March 14, 2025
Aerodrome Finance Still Bullish?! | Chart Analysis & Fundamentals

Aerodrome Finance Still Bullish?! | Chart Analysis & Fundamentals #Finance

from a bullish perspective we want to see us close above these two kind of Confluence of resistance points to continue its move higher what we don’t want to see is a rejection from these two points of resistance back down here and what we ultimately don’t want to see is us to

close below this uh this essentially area of support so welcome back to another episode of wag me TV today Armada and I are here and we’re going to run through our weekly rundown of the AER drone none;">Finance platform as always this isn’t financial advice please do your own research but we want to talk through why this token continues to pump what the chart looks like and kind of some of the reasons behind the pump um and so with that let’s get into it Ma yeah let’s

dive into the chart itself so you all are very familiar with this you’ve seen this chart a fair amount um so as we can see we’ve been doing quite well as of late we had this massive pump that we had talked about and then we actually pumped over our um previous resistance what we did

talk about in our last is what we called confirmation so what we did see is we pumped up and we actually ended up at one point closing above our previous resistance confirmation typically means that we are closing above the candle and the wick that had actually closed above our

resistance level so what we saw here if we zoom in slightly is that we did close above our resistance here with this candle on the 14th of October but instantly what we saw is we actually shot right back down and then we started playing in this area and then it dumped out pretty heavily below that

previous resistance level so this stays as a pretty solid resistance for us what we do see now is this new trend line from our all-time highs that um comes through that U Monday the 14th of October um Spike that we saw as well so that’s going to be a new level of resistance for us so

interestingly enough it’s coming into again this resistance level and there’s kind of two factors here that we’re going to have to battle up against so as a bull what we want to see is this of course to break above not just this resistance level but of course this trend line as

well and close above that with confidence and confirm there to see that it’s going to go higher at some point we would expect it to potentially go up here maybe retest these levels and then it’s ready to actually send to the previous all-time highs which is exciting what we do know is

that we have a pretty solid support level here so we tested it here even after this big dump um last week we actually tested it again which it did did it did hold and it did fairly well after that what we are sort of starting to monitor a little bit is what we would call a head and shoulders so for

those of you that are unfamiliar I can actually draw it out really quickly here so what you see is a left shoulder the head that um goes to that 14th of October high that we saw and of course the right shoulder right here so this is getting you know two three steps ahead so as a bow what you

don’t want to see is this to come up here or even turn around right here and then come down and eventually break this neckline is what they call this if this were to break we’ expect it to at least do a measured move of um essentially this all-time high or this recent High to the

neckline which would basically take us right to this yellow line that we’ve been tracking for quite a while that’d be some pretty good support for us so from a bullish perspective we want to see us close above these two kind of Confluence of resistance points to continue its move higher

what we don’t want to see is a rejection from these two points of resistance back down here and what we ultimately don’t want to see is us to close below this uh this essentially area of support so um we’ve been doing really well as of late um it’s been really interesting to

see and something that we were talking about a couple weeks ago was the RSI so again what this is is just essentially monitoring how overbought or oversold an asset is so sometimes you can see some delineations here so this is actually a lower Mark than this uh low that we saw most recently um so

it actually went higher in price but what we saw is the RSI actually went lower so if we were playing a trading um play on this what we could actually see is that we’re coming into support we’re actually fing forming what we call bullish Divergence so we could have actually moved into a

trade here and come out of that trade here um towards these resistance resistance levels so from a short-term perspective again what we’re really looking for is for us to close above these two levels of resistance and what we really don’t want to see as Bulls is of course us to reject

this and ultimately not to close below this line but something that we will continue to monitor right now we’re into some resistance so something to keep in mind um but again we’re still bullish until proven otherwise so that’s essentially what we have on the the chart here and

and with those two support levels that you’re talking about what are those prices at at the moment yeah so this range is about let’s see a dollar to a dollar basically a dollar and three cents is kind of that that big support range that we have here and then the larger one is about 73

cents so that would be quite a big drop from here I mean that would be from here moving down about 40 41 42% so we definitely don’t want to see that but ultimately right what we would hope is that we’re holding um this level and ultimately what we would want to see is almost like a

triple bottom that way we can really see some awesome upside from that so good question yeah and I think the big news uh at least in the US at the moment is the upcoming election you know with the the rhetoric that Trump has had he’s far more Pro

