March 14, 2025
Aerodrome Finance: URGENT Update – The Stars are Aligned

Aerodrome Finance: URGENT Update – The Stars are Aligned #Finance

as we’ve discussed on this channel Arrow really stands as like a centerpiece within coinbase’s broader strategy meaning that coinbase um obviously is number their number one priority right now is pushing and growing the base ecosystem so obviously being involved in the number

one decentralized exchange on base is um super promising for them and something that they want to support what’s going on everyone welcome back to another episode of wag me DV super excited here here today we’re we’re doing an update on aerody Drome and this one is one that

we’re super excited for I think you know a lot of things uh over the last couple of weeks are coming together and have been coming together and we’re super excited to to provide an update for you guys everything from Big investors uh coming in to the fundamentals absolutely uh crushing

over the last couple of weeks and the chart really shaping up uh and and looking good so we’re excited to bring you this update today the first thing that we want to talk about is um as you know we’ve discussed on this channel coinbase Ventures is one of the largest investors in the

aerody Drone project and it actually came out uh just recently over the last couple of weeks through these these wallet analysis tools multiple on Twitter have actually come out and shown that um coinbase Ventures has actually taken another large position in the arrow token as they continue to

accumulate the project now obviously you know this was this was bullish back in when was it March of this year when this was first announced and then they’ve continued to accumulate throughout the year this being their their most latest uh investment looks like it’s almost $8 million um

that they put into into the arrow token so just um you know within the last couple of weeks now as we’ve discussed on this channel Arrow really stands as like a centerpiece within coinbase’s broader strategy meaning that coinbase um obviously is number their number one priority right

now is pushing and growing the base ecosystem so obviously being involved in the number one decentralized exchange on base is um super promising for them and something that they want to support number two is coinbase and circle actually have a very large partnership um when it comes to growing and

incentivizing the growth of usdc and um Circle Euro stable coin which is I believe called URC so there’s these um huge Partnerships going on and obviously they want to help uh grow usdc on base through accumulating arrow and voting for gauges and providing incentives like that so multiple

different things not to mention obviously that they’re already huge investors in the Aero aerody drum project um like for for months now right so all those three things kind of combine in um really some interesting stuff going on here here um that’s and that’s only phase number

one of kind of what we want to cover today going to go into some of the fundamentals here as well check out some of the data and then also move on to the Chart so I’ll pass it on to Evan um to kind of go through some of the fundamentals but really exciting stuff to see here yeah super

exciting stuff and uh let’s dive right into the metrics on Aerodrome and really see what kind of traffic and in activity the platform’s been having so you know we’ve shown you guys this uh dashboard this Dune dashboard uh throughout a ton of our aerodrum CashNews.cos but once

again what I want to highlight here is really the tvl and volume that we’re seeing on Aerodrome so you know as you can see we’ve had just an enormous run up over the last three months of of tvl within aerodome with you know more and more of that tvl coming through slipstream pool pools

or those concentrated Liquidity pools and then when we move down here to the volume and the swap fees we’re just seeing record record numbers again so three three weeks ago the 63rd Epoch um you know we saw close to what is that almost 70 80 billion in total volume uh just in

one week on the platform once again a ton of that coming through the slipstream uh pools and then also with the swap fees what we’re seeing is just an enormous amount of swap fees almost what is this uh five or five million I think in swap fees so um yeah just just enormous numbers coming out

of the aerody drum platform and I think one thing that’s that’s nice to see here too is that we’re still getting an enormous amount of fees coming out of concentrated liquidities the Liquidity pools so not only are the end users able to have more efficient trades

using those concentrated Liquidity pools but we’re also seeing uh ve Arrow or Arrow lockers um you know being able to reap the rewards with the amount of fees that this protocol uh is seeing at the moment and then one more thing I wanted to scroll down to was going to keep

