body clo all the way down here of around 40% if you use the Wix and some unlucky people got in right at the top of the wick it was approximately like a 75% correction go and check out Arrow from the top

of the candle body all the way to the bottom around a 75 80% correction it’s already looking very similar on the charts for both pancake Swap and arrow of this cycle now if we were to copy what pancake swap did in the last cycle that would mean that we could be getting around a $5 billion

market cap $6 billion market cap which would leave us at an 11x from today’s prices or around 20x from when we were getting it at our accumulation level lows at around 50 cents guys now when we go and check out the fibs what are the fibs saying the fibs are saying if we take the weekly chart

and we go all the way from the peak to our new base that we formed that new base pardon the pun that’s going to bring us to a blowoff top Target of $877 guys okay so from 80 cents from the last when we were looking it and it was 70 cents that’s you know over 10x 10 11x

we’re in the greatest recber of all time okay we we’ve been ahead of schedule this whole cycle and we’re printing the most bullish September we’ve ever printed in the history of Bitcoin we’re now having a bullish macd cross and then not only that guys when you come to

the blof fin account like I said you can go and trade arrow on blof fin all the way down at 70 cents if you were to like Leverage trade and you traded a move maybe a 5 to 10 x leverage you could be up between you know 120 to 240% there guys and that’s the power of spotting the breakouts you

could then use that to reaccumulate a spot position and it’s not only the charts that are showing that arrow is going to be one of the most bullish coins of this cycle I mean I’m seeing a lot of new YouTubers come out of the trenches now that arrow is pumping where were they when we

were making CashNews.cos at 40 cents and I was telling you guys don’t panic be careful because these guys will come out the trenches and they’re going to try and shield the new pumping coin right how many people are now Shilling suy to you guys look at the total value locked we’ve

got 768 million tvl we compare that to the Token price the token price is lagging guys you really zoom in guys I mean look at the Peaks right we’re nearly at the exact same Peak for tvl that we did print in March however the price is half price we we’re basically half off so once this

does start to catch up I mean it’s basically free money if you look looking at the tvl and again look Aerodrome is winning base Aerodrome versus Unis swap daily tvl look at the differences see here Unis swap is in the pink and Aerodrome is in the blue you’ve already overtaken Unis swap

guys the price will come with it and how many people are using Unis swap these days I don’t really use Unis swap right we’re not really trading too many eth coins a new way to be trading these coins a lot easier again you can have ethon base makes it so much faster so much cheaper as

well it doesn’t make sense to be you know trading erc20 coins at this point and then another thing we need to do is is just get ahead of the crowd guys I mean we are we’re at a stage now where to be honest you know binance and coinbase there shouldn’t really be too much of like

butting heads as to say you know well this is a base coin this is a a BNB coin you know they’re going to just want as much Revenue as possible and if they can start to you know integrate some base native coins into binance then you know they’re going to be getting money

from those fees as well it’s not just going to you know erod Drome is not going to be the brn or whether or not you know coin base makes it coins are the strongest fundamentals and the coins are going to be the most popular of the community and you’re starting to see Arrow pick up now

guys if we are to follow this FIB then that means our next level of resistance is going to be 382 at $115 we’ve got the 0.5 FIB at $138 the 0618 which it always has an affinity to at $162 then we got be going all the way towards that one at the high of $272 then we can start to say right what

are the upper targets we’re definitely going to be getting a $359 aerod Drome up 300% from our position up nearly a 10x from the absolute lows of this pullback and then we can really get into party time probably up here when everybody’s in extreme Euphoria and they’re saying AA

drone to $50 we’ll start to scale out our position guys but what do you think of the comparisons between cake and aerodrone do you think they are looking eerily simil let me know your thoughts in the comments and again if you want to support my journey then smash a like button drop me a

comment leave a sub if you’re new I’m see you tomorrow peace

Now that you’re fully informed, check out this amazing video on AERODROME FINANCE – MY BULLRUN PRICE PREDICTION 🔥 $AERO.
With over 1968 views, this video deepens your understanding of Finance.

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