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto than what we’ve heard at AA um and so I think that’s kind of what you see with Bitcoin and some of the other prices around is you know if Trump was elected into the office just because he is pro

href="" style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto you could potentially see some of these Assets fly and you know uh the opposite if it was kamla so I think you know that’s great it it it’s really great

because you drew that line where it looks like what in five six days here you could potentially see us coming up um to a decision you know very close to that line um and so I think that’s that’s an awesome trend line yeah oddly enough right when the top end of our resistance Zone and

this trend line meet is basically Tuesday the 5th of November Wednesday the 6th of November so yeah funny enough the charts are kind of telling us what’s going on so we just really have to monitor those dates um and make sure that we are moving in the direction that we’re hoping I think

ultimately right when we think about the election especially in the United States right neither candidate is going to stop spending right I think everybody’s going to continue to spend and spend like drunken Sailors right so one thing that we talk about Bitcoin a lot is hey it’s kind of

our hedge against the US dollar going down and kind of the Inflation that we’re seeing and so if we continue to see Bitcoin go up I wouldn’t be surprised if we saw some of these Assets like Aerodrome like some of the other alts go up as well but of

course something to keep in mind especially with like the shortterm perspective that we’re looking at definitely something to keep in mind yeah yeah that no November 5th date is going to be a a big date for asset prices but you know as overall metrics for the aerodrome platform we wanted to

hop into this Dune dashboard here and kind of show some of the you know other bullish metrics that we see so you know as you examine the volume within the aerody Drome platform you’re seeing it just continue to rise you know this is something where um you’re seeing it between the basic

pools versus slipstream you know in the last uh I would say probably 10 epochs we’ve seen a significant jump in volume and and EP in Epoch is one week on the aerodrone platform so this is yeah the last 10 weeks but you know just another reason why aerody drum is flying is because of the usage

because of the utility and the Liquidity Hub that it’s offering on that base layer too is you know you’re seeing it Skyrocket in volume you’re seeing both basic and slipstream pools doing very well right now um and because of that you’re seeing a lot of swap

fees throughout the throughout the platform and I think you’re seeing almost maybe $80 million in swap fees um yeah as of this last Epoch and so yeah super exciting for aerody drum like always you know we’re covering this stuff because it is a super promising platform um within bass and

you know we’re super bullish on Bas we Super Bowl us on Airdrome we think it’s probably that that next layer two it’s already the leading Layer Two but it’s really that that next Network that people are going to onboard onto from coinbase uh so super exciting stuff here Ma

you got anything else you want to add to this analysis no nothing specific I think we’ve got well we’ve got a lot of big Tech earnings this week number one and then two we have a big fed decision I believe it’s next Friday yeah and we also have the election in the US next week so

I think there’s been a lot of Assets not just out of the Crypto Market as well when we’re talking about stocks and equities Etc that have kind of been fluctuating

just slightly there’s been a lot of low volume people are kind of just waiting to see what happens from this but from a long-term perspective I think you nailed it on the head right if this is something you believe in and if you believe in

style="font-weight: bold; color: #1a73e8; text-decoration: none;">Crypto as a whole um from the long-term side I think we can see these things make some pretty awesome moves so keep that in mind yeah 100% a lot of news coming out in the next week and you know it’s really gonna um yeah

make make a lot of different uh Assets change very quickly depending on who gets elected and what news comes out of the FED whether we’re dropping rates or if we’re keeping them the same so yeah a lot of things to keep up keep up to date on as always if you want to keep

up to date on the AER drum platform you know this is the channel for you we’re covering it every week every couple weeks so we appreciate hearing your guys’ thoughts in the comments let us know if you know what you where you think arrow is going to be going or if you have any questions

about arrow that we can help answer but as always thanks for tuning in and we’ll catch you next week wag me

Now that you’re fully informed, don’t miss this essential video on Aerodrome Finance Still Bullish?! | Chart Analysis & Fundamentals.
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