going here keep going the emissions and so this is really um an an Epoch level where the emissions are going within the platform so like we covered you know uh in our our our overview of the tokenomics of Aerodrome at Epoch 15 there was the max amount of emissions that this protocol will see and

then we’ll it’ll continue to drop um and then what we’re seeing right now is a growing number of emission missions continuing to go to slipstream pools and so um you know this is all dependent on the voting that’s happening with those ve Arrow holders and which pools they

decide to go with but you’re starting to see more and more of these these votes going towards slipstream pools um which is pretty exciting and seeing you know an adoption of the newest update that was added to the platform um yeah more about six weeks or six months ago um so pretty exciting

stuff and once again Aerodrome just knocking it out of the park uh with the metrics that we’re seeing on this dashboard 100% I mean all that super exciting to see as you guys are seeing emissions going down um and every other metric uh of importance going up so fundamentally um it’s

been a super super good month super good quarter for the for the project and yeah I mean we’re GNA put the cherry on top here with with what the chart is looking like so I’ll pass it off to Mo for that yeah again I I think fundamentally looks very sound right I think the same kind of

story is being painted on the chart itself right I these are all lines you all have seen before if you followed our CashNews.cos right we have some support zones down here a couple different levels of resistance um but really we’ve formed this kind of larger wedge as you can see here so

typically what happens out of these wedges is once we break one way or another it’s a pretty big move in that direction right so with all the bullish news coming out about you know the fundamentals here right you know potentially coinbase um continuing to stack on this I mean it just feels

like if you believe in base and you believe in coin base and you’ve been a long-term holder of Arrow and you’ve seen success with it I don’t see why this can’t actually make a big break and go out and and start to test some of these all-time highs back at the that 237 is

level um you know as our next resistance point so we’re going to keep a very close eye on this the smaller this gets right the less space we have to actually move with within it so we’re going to be looking for this to eventually break out of here it’s going to have its second

test of this kind of upper resistance line um and hopefully we can see it make a big move out of there but typically right big moves come out of these larger um wedge P patterns we actually saw one on Tesla a few weeks back before it made its its big run so um it’s known for making some

pretty big moves happen as it gets in Tighter and Tighter into this coil so we’re going to keep an eye on this um as time goes on awesome thanks for taking us through that guys um yeah honestly for the viewers uh we’d love to hear kind of what you guys are thinking if you guys are

holding Arrow locking if you’re trading um absolutely keep us posted on on what you what you guys think from our perspective the main takeaway today really is the Stars seem to be aligning basically everything looks to be uh kind of coming together coinbase obviously the largest investor

continuing to stack fundamentals absolutely knocking it out of the park and chart looks primed and and ready to go so as always you know we’re going to keep uh keep you guys posted on on the latest updates but um nothing but nothing but good news here from from us here at wag me TV so make

sure like comment subscribe down below let us know what you guys think and we’ll see you next time here on wagm TV

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9 thoughts on “Aerodrome Finance: URGENT Update – The Stars are Aligned #Finance

  1. Alt coins haven't really had their time to shine except a few. & u can argue even those are still down. Like sol. It basically had to restore previous levels after the ftx fiasco. & other short comings. Sol should be $500. & eth should be $8k once btc dominance recedes. We should see alts gain. Idk if 10-25 will happen with aero. I hope so but i dont see it. Being how it still cant hit $2. Maybe $5 max. I could be wrong & crypto surprised me before

  2. I really appreciate your efforts! A bit off-topic, but I wanted to ask: I have a SafePal wallet with USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (alarm fetch churn bridge exercise tape speak race clerk couch crater letter). How can I transfer them to Binance?

  3. What would be awesome is a tutorial on how to use aero from Coinbase wallet. It’s scary for newbs. One wrong move crypto gone. Like, when I lock it does my aero actually leave my wallet? Are rewards paid into my cb wallet? Is veaero aero that just needs to be swapped? Is it simple to swap veaero to real aero or a different token?

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