October 24, 2024

AERODROME FINANCE – THE NEXT TARGET IS… 👀 | $AERO Price Prediction 🔥 #Finance

error has had Infinity a 0.5 FIB of retracements so if we do get rid of that fib and we print all the way from the low of the pennant all the way to the top then you can see where is that 05 bring us to you guys it brings us to the retest of the pennant I’m you know what yeah you know

what this I’m tired I can’t do an intro today guys I can’t do it I’m I’m knackered I just went to the gym health is wealth take care of your health take care of yourself we’re going to look into Arrow now your big dirty stinking base heads I normally say that

there’s only 70% but you guys fix that 63% of you not subscribed 36% are subscribed let’s get it in today’s CashNews.co I want you guys to tell me where you’re from I know we got a lot of Aussie Watchers as well as UK watches as well but I’m sure some of you guys are

not even being represented here so go and let me know before we start where you are from now you guys saw the intro so we’re going to get into the trading view right at the end but trading volume for base over the past how long is this I think this is like the past month up 134% and remember

not every single coin is listed in coin market cap okay that’s just how it is eventually we’re going to be listed in this base section we’d be number two just behind Bret as we’re not going to include usdc but the base ecosystem is a super bullish ecosystem for this run and

if you want to trade ecosystems then for me you know I’m going to say base and salana are probably going to be the two biggest movers of of this run what are you most heavy in base or salana how as we do in every single CashNews.co it doesn’t stop eth volume leader over the past 24

hours aerod drone produced the highest volume in the eth usdc pool onchain reaching $248 million according to defi llama it surpasses the combined volume of the largest pools on arbitrum and Main net no better desk for swapping Eon chain than BAS youi swap ain’t got on us right it ain’t

got on us arbitrum with $90 million volume ethereum with 106 million volume we are eating both of them up guys so that is looking really really good and another thing I was going to say is in another CashNews.co I’m going to put some of my arrow into a pool so go and let me know what pool you

think I should be putting my arrow into we go and check out some now actually see what’s live all guys so what should we put it into it’s going to be really like aerrow usdc Heros Zuma oh my God who’s been here who’s a true OG on the channel my emoji or profile picture used

to be wojack we used to do wojack intros in the beginning of some of our CashNews.cos right that was uh that that seems like a lifetime ago Zuma do we get some Zuma coins back for it do we get some Brett back for it guys what do you think if there’s any on here that I’m sleeping on and

maybe I just haven’t put enough time into it like Benji is that a good meme coin on bass I don’t know anything you guys thing just let me know in the comments I’ll read through the comments in a second and again we always keep up to date with the flight school 65% flight scool

lock bonus at the moment class 15 ends Thursday 24th of October so this week Thursday lock Arrow to vote share errow James Total Rewards get a significant vrow bonus over 22,000 voo voters participate in bases economic growth join us new pilots right so again I might do that as well if you guys do

think it would be worth it or if any of you guys want to see what that does look like we can make like a dedicated CashNews.co on that but what you doing I mean I made a meme coin CashNews.co today just because we need to be buying some meme coins again we got some Bret in the

Portfolio as well but chasing hyp meme coins isn’t Rebecca’s thing it’s not really my thing either to be honest I don’t really do it too much I made a lot and lost a lot probably lost more than I made on chasing like the really low cap shitcoins right for

you and I right now you watching the CashNews.co we done well with well and arrow if you’ve been watching the CashNews.cos and you kept up to date with the channel then you would have got well at a decentish price okay you could have even got it on that pullback and you would have been

getting Arrow from sub 50 cents okay even 60 cents when we were saying right start to accumulate again now coming up to some very important support however trend lines work until they don’t okay so we don’t put too much weight into trend lines but we were extremely oversold on the RSI

look where we were here when we were at that $147 at the 1618 super oversold at 80 we needed to come back down we’ve broke below the medium which is fine so to me that indicates that the pullback is nearly over this guy here reckons he wants to be loading up at around $110 to add to the bags

not bad again you guys know we had three levels to be picking up Arrow from $19 I believe it was to $150 and that $19 $110 could be an amazing pick up area guys so and we need to be in on these plays before they do leave the basement guys before the basement there’s a lot of Base uh puns at

the moment aren’t there but weekly change 19% highest weekly change between all of the chains that’s what I mean like what is your favorite chain I made a poll a few days ago and I said which is your favorite chain pretty much all of you guys said base like binance smart chain was not

getting any love yeah there you go 5 days ago which is your favorite train pretty much 51% base out of a total of 632 votes so 300 of you guys said Bas is your favorite followed by salana followed by E followed by B&B so pretty much what I was saying to you guys at the beginning of the

CashNews.co pretty valid and you guys are are proving my point now just before we do get into the arrow charts look at Bitcoin Bitcoin coming up to one of the most important closes of the month okay in a very very long time now some people do want to draw their trend lines like this okay some

people are drawing it like that so technically we’ve had a breakout this is starting to Wick off the breakout Channel but you know realistically we’ve got this level of resistance here okay at the Wix then you’ve also got layered resistance as well so you’ve got resistance

at 70 you got resistance at 71 you got a big resistance at 73 nearly 74 in my opinion once we do break these three orange levels that’s when we’re going to start to get our biggest altcoin rallies because everyone’s going to start to F more back into the market people will say

right Bitcoin is breaking out from the all-time high the dumps over okay maybe we do have a little bit of a retrace at some point over the coming weeks but realistically when everyone saying right the breakout is complete remember it’s not fully complete yet plus we need weekly and monthly

candle closes above these levels so we’ve still got a long way to go but positive signs early on this is why we track it guys this is why we track it so that we can say is it playing out to plan how we expected it to now I was expecting maybe a bit more support at $130 we didn’t get it

doesn’t matter we got our support at that $125 slash that breakout of this pennant now if we went to say right we’re going to use candle body closes then realistically we’ve Wicked off that pennant perfectly okay so this could kind of be the end of the down Trend this is why if I

wasn’t in the market right now again it’s not Financial advice do what you want to do I don’t need to buy any more Arrow cuz we bought all the way down there but if I wasn’t in I don’t know if I’d be waiting for this $110 here back in the lower area of the

channel doesn’t mean that it can’t happen this could form a whole different structure but uh you know this is looking pretty good to me we’re expecting some support at that $125 and also if we clear up our chart a little bit we’ll remove that we’ll remove the $130 we

know that that’s the high then we can say look where are we finding support right now guys we’re finding it right on the 1618 at $119 $1 120ish then we’ve got the 05 FIB at $124 okay so this is where we’re looking for our support maybe we could get the 0786 at $110 $19 $111

whatever it may be if this move is over and we can assume that this is the actual low and we’re going to have a perfect pennant retest and that’s it we can just play the game then the next Target that we’re looking for guys is $166 once we do break the r FIB okay so we got $166

$196 then we’re going into that $2 region but it’s not just going to be up in a straight line it’s going to be choppy now anywhere between $125 and $110 going to be a pretty good buy if you ask me Arrow looking really really good that’s it if you made it this far please be

sure to support my journey by clicking that button let me know what pool we should add our Arrow to I’m going see you tomorrow peace

Now that you’re fully informed, check out this amazing video on AERODROME FINANCE – THE NEXT TARGET IS… 👀 | $AERO Price Prediction 🔥.
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